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牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit6 Reading (I) 教案

1、Unit 6 Sunshine for all Reading ( I )I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. learn to predict the main idea from the title, pictures and caption; 2. learn to use such reading strategies as skimming, scanning and inferring pronoun reference in

2、reading the text; 3. have a clear picture of the text structure; 4. realize the importance of joining public welfare activities and help others. II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: expect, chance, similar, necessary, training, task, coach, gold, silver, background, closely, achieve, prize

3、, volunteer, adult, intellectual, disability, event, athlete, confident, give up 2. New structures: Its fantastic to work as a volunteer. It was necessary for these volunteers to receive training before doing the task. It was very brave of him to join the competition. To Li Hai, the most important t

4、hing is not to win a gold or silver, but to take part. Li Hai tried his best and finished fourth.Its great for us to work closely with these special athletes. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyHow are the ideas in the text organized? IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Pre-reading1.

5、 Watch and answer Play a clip of video about the 2014 New Jersey Special Olympics. The students are expected to answer the question: What world games is the video about? 2. Read the title and make a prediction Ask the question: When you read the title Volunteering for the Special Olympics World Game

6、s, what do you want to know? Possible questions:(1) Who volunteered for the Special Olympics World Games? (2) Why did he/she volunteer for the Special Olympics World Games?(3) What did he/she do for the Special Olympics World Games? (4) What are the Special Olympics World Games for? (5) When and whe

7、re did the Special Olympics World Games take place?/Which Special Olympics World Games did he/she volunteer for? (6) How did the volunteer feel after volunteering for the Special Olympics World Games? 3. Make a prediction from the pictures and caption Let the students look at the three pictures on P

8、ages 80 and 81 and try to find the answers to the two questions: (1) When and where did the Special Olympics World Games take place?(2) What did the volunteer (he/she) do for the Special Olympics World Games? Ask a follow-up question: Where did you get the answer?/What led you to make such a guessin

9、g? (1) Answer to Q1: The Special Olympics World Games took place in Shanghai, in 2007. I got the answer from the picture and its caption in the upper-right corner on Page 81. (2) Answer to Q2: From the two pictures at the bottom of Pages 80 the 2007 Special Olympics World Games; Liu Ming, the volunt

10、eer; Lihai, a special athlete. 2. Think about the title T: Can we change the title into “Liu Ming volunteered for the 2007 Special Olympics Games”? Why or Why not? 3. Draw a picture of the text structure T: Which Para is the most important in the text? Why? How are the ideas in the text organized? T

11、ry to draw a clear picture of the text structure in your mind.【设计意图:读后活动在帮助学生构建文章结构与内容框架的同时,进一步加深学生对标题的理解,同时引导他们关注文章观点的组织模式,为下面学习技能的学习打下伏笔。 】 V. Homework1. Surf the Internet to learn more about the Special Olympics World Games. 2. Read the report and underline what puzzles you. 3. Think about the question “How are the ideas in the text organized?”.