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2019-2020学年人教版英语选修六讲义:Unit 1 Period Five

1、Period Five WritingPersuasive writing:letter of suggestion本单元要求写一封建议信。建议信是向收信人就某事提出自己的建议或忠告,以便让对方接受自己的想法、主张并解决有关问题,属于应用文。建议信要给出写信的原因、建议的内容、提出建议的理由,而且提出的理由要合情合理,语气一定要得当,既要委婉礼貌,又要有说服力。建议信一般采取“三段式结构” 。首段:表明意图,陈述事由。主体段落:应该首先肯定对方的优点,然后再写需要改进的地方或针对具体情况提出具体建议或忠告。通常以 firstly,secondly,thirdly 或 to begin/star

2、t with,then,later,last but not least 等依次陈述建议。结尾段:礼貌地总结或表示期盼回复。注意事项:1注意结构。通常以“三段式”结构行文。2客观地提出建议,针对对方的问题,给出你的观点。3语言要委婉、精炼,同时要简洁,表达清楚。(一)首段常用句式1Im glad to receive your letter asking for my suggestions about how to appreciate art well.很高兴收到你的来信,询问我如何很好地欣赏艺术。2I am sorry you are having difficulty with you

3、r physics classes.很遗憾你在物理学习方面有困难。3I have learned that you have some trouble in learning art and I would like to offer you the following tips.我知道你在艺术学习方面有困难,因此我想给你提如下一些建议。(二)陈述建议句式1If you feel that it is stopping you from doing your best then you should tell him.如果你觉得这阻止了你做得最好,那你应该告诉他。 2(1)It is only

4、 when students are not trying as hard as they can that a teacher is forced to take action.(2)Only when students are not trying as hard as they can is a teacher forced to take action.只有当学生学习不尽力的时候老师才会被迫采取措施。3It is high time that we put an end to the trend.该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了。4It is time to take the advice

5、 of eating more fruit.该是采纳多吃水果的建议的时候了。5It is indeed a wonderful idea and everyone hopes for its success.这真的是一个好主意而且每个人都希望它能成功。(三)结尾句式1I do hope you will consider my tips/suggestions.真心希望你能考虑我的建议。2I hope you will find these tips helpful.我希望这些建议对你来说有帮助。假定你是李华,你的朋友张柯发 email 给你,就买什么样的英语词典想听听你的建议。请根据下列提示

6、,用英语给他回一封 email,推荐他买电子词典。注意:词数 100 左右。1方便、快捷;2能储存资料;3发音正确、清晰。参考词汇:电子词典 electronic dictionary;内存 RAM审题1确定体裁:本文为建议信;2确定人称:本文的主要人称应为第二人称;3确定时态:主要使用一般将来时和一般现在时。谋篇第一部分,提出建议买电子词典。第二部分,给出该建议的理由:方便、快捷、能储存资料、能发音。第三部分,希望该建议被采纳。必备词汇1明智的选择 a wise choice2促成 lead to/contribute to3方便的 convenient4尽可能快 as soon as po

7、ssible5查阅(资料)consult/look up6遇到 meet with7很多 a number of/a variety of8为什么不 why not关键句式1对你来说,买一本电子词典是一个明智的选择。It is a wise choice for you to buy an electronic dictionary.2有几个因素促成了我的建议。There are several factors which lead to my suggestion.3无论你到哪里去,带着电子词典都很方便,因为它比普通词典小得多。It is convenient for you to carr

8、y the electronic dictionary wherever you go as it is much smaller than the common one.4在电子词典中,你会非常快地查到你想要的。You can get what you want in the electronic dictionary as soon as possible.5查阅这种词典很容易。Consulting this kind of dictionary is really a piece of cake.6当遇到有用的材料时,你可以尽可能多地储存下来。When you meet with use

9、ful material,you can store it as much as possible.7它能够给你生动、清晰和正确的发音,就像一位老师站在你的旁边。It can give you a vivid,clear and correct pronunciation just like a teacher standing by you.8这让它从众多的其他词典中脱颖而出。This makes it outstanding from a variety of others.句式升级1用现在分词短语作定语改写句 2。There are several factors leading to

10、my suggestion.2用 for 合并句 4 和句 5。You can get what you want in the electronic dictionary as soon as possible,for consulting this kind of dictionary is really a piece of cake.3用状语从句的省略形式改写句 6。When meeting with useful material,you can store it as much as possible.4用 what 引导的主语从句合并句 7 和句 8。What makes it

11、outstanding from a variety of others is that it can give you a vivid,clear and correct pronunciation just like a teacher standing by you.用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇 100 词左右的英语短文。参考范文Dear Zhang Ke,As for the problem you put forward in your last letter,I think it is a wise choice for you to buy an

12、electronic dictionary.There are several factors leading to my suggestion.To begin with,it is convenient for you to carry the electronic dictionary wherever you go as it is much smaller than the common one.Additionally,you can get what you want in the electronic dictionary as soon as possible,for con

13、sulting this kind of dictionary is really a piece of cake.When meeting with useful material,you can store it as much as possible because there is much RAM in it.What makes it outstanding from a variety of others is that it can give you a vivid,clear and correct pronunciation just like a teacher standing by you.Since there are so many advantages,why not buy one?I do hope my suggestion will be useful to you.Yours,Li Hua