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2019牛津译林版九年级英语上Unit4 Reading (II) 教案

1、Unit 4 Growing up Reading ()I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. have a better understanding of the article; 2. learn to use some of the important words and phrases in contexts;3. learn how the writer uses contrast and different ways to talk

2、 about Spuds stages, problems, hard work and achievements; 4. learn to retell the article in the students own words. II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: matter, remain, score, leader, achievement, try out for sth, lose heart, although, change ones mind, simply because, succeed in doing st

3、h, force sb. to do sth. 2. New structure: No university would invite him to play basketball simply because he was only 170 cm tall.He remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him.Spud Webb proved that size and body type does not matter. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted are

4、a of difficultyHow to use some of the important words and phrases in contexts and retell the article in students own words. IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Learn more about Spud Webb1. Small Spud had a big dream.T: OK, boys and girls. Who did we learn about yesterday?S: Spud Webb.T: What do you know a

5、bout Spud?S: T: Read the first paragraph loudly. Try to find two important adjectives. T: Yes. Small and big. Small Spud had a big dreamhe wanted to play in the NBA.The writer uses Contrast here to catch the readers attention. The readers will wonder if such a small man can achieve his big dream. 【设

6、计意图:引导学生找出文章首段的两个形容词:small、big ,引导学生关注对比这一写作方法。small 和 big 形成鲜明的对比:这样一个身材矮小的人有一个很大的梦想进入NBA,以此来吸引读者的注意力和阅读兴趣。 】2. Spuds problems, hard work and achievements at different stages T: Its very hard for Spud, such a small man to join the NBA and have many great achievements. The writer also uses “contrast

7、” to write about Spuds four different stages. First, what are the four stages?S: T: Yes. While attending junior high, in senior high, after finishing high school, after he graduated.How does the writer use “contrast” at different stages? Spud Webbs basketball careerDifferent stages Problems Hard wor

8、k AchievementsIn junior highIn senior highAfter finishing high schoolAfter graduation【设计意图:以表格复习和梳理文章主体,引导学生复述 Spud 在不同阶段遇到的困难,所作的努力和取得的成就。 】Step 2 Pair work: Make an interview with SpudT: Now you are a reporter from CCTV 5. You are going to make an interview with Spud.Ask him what problems he met w

9、ith and how he tried his best. You can ask questions like:What was your dream when you were young?Was it hard for you to join the NBA?Did you get into the school basketball team?【设计意图:设计小组活动,让学生两两对话,一人为记者,需要自己设计问题进行采访;另一个为 Spud,根据课文内容回答“记者”的提问。任务的设计有助于学生加深对课文的理解,激活他们的思维,激发他们参与课堂的兴趣。 】Step 3 Language

10、 points1. try out for T: Spud tried out for the school team. Here “try out for” means “参加的选拔”.Sam 参加了校篮球队的选拔。Sam tried out for the school basketball team. “Try out” can also mean “试用,试验 ”.10 名学生参加了哈姆雷特这个角色的试演。Ten students tried out for the role Hamlet. T: We had a sports meeting last month. What did

11、 you try out for, the race, the high jump or the long jump?S: 2. succeed in doing sth. T: Did you succeed in winning a prize at the sports meeting?S: T: If you try your best, youll surely succeed in improving yourself.T: Do you know Mo Yan? Why was he so famous? Try to answer the question with “succ

12、eed in doing sth.” He has succeeded in winning the Nobel Prize for literature. He has succeeded in writing many famous books.3. lose heartT: Did you lose heart when you fell behind others? S: T: Whenever we meet with any difficulty, we should never lose heart.T: Edison failed many times, but he went

13、 on trying his best. Finally, he succeeded in inventing the light bulb.Though Edison failed a thousand times, he never _ _. Hawking was badly ill, but he didnt _ _. 4. remainT: Can Hawking stand up or move around as we do? S: No, he cant.T: Because of his illness, Hawking cannot walk around or turn

14、around. He remains in the wheelchair all day. T: “Remain” means “continue to be in the same state or condition”. I remained in the office after work because some of the work remained to be done. I was forced to finish the rest of the work before going home.5. forceT: “Force” is used as a verb. It me

15、ans “make sb. do sth.” We can use “force sb./be forced to do sth.”尽管感到不舒服,我强迫自己起床。Though I felt sick, I forced myself to get up. 因为战争,他们被迫躲在那幢小楼房里。They were forced to hide in that small building because of the war. 6. Say something about HawkingT: Can you say something about Hawking? Try to use “los

16、e heart”, “be forced to do sth.”, “ succeed in doing sth.” and “remain”.7. matterT: What does the article want to tell us?S: Through hard work, Spud Webb proved that size and body type does not matteryou can do almost anything if you never give up.T: What do you think matters most if you want to suc

17、ceed, money, appearance, wisdom, chances, friendship, love or health?S: T: Different people have different opinions. Some people think that money matters most. Some think that appearance matters most. I think the most important is to be the best of your abilities. If you try your best, whether you s

18、ucceed or not, you will be happy and get close to your dreams.【设计意图:通过谈论课文主话题,引出对语言点的学习,聚焦形式和聚焦意义相结合,以图片和问题设计情境,引导学生在情境中运用语言知识。 】Step 4 Practice1. Complete the passageWhile a_ junior high, he t_ out for the school team, but was r_. He did not l_ h_. When he finally got the chance, he s_ 20 points in

19、 his first game. In senior high, he had to sit in the s_. He practised even harder and got the c_ to change his mind. He went on to become l_ of the team.At a junior college, he l_ his team to the n_ championship. As a result, he s_ in getting a scholarship. After he g_, he was f_ to play in another

20、 basketball league and r_ there for about a year before he joined the Atlanta Hawks.2. Find the conjunction words in Paragraphs 4-5Read Paragraphs 4-5 carefully and try to find the conjunction words (连接词).(However, simply because, there, this, as a result, although, because, after)3. Group discussio

21、nT: What can we learn from the article? S1: You can do almost anything if you never give up.S2: No matter what happens, we should never lose heart.S3: Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. S4: Dreams are of no value unless they are followed by action.4. Tell your pen friend about SpudT

22、: You are going to write a letter to your pen friend Sue and tell her what you know about Spud. Try to use the words and phases below: try out for, lose heart, succeed in doing sth., remain, be forced to do sth., score points, get the coach to change his mind, lead his team to, graduate, prove, matter(Use conjunction words if necessary.)【设计意图:通过短文填空、找出连接词、设计开放性问题等多种形式,进一步巩固、内化和运用 Reading 中的重点词汇。最后通过设计写作任务,实现以读促写,以说促写的教学目标。 】V. Homework1. Finish the letter if you havent finished.2. Try to remember the new words and phrases of Reading.3. Preview Grammar.