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1、Unit 2 School life Comic strip 2. grasp the different expressions to refer to the same thing in British and American English;3. understand the rules of the differences between British and American English in vocabulary.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: British, biscuit, rubber, American

2、, eraser, vacation, cookie, fall, store, truck, yard, movie, advertisement, lorry, soccer2. New structures: Because were cleverer than people. They have to work harder. Whats school life? Its like watching TV. There are fewer advertisements. Id love to, but the school football team will practise thi

3、s Saturday. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Describe what school is like in their mind with ones own words;2. Remember which words are the British words and which are the American words.IV. Teaching proceduresComic stripStep 1 Lead-in Free talkWhich part of our school do

4、you like best? Why?What activities can we do in our school? Which do you like better about school, the lessons or the after-school activities? Do you think school is fun? Why or why not? Step 2 Presentation 1. Teach a new wordadvertisement2. Listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo and answ

5、er the questions belowT: Now lets see what our old friend Eddie thinks of school? Why does Eddie think dogs dont go to school? What does Eddie think of school?3. Ask students to read the dialogue together first and then in different roles4. Complete the short passage according to the dialogueStep 3

6、Extension1. Have a showPractice in pairs and make up new dialogues, adding more information and changing the end of the dialogue. Show their new dialogues to the class. 2. Have a talkT: Think about the reasons why we like school or dislike school. Welcome to the unitStep1 Lead-in 1. Listen to a stor

7、y about Simon and DanielStep 2 Presentation 1. Lets guess2. Lets learn (Part A)3. Lets replace (Part B)Step 3 Practice1. Lets recordT: Watch a short video and write down how many British words and American words appear in their dialogue. What are they?2. Lets showT: I will give each group three minu

8、tes to make up new dialogues, but pay attention to the rules: (1) Both of you are British and you both speak British English. (2) Both of you are American and you both speak American English. (3) One is British and speaks British English, and the other is American and speaks American English. Step 4

9、 Extension 1. Lets discuss2. Lets learn moreV. Homework1. Read and recite the comic strips and the British words and American words in Part A.;2. Learn about the other differences between British words and American words;3. Find out why there are differences between British words and American words.

10、 Unit 2 School life Reading (I)I. Teaching aims and learning objectives1. know something about the lives in a British school and an American school;2. retell the school lives of Nancys and Johns;3. describe their dream school life to others;4. use such reading strategies as skimming, scanning and gu

11、essing meanings from the context.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: mixed, French, discuss, baseball, foreign language2. New structures: Learning foreign language is fun. Time seems to go faster.He often listens carefully to my problems and offers me help.III. Focus of the lesson and pre

12、dicted area of difficultyRetell the school lives of Nancys and Johns.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. Free talk(1) In Eddies opinion, what is school like? (2) In your opinion, what is school like? 2. Introduce your schoolAnswer the question and introduce some parts of school life, such as sub

13、jects, classmates, clubs and so on.Step 2 Presentation1. Skim the text2. Read the first part carefully and finish the tasks(1) Read the first passage quickly and find out the main idea of each paragraph(2) Read and complete(3) Answer the following questionsa. What kind of school is Woodland School?

14、Explain the word “mixed”. b. What is Nancys favourite subject? Why does Nancy like it best?c. What activity does Nancys school have? d. Who reads books in the Reading Week and what can they do? e. How do they feel in the Reading Week? (4) Listen and repeat(5) Try to retellStep 3 Consolidation1. Lets

15、 compareUse the following table to compare the two different kinds of school lives.Country Students name School Grade ActivityNancy WoodlandSchool Year 8 favouritesubject( what、 why)Reading Week( what、 how)John Rocky Mountain High School The8thgrade the Buddy Club( what、 who)favouritesport( what、 wh

16、o、 when)2. Have a discussion Create a situation and let the students discuss in pairs. “If you have a chance (机会) to study in a British school or an American school, which school will you choose? Why?” V. Homework1. Read the text after the tape three times;2. Talk about your dream school life to you

17、r classmates. Unit 2 School life Reading (II)I. Teaching aims and learning objectives1. get further understanding of the two passages by comparing Nancys and Johns schools;2. learn how to use some important words correctly properly; 3. write a short passage about special school activities in our own

18、 school;4. activate the students awareness of enjoying their school by talking about their ideal school life. II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: mixed, French, foreign, language, during the week, discuss sth. with sb., buddy, offer sb. help, end, play baseball2. New structure: It is a mi

19、xed school. Among all the subjects, I like French best. Learning foreign languages is fun. I often read more books than my classmates. Near the end of the week, we discuss the books with our classmates in class. On Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than usual. III. Focus of the lesson and pr

20、edicted area of difficultyLearn how to use these important words properly. IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. Show a short video about school life and then ask students some questions(1) What did the boy Greg and his friend Rowley want to do?(2) What problem did they have?(3) What do you think

21、of their school life?(4) What do you think of the other students in the video? 2. Lets reviewPlease fill in the table with right details according to the two short passages in Reading. (Keys: British; Rocky Mountain High School; London; mixed; French; the Reading Week; the Buddy Club; foreign langua

22、ges is fun; seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books; won two games last month)Step 2 Presentation1. Lets retell T: Youre great! But who can retell the short passages with the information in the table. 2. Explain the word “mix” 3. Explain “discuss” 4. Explain the word “buddy” and “of

23、fer”5. Explain the word “end”Step 3 Practice1. Show a picture of Nancy and ask students some questions:T: Do you know the words on the blackboard? (I love Paris.)What language do the words in Line 1 belong to? (French)2. Do you know what John thinks is great fun? (Playing baseball.)Step 4 Consolidat

24、ion1. Complete the passage 2. Writing3. Speaking outTalk about their ideal school lives. (Showing some pictures) V. Homework1. Read the passage fluently;2. Write an article about your ideal school life;3. Search the Internet for more information about school lives in other countries.Unit 2 School li

25、fe Grammar I. Teaching aims and learning objectives1. compare the amount of things using “more . than”, “fewer . than” and “less . than”;2. use “the most” for the largest amount and “the fewest/the least” for the smallest amount;3. form comparative and superlative adverbs;4. use comparative and supe

26、rlative adverbs correctly.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: least, further/father, farthest/furthest, among the three of us, come first/second/third in the race, run fast, any other classmates2. New structures: Millie has more tomatoes than Daniel. Millie has less rice than Daniel.Milli

27、e has fewer bananas than Kitty. Kitty has the most eggs.Daniel has the fewest tomatoes. Millie has the least juice.She ran faster than Millie. Amy came first in the race. She ran the fastest. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Use “fewer/less than” and “the fewest/least” to

28、compare the amount of countable nouns and uncountable nouns correctly;2. Form comparative and superlative adverbs correctly;3. Use comparative and superlative adverbs correctly.IV. Teaching proceduresComparing the amount of things Step 1 Lead-inT: Do you remember Nancy in Woodland School in London?

29、Her school has a Reading Week every year. Let me tell you something about this years Reading Week.Step 2 Presentation 1. Explain “more”, “most”, “fewer” and “fewest” before countable nouns2. Explain “more”, “most”, “less” and “least” before uncountable nounsStep 3 Practice1. Compare school lives2. C

30、ompare students own school life with othersComparative and superlative adverbsStep 1 Presentation 1. Explain comparative and superlative adverbs(1) Compare the time spent on practicing baseball. (2) Work out the rules.2. Explain how to form comparative and superlative adverbsStep 2 Practice 1. Fill

31、in the form 2. ExerciseStep 3 Consolidation 1. Show the form and play the game2. Complete a reportV. Homework Go on finishing the report, and try the best to write more effective sentences.Unit 2 School life Integrated skills I. Teaching aims and learning objectives1. improve their listening skills

32、of focusing on the unknown information;2. talk about different school lives using comparatives and superlatives.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: spend, chess, uniform, number of students, do morning exercises, have weeks off, spend time on/doing sth., another half hour, play chess, at

33、most, do some reading, wear uniforms 2. New structures: Sunshine Middle School has the most teachers and students of the three.Chinese students have fewer weeks off for the summer holiday than British students.British students spend less time doing homework than Chinese students.Among the three scho

34、ols, American students spend the least time on homework. They work the hardest. I have only half an hour for my hobbies at most. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Grasp the listening skills of focusing on the unknown information and catching numbers;2. Talk about different

35、school lives, using comparatives and superlatives and certain sentence patterns;3. Integrate the four skills to complete the tasks about school lives.IV. Teaching proceduresA Comparing schoolsStep 1 Lead-in1. Present the poster of Harry Porter 7 and ask them if they have watched the film. 2. Show th

36、e photo of Harrys schoolHogwarts and present some numbers about Hogwarts on the screen. Illustrate the numbers one by one.3. Offer some tipsT: The way we express numbers in English is totally different from that in Chinese. I will show you some tips.Tip 1: Count from the right side of the number. Ti

37、p 2: Put a comma between every three numbers.Tip 3: Read the first comma as thousand and the second comma as million.Step 2 Listening 1. Prepare for listening2. Listening(1) Listen to the article (2) Listen to the conversationStep 3 Postlistening1. Ask the students to compare the three schoolsA: How

38、 many /How long /How much time B: (more than, fewer than, less than, the most, the fewest, the least)2. Ask the student to complete the article in A3 on P17Ask the students to read the article to check the answers.3. Ask the students to read the form carefully and finish A4 on P18B Speak up: Simon s

39、pends the most time on his hobbiesStep 1 Presentation 1. Ask the students 3 questions about the conversation in “Speak up”. Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions. (1) How much time does Daniel spend on his hobbies every day?(2) What is Amys hobby?(3) Who spends the most time on h

40、obbies? 2. Read after the tape and practice in groups.3. Pay attention to the pronunciation, such as linking and loss of blasting. Give students two examples to understand what is linking and loss of blasting and practise more.Step 2 Make a survey 1. Find out the information2. Finish the survey repo

41、rt3. Sum upAsk the students to sum up their survey and make a report about it. V. Homework Make a survey about at least two friends in other schools and compare them with our own school. Some students will be chosen to make a report in front of the class.Unit 2 School life Study skillsI. Teaching ai

42、ms and learning objectives1. master how to use the suffix “-ly” to form adverbs;2. master how to use the suffix “-ly” to form adjectives;3. use the words ending with “-ly” correctly. II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: daily, weekly, quick, through, real, look through, at first, keep (on)

43、 doing sth., have a lovely time.2. New structure: We have a monthly test on each subject. I learn to use English better this way.To me, learning foreign languages is really fun. I also keep writing in English about my daily life. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. How to use

44、 the suffix “-ly” to form adverbs;2. How to use the suffix “-ly” to form adjectives;3. How to find out whether the words ending with “-ly” belong to adjectives or adverbs.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. Say something about Nancys and Johns school lives2. BrainstormCan you form a new word/new

45、 words using the word given? (happyhappilyunhappyhappinessunhappilyunhappiness) 3. Ask and answerDo you think it is easy to borrow books from Nancys school library?(Answer: Yes, we can borrow books easily.)Does John have a wonderful time at the Buddy Club?(Answer: Yes, his buddy always helps him won

46、derfully.)Step 2 Presentation1. Explain the suffix “-ly” in adverbs2. Explain the suffix “-ly” in adjectives 3. Finish Part B on P274. Make a summary. Adjectives modify nounsStep 3 Practice1. Play a game: Find your friend2. Fill in the blanksComplete the passage with the correct words. Step 4 Summar

47、yAsk the students to sum up how to use the suffix “-ly”.Step 5 Extension1. List more wordsList some words ending with the suffix “-ous”, the suffix “-ern” and the suffix “-ness” and encourage students to learn more suffixes and prefixes after class.2. ChallengeEnjoy a story, try to circle (圈出) the w

48、ords with suffix “-ly” and tell what they are modifying.V. Homework1. Remember how to use the suffix “ly”;2. Learn more suffixes after class by yourself. Unit 2 School life Task I. Teaching aims and learning objectives1. collect ideas by understanding and completing a questionnaire;2. write about th

49、eir ideal schools. II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: finish, lunchtime, physics, Art Club, need to get up early, have an hour of homework, a big clean dining hall, listen to music, wear ties, in each class, choose subjects to study, have computer lessons, a football field, a swimming pool, go on a school trip, have fun, badminton, ideal, my ideal school, at lunchtime 2. New structures: We have lots of time for after-school