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本文(2019人教版高中英语选修九单元质量检测试卷含解析(二)Unit 2 Sailing the oceans)为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2019人教版高中英语选修九单元质量检测试卷含解析(二)Unit 2 Sailing the oceans

1、单元质量检测二 Unit 2 Sailing the oceans【说明】 本试卷满分 100 分,考试时间 60 分钟。.单词拼写(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)1Like the evolution of the species,famous brands are always being u_.2Try to s_ your words when telling a story to the children or they wont understand you.3The workers are making further e_ to oil in the Hu

2、anghai Sea.4The car a_ and overtook the train.5After the d_ from his hometown,he never returned.完成句子(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)6This method _ (结果是高效的) 7The road is not wide enough _ (让车开过去)8It is not right for man _ (不怜悯) the poor animals.9When will the expedition _ (出发去南极 )?10This kind of experiment m

3、ust _ (进行) in the desert.单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)11In_eyes of the duke,Shylock s life should be at_mercy of the people living near_River Thames.A不填;the;不填 Bthe ;the;theC不填;a; the Dthe;不填;不填12It is a fact that there is a_towards regional cooperation.Aattendance BtendencyCpretence Dfancy13The

4、re was never any time for Kate to feel lonely,_she was an only child.Aever since Bnow thatCeven though Deven as14It was a red light,William.You_the car.Sorry.I didnt see it.Amust stop Bshould stopCmust have stopped Dshould have stopped15Put the_of your tongue against your upper teeth when you produc

5、e the sound.Atip BtopCpeak Dpole16If it is quite_to you,I will visit you next Tuesday.Aconvenient BfairCeasy Dcomfortable17Nowhere under the sun_find a place to settle down.Ahe can Bcan heChe may Dhe would18_happened to be no one in the building when the fire broke out.AIt BThereCThis DThat19Failure

6、 is never pleasurable,but it can make a positive contribution to your life_you learn to use it.Asince BonceCuntil Dunless20The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without_his notes.Abringing up Breferring toClooking up Dtrying on21I tore_the bag with great effort but I couldnt

7、 tear_.A不填;it open Bat ;up itC不填;it up Dat;it up22Professor Smith,along with his assistants,_on the project day and night to meet the deadline.Awork BworkingCis working Dare working23She begged me to have mercy_him.Aon BinCto Dwith24Mr. Green kept_and complete records of all his business expenses.Ap

8、recise BefficientCguilty Devident25I am not going to play football this year,Mum.Thats music to my ears.I was so afraid you_.Awill be hurt Bwould get hurtChad got hurt Dwere hurt.完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)Madame Curie,the great woman scientist,_26_an important part in the development of modern

9、physics.Her discovery of radium opened the treasurehouse of atomic energy.In 1903 Madame Curie and her husband Pierre Curie_27_the Nobel Prize for physics with Henri Becquerel.After Pierre Curies death in 1906,Madame Curie became the first woman professor at the Sorbonne(巴黎大学) In 1911 she was awarde

10、d _28_Nobel Prize,this time for chemistry,for her discovery of radium and polonium.Later she worked _29_the application of radioactivity to medicine.Madame Curie_30_a continuous battle throughout her life.She was born_31_a teachers family._32_was a teacher of physics,her mother the headmaster of a p

11、rimary school.Her interest in science was _33_by her father.From her early childhood she loved to study and hoped to _34_a scientist.After her graduation _35_middle school at the age of sixteen,she couldnt _36_with her studies because Poland was then under the dark rule of old Tsarist Russia and wom

12、en were not _37_to enter college._38_abroad to continue her study,she had to make money by giving private lessons at night.In 1891,at the age of twentyfour,she _39_Paris and entered Paris University.She lived a very _40_life and studied very hard.She _41_keep on working under the faint light of an o

13、il lamp until the early hours of the morning.She graduated _42_the highest grades in her class.After graduation she _43_her scientific research work in Paris University.In 1895,she _44_Pierre Curie,a French physicist.Pierre_45_Marie in her research,for an unknown phenomenonradiation.For several diff

14、icult years the Curies worked hard trying to find the element that produced the radiation.Finally they succeeded in 1902.26A.played BmadeCtook Dhad27A.took BmadeCshared second Ba secondCsecond Dthe BinCon Dinto30A.made BfoughtChad Dgot31A.from BonCto Din32A.Her mother BSh

15、eCHers DHer father33A.encouraged BdrawnCtaken BbecomeCturn Dlike35A.from BofCin Dout of36A.go BkeepCkeep on Dgo on37A.suggested BallowedChoped Dagreed38A.So as to go BIn order to goCGoing DHaving gone39A.left for BleftCwent for Dwent40A.good BrichCcomfortable Dsimple41A.always Bwa

16、s used toCnever Dused to42A.with BfromCof Dfor43A.carried BdidCtook Dengaged44A.married to Bmarried withCmarried Dgot married45A.joined BattendedCtook part Dconnected.阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) ASitting on the peaceful coast of the Galapagos Islands,Ecuador,watching the sun move quietly into the

17、sea,you shouldnt forget that Charles Darwin(18091882)arrived here in 1835.He stayed on the islands for five weeks,observing various animals.This finally inspired(启发) his famous work,On the Origin of Species.You can certainly follow Darwins footsteps and enjoy a trip from four to seven days to the is

18、lands.The islands are certainly a paradise(天堂) for wildlife,as there are no natural killers on the islands and the number of boats and visitors is under government control.Though you cannot walk freely as Darwin did about 200 years ago,each day is as impressive as it could be.The most wellknown anim

19、al of the Galapagos is the giant tortoise(巨型陆龟),which can be seen moving slowly around the highlands of Santa Cruz,the second largest island in the archipelago(群岛)Some of these creatures are so old that they might have been seen in their youth by Darwin himself.Despite strict control over activities

20、 and timing,your stay on the Galapagos will be remembered as a chain of incomparable pictures:diving with sea lions that swim and play within inches of you; feeling small sharks touch your feet as you swim;and,most magically,seeing a whale and her baby surface with a great breath of air.Traveling be

21、tween the islands and observing the wildlife that so inspired Darwin,you will feel as though you are getting a special view of an untouched world.At night you will sleep on board the ship,leaving the wildlife in complete occupation of the islands,which are as undisturbed now as they have been since

22、the beginning of time.46What do we know about Darwins visit to the islands?AHe studied different creatures on the islands.BHe completed his famous book on the islands.CHe was touched by the geography of the islands.DHe was attracted by wellknown animals of the islands.47Which of the following plays

23、a role in making the islands “a paradise for wildlife”?AAnimals on the islands feed on grass.BLocal government forbids killing wildlife.CPeople cannot visit the islands as they wish.DTourists are not allowed to touch the animals.48Your stay on the islands will be most impressive mainly because of _.

24、Athe beautiful sea views BDarwin s inspiring tripCa closer view of animals Dvarious daring activities49Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?AA Unique Attraction for Wildlife LoversBGalapagos as a Paradise for AdventurersCCharles Darwin as a Symbol of GalapagosDA Successful

25、Example of Wildlife ProtectionBIt was a Sunday and the heavy storm had lasted all night.The morning after the storm,though,was beautiful:blue skies,warm air and a calm,inviting sea touching the shore gently.My father realised it was a good day for fishing and invited my sister and me to go with him.

26、I was only 14 and fishing had never been my thing,but I decided to go all the same. Im_so_glad_I_did.On the road to the harbour we could see the terrible destruction on the coast,but the harbour itself was in fairly good shape.After all,it was protected by the arms of a bay that had only one tiny ch

27、annel to the sea.As we got on board,we noticed two big humps(脊背)in the distance.On approaching them,we saw it was a mother whale with her baby.We couldnt believe itthere arent any whales along the coast here.The storm must have driven them across the ocean into the bay,in which the still water was s

28、o badly polluted that nothing could survive.The little baby whaleactually as big as our boatwas obviously stuck and could not move.The mother dived under the water and came up suddenly,making big tohirlpools(漩涡) and waves.“Shes trying to help her baby,but on the wrong side, ” my father said.At this

29、point,my father moved our boat in a semicircle to the other side and,heading the boat towards the baby whale,pushed it gently.With our several gentle pushes the big hump turned over and disappeared under water.Then it swam up right beside its mum.They struggled in their desperate attempts to escape

30、but missed the exit and started heading in the wrong direction.We hurried up to the whales and tried to lead them towards the bay channel.Slowly,they let us lead them,Sometimes rising from the water right beside us to breatheand to give us a trusting look with those huge eyes.Once they hit their fir

31、st part of clean water flowing straight from the sea,the mum gave us a wave with her tail and off they swam into the distance.In the excitement it had felt like only a few minutes,but we had been with those wonderful animals for almost an hour and a half.That was the simple and lasting beauty of the

32、 day.Nearly four decades later,I still look back fondly to that golden day at sea.50The author says “Im so glad I did.”(in Para.2)because _.Ahe witnessed the whole process of fishingBhe enjoyed the beauty of the calm seaChe experienced the rescue of the whalesDhe spent the weekend with his family51T

33、he harbour survived the storm owing to _. Athe shape of the harbour Bthe arms of the bayCthe still water in the channel Dthe long coast line52The mother whale failed to help her baby because _.Ashe had stayed in the polluted water for too longBthe whirlpools she had made were not big enough Cshe had

34、 no other whales around to turn to for helpDthe waves pushed her baby in the wrong direction53What is the theme of the story?ASaving lives brings people a sense of happiness.BFishing provides excitement for children.CIts necessary to live in harmony with animals.DIts vital to protect the environment

35、.CMan is a land animal,but he is also closely tied to the sea.Throughout history the sea has served the needs of man.The sea has provided man with food and a convenient way to travel to many parts of the world.Today,nearly twothirds of the worlds population live within 80 kilometers of the sea coast

36、.In the modern technological world,the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive(continue to live)Resources on land are beginning to be used up.The sea,however,still can be hoped to supply many of mans needs.The list of riches of the sea yet to be developed by mans technology is impressive.O

37、il and gas explorations have been carried out for nearly 30 years.Valuable amounts of minerals exist on the ocean floor ready to be mined.Fish farming promises to be a good way to produce large quantities of food.The culture of fish and shellfish is an ancient skill practised in the past mainly by O

38、riental_people.Besides oil and gas,the sea may offer now sources of energy.Experts believe that the warm temperature of the ocean can be used in a way similar to the steam in a steamship.Ocean currents and waves offer possible use as a source of energy.Technology is enabling man to explore even more

39、 deeply under the sea.The development of strong,new materials has made this possible.The technology to harvest the sea continues to improve.Experts believe that by the year 2000 the problems that prevent us from exploiting fully the food, minerals,and energy sources of the sea will be largely solved

40、.54The sea serves the needs of man because_.Ait provides man with food Bit offers oil to manCit supplies man with minerals Dall of the above55We can conclude from this passage that_.Athe sea resources have largely been used upBthe sea,in the broad sense,has not yet been developedCthe problems that p

41、revent us from using the food,minerals,and energy sources of the sea have already been solvedDby the year 2000,the technology will be good enough to exploit all the sea resources56The underlined words “Oriental people” in the fourth paragraph probably mean_.Athe people in Asia BAfrican peopleCEurope

42、an people DAmerican people57The best title for this passage is_.ASea Harvest BSea FoodCTechnology for Exploiting the Sea DMan and the SeaDScientists have found what look like caves on Mars(火星),and say they could be protecting life from the planets terrible environment.The first caves discovered beyo

43、nd the Earth appear as seven mysterious black dots on the pictures sent back by NASAs Mars Odyssey orbiter.Each as large as a football field,they may be openings into natural caves below the Martian surface.“If there is life on Mars,there is a good chance youd find it in caves, ”said Jut Wynne,one o

44、f the researchers who noticed the features while working on a US Geological Survey Mars Cave Detection Program.Jonathan Clarke,a geologist with the Mars Society of Australia,yesterday described the discovery as exciting.One photo taken at night by an infrared imager (红外线成像器)showed one hole to be unu

45、sually warm,suggesting hot air trapped during the day is flowing out.“I said:Wow,thats a cave ”Dr.Clarke said excitedly.“People have been looking for these for a long time;now we have found them. ”He agreed such caves would be perfect places to hunt for life escaping from the bitterly cold,radiation

46、soaked( 充满辐射的) ,dry surface.“Tiny drops of water could collect inside, ”he said.“If there are gases coming out,they could provide energy for a whole range of bacteria.A cave is also a protection from radiation;the surface of Mars is exposed to high levels of space radiation.”The caves probably forme

47、d when tubeshaped lava flows(管状岩浆流)spread across the planet long ago.The outside of the tubes cooled,forming solid walls,while something hotter inside allowed the remaining lava to flow out,forming caves.58What does the passage mainly talk about?AHow the caves were formed on Mars.BHow scientists found these caves on Mars.CCaves on Ma