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牛津译林版四年级下英语Unit1 Cartoon time 教案

1、Unit 1 Our school subjectsCartoon timeTeaching contents 教学内容Cartoon timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1.学生能听懂并会说句型:What subjects do you like?及回答 I like2.学生能初步理解句型:What lessons do we have?及回答 We have3.学生能正确理解、朗读 Cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,在教师的指导下表演故事。Focus of the lesson and predicted ar

2、ea of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 学生能初步理解句型:What lessons do we have?及回答 We have2. 学生能正确朗读、理解 Cartoon time 中的故事。教学难点:能初步理解句型:What lessons do we have?及回答 We haveTeaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Revision1. Quick respondT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Huang.T: First lets play a game. When you see th

3、e words, please read them as quickly as you can. OK?S: OK!T: Great! Lets begin. (PPT 呈现)S: Art, Chinese, English, Maths, Music, PE, ScienceT: Well done! You can read the phrases very well. 【设计意图:复习回顾上节课所学的主要内容,在课堂的一开始以游戏的形式带动学生的学习热情,也为下一步学习进行铺垫。 】2. Brainstorming T: Next, Ill show you the sentences

4、about the subject. You try to guess what the subject it is. OK?S: OK.T: Great. Lets begin. (PPT 呈现) This subject is fun. We learn how to draw in this class. We can draw beautiful pictures. What subject is it? S1: Its Art.T: Its our mother language. We read books and learn how to write. What subject

5、is it?S2: Its Chinese.(同法教授以下科目)3. Lets talk Free talk (提前出示一些问句,方便学生向教师提问)T: We have many subjects at school. What subjects do you like?S: I like T: Do you like ?S: Yes, I do. I like /No, I dont. I dont like (重复几组,也可学生向教师提问)【设计意图:在教学过程中帮助学生更好地掌握所学词汇和句型。鼓励学生在玩中学,激发学生的学习动力与学习兴趣。 】Step2 Cartoon time1.

6、 Ask and answerT: Hey, boys and girls. Next we are going to learn Cartoon time. First, let me introduce a new friend to you. (出示小猪的图片)T: Look at this picture. Is it a lovely pig?S: Yes, its very lovely. T: Yes, its our new friend today. His name is Billy. Well, look at Billy. Where is he going now?

7、Guess!S: Maybe he is going to the school. T: How do you know?S: Because theres a schoolbag on his back. T: (出示 Bobby 和 Sam 的图片 ) Look! Bobby and Sam are here now. They are Billys good friends. Also they are Billys classmates. Do you know the word classmates? That means they are in the same class. Un

8、derstand?S: Yes. T: Well, today what lessons do they have this morning? (新授 lesson)T: What is the difference between subject and lesson? subject: 重点表示一学期的“ 课程”lesson: 重点表示每一节课或一天的“课”【设计意图:在此引发学生对故事内容进行适当的预测,激发学习兴趣。即而提高学生的阅读速度和阅读的有效性。 】2. Watch the cartoonT: What lessons do these animals have in the

9、morning? Lets watch the cartoon. (播放动画)T: What lessons do they have this morning?S: They have Music and Maths. T: What lessons do they have this afternoon?S: They have PE and Science. 3. Read and find(PPT 呈现 Cartoon time 两幅图)T: Look at this picture. On Monday morning, they have Music and Maths. And

10、on Monday afternoon, they have PE and Science. What subject does Billy like? What subject does Sam like? Please open your books and turn to Page 9. Please read Cartoon time by yourself and try to find the answers. (学生自读课文,找出 Billy 和 Sam 所喜欢的科目)T: What subjects does Billy like?S: He likes Music. T: W

11、hat subjects does Sam like?S: He likes PE. 【设计意图:帮助学生整体感知课文, 整理课文要素】4. Read the storya. Listen and repeat. (听录音,重复句子后跟读课文,鼓励学生模仿录音中的语音语调)b. Read after the teacher. c. Read together.d. Read aloud in roles. (四人一组,分角色朗读课文内容)【设计意图:通过精读课文句子,模仿语音语调,理解文中人物的心理与情感变化。 】Step 3 ConsolidationAct out the storyT:

12、You really did a good job in this Cartoon time. Its show time for you. Can you act the story? Prepare it in groups. Then come to the blackboard and act it out. (教师组织学生三人一组,表演课文。)【设计意图:表演课文可以帮助学生复习、巩固课文,学生带着头饰,将故事内容进行脱稿表演是提高学生语言能力和学习兴趣的最佳方式。 】Homework 家庭作业1. Read the story after the tape. 2. Preview

13、Sound Time and Rhyme Time. Teaching aids 教学准备 (含板书设计)教学准备:动物玩偶、多媒体课件。板书设计: Unit 1 Our school subjects说课本节课我的教学目标有三个:一是学生能听懂并会说句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答 I like 二是学生能初步理解句型:What lessons do we have?及回答 We have 三是学生能正确理解、朗读 Cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,在教师的指导下表演故事。下面,我们来简要回顾一下实际教学环节中的活动设计:What l

14、essons do they have this morning/ afternoon?We have Music and Maths. I like Music.We have PE and Science. I like PE. Bobby 图 Billy 图Sam 图Revision time在复习环节,我设计了三个复习活动:1. Quick respond. 回顾上一课所学词汇;2. Brainstorming. 学生通过阅读,猜出学科的名称;3. Lets talk. 以自由交谈的形式谈论自己喜欢的学科。这三个活动的设计意图在引领学生复习上一节课所学的词汇,以游戏形式进行课堂热身,为

15、下面的学习做好准备。Cartoon time这个板块中的小故事都十分有趣,学生阅读的兴趣很高。基于“有趣” 的出发点,我设计了以下 5 个层层递进的阅读活动。1. Ask and answer 引导学生初步感知,并鼓励学生发挥想象,预测故事内容。2. Watch the cartoon 让学生带着问题看动画,整体感知故事。3. Read and find 阅读故事细节,化解学习难点。4. Read the story 模仿故事中人物的语音、语调和表情,为表演做准备。5. Act out the story 引导学生发挥想象,创造性地表演故事,培养学生运用语言的能力。 以上是我对本节课教学活动设计的解读,跟大家分享自己对于本节课的一个思考:把握卡通故事的情感主线,引导学生享受阅读英语故事的快乐,通过示范和学生模仿把故事中简单的语言生动地表现出来,给学生发挥想象和运用课内外语言的机会,创造性地把故事表演出来,使 Cartoon time 真正成为学生的happy time。