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本文(2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修1练习:Unit 2 单元知识滚动练)为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修1练习:Unit 2 单元知识滚动练

1、单元知识滚动练.单词拼写1.Its generous(大方的) of you to give me the lovely present on my birthday.2.Every minute of the day is filled with urgent(紧急的) matters.3.I get bored(厌烦的 ) if theres nothing to do.4.She stressed the importance of a balanced diet(饮食).5.He said that he founded(创立) the theory on facts.6.After

2、hundreds of years of struggle(斗争) ,the black slaves in the US were set free at last.7.Whats your opinion(意见) of his painting style?8.They planted roses in memory of the former Olympic champion who passed away last year.9.A lot of athletes took part in the Olympics.10.News and unusual(不平常的) ideas oft

3、en appear in todays top advertisements.11.They became homeless because of the unexpected natural disaster last year.12.He must know the answer for he is very confident(自信的).13.The quality(质量) of education in this small school is better than that in some larger schools.14.I admire Helen because she i

4、s optimistic about life.15.He suffered the loss(丢失) of sight.选词填空switch over,go off,on ones own,be strict with,,pull through,come to an end,share.with.,let out,fight for16.The thieves ran away quickly when the alarm went off.17.I dont like this programme.Can I switch over to BBC 2?18.It rem

5、ains unknown who let out the secret.19.He joined the army to fight for his countrys freedom.20.We should not judge a person by his appearance.21.You must be strict with yourself in your work,or you will lose your job.22.Our discussion never seems to come to an end.23.The doctors did everything they

6、could to pull through the patient.24.The young man set up a firm on his own soon after he graduated from college.25.Its my great pleasure to be here to share my dream with you today.单句语法填空26.I like listening to music in my free time.It is relaxing(relax).27.The bands new album(专辑) takes up where the

7、ir last one left off.28.Im at a loss about what I can do to help them.29.We are much alike in character.30.Is it your dream to see the spaceship lift off in person?31.We had just reached home when the petrol gave out.32.You may not agree,but personally(personal),I think its a good suggestion.33.Alex

8、 and Andy performed skilfully(skilful) and they won the first prize.34.The young girl who competed in the marathon is my sister.35.I first met him in 2000,and since then we have been(be) good friends.36.While doing(do) his homework,David left the TV on.37.Judy plans to save more money to buy a house

9、 of her own.38.What you said just now is an injury(injure) to her.39.Not only you but also he likes(like) playing football.40.Work hard, and you will make great progress.单句改错(每小题仅有 1 处错误 )41.Im sorry.Can I call you back later?I m quite busy at moment.athe42.To be honest,I much prefer jazz rock music

10、.thanto43.The old man sat there,with his eyes .closeclosed44.My father often me much advice on how to make friends.givegives45.Any man will be equal to do 或 the task,so long as he is careful.dodoing46.I shall not fail to help you when 或 is necessary. it47.The last one arrive here pays for the meal.

11、to48.When I look back those days,I realize I was desperately unhappy. on49.Because his being late again,he lost his job and had to stay at home. of50.I will never forget the time when 或 we spent on the farm.whenwhich/that51.She has an talent for music.amazedamazing52.Shell need luck to get out the t

12、rouble. of53.In the picture, stands a tree full of fruit.wherethere54.After the long journey,the three of them went back home,hungry and .tiringtired55.Here are some ideas to help people give it up smoking.单元语法用所给动词的正确形式填空56.When I got to Marys house,her family gave(give) me a warm welcome.57.Tom was late.He opened the door quietly,moved(move) in and walked(walk) carefully to his seat.58.This time yesterday,they were having(have) lunch.59.He was cleaning(clean) his car when I saw him.60.I have finished(finish) my homework.I can go out to play now.