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本文(牛津译林版五年级下英语Unit6 Grammar time 教案)为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

牛津译林版五年级下英语Unit6 Grammar time 教案

1、Unit 5 In the kitchenGrammar timeTeaching contents 教学内容Grammar time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 进一步巩固并掌握故事中出现的词汇:meat with potato, tomato soup, yummy, smell nice, look for sth, vegetable, fruit, 能初步分辨可数名词与不可数名词以及部分特殊名词的复数构成形式。2. 进一步巩固并掌握四会句型 Are you? Is he/she ? There is /are 3. 运用所

2、需词汇和语言完成 Checkout time。4. 能够理解并掌握运用 There be 句型呈现可数名词和不可数名词的用法;5. 理解 Grammar time 内容并开展综合运用。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点1. 现在进行时的一般疑问句构成及其回答。2. There be 肯定句以及可数名词和不可数名词的用法和可数名词复数形式构成规则。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step1 Warm-up 1. Enjoy a song. (教师此处可安排与单元主题相关的英文歌曲)2. Free

3、 talkT: Do you like cooking?S: No, my mother likes cooking. T: What does she cook? S: Rice, vegetables, meat, fish.Step 2 Review1. 师生问答,学生回顾 Story time 内容T: In the Story time of Unit 6, Liu Taos parents are in the kitchen. What is his father cooking?S: Hes cooking meat with potatoes. T: Is his mothe

4、r cooking?S: No, she is washing vegetables and she wants to cook tomato soup.T: Is Liu Tao cooking, too?S: No, hes looking for some drinks.T: After that, theyre having dinner. How is the dinner?S: Its yummy.2. Retell the story. 引导学生以 Liu Tao 的口吻描述 In the kitchen. PPT 呈现提示句型:It is six oclock in the e

5、vening.My parents _ in the kitchen.My father _. My mother _.She wants to cook some _.I love the _ very much. It is yummy.I love the _too. It is nice.1) Retell in groups of four.2) Lets act and say.【设计意图:以问答、复述、表扬双簧等形式巩固 Story time 内容】Step 3 New teaching1. A game: Stone soup 学习 There is/are1) 教师给学生分发

6、印有里面含有不同蔬菜、水果和肉类的图片T: Children, look at me. What am I doing? (教师围上围裙并拿出一个锅子)S: Are you cooking?T: Yes. Do you want to know what I am cooking? You can ask me: Are you cooking ? S: Are you cooking? (引导学生发问)T: Look. Im cooking “Stone soup”. 教师出示一块石头S: Stone soup?T: Yes. Look! I have some stones in the

7、pot. But now I need some water. Is there any water in the classroom? S: Yes. Heres some water. (学生给水的图片)T: Thanks. And I need two tomatoes. Are there any tomatoes?S: Yes, here are two tomatoes.T: This is my stone soup. Look! Whats in it?S1: Theres some water.S2: Theres some salt. S3: There are two t

8、omatoes.S4: There are three potatoes.S5: Theres some fish.2) 教师出示 Grammar time 的内容进行可数名词,不可数名词及 there be 句型知识小结。3) 教师拿出四个道具锅,让学生分四组玩 Stone soup 游戏并汇总。4) T: Lets share our stone soup. There is There are 2. Checkout time 1) 限时记忆并说句子T: There are lots of things in the fridge. Whats in it? Please look at

9、 it for 20 seconds then judge.2) Write it down. 3) Share the writing.【设计意图:将 there be 句型一般疑问句及肯定句借助 Stone soup 游戏不断内化】Step 4 Consolidation 1. Checkout time T: There are so many things in the fridge. The students want to cook for themselves. Look! What are they doing in the kitchen?(教师将学生动作遮蔽,示范引导学生猜

10、测并引导学生归纳语言: Is he/she ?) 2. 学生代表上台提问,全体学生回答。3. 学生两人选择人物进行提问。4. T: Boys and girls, these children are helpful. We should learn from them. OK?【设计意图: 承接上一个活动的话题,借助 Checkout time 的内容,活化图片内容,引导学生结合课本开展交流问答,培养综合运用能力。】Homework 家庭作业1. Retell Story time.2. Read Checkout time (Look and write)3. Write a passag

11、e about Checkout time (Ask and answer) Title: The children are busy in the kitchenTeaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计 )教学准备:1.教师准备:光盘,PPT,板书 , 学生每人一张水果,蔬菜,肉类卡片 2.学生准备:认真完成第一课时的作业。板书设计: Unit 6 In the kitchenThere is some . 不可数名词 现在进行时的一般疑问句结构:There are some .可数名词复数 Be 动词+主语+现在分词.? Yes/No.说课本节课是五年级下册第六单元 In the

12、kitchen 第二课时 Grammar time。在复习导入环节,教师通过一个英文歌曲视频激起学生对教学内容的兴趣,本课的语法难点比较集中,因此教师在设计活动时有意识地分散难点,将三组句型精心设计在不同环节中,借助游戏、对话等情景理解句型结构,并在活动中开展灵活运用。第一组:Are you? 教师将此句型难点设计在游戏的开始,通过引导学生询问教师进行真实地交际运用。第二组:Theres There are 教师巧妙设计石头汤的游戏,在游戏过程中及时巩固操练,直至学生牢固掌握知识。第三组:Is he/she?通过将图片遮蔽的方式,将书上内容改编成猜测游戏,提高了学生学习语法的热情。本单元语法教学的特点为:基于文本梳理结构,创设趣味活动牢固掌握,借助书本内容开展写作的过程,使语法教学不是孤立地传授知识,而是在活动中内化、在游戏中掌握。