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本文(2020高考英语人教版一轮复习:选修八 Unit 1 课时作业(含答案解析))为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2020高考英语人教版一轮复习:选修八 Unit 1 课时作业(含答案解析)

1、课时作业.阅读理解A(2017江苏 D)Old Problem,New ApproachesWhile clean energy is increasingly used in our daily life,global warning will continue for some decades after CO2 emissions(排放 ) peak.So even if emission were to begin decrease today,we would still face the challenge of adapting to climate.Here I will st

2、ress some smarter and more creative examples of climate adaptation.When it comes to adaptation,it is important to understand that climate change is a process.We are therefore not talking about adapting to a new standard,but to a constantly shifting set of conditions.This is why in part at least,the

3、US National Climate Assessment says that: “ there_is_no_onesize_fit_all_adaptation. ” Nevertheless,there are some actions that offer much and carry little risk or cost.Around the world people are adapting in surprising ways,especially in some poor countries.Floods have some more damaging in Banglade

4、sh in recent decades.Mohammed Rezwan saw opportunity where others saw only disaster.His notforprofit organization runs 100 river boats that server as floating libraries,schools,and health clinics,and are equipment with solar panels and other communication facilities.Rezwan is creating floating conne

5、ctivity (连体) to replace flooded roads and highways.But he is also working at a far more fundamental level: his staff people how to make floating gardens fish ponds prevent starvation during the wet season.Elsewhere in Asia even more astonishing actions are being taken.Chewang.Nophel lives in a mount

6、ainous region in India,where he is known as the Ice Man.The loss of glaciers(冰川)there due to global warming represents an enormous threat to agriculture.Without the glaciers, water will arrive in the rivers at times when it can damage crops.Norphels inspiration come from seeing the waste of water ov

7、er winter,when it was not needed.He directed the wasted water into shallow basins where it froze,and was stored until the spring.His fields of ice supply perfectly timed irrigation(灌溉) water.Having created nine such ice reserves.Nophel calculates that he has stored about 200,000 m3 of water.Climate

8、change is a continuing process,so Norhels ice reserves will not last forever.Warming will overtake them.But he is providing a few years during which the farmers will,perhaps,be able to find other means of adapting.Increasing Earths reflectiveness can cool the planet.In southern Spain the sudden incr

9、ease of greenhouses (which reflect light back to space) has changed the warming trend locally,and actually cooled the region.While Spain as a whole is heating up quickly,temperatures near the greenhouses have decreased.This example should act as an inspiration for all cities.By painting buildings wh

10、ite,cities may slow down the warming process.In Peni,local farmers around a mountain with a glacier that has already fallen victim to climate change have begun painting the entire mountain peak white in the hope that the added reflectiveness will restore the lifegiving ice.The outcome is still far f

11、rom clear.But the World Bank has included the project on its list of “100 ideas to save the planet”More ordinary forms of adaptation are happening everywhere.A friend of mine owns an area of land in western Victoria.Over five generations the land has been too wet for cropping.But during the past dec

12、ade declining rainfall has allows him to plant highly profitable crops.Farmers in many countries are also adapting like thiseither by growing new produce,or by growing the same things differently.This is common sense,But some suggestions for adapting are not.When the polluting industries argue that

13、weve lost the battle to control carbon pollution and have no choice but to adapt,its a nonsense designed to make the case for business as usual.Human beings will continue to adapt to the changing climate in both ordinary and astonishing ways.But the most sensible form of adaptation is surely to adap

14、t our energy systems to emit less carbon pollution.After all,if we adapt in the way,we may avoid the need to change in so many others.【语篇解读】 文章关注的是我们熟悉的话题气候变暖,不同的是,文章给出了一些应对气候变暖的新途径。1The underlined part in Paragraph 2 implies _.Aadaptation is an everchanging process Bthe cost of adaptation varies wi

15、th timeCglobal warming affects adaptation forms Dadaptation to climate change is challenging【答案】 A 推理判断。onesize fit all 意为“通用的,万全之策”,句意:不存在通用的适应性方法。下句 Nevertheless 表转折,再根据“there are some actions that offer much and carry little risk or cost”可知,没有放之四海而皆准的方法,即适应是需要根据情况不断做出调整,而非一成不变的。2What is special w

16、ith regard to Rezwans project?AThe project receives government support. BDifferent organizations work with each other.CHis organization makes the best of a bad situation.DThe project connects flooded roads and highways.【答案】 C 细节理解题。根据第四段“Mohammed Rezwan saw opportunity where others saw only disaster

17、.”可知,Rezwan 会从危机中看到机遇,会充分利用现有条件。3What did the Ice Man do to reduce the effect of global warming?AStoring ice for future use. BProtecting the glaciers from melting.CChanging the irrigation time. DPostponing the melting of the glaciers.【答案】 A 细节理解题。根据第五段“Norphels inspiration come from seeing the waste

18、 of water over winter,when it was not needed.He directed the wasted water into shallow basins where it froze,and was stored until the spring.”可知,把冰川融化后的水储存起来以备不时之需,是减少气候变暖危害的方法之一。4What do we learn from the Peru example?AWhite paint is usually safe for buildings. BThe global warming trend cannot be s

19、topped.CThis country is heating up too quickly. DSunlight reflection may relieve global warming.【答案】 D 推理判断题。根据倒数第四段“By painting buildings white,cities may slow down the warming process.”和倒数第三段“painting the entire mountain peak white in the hope that the added reflectivenes will restore the lifegivi

20、ng ice”可知,将墙壁涂成白色是利用了光的反射原理,这样可以缓解气候变暖。5According to the author,polluting industries should _.Aadapt to carbon pollution Bplant highly profitable cropsCleave carbon emission aloneDfight against carbon pollution【答案】 D 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“When the polluting industries argue that weve lost the battle to cont

21、rol carbon pollution and have no choice but to adapt,its a nonsense”可知,作者不赞成“我们已经在与碳污染的斗争中失败了”这样的说法,说明作者建议污染企业行动起来。6Whats the authors preferred solution to global warming?Asetting up a new standard. BReducing carbon emission.CAdapting to climate change.DMonitoring polluting industries.【答案】 B 推理判断题。根

22、据最后一段“But the most sensible form of adaptation is surely to adapt our energy systems to emit less carbon pollution.”可知,作者认为,最合理的方法仍然是减少二氧化碳的排放。.阅读七选五321 GREEN!You already know an environmentalists three Rs:reduce, reuse,recycle._ 1_ Here are three things you can do for the Earth Day.Be a real cutupT

23、he next time youre about to throw out the plastic rings that hold a sixpack of soda together,reach for a pair of scissors.As a young turtle,Peanut got stuck in one of those rings.As she grew,the ring stayed put(原地不动),forcing her shell to grow around it.By the time someone found her and cut her free,

24、her shell was permanently deformed(成畸形的)Thanks to her hard shell,Peanut is alive and well.She now lives at a nature center in Missouri.But most animals that get caught in sixpack rings die.WHAT YOU CAN DOEasy!_2_Hunt for vampires(吸血鬼 )You know all those electronic inventions youve got at home?Even w

25、hen you switch them off,theyre really still on._3_ Anything with a glowing LED off/on light, a remote control,or a clock display is always on.WHAT YOU CAN DOJust pull out the plugs or tap the OFF switch till you really need the electronics._4_Matt Damon really cares about clean water.So in February,

26、he announced that he was going on strike against toilets.“Until everybody has access to clean water and sanitation,” he said.“I will not go to the bathroom!”He was kidding but to make a serious point.Around the world,he said,“780 million people lack access to clean water;2.5 billion people lack acce

27、ss to a toilet.”WHAT YOU CAN DO_5_ Just dont waste water.Dons run the water while brushing your teeth.Take shorter showers.AGet water wiseBHow to recognize vampire electronics?CCut the rings apart before you trash them.DUse toilets lessEBut how else can you help.FNo need to go on a toilet strike.GDo

28、 things that can help with good living conditions.【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。你能为绿色环保生活做什么?文章告诉你的3 件事你一定能做到。1【答案】 E 注意前后两句中反复出现的 you,以及下文出现的WHAT YOU CAN DO。很明显,文章的中心思想是让“你”能够做到文章中提到的 3 点,因此答案为 E。本题容易错选 G,其在衔接前后两句时并不显得突兀,但其含义却有失偏颇,提到的仅仅是生活条件,与主题不符,故不选 C。2【答案】 C 对比下文中两个 WHAT YOU CAN DO 可知,设空处提出的是具体的解决办法。本题指怎样做才能避免像

29、海龟 Peanut 一样的悲剧,因此答案为 C。3【答案】 B 这里用 vampire 比喻那些被忽略的耗电设备,B 切题。4【答案】 A 这里缺一个标题,由后面的内容可知,节约用水是中心思想。美国电影 Matt Damon 通过自己的例子告诉大家不要浪费水,因此答案为A。5【答案】 F 本题干扰项较多,选择正确答案的方法是把握住中心思想。中心思想是节约用水,同时注意后一句中出现的 Just 一词,这里提示与设空处的语意有一定的转折关系,由此可以筛选出正确答案为 F。.语法填空(2018唐山二模 )St.Patricks Day is one of those _1_(wonder)days

30、in our kindergarten.Every year on March 17,a leprechaun(妖精)visits my classroom! He is a clever little character,and we have never been able to catch _2_(he)This morning,we _3_(greet)by tiny,green leprechaun footprints all over the classroom.The innocence and the magic of kindergarten came out on a d

31、ay like this! None of the children raised the doubt about _4_ the leprechaun was real or not.Their faces were filled with wonder as they questioned how he had got into our classroom.They created little traps _5_(hope)to catch him during the day even leaving one in our bathroom so that if he should a

32、ppear again over night,he might just get _6_(catch)in our trap!For the afternoon tea break,we had some delicious green vegetables and fruits and every child made _7_ beautiful green card with _8_(wish)written on it.My favorite wish of all was the one made by Jacob,which said,“I wish everyone was nic

33、e to each other.” Another one I liked very much was “I wish this was going to be the _9_(good)day of my life.”The smiles _10_ their faces as they left school this afternoon proved that it just may have been!【语篇解读】 圣帕特里克节是我们幼儿园里开心的一天,每个人都认为在这一天有一个小妖精会光顾我们的教室。今年圣帕特里克节我们甚至还看到了教室里到处都是小妖精的脚印。1【答案】 wonder

34、ful 设空处后为名词,由此可判断设空处应为形容词。2【答案】 him 作 catch 的宾语应用 he 的宾格形式。3【答案】 were greeted 根据设空处后的 by 可推知主语 we 与 greet 为被动关系,故用被动语态;根据上下文可知设空处需用一般过去时,故答案为were greeted。4【答案】 whether 句意:孩子们中没有一个人对那个妖精是真是假感到怀疑。根据句末的 or not 可知设空处应为 whether(是否)。由于本宾语从句作的是介词的宾语,故不可用 if。5【答案】 hoping 主语 they 与 hope 为逻辑上的主动关系且表示伴随,故用 hop

35、ing。6【答案】 caught get caught in“被困在”,为固定短语。7【答案】 a card 为可数名词,在本句中表泛指,故用不定冠词 a。8【答案】 wishes wishes“祝愿,祝福”,专指写在书信或卡片中的祝愿。9【答案】 best 根据上下文及设空处前的 the 可推知本空需用形容词最高级。10【答案】 on 表示“脸上的微笑”需用介词 on。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多

36、余的词用() 划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。(2019唐山市高三一模 )Hi Thomas,How is everything with you recently?Im very exciting because I have applied for a holiday job,taught English conversation in a teacher training college near Shanghai.Im a bit of worried becaus

37、e I dont know if I should bring some present for the teachers Ill meet.Should I shake hands when I meet people,or just smiling?What topics will my students want to talk then?Might I say or do something that will seem rudely?This may seem unimportant with you,but I want to plan everything in advance,or Id love to know what you think.You had been to China before.Looking forward to your reply.All the best,Bruno【答案】 第二句:excitingexcited; taughtteaching第三句:去掉 of; presentpresents第四句:smilingsmile第五句:talk 后加 about第六句:rudelyrude第七句:withto/for; or so第八句:hadhave