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2019-2020学年外研版英语选修6课后作业含答案:Module 5 Section 2

1、Section Grammar一、用所给动词的适当形式填空1.If you (finish) reading this book,please return it to me. 答案:have finished2.If you (know) how I suffered,you would pity me. 答案:knew3.If you had been there then,you (stop) him doing that. 答案:would have stopped4.If you had studied at high school,you (be) a student of a k

2、ey university now. 答案:would be5.Without your timely help,we (not complete) that task on time. 答案:couldnt/wouldn t have completed6.We (go) for a spring outing but for the bad weather. 答案:should have gone7.With their advice,we (find) our friend s address then. 答案:would have found8.If it (be) fine,we w

3、ould start out for outing. 答案:should be9.Without your patient directing,we (be) admitted into the key university. 答案:wouldnt have been二、根据汉语提示完成句子1.我真希望我昨天见到了那个电影明星。I wish I that film star yesterday. 答案:had met2.如果明天下雨的话,我们就不能去徒步旅行了。If it should rain tomorrow,we hiking. 答案:could not go3.由于天气不好,汤姆建议我

4、们待在家里。Tom suggested we at home because of the bad weather. 答案:(should) stay4.令我们感到羞愧的是,我们本不应该未调查就怀疑汤姆的。What made us ashamed is that we Tom without investigation. 答案:shouldnt have suspected5.要是今天下午下雨,篮球比赛就延期举行。If it should rain this afternoon,the basketball match . 答案:would be put off三、语篇填空Is cloning

5、 against nature or not?Different people have different opinions.Recently,our class have 1. (have) a heated argument about whether the clone research should be carried out.Some students say “yes” because cloning is one of the effective means of 2. (save) the endangered animals 3. are becoming extinct

6、.And researchers can clone organs used for transplanting,4. brings good news to old people and patients. However,others think cloning is likely 5. cause an unexpected variation of genes.Whats 6. ,the appearance of human cloning will confuse the laws and morals.For example,if you 7. (see) the copy of

7、 yourself again and again,how can you describe your emotion at the same time?Do you run away in the opposite direction 8. once?In my opinion,clone technology is 9. (benefit) to agriculture and medical science.But we should take it 10. (serious),especially when considering human cloning,or eventually

8、 the society is made confused. 答案:1.had 2.saving 3.which/that 4.which 6.more 7.saw 9.beneficial 10.seriously四、完形填空导学号 36224028In the past,scientists have produced exact genetic copies of sheep and a few other animals.They 1 these clones from a single cell of an adult animal. Recently,a pri

9、vate group of scientists has announced 2 to make an exact copy of a human being.Doctor Zavos,an American member of the team,says he and the others will soon begin to clone humans and they hope to 3 the worlds first cloned 4 within the next two years. Doctor Zavos says the new international group pla

10、ns to 5 human cloning to women 6 to become pregnant(怀孕的) and produce children.The 7 would be similar to that used to clone animals.It would 8 clearing genetic material from a womans egg.Doctors then would 9 genetic material from the womans husband into the egg 10 putting it in the womans uterus(子宫 )

11、. Doctor Zavos 11 his group plans to do its work in a country near the Mediterranean Sea,but he did not 12 the country.He says an Italian reproductive expert,Severino Antinori,is 13 the team.Doctor Antinori has made great 14 to help many older women become pregnant.He is known for 15 pregnancies in

12、women as old as sixty. Many medical experts and other groups 16 the idea of cloning humans.Several doctors criticized the announcement 17 Doctor Zavos.They say doctors do not know 18 cloning humans is possible or safe.They say it would be irresponsible to 19 to clone a human being.That is because th

13、e 20 of success are too small and the risks are too great. 1.A.bought B.created C.discovered D.found答案:B解析:此处指他们创造出(create)这些克隆体。2.A.plans B.resultsC.successes D.agreements答案:A解析:根据下文可知,Doctor Zavos 只是计划克隆人,所以此处指宣布克隆人的计划。 B.provide C.pretend D.produce答案:D解析:根据第一段的 produced 和第三段的 produce ch

14、ildren 可知,此处指创造出第一个克隆人。produce 相当于 create。4.A.plant B.animal C.bird D.baby答案:D解析:根据下文的 children 可知。5.A.offer B.cure C.organize D.connect答案:A解析:此处指这个团体为不能怀孕的妇女提供克隆人。 offer sb.向某人提供某物。6.A.successful C.unable D.content答案:C解析:根据常识可知,这个团体为不能怀孕的妇女克隆孩子。7.A.imagination B.technologyC.story

15、mbol答案:B解析:此处指这种技术(technology)和克隆动物的技术相似。8.A.involve B.start C.make D.borrow答案:A解析:此处指这包括(involve)从女性的卵细胞中取出基因物质。9.A.translate C.take D.make答案:B解析:此处指然后医生把从女士的丈夫身上取下的基因物质放入卵细胞中。place.into.把放入。10.A.after B.while C.before D.since答案:C解析:此处指在把卵细胞放入女士的子宫之前 ,把从女士的丈夫身上取下的基因物质放入卵细胞中。11.A.speaks

16、ys C.talks D.concludes答案:B解析:根据第三段的 Doctor Zavos says 以及下一句中的 He says 可知。speak 表示“说”时,后面不接从句;talk 是不及物动词,也不能接从句;say 后面可以接从句;conclude 表示“得出结论”,后面可以接从句,但不符合语境。 B.found D.consider答案:C解析:此处指他说要在地中海附近的一个国家展开工作 ,但没有说是哪一个国家。name 说出的名字。13.A.stopping B.destroying C.dismissing D.leading答案:D解析:

17、此处指 Severino Antinori,正在领导(lead) 这个小组。14.A.mistakes B.lists C.efforts D.results答案:C解析:make great efforts 做出巨大的努力。15.A.successful B.beautifulC.thankful D.sorrowful答案:A解析:此处指他因使 60 岁的女性成功受孕而出名。16.A.take up B.object toC.put up D.bring down答案:B解析:根据下一句中的 criticized 可知,此处指有些医学专家和其他团体反对克隆人。take up从事,占据;ob

18、ject to 反对;put up 举起,搭建,留宿;bring down 使下来,降下。 C.on D.about答案:A解析:此处指一些人批评由 Doctor Zavos 做的宣布。by 表示“由,被” 。18.A.when C.what D.whether答案:D解析:句意:他们说医生不知道克隆人是不是可能的或者安全的。19.A.manage B.refuse C.attempt D.hope答案:C解析:根据文章内容可知,Doctor Zavos 打算克隆人,所以此处指尝试 (attempt)克隆人是不负责任的。20.A.facts B.result

19、s C.sizes D.chances答案:D解析:此处指成功的可能性很小 ,风险很大。chance 可能性 ,机会。五、短文改错Recently our local government has decided to broaden a narrow road and there is a temple of over 100 years old along a road.Whether the temple should pulled down have caused a heated discussion.Some agree that we should pull it down to

20、 carrying out the construction project because it can solve some traffic problem and make our life convenient.Beside,it helps improve the image of our city.But the people who are for the idea believe that we can have another one solution.How should we pull it down?The temple has a long history and tells us something of our city.We can move it away and keep it as long as we like.So far there had been no conclusion over the matter.答案:第一句:第三个 athe/this第二句:should 后加 be;havehas第三句:carryingcarry;problemproblems第四句:BesideBesides第五句:foragainst; 去掉 one第六句:HowWhy第九句:hadhas