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本文(牛津译林版五年级下英语Unit6 Story time教案)为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

牛津译林版五年级下英语Unit6 Story time教案

1、Unit 6 In the kitchenStory timeTeaching contents 教学内容Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词 meat, potatoes, tomatoes, vegetables, look for, love。2. 能听懂、会读、会说现在进行时态的疑问句 Are you doing Yes, I am. / No, Im not. How is the meat/ soup/? 及正确回答。3. 能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导下尝试复述课文内容。4. 能

2、初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型询问别人正在做的事情。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点: 1. 在听故事的过程中理解词汇及句型 Are you doing ? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. How is the meat/soup/? 及正确回答。2. 能够从整体到局部理解故事内容。3. 能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。教学难点: 1. 菜名的朗读是本课词汇的难点,教师可以通过多样的图片让学生感知后学习。2. 现在进行时一般疑问句的准确掌握。Teachin

3、g procedures 教学过程Step 1 Lead-in课前欣赏歌曲 Fruit 和 Vegetables。出示歌曲中的水果和蔬菜图片,引出 fruit和 vegetables,初步感知本课词汇。Step 2 PresentationT: Fruit and vegetables are good for us. We eat them every day. And we can cook delicious dish with them. Look! What dish is it? Meat with potatoes 土豆烧肉, chicken with potatoes, tom

4、atoes with eggs, tomato soup 番茄汤, mushroom soup.T: How do they look? S: Nice!T: How do they taste?S: Nice. T: Yes. They are yummy. My mouth is watering. (教师做动作引导学生理解 yummy)S: Look! Liu Taos parents are cooking in the kitchen too. What are they cooking? Lets watch the cartoon of Unit 6 In the kitchen

5、. 【设计意图:通过歌曲及菜肴图片讨论蔬菜水果,引起学生对语篇内容的兴趣。】Step 3 New teaching1. Watch and choose 1) What do they have for dinner? (PPT 呈现问题和选项 )2) 教学 meat with potatoes, tomato soup T: Who is cooking meat with potatoes? S: Liu Taos father is cooking meat with potatoes.T: Who is cooking tomato soup?S: Liu Taos mother is

6、 cooking tomato soup. (教学is cooking )T: How do these dishes look? S: Theyre nice.T: How are the dishes? S: Theyre yummy. 2. Fill in the blanks (PPT 呈现 )【设计意图:通过看动画整体感知语篇,通过问答了解细节信息。 】Step 4 PractiseBefore dinner1) T: Liu Tao comes home from a football match. When he gets home, what are his parents d

7、oing? S: Theyre cooking dinner. T: Liu Tao smells something good. So he asks his mother:S: Are you cooking meat? (教学句型:Are you ing?)T: Is his mother cooking meat?S: No, she isnt cooking. Shes washing vegetables and she wants to cook tomato soup.T: His father is cooking. What is he cooking?S: Hes coo

8、king meat with potatoes. T: Wow, how yummy. T: Now lets read the first paragraph. 2) T: Liu Tao is very hungry. So he cant wait. And he is thirsty too. What is Liu Tao doing? Lets read the text and answer the questions. (读 P59 页,第二段文本回答下列问题)S: Liu Tao is looking for some juice in the fridge. (教学 loo

9、k for)T: Whats in the fridge? Is there any apple juice?S: No, theres some orange juice.T: So, Liu Tao finds some orange juice in the fridge.T: Now lets read the second paragraph. Dinner timeT: (出示文本图片)Look! Dinner is ready. What are they doing? S: Liu Tao and his parents are having their dinner.T: L

10、ets read the text together. And try to answer the questions.T: Whats Liu Tao eating?S: Hes eating the meat.T: Does Liu Tao love the meat? Why?S: Yes, he does. He says its yummy.T: How is the soup? S: Its nice.T: Good. Lets read the whole text after the tape【设计意图:在学生自己阅读的基础上,完成句子和回答相关问题。引导学生关注文本细节,学会

11、把握关键信息。 】Step 5 Consolidation1. Lets read. (四人一组,根据 PPT 的标准,选择一个星级的内容进行朗读)2. Lets retell.3. Finish the exercises on page 60.4. Summary: I know most of you can not cook. But we can help our parents when they cook! And we shouldnt waste the food. Our parents cook nice food for us. We need to thank the

12、m for that.Homework 家庭作业1. 跟读录音,朗读 Story time。2. 把今天新学的食物的英文表达方法说给自己的父母听。3. 找一找你感兴趣的食物和蔬菜的英文表达方法。Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学 PPT板书设计:Unit 6 In the kitchenLiu TaoloveMr Liu is cooking meat with potatoes. It smells nice.Mrs Liu is cooking tomato soup. Its yummy.Its nice.说课本节课五年级下册第六单元 In the kitchen 第一课时 Story time。文本以刘涛足球比赛回家后看到父母亲在厨房间做晚饭的情景展开教学,通过导入环节中两首欢快的英文歌曲Fruit &Vegetables 为本课词汇学习做充分铺垫。此外,在欣赏美食图片的过程中及时渗透 yummy 一词的教学并聚焦本课的核心词汇。在文本处理环节中,以晚饭为主线将文本分成晚饭前和晚饭中两部分阅读教学。巩固环节中的设计难度递增,由朗读到复述,朗读活动进一步巩固文本信息并能帮助学生更流畅地对文本进行复述。