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2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修1课件:Unit 3 Period Six

1、,PART 1,互动探究,PART 2,达标检测,Period Six Communication Workshop,Culture Corner & Bulletin Board,PART 1,互动探究,探究重点 互动撞击思维,1,A few of my good friends came as well.我的一些好朋友也来了。,as well也,又,还(一般用于句末),may/might as well不妨,倒不如 as well as和;和一样好,连接两个并列的句子成分(若连接主语及其附属成分时,谓语动词与前面的主语保持一致),重点词汇,(1)The classroom is a pla

2、ce for learning and that includes learning from textbooks,and mistakes as well.(2018全国) 教室是一个学习的地方,它包括从课本中还有在错误中学习。 (2)Its so cold outside.We may/might as well stay at home. 外面太冷,我们不如待在家里好了。 (3)Sarah wants to prove that she has brains as well as beauty.(2017全国) 萨拉想要证明她不仅有美貌,还有头脑。,易混辨析 as well,too,al

3、so,either as well一般放在句尾,相当于too,但不用逗号隔开。 too用于肯定句中,多放在句尾,常用逗号隔开。 also一般用于句中,比too正式,通常用于行为动词前或be动词、助动词、情态动词之后。 either只用于否定句中,置于句尾,常用逗号隔开。,查看答案,选词填空 as well,too,also,either (4)Come early,and bring your sister . (5)I dont want any tea, . (6)You, ,may have a try. (7)He can speak Chinese. 单句改错 (8)Tom and

4、Mary as well as I am fond of music.,as well,either,too,also,are,2,mess n.混乱,脏乱 v.弄脏,弄乱,The house was a bit of a mess and my sister made us all a cup of tea. 家里有点乱,姐姐给我们每人都沏了一杯茶。,in a mess乱七八糟make a mess of把弄乱/糟get into a mess陷入困境mess up把弄糟,弄脏,弄乱 messy adj.凌乱的,散乱的,查看答案,(1)He scratched his head and me

5、ssed up his hair even more. 他挠挠头,把头发弄得更乱了。 (2)The local economy is now . 当地的经济现在正陷入困境之中。 (3)The children everything in the room. 孩子们把房间里的所有东西都弄乱了。 (4)Sorry,its so (mess) here;I havent had time to clear up. 抱歉,这里这么乱。我还没来得及收拾。 单句改错 (5)His room is always in mess,which annoys me.,getting into a mess,mes

6、sed up/made a mess of,messy, a,3,Later,when the Romans invaded Europe,they adopted the Celts New Year customs and used them in their own festivals.后来,当罗马人入侵欧洲后,他们采用了凯尔特人的新年习俗,并且在自己的节日中也使用了它们。,adopt vt.采取,采纳,采用;收养,adopted adj.领养的;收养的 adoption n.采用;收养,(1)Having no children of their own,they adopted th

7、eir friends advice and adopted an orphan.Thanks to the adoption,they live happily with their adopted son now. 没有亲生儿女,所以他们接受朋友们的建议,领养了一个孤儿。多亏采纳了这个建议,现在他们和养子在一起生活得很幸福。 单句改错 (2)French fashionable dress has adopted by people in many parts of the world.,查看答案, been,4,honour vt.给予荣誉;使得到尊敬/荣誉 n.尊敬,敬意;荣誉,光荣,

8、After 835 AD,the Catholic Church in Europe invented a holiday on 1 November,All Hallows Day,to honour saints.在公元835年后,欧洲的天主教会在11月1日开创了一个新的节日万圣节,来向圣人致敬。,have the honour 有做某事的荣幸in honour of.向表示敬意;为纪念 be/feel honoured to do sth. 做某事感到荣幸 be honoured as.被尊称为,to do sth. of doing sth.,(1)I feel it a great

9、honour to be invited. 承蒙邀请,深感荣幸。 (2)They held a meeting in honour of the famous musician. 他们举行了一场集会来纪念这位著名音乐家。 (3)I a speech here. 我很荣幸在这里作演讲。 (4)I feel (honour) to have been mentioned in his speech. 他在讲话中提到了我,真是荣幸。,查看答案,have the honour to give/of giving,honoured,5,dress up (给)穿上盛装;(给)乔装打扮,To celebr

10、ate All Souls Day,people made big bonfires and dressed up as angels,devils,saints and witches.为了庆祝万灵节,人们点起篝火,并且打扮成天使、恶魔、圣人和巫婆的模样。,dress (sb. ) up as.(把某人)装扮成 dress sb. /oneself给某人/自己穿衣(宾语是人,不是衣服) be dressed in穿着(后面跟衣服或表示衣服颜色的词),(1)We dressed him up as Santa Claus. 我们把他装扮成圣诞老人的样子。 (2)The little boy c

11、an dress now. 那个小男孩现在会自己穿衣服了。 介、副词填空 (3)She is dressed white most of the time. (4)Theres no need to dress come as you are.,查看答案,himself,in,up,1,Gradually,over the years,the Celtic,Roman and Catholic customs and holidays got mixed together.多年以后,凯尔特人的、罗马人的和天主教的习俗和节日逐渐地融合在一起了,经典句式,got mixed为“getv.-ed”形

12、式。此结构一般用于两种特殊的情况: 用于谈论突然发生的、不期而遇的和偶然出现的事。 用于谈论为自己做的事而不是被动的动作。此类结构还有:get lost迷路;get paid得到报酬;get dressed穿衣;get married结婚;get hurt受伤等。,(1)It was considerate of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.迈克尔想得真周到,他通知我们他要迟到一会儿以防我们担心。 (2)My watch got (break) while I was playing with the chi

13、ldren. 我跟孩子们玩耍的时候把手表弄坏了。 (3)They plan to get (marry) in summer. 他们打算夏天结婚。 (4)My car got (steal) last weekend. 我的车上周末被偷了。 单句改错 (5)The old mans son got killing in the war.,查看答案,broken,married,stolen,killed,2,Since it is one of the longest holidays in the year,for most people its the time to get relaxe

14、d or go out of the city to travel.因为这是一年中最长的假期之一,所以对大部分人来说这是放松自己或走出城市旅行的时机。,该句属于time的相关句型,It is time to do sth. 表示“是该做某事的时候了”。 time的常见句型有:It is time for sth. 该是(做)某事的时候了。It is time for sb. to do sth. 是某人该做某事的时候了。 It is (high) time (that)从句“某人(早)该做某事了”,that从句中谓语动词用一般过去时或“should动词原形”,should一般不省略。 Its/

15、This is the first/second/.time that sb. has done sth. 这是某人第一/二次做某事了。,(1)The holiday was at an end and it was time to leave. 假期结束了,是离开的时候了。 (2)Its time for class. 该上课了。 (3)Its the first time that I here. 这是我第一次来这里。 (4)It is time that I (write) her a letter. 我该给她写封信了。 (5)Its time for me . 我该走了。,查看答案,h

16、ave been,wrote/should write,to go,PART 2,达标检测,当堂检测 基础达标演练,1. (不幸的是),instead of hitting the ball,he hit his own false teeth(假牙). 2.The new model will be in (生产) by the end of the year. 3.We should use slow fire to (用油煎) fish. 4.She is (荣幸) as a model teacher. 5.The schools must new methods of teachin

17、g foreign languages.,.单词拼写,查看答案,Unfortunately,production,fry,honoured,adopt,6.Spring is coming. . 春天来了,是该植树的时候了。 7.I think that you today. 我认为你今天本不必打扮的。 8.To better our cultural moral character,we students increase our appetite for reading. 为了提高我们的文化道德品质,我们学生不妨增强我们的阅读欲望。 9.Every passenger a seat belt in the car. 每位乘客在汽车里都应该系安全带。,.完成句子,Its time to plant trees,neednt have dressed up,might as well,is supposed to wear,查看答案,10.The boy when riding the other day. 前几天,那个男孩在骑车时受伤了。 11.Everything seemed those days. 那些天一切似乎一片混乱。,查看答案,got hurt,in a mess,