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牛津译林版英语八年级下Unit5 Reading II课件

1、Unit 5 Good manners,Reading II,Revision,Whats the proper way to greet people in the UK?,How do people start a conversation in the UK? Do they behave politely in public?,British people are very polite at home as well, arent they?,Language points,1. proper,adj. 符合习俗的;正确的,the proper way to do sth.,做某事的

2、正确的方式,1) How should we wash hands _ (proper)?,adv.,properly,properly,= _ _ _ _ for us to wash hands?,Whats,the,proper,way,2) She is always _ in her behaviour.她的行为总是符合习俗。,proper,2. greet,vt.问候,打招呼,n.,greeting,greet sb. with sth.,以方式和某人打招呼,1)He _ me _a _.(微笑和我打了个招呼),greeted,with,smile,2) They _each ot

3、her _ a kiss.(以亲吻打招呼),greeted,with,=They_ _ _ as a _.,kissed,each,other,greeting,kiss,n./ v. 亲吻,greet sb. with a kiss,3. shake sbs hand,与某人握手,shake hand with sb.,=,e.g. Chinese people usually _ _ _ _ express their friendliness.(用握手来表达友好)。,shake,your,hand,to,4. close,adj. 亲密的,严密的,close to,与关系密切,离近,1)

4、 Do you have any _ friends at school?,close,2) Im _ _ (关系密切)my English teacher.,close,to,5. conversation,n.交谈,谈话,start a conversation with,以开始谈话/主动攀谈,e.g. You should _ _ _ in a _ _ (用恰当的方式来开始谈话).,start,a,conversation,proper,way,6. avoid,vt. 避免,sth.,doing sth.,Youd better _ _ _at rush hour(避免交通高峰).,a

5、void,the,traffic,2) Please avoid _ (talk) about her age.,talking,7. subject,话题,主题,1) People in the UK dont talk about age or money.,= People in the UK _ subjects _ age or money.,2) This book includes different_. (话题),subjects,avoid,like,可数n.,8. behave,vt./vi.表现,1) He _ _ (表现很好) in class.,behaved,wel

6、l,表现很差,behave very badly,2) I do not think its _for you to _so. 我认为您这样的举止不合体统。,proper,behave,9. public,n. 民众,群体,in public,公开地,在别人面前,1)The palace is now open_ _ _.向民众开放了,to,the,public,2) You shouldnt _ _ _.(公共场所不能抽烟),smoke,in,public,10. push,v. 推, 挤,push in,插队,加塞,美国人常用“cut in”,pull,“拉,拖,拔”,1) Dont _

7、the door. _ it, please. 不要推门。请拉开。,push,Pull,2) You shouldnt _ _ _ _.(在我们前面插队),push/cut,in,before,us,11. bump,vi./vt. 碰,撞,bump into sb./sth.,碰撞到,e.g. Im sorry _ _ _ you. (很抱歉碰到你了),bump,into,12. If they bump , theyll say ,在时间或条件状语从句中,当主从句的动作都发生在将来,主将从现,e.g. I dont know if he _(come) tomorrow,if he _(c

8、ome) , I _ (meet) him.,comes,will come,will meet,13. in ones way,挡住某人的路,to,on ones way to sp.,在某人去某地的路上,e.g. Dont _ _ _ _, Let him _. (不要挡住他的路,让他走),be,in,his,way,go,14. touch,vt. 触摸, 碰,vt. 触动,感动,e.g. He told me _ _ _ the vase in his study. (不要碰),not,to,touch,15. excuse,vt.原谅,宽恕,n. 借口,e.g. I hope you

9、 _ _ me _ being late. ( 原谅我迟到),will,excuse,for,Excuse me.,劳驾,(打扰或麻烦别人的客套用语),Im sorry,(做错事后的道歉用语),_. Can you tell me how to go to the park? 2) _. I broke your glass this morning.,Excuse me,Im sorry,16. push past sb.,从某人身边挤过去,17. adj. + enough to do sth.,可以和so. that.转换,He is _ old _ he can go to schoo

10、l. (到上学的年龄了),so,that,= He is _ _ _ go to school.,old,enough,to,2) He is _ polite _he will wait till you move.,= He is _ _ _ wait till you move.(他很有礼貌会等到你移开),so,that,polite,enough,to,18. till,conj. 到时,直到为止,相当于until,not till/until,直到才,(可以和after转换),1) She _ here _ you came back.(等到你回来),waited,till,2) S

11、he will leave after you come back.,wont,leave,till/until,= She _ _ _ you come back.,e.g. Tom likes music. I like it _.( 也),19. as well (as),也,还有,(肯定句,句末),too,(肯定句,句末,常用逗号与句子隔开),either,(否定句,句末),also,(肯定句,句中,系动词,助动词之后,实义动词之前),as well,20. loudly,adv.大声地,e.g. This lady never _ _ _ _.(在公共场所大声说话),talks,lo

12、udly,in,public,21. as,conj. 正如,如同,e.g. _ you see, we are in need of food and drink now.(正如),As,22. saying,谚语;格言,可数 n.,e.g. My mother knows a lot of English _ (saying).,sayings,23. by accident,偶然,意外地,I _Tom on the street _ _ yesterday.(偶然遇到),met,by,accident,2) You should say sorry when you _ _ someon

13、e _ _.(不小心撞到),bump,into,by,accident,一、选择合适短语完成句子。 as well in ones way in public push in shake sbs hand,Exercises,1. My classmates love music. I love it _. 2. It is impolite to _ before others.,as well,push in,as well in ones way in public push in shake sbs hand,3. We should not speak loudly _. 4. Ch

14、inese people usually _ when they meet you for the first time. 5. Please do not stand _. I am in a hurry.,in public,shake your hand,in my way,二、翻译短语。 1. 问候那的人们的正确方式2. 握某人的手 3. 第一次见到你4. 以亲吻的方式跟人打招呼,the proper way to greet people,shake sbs hand,meet you for the first time,greet people with a kiss,5. 在公

15、共场合举止文明6. 撞到某人 7. 挡住某人的路 8. 一直 9. 保持低声调 10. 正如那句谚语所说,behave politely in public,bump into someone,in ones way,all the time,keep your voice down,just as the saying goes,三、翻译句子。 1. 今天我已邀请了King先生谈论美国的礼仪。Today we _ _ Mr King _ _ _ _ in the USA. 2. 有时我们中国人以拥抱的方式问候亲戚或亲密的朋友。Sometimes we Chinese _ _ or _ friends _ a hug.,have invited,to,greet relatives,close with,talk about manners,3. 在这等我回来。_ here _ _ come back. 4. 如果有人挡住了路,你可以说“劳驾”。If someone is _ _ _, you can say “_ _”.,Wait till I,in your way,Excuse me,Remember the useful expressions in this lesson.,Homework,