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牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit8 Reading (II) 教案

1、英语 (七年级下册) Unit 8 Pets Reading (II)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. revise the two poems;2. learn about how to use the key words and phrases; 3. write about their favorite pets.II. Teaching contentsNew words and phrases: wide, hide, buil

2、d, stick, fight, till, end, trouble, touch, care, the cleverest animal of all, build A out of B, till , III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Master the uses of the key words and phrases.2. Write about their favorite pets.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. Pets and habitsT

3、: Here are some of our old friends. Do you know about their habits?A dog (barks when seeing a stranger. It can do tricks.)A cat (miaows, but most of time it is quiet. It always sleeps during daytime, and it is awake at night.)A fish (is also quiet. It always bubbles. It cant live out of water)2. Com

4、plete the passageT: Lets complete the passages and see how well we know about the new words.3. Make it easierT: Annie thinks this poem a little difficult. Match the lines from the poem with their meanings to help Annie understand it.(1) He doesnt just run after a ball. b a. He does amazing things. (

5、2) He hunts when I hide. c b. He can run after a ball and do other things.(3) He does wonderful tricks. a c. He looks around for me. (4) Hed never bark or bite. e d. And Ill always take care of him.(5) And Ill look after him till the end. d e. Hes friendly.【设计意图:通过填写表格、完善短文及同义句改写,使学生快速复习常见宠物的习性,学会在语

6、境中运用上节课新授的词汇。 】Step 2 language points1. My dog is the cleverest animal of Im the tallest girl of the three. Can you find me in the photo?Mom is the busiest in my family. So I want to help her with cooking.2. With eyes open Bob opened his mouth wide and took a big bite. Mum has a too

7、thache. The doctor asks her to open her mouth wide and say “Ah.”If you want to sing an English song well, you have to open your mouth very wide!wide adj. width n. widely adv. eg. Computers are widely used today.3. He hunts when I hide.hidehideg. Where is David hiding?Wow!Mum hid the honey on the top

8、 of the shelf!Children like playing hide-and-seek. 4. Builds me camps out of Jack and his dog are helping me build a camp.The workers are building a new bridge over the river.Some farmers built houses out of stones and grass in the past.5. Builds me camps out of stickseg. Luckily, we foun

9、d some sticks to make a fire.My grandpa cant walk without a stick. a walking stick6. He doesnt like to fight.fightfoughteg. Tom was hurt in a fight. They fought for a better world for children.7. Ill look after him till the They will stay in the room till tomorrow. prep. (until)They wont lea

10、ve till their mum comes back. conj. (until)8. Ill look after him till the Where is the end of the road?What can we find at the end of the road?In the end, we saw a beautiful house.We decided to end our trip and stay there. v.9. She isnt any Whats your trouble?He is in trouble.Nev

11、er trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 10. She doesnt need a gentle He felt a touch on his back.Dont touch your eyes with your dirty hand! Its bad for your eyes.11. Ill always take care of u.n. & vi. 照顾,介意 careful adj. 细心的carefully adv. 细心地 careless adj. 粗心的carelessly adv.

12、粗心地 carelessness n. 粗心T: Fill in each blank using the correct form of care.They say that the plant is not easy to take _ of. It will die soon because Im always _. I dont _ what they say. I decide to buy it. I think _ will not be a problem. Ill be _ enough with it and I believe it will grow well if I

13、 look after it _. 【设计意图: 通过对字词的分析及运用,使学生对新授词汇及常用语有了进一步的了解。】Step 3 Practice1. Enjoy a storyThis is my dog, Jojo. He is three months old. He has brown fur and four white paws.He can do many things. He is always playing with a stick or running after a ball.He sometimes barks but he never bites anybody.

14、I walk it in the park near my home every day.I like playing with him. Hes my best friend.2. Discuss and writeT: Its a small passage about a pet. Im sure you can write a better one. Talk with your partner about a pet you have or you want to have, and try to write something about it. Your can use the

15、expressions provided.3. Show timeT: It is show time. You can share your passages with all of us.【设计意图:通过讨论与写作,使学生初步学会运用所学词汇,描绘自己钟爱的宠物的信息, 在操练中更好地培养英语的语感。 】Step 4 Sum upT: Pets are not only our friends, but also our teacher. We can learn much form them. Here is an English saying: Every dog has his da

16、y. Can you guess its meaning? Every dog has its day and every man has his hour. Maybe youre not lucky enough now. But your big day will come sometime in the future. So, never lose hope!【设计意图:通过关于宠物的课文学习,延伸到学生的生活,对他们的生活态度进行一定的引领。 】V. Homework1. Revise the language points in this lesson. 2. Find more information about your favourite pet after class and share it with your partner tomorrow.