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本文(2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修2学案含解析:Unit 6 Period Four)为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修2学案含解析:Unit 6 Period Four

1、Period Four Lesson 3 Chinese Paper Art.写出下列单词的汉语意思(共 10 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 25 分)1phoenix n凤凰2tomb n坟墓3temple n庙宇;寺庙4offering n供品,祭品5occasion n(某事发生的)时刻,时候,时节6tradition n 传统,惯例7appear v出现;呈现;显现8wedding n婚礼9fashion n风行一时的事物,时尚10expert n专家.写出下列汉语对应的英语单词(共 10 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 25 分)11rooster n雄鸡,公鸡12bat n蝙蝠1

2、3dynasty n朝代,王朝14religious adj.宗教的;虔诚的15purpose n目的,意图16pattern n式样,模式17character n (书写或印刷的)字,字体18happiness n幸福,快乐happy adj.快乐的,幸福的19relate vt.把 与联系起来20jewellery n(总称)珠宝.写出下列短语或短语对应的汉语意思(共 8 小题;每小题 4 分,满分 32 分)21date back (to) 追溯(到)22go on to do sth.继续做某事( 另外一件)23be related to 与有亲属关系;与相关/ 有联系24try o

3、ut 试用,试验25put up 张贴(布告等);公布26refer to 提及,涉及27in the shape of 以的形式;呈的形状28come up to 走近,来到近旁.完成句子(共 3 小题;每小题 6 分,满分 18 分)29A present for parents whose child has recently been born might show a paper cut of children,for example.例如,送给刚添小孩的父母的礼物也许会以孩子作剪纸的对象。30People to whom the dead person was related wo

4、uld make these offerings on special days and during festivals.死者亲属会在特殊的日子或节日制作这些祭祀剪纸。31The interview was very useful as I got a lot of interesting information for my article.这次采访很有用,因为我为我的文章获得了许多有趣的信息。.Tell whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F). 1Chen Zijiang learned papercutting

5、when he was young.(T)2Chinese people began to do the papercutting in the Song Dynasty.(F)3Paper cuts of dragons are used for design patterns.(T)4Papercutting is so interesting that the author himself has decided to learn the art from Mr Chen.(T).Choose the best answer according to the text.1From the

6、 interview,we still have no idea .Awhen people began to make paper cutsBhow many kinds of paper cuts there areCwhat paper cuts are used forDhow many papercutting artists there are now答案 D2The purpose for a young man to look at a young womans papercutting skills before marrying her may be to see .Aif

7、 the woman was richBif the woman was skillfulCif the woman was beautifulDif the woman knew the history of paper cuts答案 B3You are going to attend your friends wedding.You can put up on your present.Aa paper cut of the Chinese character for double happinessBa paper cut of childrenCa paper cut of a dra

8、gonDa paper cut of a fish答案 A4How many types of paper cuts do people still make today?A4. B2. C5. D3.答案 D5Why does the author think the interview was very useful?AHe got to know what he could give to his friends when they held a wedding.BHe made up his mind to learn papercutting from Mr Chen.CHe got

9、 a lot of information for his article on Chinese Art.DHe learned how to make a paper cut.答案 C重点词汇Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs which date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty!人们曾经在可追溯到南北朝时期的墓穴中发现过动物形状的剪纸!?date back to/date from 追溯到out of date 过时的up to date 最新的;现代的;拥

10、有(或包含) 最新信息的to date 至今;到目前为止注意:date back to 相当于 date from,只能用于主动语态,不能用于被动语态和进行时,但可用其 形式作定语、补语和状语等;谈论现存的物品或建筑物时,虽然这一事物建造于过去某一时期,但仍用一般现在时;date back to 后面接时间点,而 date back 后面接时间段。(1)Stonehenge is one of the worlds most famous prehistoric monuments dating back over 5,000 years.巨石阵是世界上最著名的史前遗迹之一,它可以

11、追溯到 5 000 多年前。(2)Really good pieces of music will never get out of date.真正好的音乐永远不会过时。(3)We are keeping up to date with the latest developments.我们保持掌握最新的发展情况。(4)The exhibition contains some of his best work to date.这个展览有他迄今为止一些最好的作品。Mr Chen went on to explain that there are three types of paper cuts

12、which people still make today:paper cuts for decoration,for religious purposes and for design patterns.陈先生继续解释说,如今人们还在制作的剪纸有三种:用来装饰的、用于宗教目的的和用于图案设计的。?purpose n目的,意图for/with the purpose of 为了的目的on purpose(by design)故意地;有意地by accident/chance 无意地;偶然地(1)The purpose of this meeting is to elect a new chai

13、rman.这次会议的目的是选出一位新主席。(2)I wasnt doing anything on purpose to make myself better.(2016江苏)我并没有特意做什么事来使自己变得更好。(3)He went to America with/for the purpose of getting rich.他怀着发财的目的去了美国。People to whom the dead person was related would make these offerings on special days and during festivals.死者亲属会在特殊的日子或节日

14、制作这些祭祀剪纸。?relate vt.把与联系起来;叙述relate sb.给某人叙述/ 讲述某事relate sth.将某一事物与另一事物联系起来relate to sb./sth.与某人或某事有关,涉及某人或某事be related to 与有关系/联系;与有亲属关系in relation to 关于;和有关;相对某事物而言(1)He later related the whole story to me.他后来给我讲了整件事的来龙去脉。(2)I have a lot to say in relation to this affair.关于这件事,我有很多话要

15、说。(3)The report tries to relate the rise in crime to the rise in unemployment.这份报告试图把犯罪率的上升和失业率的上升联系起来。(4)He suffers memory loss related to his disease.他因病丧失了记忆。(5)I might be related to him.我和他可能有亲戚关系。I was also ready to try out papercutting for myself.我 也 准 备 好 了 亲 自 尝 试 一 下 剪 纸 。?try out 试用;试验try

16、out for 参加 选拔(或试演)try on 试穿( 衣服 )try for 试图获得,力争赢得try ones luck 碰运气(1)In high school, I tried out for all the female leads.上高中时,我试演过各种女主角。(2)Try the shoes on before you buy them.买之前先试穿一下鞋子。(3)I decided that I must try for some paid jobs.我决定一定要找一些有薪酬的工作。(4)They went there to try their luck.他们去那儿碰碰运气。

17、经典句式People to whom the dead person was related would make these offerings on special days and during festivals.死者亲属会在特殊的日子或节日制作这些祭祀剪纸。句中的 to whom the dead person was related 是“介词关系代词 ”引导的定语从句,修饰先行词 people。使用“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句时要注意:在“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句中,关系代词只能用 which(指物) 和 whom(指人)。不能用 that 和 who。“介词关系代词”引导的

18、定语从句中介词的选择:(1)根据先行词的某种习惯搭配来确定介词;(2)根据定语从句中动词或形容词所需要的某种习惯搭配来确定介词;(3)根据定语从句的意义来确定介词。“介词which”有时还可以与关系副词 where,when, why 等互换。(1)Material collecting took us a whole week,during which we interviewed our teachers and took pictures of every aspect of school life.(2017北京)我们用了一整个星期的时间来收集素材,在此期间,我们采访了我们的老师,并拍

19、摄了学校生活的各个方面。(2)Many young people,most of whom were welleducated,headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.(2016江苏)很多年轻人前往偏远地区去追逐梦想,他们中的大多数都受过良好的教育。(3)This is my glasses,without which I cant see clearly.这是我的眼镜,没有它我什么也看不清。(4)Ill never forget the day when/on which we first met.我永远忘不了我们第一次见面的那一天。(

20、5)I dont know the reason why/for which he said so.我不知道他为什么这么说。The interview was very useful as I got a lot of interesting information for my article.这次采访很有用,因为我为我的文章获得了许多有趣的信息。句中 as 为连词,表示“因为 ”,引导原因状语从句。as 作为连词的用法主要有:表示“因为;既然” ,引导原因状语从句;表示“如同;按照” ,引导方式状语从句;表示“当时候;一边一边;随着” ,引导时间状语从句;表示“尽管” ,引导让步状语从句(

21、从句使用部分倒装,即将形容词、副词、名词、动词等放于 as 前面;单数可数名词提前时应省略冠词 );引导比较状语从句,常用于句型,意为“像 一样” 。(1)Do in Rome as the Romans do.入乡随俗。(2)They want peace as much as we do.他们同我们一样希望和平。(3)As it was getting late,I turned around to start for home.天越来越晚,于是我掉头回家。句型转换(4)Although he is a child,he is a good helper of his mot

22、her.Child as/though he is,he is a good helper of his mother.(5)With time passing,things seemed to get worse.As time passed,things seemed to get worse.单词拼写1Can you tell me how to write the Chinese character(字) for “horse ”? 2Happiness(幸福 ) belongs to those who are ready to help others.3You can find t

23、emples (寺庙) everywhere in India.4It is said that Empress Cixi was buried in this tomb(坟墓)5The Great Wall was rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty(王朝) 6He related( 叙述) all that had happened to him.7I dont know her purpose(意图) of visiting us today.8I guess you can present her with a piece of jewellery(珠宝) whic

24、h she likes.9They were both very religious(虔诚的) and felt it was a gift from God.10I dont like the pattern(图案) on the fabric(织物) .完成句子11The attraction of the Cloisters museum and gardens lies in the fact that its collections date from/date back to the Middle Ages.(2018江苏)修道院博物馆的吸引人之处就在于它的藏品始于中世纪。12Im

25、 trying out a new computer.我在试用一台新电脑。13As she was walking in the park ,she heard a girl singing.(as)她在公园里散步时,听到一个女孩在唱歌。14Nancy is the right person on whom to depend.南希是一个值得信赖的人。15We shall let you know the details soon so that you can make your arrangements.不久我们将会让你们知道详情,以便你们能够做出安排。.课文短文改错Chen Zijian

26、g is the papercutting expert I interview for my article on Chinese art.He learned to do them from an early age.According to Mr Chen,papercutting is a Chinese folk art for a long history.Paper cuts of animals have been finding in tombs which dates back to the Northern and Southern Dynasty.He went on

27、explain that there are three type of paper cuts.The interview which was very useful as I got a lot of informations for my article.答案Chen Zijiang is papercutting expert I for my article on Chinese art.He thea interviewinterviewedlearned to do from an early age.According to Mr Chen,papercutting is a C

28、hinese folk art themita long history.Paper cuts of animals have been in tombs which back to the forwith findingfound datesdateNorthern and Southern Dynasty.He went on explain that there are three of paper to typetypescuts.The interview which was very useful as I got a lot of for my article.informati

29、onsinformation基础巩固.单句语法填空1Money doesnt always bring happiness(happy) 2You shouldnt talk about politics or religion(religious) when meeting a stranger.3In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme,one of whose purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation.(2017江苏)4After climbing the Great Wall,they w

30、ent on to visit(visit) the Summer Palace.5A notice was put up in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.6Happy as/though they were,there was something missing.7The witness related(relate) to the crime was murdered the day before the trial.8Look!The telephone is broken.Someone damag

31、ed it on purpose.That may be right.But perhaps it was broken by accident.9To date,we have received(receive) over 200 replies.10The colourless gas without which we cannot live is called oxygen.选词填空be related to, put up, try out, on purpose, date back to11You ought to try out that radio before you buy

32、 it.12The heart attack could be related to his car crash last year.13Jimmy hit his little brother in the eye,but he didnt do it on purpose.14That meaning of the word dates back to the time of Thomas Edison.15A week before Earth Day,posters were put up around our school.(2016北京).单句改错(每小题仅有 1 处错误 )16G

33、un control is a subject which Americans have argued for a long time.ofabout/over17The Great Wall from the Ming Dynasty is one of the famous tourist attractions in dateddatingChina.18He told me something should be remembered.whichthat19The two friends shared with everythingthey had no secrets.20The p

34、ool was in shape of a heart. the能力提升.阅读理解For many years,artists have flocked to Paris,France,to paint or to learn to paint.Perhaps artists first went there because of the citys beauty.They went to paint pictures of the broad, treelined streets,the great churches,and the graceful river bridges.The ar

35、tists felt comfortable in Paris because the people of the city had always enjoyed art.Paris had great art museums,filled with famous paintings and statues from many countries.And the people of Paris had always welcomed new ideas.In this city,artists felt free to experiment with new ways of painting.

36、As soon as famous artists painted in Paris,students came to learn from them.People came to buy paintings.People called art dealers set up galleries where paintings were bought and sold.Others kept shops that sold artists paints and supplies.Students and artists who were not yet famous could live in

37、Paris for very little money.They learned by studying great art in the museums,and they learned from one another.They held art fairs,hanging their paintings outdoors along the streets.Today, New York City and Florence,Italy,are also famous art centers.But the worlds principal art exhibits are still h

38、eld in Paris.Important judges of art live there.Most of the new ways of painting that have started in the last hundred years began in Paris.So artists and art dealers still go to Paris because it is the worlds leading art center.语 篇 解 读 文 章 介 绍 了 世 界 艺 术 之 都 巴 黎 。21Art students learned by studying g

39、reat art in Paris Astreets BchurchesCmuseums Dschools答案 C解析 细节理解题。由第三段第二句“They learned by studying great art in the museums,and they learned from one another.”可知,选 C。22Which of the following statements is not a reason why so many artists prefer to stay in Pairs?APairs is a beautiful cityBThe French

40、are willing to accept any new things.CAll the museums are free of charge in Pairs.DArtists can make an easier life in Pairs.答案 C解析 细节理解题。从第一段和第二段可知,A 、B 和 D 三项都是正确的,文章没有说巴黎的博物馆是免费的。故选 C。23Important judges of art .Alive in ParisBfeel free to experimentCwork in New YorkDhave no new ways of painting答案

41、A解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段的第二、三句“But the worlds principal art exhibits are still held in Paris.Important judges of art live there.”可知答案为 A。24On the whole,this story is about .Athe world s most famous art centerBhow to buy a painting in Paris,FranceCthe famous art centers of New York and FlorenceDwhere to set

42、up galleries答案 A解析 主旨大意题。从整篇文章来看都是在讲巴黎,它是世界艺术之都。故选 A。.完形填空I guess I was spoiled at first.I was an only child, 25 by all relatives.Up until I was eight years old,life was 26 .Then along came Grant and everything 27 .Grant is my little brother.He was born a month earlier,so he needed a lot of extra 28

43、 .My parents still 29 me,but I was no longer the center of the universe.I was angry about the change.And at first,I was also 30 with Grant.Fortunately,Grant didnt cause any real 31 in his growth.Gradually,he developed the habit of 32 himself to me.My parents want me to be 33 to him,but I found him t

44、otally annoying.By the time I became a teenager,he was,at five,my shadow, 34 me around, copying my every move,and asking endless questions.Still,in spite of my unhappiness towards him,I began to 35 the time we spent together.As time went on,we developed connections and partnership,becoming more 36 .

45、Grant stopped asking to go along on dates with me,and I set aside time to go fishing with him.He cheered me on at my soccer games,and I 37 to coach his Tball team.He became less 38 and more of a buddy(伙伴)I became more patient,more able to 39 and more likely to accept the unconditional love he 40 .To

46、day I am happy to say that Grant and I are a 41 .We have already 42 how he will come tovisit me when I am in college.It will be hard to be 43 ,but I know that we will always be close,if not in age or distance,we will be close in the long journey shared by 44 .语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。刚开始作者是家里唯一的孩子,受到宠爱。但在他八岁的时

47、候,随着弟弟格兰特的出生,一切都变了。作者不再是家庭的中心,他生弟弟的气。然而随着时间的推移,作者和弟弟的关系变得更加亲密。25A.envied BaffectedCcriticized Dloved答案 D解析 envy 嫉妒;affect 影响;criticize 批评;love 爱。根据“I was an only child, by all relatives.”可知,作者是家里唯一的孩子,所有的亲戚都爱他。故选 D。26A.convenient BfreeCsweet Dvaluable答案 C解析 convenient 方便的;free 自由的,免费的;sweet 甜的,可爱的;v

48、aluable 有价值的。“Up until I was eight years old,life was .”可知,直到我八岁之前,生活都是甜蜜的。故选 C。27A.changed BbrokeCarrived Ddisappointed答案 A解析 change 改变;break 弄坏;arrive 到达; disappoint 使失望。根据语境可知,后来有了弟弟格兰特,一切都变了。故选 A。 BeyesightCtime Dattention答案 D解析 money 金钱; eyesight 视力; time 时间; attention 注意力,关心。根据语境可知,格兰特是我的弟弟。他是一个月前出生的,所以他需要更多的关注。故选 D。29A.waited for Bcared aboutCdou