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牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit7 Study skills 教案

1、Unit 7 International charities Study skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. know the name of five common punctuation marks;2. know the usage of comma, full stop, question mark, exclamation mark and quotation marks;3. use comma, full stop

2、, question mark, exclamation mark and quotation marks correctly.II. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyLearn how to use comma, full stop, question mark, exclamation mark and quotation marks correctly.III. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead in1. Enjoy two pictures Show two pictures made

3、of different symbols and ask “Whatre the pictures made of?”. Let the students pay attention to the circled symbols. They are punctuation marks.2. Try to punctuate sentencesShow two sentences without punctuation marks: “woman without her man is nothing” and “Do you know her dad”. Ask the students to

4、add punctuation marks. Let the students realize the importance of punctuation marks.【设计意图:首先通过图片引出标点符号,接着让学生给句子加标点,在趣味中点明标点符号的重要性。 】Step 2 Presentation1. Introduce five common punctuation markscomma, full stop, question mark, exclamation mark and quotation marks2. Read and answerShow four sentences.

5、 Let the students read them and answer the questions:(1) How many punctuation marks are used at the end of a sentence?(2) What are they?Introduce three end punctuation marks: full stop, question mark, exclamation mark.3. Have a tryChoose the right punctuation.【设计意图:开门见山,让学生知道今天所要学习的主要内容,给学生一个初步印象,为接

6、下来的学习做铺垫。通过四个句子让学生找出用于句子末尾的三个常用标点符号,简单介绍句末标点的用法,并让学生小试牛刀。 】4. Learn the usage of five common punctuation marks(1) Full stopExplain the usage of a full stop. Then give some examples to help the students understand the usage of full stop.List some other usages of full stop.(2) Question markAsk two que

7、stions and explain the usage of a question mark. Its used at the end of a direct question. Give three examples about direct questions. Show three questions to the students. Let them think about the usage of question marks in these sentences. At last, let the students list more.(3) Exclamation markLe

8、t the students read “I am an exclamation mark! I am used for strong feelings! Im excited!” with emotion. After that, list four sentences about different feelings. At last, encourage the students say more feelings.(4) CommaShow three sentences. Let the students know the usage of separating words, phr

9、ases and clauses. Show some other examples about comma, explain them and give the students a tip, that is, do not connect two independent clauses with a comma only. (5) Quotation marksIntroduce quotation marks from a sentence. Let the students know they are used to enclose words. Give two sentences

10、about direct speech and indirect speech. Let the students compare these two sentences to tell which speech we can use quotation marks. List some examples to let the students know the placement of quotation mark.【设计意图:逐一学习五种常用的标点符号。逐步分解关键用法,并辅以例句来分析说明,便于学生掌握要领。让学生举例以增加语言的输出量,同时检测他们的学习情况。 】Step 3 Summ

11、aryShow the table on page 103. Go through it with the students. Let the students pay attention to the right writing of full stop, which is different from the Chinese full stop.【设计意图:通过呈现课文表格,和学生一起回顾五种标点符号的用法。通过中英文例句的呈现,让学生发现句号在英语和汉语中书写的差异,确保学生正确书写。 】Step 4 Practice1. Add the punctuation marks to the

12、 sentencesGive four sentences without punctuation marks. First let the students add the correct punctuation marks. Then check the answers with the students.2. Add the punctuation marks to the passageGive a short passage without punctuation marks on PPT. Let the students add the correct punctuation m

13、arks. Then check the answers with the students together.【设计意图:通过两组练习来检测学生本节课的学习效果。练习难度逐步增加,有一定的梯度。通过这两项操练,可以让学生对照自评本节课的目标达成度。 】Step 4 ConclusionShow the sentence on PPT:The teacher says, “You are great! Today weve learned comma, full stop, question mark, exclamation mark and quotation marks. Can you use them? ” 【设计意图:通过呈现一段话来概括本节课的内容要点,这句话中用到了今天所学的五种标点符号,用红色标出标点可以提醒学生关注这些标点的用法。 】