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本文(2019-2020学年英语高中人教版必修5学案:Unit3 Period 1文本研读课)为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2019-2020学年英语高中人教版必修5学案:Unit3 Period 1文本研读课

1、Unit 3 Life in the futurePeriod 1 文本研读课学习目标1.Talk about life in the future.2.Practice making predictions.学习过程Step 1:Fast ReadingTask 1:Go through the beginning and the ending and fill in the blanks.The passage is a from Li Qiang to his parents on (date). Task 2:Read the passage quickly and answer th

2、e questions.(1)The passage is mainly about (whose) first impressions of . (2)Divide the passage into two parts according to the key words.Part 1(Para.1- ) Before arriving at the future Part 2(Para. -4) First impressions of future life Step 2:Intensive readingTask 1 Careful reading(Para.1-2)(1)Why di

3、d Li Qiang go into the future?(2)How did he feel at first?(3)How did he get to the future?Task 2:Careful reading(Para.3) First impressionsAir quality (1)What were his first impressions of the air quality?(2)How did he solve the problems?Transport (1)What was the transport?(2)How was the transport?Ta

4、sk 3:Careful reading (Para.4)First impressionshousewalltable and chairsbedStep 3:Post-readingSummary:I was taking up a that I last year.I was very and at first.I was transported safely to the future in a .The air in the future was as though its combination of gases had little left.Wang Ping asked me

5、 to put on a .We then collected a driven by .By or down in your seat,you can move .At last,we arrived at a house whose wall was made of .A table and some chairs rose from the as if by .A bed was also produced from the . Step 4:Discussion What else would Li Qiang tell in his next spacemail?Group work

6、My imagination of future lifeAir quality;Transport;House and other aspects(Key words:time capsule,thin,a lack of,unbearable,hovering carriage,move swiftly.)Suggested structure:I suppose/imagine that.I wonder if.It is likely that.课后作业Level 1:Write an e-mail to Li Qiangs parents to tell them more news

7、.Level 2:Write a composition about your first impressions of future life.Level 3:Learn more about the future life by entering the suggested websites:http:/参考答案学习过程Step 1Task 1spacemail;15/11/3008Task 2(1)Li Qiangs future life(2)2 3Step 2T

8、ask 1(1)Taking up the prize that he won last year.(2)Nervous/Uncertain.(3)By time capsule.Task 2Air quality(1)Thin air;little oxygen;a lack of fresh air.(2)By putting on a mask.Transport(1)A hovering carriage.(2)By bending or pressing down;move swiftly.Step 3prize;won;nervous;uncertain;time capsule;

9、thin;oxygen;mask;hovering carriage;computer;bending;pressing;swiftly;trees;under;floor;magic;floorUnit 3 Life in the futurePeriod 1 文本研读课学习目标1.Talk about life in the future.2.Read the text “First Impressions” and master the whole structure.3.Master the reading skills and be familiar with the common

10、language usage.学习过程Step 1:Lead-inWhat will the future life be like?Find out the changes Li Qiang has mentioned.Step 2:Reading1.Scanning Task 1:Writing styleWhose first impressions?Task 2:The passage is mainly Li Qiang was transported to the Li Qiang got to the future and his

11、 first impressions of it.C.what the life is like in the future.Task 3:Put the statements into the correct order.A.We were transported into the future by a comfortable time capsule.B.I arrived at Wang Pings home and everything in his house made me surprised.C.I won a travel to the year AD 3008.D.I ha

12、ve my first try to master a hovering carriage.2.Intensive readingTask 1:Before the journey Li felt and at first;as a result he suffered from . During the journey(1) Li was transported safely into the future in a . During the journey(2) by the new surroundings,Li was hit by the of fresh air and his h

13、ead . After the journey(1) Arriving home Li was into a large,bright clean room with a wall,a floor and lighting. After the journey(2) ,he slid into bed and fast . Task 2:Answer the questions.(1)Why did Li Qiang go into the future?(2)How did he feel when he left his own time?(3)How did he get to the

14、year 3008?(4)What did he notice first when he arrived in AD 3008?(5)What else did he find that was different?Step 3:Post-readingSummary:We climbed into a time through a small opening.After a calming , we fell asleep.A few later we arrived on the earth one thousand years in the future.At first my ach

15、ed for a lack of fresh air.Wang Ping asked me to put on a and took me to a small room.I felt better at once.We flew away in hovering .When arriving at a house,he showed me into a ,bright clean room,the of which was made of trees.Wang Ping produced a table,some chairs and a bed from .After he left,I

16、,took a hot bath and went to bed. Step 4:Discussion Task 1:Discuss the questions with your partner.(1)Make a list of the problems human beings are facing today.(2)What problems do you think people in the future will have overcome?Which ones will still be there or even worse in AD 3008?Task 2:Team wo

17、rkWhats the writers attitude towards the future,optimistic or pessimistic?How do you know that?课后作业1.Choose one paragraph to read aloud and retell it.2.Review the reading passage and find out the difficult language points to you.参考答案学习过程Step 1Time travel;Transport;Air quality;Towns;HousesStep 21.Sca

18、nningTask 1:Writing style E-mailWhose first impressions? Li Qiangs first impressionsTask 2:BTask 3:CADB2.Intensive readingTask 1:worried;unsettled;time lag;time capsule;Confused;lack;ached;showed;green;brown;soft;Exhausted;fell;asleepTask 2:(1)Because he had won a prize that gave him a tour.(2)He fe

19、lt rather anxious but soon got it over.(3)By time capsule.(4)The first thing he noticed was the poor quality of the air and it gave him a headache.(5)A mask to give him enough oxygen,a hovering carriage,having a “time lag” experience,a strange-looking house;trees that acted as walls and provided oxygen for the room,tables,chairs and a bed stored under the floor.Step 3capsule;drink;minutes;head;mask;carriages;large;wall;under the floor;had a brief meal