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牛津译林版六年级下英语Project 2 第1课时教案

1、Project 2 A travel book第 1 课时Teaching contents 教学内容复习第 5 至第 8 单元Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 学生能够说出所学职业类单词并能谈论自己的梦想。2. 学生能够说出关于国家的单词以及获取相关信息的方法。 3. 学生能够谈论自己的暑期计划。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:学生能够掌握记忆单词和获取信息的方法。教学难点:学生能够谈论他们的梦想和暑期计划。Teaching procedu

2、res 教学过程Step 1. Warm-up T: Hello, everyone, lets sing a song “Im a little teacher”. T: I am a teacher. I like teaching. Im so glad you are all good boys and girls.【设计意图:课前热身,营造英语课氛围,导入复习职业的话题。】Step 2. Play a gameT: Now lets play a game “I say, you say”. T: If I say “teach”, you say “teacher”. Lets b

3、egin. (教师快速说出更多动词,学生快速转换为名词)T: singS1: singerT: How can we turn the verbs into nouns? Do you know?(PPT 中用框把相同类别的单词框在一起,帮助学生发现变化规律)S2: 在动词末尾加 -er (板书 v. +-er)S3: 以 e 结尾的在末尾加-r。S4: 双写辅音字母加 -er。T: 在闭音节单词中需要双写词尾的辅音字母加-er。S7: 在动词末尾加 -or。 S8: 在动词末尾加 -ist。T: Pay attention: piano, art, science are not verbs

4、. They are nouns. (教师用中文解释有些表示职业的单词并不是动词转换而来,而且有的名词是直接加-ist,如 artist, 再举例 violin-violinist; 而有些单词并不是直接在词尾加-ist。) T: We also learnt some words that end with man, such as policeman, fireman, what else?S9: postman, milkman 【设计意图:让学生根据 PPT 自主发现和归纳变化规则,培养学生今后运用规律学习新单词的能力。】Step 3. Make sentencesT: Very go

5、od! Can you try to make sentences with both words in “I say and you say”? For example, My father is a driver. He drives very carefully. Many people visit China every year. People in China welcome visitors. T: Please think for a while or talk to your partner first.T: OK. Whod like to try first.S10: L

6、ucy likes painting. She paints for an hour every day. She wants to be a painter. T: Wonderful! You can use the words correctly. Whod like to try next?(学生在用单词 cook 造句时会误以为厨师要用 cooker 的情况,这里可以用提示的方法告知学生:注意 cook 的动词和名词是同一个单词哦!还可以告诉学生cooker 意思,让学生记忆更深刻。)【设计意图:给学生运用所学词汇说话做事的能力,考查学生是否真正理解词汇的用法。】Step 4. Wo

7、rk in pairsT: Just now we talked about jobs. Everyone has a dream, I think. What do you want to be in the future? What do you want to do? What will you do then? Please discuss with your partner and then tell us. Others please listen carefully and take some notes if necessary. Ill test your memory la

8、ter. S12: What do you want to be in the future?S13: I want to be an astronaut.S12: What do you want to do?S13: I want to walk on Mars to see if people can move there.S12: Wow, sounds great! What will you do then?S13: Ill have a healthy diet to keep healthy and Ill study hard too.【设计意图:关注学生在复习单元谈论话题时

9、是否能做到思维更开阔,语言运用更自然、娴熟,比新授单元有显著提升。】Step 5. Test your memoryT: How much did you remember? What do your classmates want to be in the future? What does he want to do? What will he do then? If you put the answers together, it makes a short passage.S14: is my classmate. He wants to be a in the future. He

10、wants to He will (提示学生汇报时注意人称与动词要一致。(学生汇报时板书: wants to be He/She want s to Hell/Shell )【设计意图:培养学生认真倾听的学习习惯,在转述时关注学生对语法的掌握程度。】Step 6. Discuss and makeT: Im so glad that you all have a good memory. Suppose your dream come true fifteen years later. And you want to have a party. Discuss when and where y

11、ou are going to have the party. What are you going to bring? What are you going to do at the party? Discuss and then make an invitation. Step 7. Fill in the blanksT: Look at the invitation. We are looking forward to going to the party. Read the passage and fill in the blanks, and youll know what is

12、going to happen at the party. (PPT 呈现短文 )【设计意图:想象 15 年后的聚会这一环节可以把巩固职业话题与将来时结合起来,同时导入到旅行话题。】Step 8. Look and sayT: Suppose these are the photos John took, can you say which country it is. (PPT 依次呈现一些代表性的植物、动物、运动、食品等等,学生说出国家名) T: You know so many countries. Do you know these cities?(PPT 呈现具有城市特色的图片,学生

13、说城市名称,如果学生水平较好,可以把 the Golden Gate Bridge, Red Square, the CN Tower 等让学生读一下。) 【设计意图:本环节是跨文化意识培养的重点,各个国家、城市标志性的照片能激起学生学习的热情和求知欲。】Step 9. Think and talkT: I want to go travelling too. Summer holiday is coming. I know we all have plans for the holiday. But what will you do before we go travelling?S15:

14、I will find some information about the place.T: What kind of information?S16: How is the weather there?T: Great. But how will you find the information?S17: I will read on the Internet.S18: I will .(根据学生水平,PPT 呈现获取信息的图片时间可以在回答前,水平好的班级可以在回答一部分或完全回答后。)【设计意图:鼓励学生通过各种途径探索自己感兴趣的国家、城市的信息,开阔学生眼界,同时将获取的信息与他人

15、分享,对他人有帮助也有助于激发学生的学习成就感。】Step 10. Can you ask?T: Good idea! You can do a lot by yourself. So what is your plan for the summer holiday? (板书 what is your plan for the summer holiday?) Please work in groups to talk about it. What can you ask? (学生回答,教师板书关键词 Where,How, What, How long)T: Can you ask quest

16、ions according the answers? (学生回答,及时校对 )T: When you talk abut your plan, you can tell the details. For example, you can tell when you will go, what you will do each day and what you may eat. T: Great! You did a good job today. Its ticking time now. Please read and tick, how many stars you can get.Ho

17、mework 家庭作业1. Talk about your dream with your parents. 2. Find some information about your favourite city. Teaching aids 教学准备教学 PPT板书设计:Project 2 A travel book wants to be He/She wants to Hell/Shell What is your plan for the summer holiday?WhereHowWhat How long说课本课是复习单元的第一课时,重点复习了第 5 至第 8 单元的学习内容。本课

18、时的主线是在热身游戏 I say, you say 后展开的。游戏中学生们把所学过的关于职业的词汇有步骤、有方法地进行了归纳整理。然后要求学生运用词汇遣词造句,进而进入到谈论理想的话题。在此过程中教师引导学生拓宽思维,不简单重复运用书上的句型,使语言运用更自然、娴熟。第二环节让学生想象 15 年后学生们再聚会,设计邀请函,自然地把巩固职业话题与将来时结合起来,从学生中有 traveller 顺利导入到谈论旅行计划、复习国家的话题。第三环节呈现部分国家标志性的照片、猜测国家名称的过程其实不是简单巩固国家名称,重点在于培养学生的跨文化意识,了解相关国家植物、动物、食物、运动等知识,鼓励学生通过各种途径探索自己感兴趣的国家、城市的信息,开阔学生眼界。学生在与他人分享所获取的信息过程中,让他人学到知识、对他人有帮助也有助于激发学生学习成就感。最后的环节引入谈论暑期计划的话题,引导学生可以谈论更多细节,获取更多信息和资料,为第二课时介绍 My favourite city 和制作 travel book 做好充分的准备。