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1、桂林市2019 届初三年级第二次适应性训练试卷英 语(考试时间:120 分钟,满分:120 分)注意事项:1. 答 题 前 , 考 生 先 将 自 己 的 姓 名 、 准 考 证 号 填 写 在 答 题 卡 指 定 位 置 , 将 条 形 码 准 确 粘 贴 在 条形 码 区 域 内 。2. 选 择 题 必 须 使 用 2B 铅 笔 填 涂 , 非 选 择 题 必 须 使 用 0.5 毫 米 黑 色 字 迹 的 签 字 笔 书 写 , 字 体 工 整 , 笔 迹 清 楚 。3. 请 按 照 题 号 顺 序 在 各 题 目 的 答 题 卡 区 域 内 作 答 , 超 出 答 题 区 域 书 写

2、的 答 案 无 效 。 在 草 稿 纸 、 试 题 卷 上 答 题 无 效 。一 、 听 力 测 试 ( 共 30 分 )( 一 ) 听 句 子 , 选 图 画 。 读 两 遍 。 ( 每 小 题 1 分 , 共 5 分 )A B C D E1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( 二 ) 听 句 子 , 选 择 单 词 。 读 两 遍 。 ( 每 小 题 1 分 , 共 5 分 )6. A. latest B. later C. last7. A. date B. daily C. day8. A. waste B. water C. wake9. A. hall B. hope C. hole10

3、. A. coach B. cost C. coast( 三 ) 对 话 理 解 。 读 两 遍 。 ( 每 小 题 1 分 , 共 10 分 )A. 听 五 段 短 对 话 , 选 择 最 佳 答 案 。11. Whats the price of the potato?A. Two yuan a kilo. B. Three yuan a kilo. C. Four yuan a kilo.12. Where was Lucy?A. In the library. B. In the meeting room. C. In the classroom.13. What does the w

4、oman collect?A. Stamps. B. Stones. C. Coins.14. What will Alice do this evening?A. See a film. B. Watch TV. C. Read books.15. How was the mens weekend?A. Boring. B. Terrible. C. Wonderful.B. 听 第 一 段 长 对 话 , 根 据 对 话 内 容 回 答 第 1617 小 题 。16. Whats the trouble with the women?A. She has a cold. B. She ha

5、s a headache. C. She has a toothache.17. What should the women do?A. Drink more water. B. Eat more fruit. C. Have a good rest.C. 听第二段长对话,根据对话内容回答第1820 小题。18. Where will the man go?A. The nearest shoes shop.B. The nearest clothes shop.C. The nearest police station.19. Where is the police station?A. O

6、n the right of the bank.B. In the front of the bank.C. On the left of the bank.20. When does the shop close in the afternoon?A. At 5:30. B. At 6:00. C. At 6:30.( 四 ) 短 文 理 解 。 读 两 遍 。 ( 每 小 题 1 分 , 共 5 分 )听一篇短文, 根据短文内容,回答第2125 小题。21. What does the speaker do?A. A guide. B. A teacher. C. A visitor.22

7、. Where are they now?A. At the top of the Great Wall.B. At the foot of the Great Wall.C. In the middle of the Great Wall.23. What time will they have to go back by bus again?A. At 8:30. B. At 12:30. C. At 11:30.24. Whats the number of the bus?A. A3698. B. A3896 C. A3968.25. What should the listeners

8、 do before they get off the bus?A. Pick up all the bags.B. Shut all the bus windows.C. Clean the whole bus.( 五 ) 听 短 文 , 填 信 息 , 每 空 填 一 词 。 读 两 遍 。 ( 每 小 题 1 分 , 共 5 分 )Visiting the Art MuseumTime This 26 .Dont shout, or you will be asked to leave.You mustnt take 27 in the museum, but you can take

9、a pen and a notebook to write down some important 28 .RulesPlease keep the museum 29 and tidy while visiting.Phone Number If you have any more questions, call 139773 30 .二、单项选择(每小题1 分,共10 分)31. Sam is eight-year-old boy with short black hair.A. an B. a C. the32. Last summer vacation, the Greens went

10、 to the beach and enjoyed .A. himself B. themselves C. them33. I think English is than any other subject and I always do well in the exams.A. easy B. easiest C. easier34. The sweater belong to Jim. Its much too large for him.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt35. The WWF is working hard the animals in dange

11、r.A. save B. to save C. saves36. Mrs. Allen here since she was a child.A. lives B. lived C. has lived37. Your bedroom is so clean.Of course. It every day.A. is cleaned B. was cleaned C. cleans38. Confucius is a wise man has influenced the world greatly.A. which B. who C. what39. Excuse me, could you

12、 tell me ?At about 8 oclock.A. how the plane will reach GuilinB. when will the plane reach GuilinC. when the plane will reach Guilin40. Reading is a good way to pass the time on the plane. A. Good luck. B. I agree with you. C. Best wishes!James: 41Helen: 43三、补全对话(每小题1 分,共5 分)Helen: Hi James. Where h

13、ave you been?Helen: 42James: For a few weeks.James: Yes, the weather was fantastic! Helen: 44James: I went to the Great Barrier Reef in the northeast, Sydney in the south and Ayers Rock in the centre.Helen: 45James: Thats true.四、完形填空(每小题1 分,共10 分)Welcome to the most friendly museum in London. In mos

14、t museums, there is no shouting and no 46 , and you must not touch anything. But the Science Museum is differentIt is noisy! Peo ple talk about 47 they can see and do here, and there are some very noisy machines as well. For example, you can find out how people dig coal from the ground and use it 48

15、 energy. And in one room they even explain how 49 let you see inside your body. If you want to fill a bag 50 sand, you have to control a kind of truck on wheels and move it into the correct place. You can also find out how people travel into space and back again. You can learn about what medicine wa

16、s 51 in the past. If you compare the medicine of the past with the medicine of today, you will feel very 52 next time you visit a doctor.The Science Museum is interesting for people of all 53 . You can always find 54 and have a wonderful time there. The museum is free to enter, so you can go in for

17、a few minutes 55 stay all day. It is open daily from 10 am to 6pm. So if you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Sci ence Museum.46. A. run B. ran C. running D. runs47. A. what B. which C. how D. who48. A. creates B. creating C. created D. to create49. A. the X-ray B. an X-ray C. a X-ray D. X

18、-rays50. A. with B. of C. in D. to51. A. likes B. liked C. to like D. like52. A. luck B. luckily C. lucky D. unlucky53. A. age B. ages C. aged D. ago54. A. something new B. new something C. new anything D. anything new55. A. and B. so C. but D. orE. Where did you go in Australia?D. How long were you

19、 over there?C. Ive been to Australia.B. Wow, you had a wonderful holiday.A. Was the weather nice?五 、 阅 读 理 解 ( 共 35 分 , 第 5660 小 题 , 每 小 题 1 分 ; 第 6175 小 题 , 每 小 题 2 分 )AIn many parts of China, spring is usually very short. It comes in March and ends in May. Sum mer is often very hot. It is from Jun

20、e to August. The hottest month is July. Autumn begins in Sep tember, and goes on to November. The weather can be very warm in autumn. Winter lasts from December to February, and it is very cold. You need to wear lots of warm clothes. The best time to visit China is spring or autumn. It is often too

21、hot in summer and too cold in winter.The seasons in Australia are different. Its summer is from December to the next February, and winter is in June, July and August. So when it is winter in China, it is summer in Australia.请 根 据 短 文 内 容 , 判 断 句 子 正 误 , 正 确 的 写 T, 错 误 的 写 F.56. In many parts of chin

22、a, spring comes in March and ends in May.57. Summer is often very hot. It is from July to August.58. The best time to visit China is spring or autumn.59. The seasons in Australia are different from those in China.60. It is winter in Australia when it is spring in China.BWelcome to Robot Toy Store! W

23、eve got some new robots. You will love them!Name: Robodog Price: $85.25For children of 8 and upIt can feel happy, angry and sad! It will play with you, but it will never ask you for water or food.Name: Robopanda Price: $165.29For children of 8 and upIt will tell stories and play games with you. Its

24、a 2019 Hot Holiday Toy!Name: Mr. Strong Price: $119.99For children of 6 and upHe can move his legs, arms, hands and listen to you and talk with you in simple English.Name: Mr. CoolPrice: $299.99For children of 10 and upTheres a screen on his face, and you can play video games. It will also teach you

25、 how to say“Hello”in 20 different languages.请根据材料内容选择最佳答案。61. Robodog can .A. play video games B. play with childrenC. tell interesting stories D. speak different languages62. can tell stories and play games with children.A. Robodog. B. Robopanda. C. Mr. Strong. D. Mr. Cool.63. Jim wants a robot toy

26、 to talk with him. Then is a good gift for him.A. Robodog B. Robopanda C. Mr. Strong D. Mr. Cool64. Tom wants a toy from the store, and he has 100 dollars. Then he can buy . ARobodog B. Robopanda C. Mr. Strong D. Mr. Cool65. is for older children.A. Robodog. B. Robopanda. C. Mr. Strong. D. Mr. Cool.

27、CDear boys and girls,Im very happy to be your guest speaker today. I have been a reporter in the past fifteen years. I chose this job because I could travel around the world, but the job is sometimes difficult. I have seen wars, earthquakes, poverty( 贫 穷 ) and death. But I have also seen courage( 鼓

28、励 ) , hope and happiness.In India, I visited a city where there were many homeless children. A wonderful lady called Rosa opened a home for them. In a year, she was looking after two hundred children, feeding them, teaching them and giving them hope.Another time, I was in Japan after a terrible eart

29、hquake. In a place, an old ladys son wasmissing and people around her said that there was no chance that her son was alive. But the lady did not give up hope. For four days, she kept moving heavy stones by herself until she found her son still alive.Here in China, I met a young boy with a serious il

30、lness. He had to have twenty operations in hospital. But when I met him, he was still smiling.Now when my life is difficult, I always remember the courage of the three people.请根据材料内容选择最佳答案。66. The writer chose the job as a reporter to .Amake a speech Btravel around the worldCmeet homeless children D

31、teach children some lessons67. From the passage, we know Rosa was .Ayoung Bhopeless Ckind Dserious68. made the old lady in Japan find her son at last.AReporters BPeople around CHappiness DHope69. When the writer is in trouble, she always thinks of .Athe courage of the three people Bboring travelsCth

32、e terrible earthquakes and wars Dmany homeless children 70The passage above is a .Astory Bguidebook Cspeech DdiaryDPeople like to do an activity for fun when they have free time. People usually call this kind of activity hobby. Hobbies can include fishing, reading, listening to music, watching movie

33、s, collect ing stamps, playing basketball and so on. They are great fun and good for people.First, doing sports such as running and playing basketball can give the body good exercise,prevent 阻 止 ) people from disease, make the body strong and keep people healthy. Doing sportscan build the team spiri

34、t. Second, reading, collecting stamps and watching movies can help people know more about the world. All the people know they can learn a lot through study. Through read ing we can know what is happening and what happened in the world. By collecting stamps we can know about famous places and history

35、 in the world. If you like to watch movies from other coun tries, you can know a lot about the life in other countries.I think everyone should have a good hobby. Not all the hobbies are good for people. Bad hob bies can be bad for people. If you have a good hobby, please share it with your friends.

36、If you have a bad one, please give it up at once.请 根 据 材 料 内 容 选 择 最 佳 答 案 。71. According to the passage, cant be a good hobby.Arunning Bplaying basketballCsmoking Dwatching movies72. Whats NOT true about doing sports?AGive people good exercise. BKeep people healthy.C Make the body strong. DGet any

37、disease all the time.73. Collecting stamps can make people .Aknow the life in other countries Bget all the thingsCknow something about history Dprevent people from disease 74The underlined word“one”in the last paragraph means .Afriend Bhobby Cactivity Dpeople 75Which of the followiny is TRUE accordi

38、ng to the passage?A. People like to do the activity in their free time.B. All the people know they cant learn a lot through study. CSometimes people like to do the activity.DPeople never like to do the activity when they have free time.英 语 参 考 答 案 第 1 页 ( 共 2 页 )六、词汇运用(每小题1 分,共15 分)A. 选 词 填 空 , 请 根

39、据 短 文 内 容 用 方 框 中 所 给 词 填 空 ,把 单 词 前 的 标 号 在 答 题 卡 上 涂 黑 。A attention B taste C surprise D traditions E acceptIt is always a(an ) 76 to receive gifts from family members and friends. In China, we usually77 a gift with both hands and open it later. But in the West, people usually do not pay much 78 t

40、o that. During the Spring Festival, there are many 79 . For example, people in the north of China eat lots of jiaozi. They 80 great.B. 单 词 拼 写 , 根 据 所 给 首 字 母 或 中 文 提 示 , 写 出 单 词 在 句 中 的 正 确 形 式 。 每 空 填 一 词 ,请将单词完整地写在答题卡上。81The little girl can count from one to ( 四 十 ) . 82 My best friend ( 搬 到 ) to

41、 Beijing last year.83. The Great Wall is one of the greatest ( 奇 迹 ) of the world.84. In ( 西 方 的 )countries, the most important holiday is Thanksgiving Day. 85 Dont tell your real information to the ( 陌 生 人 ) when you chat with him on the Internet. 86In Russia, people usually k three times, left, ri

42、ght, left.87The birthday party is really great, we have f there. 88He h his leg when he played baseball yesterday.89. Fruit and vegetables are h food. You should eat them every day. 90 What a s day! Lets go to the beach to enjoy the sun.七 、 书 面 表 达 ( 共 15 分 )假 如 你 是 三 班 的 班 长 张 华 , 本 周 末 你 们 班 将 去 绿

43、 色 农 场 开 展 课 外 活 动 , 请 你 根 据 以 下 表 格 提 供的 信 息 , 写 一 封 电 子 邮 件 通 知 同 学 们 。Place The Green FarmTime SaturdayGathering place(集合地点) and time The school gate, 8:00 amTransportation By busThings you can & cant do Wear sports shoes, pick up oranges, grow vegetables,feed animals, have lunch, not swim要求: 1文章

44、词数在 80 词左右,邮件开头已经给出,不计入总词数。2. 文 中 应 包 含 以 上 信 息 , 可 适 当 发 挥 , 行 文 连 贯 , 书 写 规 范 。3. 文 中 不 得 出 现 涉 及 考 生 真 实 信 息 的 人 名 与 学 校 。From: Zhang HuaTo: Class 3Subject: To the Green FarmHello, everyone! We will go to the Green Farm on Saturday. Yours, Zhang Hua英 语 参 考 答 案 第 2 页 ( 共 2 页 )桂林市 2019 届初三年级第二次适应性训

45、练参考答案及评分标准英 语听 力 部 分 ( 共 30 分 )一、听力测试(每小题1 分,共30 分)( 一 ) 1 5 D E A C B( 二 ) 6 10 A B A C C( 三 ) 11 20 C B A A C B C A A C( 四 ) 21 25 A B C C B( 五 ) 26. Sunday 27. photos 28. information 29. clean 30. 1235笔 试 部 分 ( 共 90 分 )二、单项选择(每小题1 分,共10 分)31 35 A B C A B36 40 C A B C B三、补全对话(每小题1 分,共5 分)41 45 C D

46、 A E B四、完型填空(每小题1 分,共10 分)4650 C A D D A5155 D C B A D五 、 阅 读 理 解 ( 第 5660 小 题 每 小 题 1 分 , 第 6175 小 题 每 小 题 2 分 , 共 35 分 )56 60 T F T T F61 65 B B C A D66 70 B C D A C71 75 C D C B A六、词汇运用(每小题1 分,共15 分)76 80 C E A D B81. forty 82. moved 83. wonders 84. western 85. stranger86. kiss 87. fun 88. hurt 8

47、9. healthy 90. sunny英 语 参 考 答 案 第 3 页 ( 共 2 页 )七 、 书 面 表 达 ( 共 15 分 )From: Zhang Hua To: Class 3Subject: To the Green FarmHello, everyone! We will go to the Green Farm on Saturday. Well meet at the school gate at 8: 00 am. Well go there by bus. Well have a lot of things to do there. We need to wear

48、sports shoes. We can pick up fresh oranges. We can also grow vegetables and feed animals. But we mustnt swim in the river to keep safe. Well have lunch on the farm. You can take some water or other drinks with you. I hope everyone will have a great time. See you then!Yours,Zhang Hua书面表达评分标准:1. 评 分 时 先 初 步 确 定 是 及 格 档 还 是 不 及 格 档 ,9 分 是 及 格 档 ,9 分 以 下 是 不 及 格 档 ,然 后 在这 两 类 档 中 再 衡 量 最 后 给 分 。2. 本 大 题 满 分 15 分 ,不 设 小 数 点 以 下 分 值 。正 文 按 四 个 档 次 给 分 。3. 若 书 写 不 规 范 整 洁 ,标 点 运 用 不 正 确 ,酌 情 扣 1 2 分 。一档(百分制)13 15 分( 91 100)包 含 所 有 要 点 , 运 用 了 适 当 的 语