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本文(牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用) 九年级英语上册同步复习 Unit8 Surprise endings讲义(带答案))为本站会员(笑傲****01)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用) 九年级英语上册同步复习 Unit8 Surprise endings讲义(带答案)

1、学科教师辅导讲义学员编号: 年 级:初三 课 时 数:3学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: 授课类型 T(Unit8 单词、词组)C(动词/形容词/名词+ 介词的搭配)T(完型填空及阅读理解)授课日期及时段教学内容Warming UpIs there anything surprise that happened around you?1.Do you often receive gifts from your friends or family?2.Can you say something about your most valuable gift?3. Retell the stor

2、y with the help of the following:The gifts时间 圣诞节前一天Della 1. 只有一美元八十七美分,买不起礼物给丈夫,伤心到哭起来了;2. 卖了自己的头发买了一个表链给 Jim;Jim 卖了手表给 Della 买了一套梳子结果 收到彼此的礼物时,他们都很惊讶。Important Sentences with Words and PhrasesReading:( 根据括号解释填上合适的单词 )1She could not_ (to have enough money to buy or pay for something ) a present , so

3、 she sat down and cried.她买不起一件礼物,所以坐下来哭。【单词解析】afford: vt.买得起; 担负得起; 提供; 给予 【单词用法】(can/could) afford sth ; afford to do sth 过去式: afforded 过去分词: afforded 现在分词: affording 第三人称单数: affords【搭配/例句】(1)今年我们没钱去度假。_(2)他们付全价,请注意,他们是付得起的。_Key: (1) We cant afford to go on vacation this year(2)They pay full rates.

4、 Mind you, they can afford it. 2. Jim and Della had two possessions which they were both proud of. One was Jims gold watch that was from his father an and his grandfather. The other was Dellas beautiful hair. Jim 和 Della 有两件引以为豪的财物,一件是 Jim 父亲和祖父留下来的金表,另一件是 Della 的漂亮头发。【语言点解析 1】 proud adj. be proud o

5、f: 引以为豪1.她的父母为她感到非常光荣。_2.你应该感到自豪。_Key: Her parents are very proud of her.You should be proud of yourself.【词汇延伸】pride n. 自豪 take pride in He takes great pride in his childrens achievements.他为儿女的成就感到非常骄傲。【语言点解析 2】 possessions which they were both proud of. watch that was from his father and his grandf

6、ather. 文中的黑色字体部分是_从句,修饰_名词?【语言点解析 3】 one.the other: 一个另一个考点拓展:other, the other, another, others, the others 的区别other the other others The others another形容词 形容词或代词 代词 代词 形容词或代词后跟复数名词或 ones作形容词:后跟复数名词作代词:指两者中的另一个不跟名词或其他词不跟名词或其他词可单独使用或跟名词(三者以上的)另一个不单独使用 常见句型“一个,另一个”onethe 常见句型“一些,其余的”:another+数词+复数名词ot

7、her Some, others 泛指 特指 范围不确定或泛指表示范围确定或特指泛指【练习】用 other, the other, others, the others, another 填空:1There are many students on the playground. Some students are playing, _ students are standing in line.2There are many students on the playground. Some are playing, _are standing in line.3There are seven

8、 pens on the table. Three are black, _ pens are red. 4There are seven pens on the table. Three are black, _ are red. 5I have two brothers. One is Tom, _ one is David.6I have eaten some apples. Could you give me _ apple?7I want _ two books.3Della put on her old brown jacket and her old brown hat. Del

9、la 穿上她的旧棕色夹克衫和旧的棕色帽子。put on: 穿上;戴上【词汇拓展】与 put 相关的常见短语put on: 上演, 穿上;戴上put up:举起,抬起,张贴put off:推迟,拖延 put into:排放;把放进,把.翻译成put down:放下,拒绝,镇压,记下来,写下来,put out:扑灭;熄灭;put in:插话,put away:收起来,收拾好【练习】根据句子的意思填上适当的词(1)We put _ the tools before we leave the workshop.(2)Never put _ until tomorrow what you can do

10、today.(3)We are putting the play _ again next week because of its success.(4)The fire man soon put the fire _.(5)Its time that we put _ the Christmas decorations(装饰物)in the living room.(6)Drop your weapons(武器) and put your hands _.4Then Della _( to try to find someone or something by looking very ca

11、refully) through the stores looking for a present for Jim.然后 Della 找遍很多店为 Jim 找件礼物。【单词解析 1】search v. search for sth 搜寻某物 E.g. Scientists are still searching for a cure.科学家们仍在寻找对策。search n. a search of sth 对某物的搜寻 a search of the area 对该地区的搜寻【单词解析 2】 look for: 寻找【词汇拓展】与 look 相关的常见短语look after 照顾,照料loo

12、k around/about 四处看看,四下环顾look forward to sth./doing sth.盼望,期待look on as 把看作look out (for)当心,小心,留神look through 浏览,翻阅,温习,仔细查看look up 查寻,查阅, 仰视look over 检查【练习】(1)He looked _ his notes before writing the report.(2)I must look _ the time of your train.(3)A fox came to the tree and looked _ at the cock.(4)

13、The girl is old enough to look _ himself.(5)He spent two weeks in Shanghai,looking _ the city.(6)We are looking _ _ hearing from you soon.(7)They all looked _ him _ a member of their family.(8)Look _! There is danger ahead.5There _( to put someone or something down carefully into a flat position )th

14、e set of combs that she had always wanted.盒子里放着她一直想要的那套梳子。【单词解析】lay v. 安放,放置 lay-laid-laid-laying lie: 躺 lay ,lain, lyinglie: 说谎 lied, lied, lying来源:Z xxk.Comlay: 放置 laid,laid, laying【练习】( ) He _ his coat on the chair and then went into his bedroom.Alied Blies Clay Dlaid( ) Jim _ in the bed and read

15、ing an interesting novelAlies Bis laying Claid Dis lying( ) Mary _ again and nobody would like to believe her.Alies Blay Clied Dlays6. When did the story take place?【单词解析】take place (有计划地)发生,举行 不及物动词,无被动E.g The next meeting will take place on Thursday.下次会议将在星期四举行。Talks between the two sides are stil

16、l taking place.双方的会谈仍在进行。【词汇拓展】happen 的区别e.g.昨晚在大街上发生了一场车祸。7. Why did Della count her money?【单词拓展】count v. 计算总数 countable adj. 可数的 countless adj. 数不清的accountant n. 会计8I always look at it when I think of Kevin.当我想起 Kevin 时,我总是会看看那本相册。think of: 想起【词汇拓展】think,think of,think about,think over 的区别1)think

17、单独使用时表示“思考”,接 that 宾语从句时意为 “认为、觉得”。如:He is thinking how to work out the problem他在思考如何解这道题。当 think 后面的宾语从句含有否定意义时,通常形式上否定 think,但意义上却是否定宾语从句。如:I dont think it will rain我认为不会下雨。2)think of 意为“考虑到、想到”,后常接代词、名词或动词-ing 形式;意为“认为”时,一般用于疑问句中,与what 连用。如:He thought of a good plan他想到一项好计划。What do you think of t

18、he play?(How do you find like enjoy the play?)你觉得这部戏剧怎么样?3)think about 可接名词、动词-ing 形式或由疑问词引导的不定式或宾语从句,表示“考虑”。如:Hes thinking about a problem他正在考虑一个问题。来源:学科网4)think over 意为“仔细考虑”,后接名词或代词作宾语。当后接代词时,应把代词放在 over 之前。如:Let me think it over让我好好想一想。【练习】完成句子请考虑一下如何解决这个问题。Please _ _ how to_ _ the problem 我想我这个

19、周末不会去野餐。I _ _ Ill _ _ _ _ this weekend.请仔细考虑我昨天说的话。Please _ _ what I said yesterday 只要我看见那张相片,我就会想起我的过去。I will _ _ my past _ _ _ I see the photo.Key: think of/about, work out dont think, go on a picnic think over think of, as long as9Please bring me a little soup now. 现在请给我拿些汤来。a little: 一些【词汇拓展】a l

20、ittle, little, a few, few 的区分 a few + 可数名词(肯定句)a little + 不可数名词 (肯定句)few + 可数名词 (否定句)little + 不可数名词 (否定句)有 a 用于肯定句【练习】选择最佳选项( ) Your fridge is almost empty! You have _ food.Afew Ba few Clittle Da little( ) Henry: Were there many people at the cinema last night?Kenny: No, _ people want to watch a bor

21、ing film.Afew Ba few Clittle Da little( ) Bill didnt drink all the orange. Theres _ left.Afew Ba few Clittle Da little( ) Doctor: Have you ever had a serious operation?Patient: Yes, Ive always had _health problems.Afew Ba few Clittle Da little( ) Lets go to the movies. I have _ money.Afew Ba few Cli

22、ttle Da little( ) Im sorry, I cant pay for your lunch. I have _money.Afew Ba few Clittle Da littleKey:1-6 CADBDC 10It was really touching. 这故事真的很感人。【单词解析】touching: adj. 感人的 ;令人同情的moving: adj. 感人的;令人感动的【例句】It may be old, but many people still think its a moving story.这故 事可能过时了,但许多人仍然认为它是一个令人感动的故事。【词汇

23、拓展】-ing 形容词是用来说明人或事物的特征、性质;译为“令人的”;-ed 形容词是用来说明人对某事或某物的感觉,译为“某人感到 的”;tire: tiring-tired: 令人累的、累人的;感到累的;excite:exciting-excited 令人兴奋的;感到兴奋的;surprise:-surprising-surprised 令人惊讶的;感到惊讶的;interest-interesting-interested 有趣的;感到有趣的;disappoint-disappointing-disappointed 令人失望的;感到失望的;你还知道哪些:_ _【练习】完成句子汤姆是个有趣的男

24、孩。Tom is _ _ _.这个男孩确实让人失望,他总是在课堂上吵闹。The boy is really _. He always _ _ _ in class.他的演讲不会闷。相反,它很令人兴奋的,我一点也不觉得闷。His lecture isnt _. On the contrary, it is _ and I dont feel _ at all.Key:bore- boring-bored; relax-relaxing-relaxed; amaze- amazing-amazedfrighten-frightening-freighted; satisfy-satisfying-

25、satisfied【 练习 】 an interesting boy disappointing, makes a noise exciting, interesting, bored11It is wonderful to have such a good friend.拥有一位如此好的朋友太好了。【词汇拓展】such: 如此的;such+ a/an+adj.+可数名词(单数)Such+adj.+可数名词 (复数) /不可数名词so: 如此的; so+ adj./advso+few/many/much/little+n.【练习 1】Jim made much noise that the t

26、eacher got very angry with him I have never seen an interesting film before. Can you believe a little boy can eat much rice? Miss Yang teaches us _ well that we are all thankful to her. There is _ little food that I have to buy some from the supermarket.A: It is _ a large hall that it can hold 1000

27、people. B: It is _ large a hall that it can hold 1000 people. A: Sherry left in _ a hurry that she forgot to take her keys. B: Sherry left _ hurriedly that she forgot to take her keys. A: There are _ many people in the market that we couldnt move at all. B: There are _ a lot of people in the market

28、that we couldnt move on . 【练习 2】感人的故事 常春藤蔓脱离危险 冰冷的photo album be deeply moved 上楼 难忘的事情 Key: so such such, so so so such; so such, so so, such【 练习 】 moving story ivy vine out of danger icy cold 相册 深受感动 go upstairs memorable eventListening upstairs; out of danger; Thailand; peace; wealth; in return; i

29、ntroduce; character; translate; be popular with Exercise一、听音写单词。2改错:有一处错误,请把它改正1The story was taken place just before Christmas. 2Jim and Della had two possessions which they were both proud.3He got two presents. One was from his parents, another was from his teacher.4Della put out her old brown jac

30、ket and old brown hat, then she went out.5Can you tell me the name of the tree in the front of the classroom?6Della searched across the stores looking for a present for Jim.7At seven oclock, the coffee made and dinner was ready.8Della listened Jims steps on the stairs.9His eyes were fixed at Della a

31、nd there was an expression in them.10There lied the set of combs that she had always wanted.三单项选择( ) 1Della searched _ the stores looking for a present for Jim.Aacross Bacross Cpast Dthrough( ) 2At seven oclock, the coffee _ and dinner was ready.Amade Bwas making Cwas made Dmaking( ) 3Della _ Jims s

32、teps on the stairs and smiled.Aheard Blistened to Chears Dlistens to( ) 4His eyes were fixed _ Della and there was an expression in them.Ain Bat Cwith Don( ) 5There _ the set of combs that she had always wanted.Alied Blay Claid Dlying( ) 6The story _ just before Christmas. Atake place Bhappens Cwas

33、taken place Dhappened( ) 7Jim and Della had two possessions _ they were both proud of.Awhat Bwhich Cwho Dwhen( ) 8He got two presents. One was from his parents, _ was from his teacher.Aother Bthe other Cothers Danother( ) 9Della _ her old brown jacket and old brown hat, then she went out.Aput on Bpu

34、t offCput out Dput away( ) 10Can you tell me the name of the tree _ the classroom?Ain the front Bin the front of Cin front of Din front( ) 11The school sports meeting _ last week. I did _ of all.Aheld, bad Bwas held, badlyCheld, the worst Dwas held, the worst( ) 12Ought you _ hands before you have m

35、eals?Ato wash Bwash Cwashing Dnot wash( ) 13I _ the wall, but couldnt _ anything.Alooked, see Bsaw, see 来源:Zxxk.ComClooked at, see Dwatched, look( ) 14Its really kind _ you _ help me finish the task.Afor, to Bof, to Cfor, for Dof, for( ) 15Lily always thinks _ anyone else.Amore carefully than Bmore

36、careful thanCmuch carefully than Dmuch careful than( ) 16Zhao Wei is _ a popular singer, _ a beautiful actress.Anot only, but also Bbetween, andCas, as Dnot only, as well( ) 17The photos show us _ in Guangzhou in the past.Awhat everyday life was likeBwhat was everyday life likeChow everyday life was

37、 likeDhow was everyday life like( ) 18You can play computer games _ 8 to 9 tonight.Aas Bbetween Cfrom Dwhile( ) 19Mr. Yang wants to know if his students _ the passage three times.来源:学+科+网 Z+X+X+KAread Bhave read Chad read Dreads( ) 20Can you _?Ahear anything strange Bhear strange anythingClisten any

38、thing strange Dlisten to strange anything四单词拼写1. The g_ of Grade Nine students will be held next week.2. At night, there are too many stars in the sky to c_.3. He is a boy with good manners. He is always p_ to others.4. We looked at each other in s_ when we heard a bird singing “Happy birthday to yo

39、u.”5. I got lots of p_ on my birthday.6. Paul always rode the bus although he could a_a car.7. The s_ reads.”Keep off the grass.”8. They s_ every part of the forest. At last they caught the robber.9. He was walking with quick s_.10. O.Henry was a_of stealing money from the bank.11. His w_ washed dis

40、hes for the restaurant to make a living.12. The boy d_ some money from his pocket and gave to the beggar sitting there.13. They couldnt afford to pay the b_because it was too much money on it. 14. On the street l_ a purse just now.15. When he saw a large amount of money on the table, he made his eye

41、s f_ on it.五、完 成句子1. 教学楼前有几辆自行车。There are some bikes _ _ _ the teaching building.1. 他的两眼凝视着戴拉。His eyes _ _ _ Della.2. 他父母亲以他为骄傲,因为他的全镇的朗诵比赛中得了第一名。His parents _ _ _him because he got the first prize in the reading competition _ _ _.3. 吉姆从口袋掏出一个盒子,放在桌子上。Jim _ a box _ _ _ and put it on the table.5. 那位店

42、员由于被控告欺骗顾客,所以被解雇。The shop assistant was dismissed(解雇) as he _ _ _ _ customers.6. 他开始一本长篇小说,以欧.亨利命名。He began writing a novel _ _ _ _ “O. Henry”7. 他昨天去打篮球了,没有去玩牌。He played basketball _ _ _ cards yesterday.8. 她笑了笑,把吉姆的礼物给他。She smiled and _ _ Jims present.Key:单项选择题1-5 DCADB 6-10 DBBAC 11-15 DACBA 16-20

43、AACBA改错题1 was takentook 2 proudproud of 3 anotherthe other4 put output on 5 in the front ofin front of 6 acrossthrough7 madewas made 8 listenedheard 9 were fixed atwere fixed on 10 liedlay 介词与其他词类的常见搭配GrammarA形容词能和介词构成短语,以下为常见的短语搭配,请根据中文意思填上适当的介词:【练习 1】1be bored 对感到厌烦 2be happy 对满意3be ready 为做准备 4be tired 厌倦 5be interested 对感兴趣 6be certain 对确定7be strict 对严格 8be worried