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1、2019 中考英语任务型+ 大阅读组合练(五)附参考答案一、阅读理解AQuestionaireRead the question and answer YES or NO, then you will find out how good you are.1When you dont understand something, you ask questions.2You like listening to older people talk about the past.3You think that you can learn something interesting from every

2、one around you.4You are brave enough when you have to talk to people you dont know.5You enjoy reading books about famous people.6You always see and talk to different people.7You are interested in learning new ways of doing things.8You enjoy sharing experiences with friends and learning from people o

3、f all ages.9You talk a lot about yourself.10Even if you are often wrong, you make your own decisions.11You hate teaching what you are good at: sports, technology, whatever.12Your parents dont understand you, so you dont talk to them much.SCORE NOW: Score 2 points if you answer YES to each of the fir

4、st 8 questions, and 0 if you choose NO.Score 2 points if you answer NO to each of the last 4 questions, and 0 if you choose YES.1824 You are friendly and open-minded. You make people feel important by listening to what they have to say. Youll probably succeed in learning all kinds of interesting thi

5、ngs. Good for you!1016 Remember that every single person you know can teach you something. You will greatly make your life rich and colorful. 08 About 400 years ago, a famous writer wrote, “No man is an island”. This is still true today. Try to be more open and interested in people around you.( )1.

6、If you say “YES”to all these questions, youll get_ points.A. 12 B. 16 C. 20 D. 24( )2. When you score 22 points, you are _.Ashy and nervous B. silent and serious C. open and friendly D. brave and strong( )3. The writer thinks you should _.Aalways see and talk to the same people Bmake your own decisi

7、on whenever you wantCenjoy teaching what you are good at Dtalk much about yourselves when possible( )4. “No man is an island.” in the form probably means that _.Athe famous writer was very clever Beverything is the same as 400 years agoCyou will feel lonely if on an island Dyou can not live alone in

8、 the world( )5. The questions are used to test whether you are willing to _.Alearn from others Bhelp other peopleCdo all by yourself Ddepend on others参考答案 15 B C C D A B(2019 年选练-科普环保类)In nature, you may see many insects (昆虫)and animals of different colors. Have you ever wondered why?Locusts are sup

9、er delicious food for birds, but it is not always an easy job for birds to catch them. It is neither because locusts are good jumpers or runners nor because they are smarter than their enemies. The reason is that the colors of locusts change with the colors of crops(庄稼). When crops are young, locust

10、s look green. But when autumn comes, locusts change to the yellow and brown color as crops do.Brown bears, tigers and other animals move quietly through forests. They cant be seen easily by their enemies. This is because they have colors similar to the trees. For the same reason, polar bears that li

11、ve on a land of snow and ice are white. Butterflies and bees living among the flowers are colorfu l like flowers. Soil insects are mostly dark-colored and they live under the soil(土壤) in a dark and wet environment. However, insects with colors different from plants can easily be foun d and eaten by

12、others. So in order to survive, they have to hide themselves in the daytime and appear only at night.Have you ever noticed some even stranger acts? The ink fish in the sea can send out some very black ink when it faces danger. As the ink spreads over , its enemies will find themselves suddenly in a

13、dark world. At the same time the ink fish immediately swims away. That is how it keeps itself safe though it is not strong at all.1It is not easy for birds to catch locusts because_.A .locusts are good runners B. locusts can jump very highC. locusts are smarter than birds D. locusts can change their

14、 color2According to the passage, most soil insects_A. do not have bright colorsB. change their colors with the soilC. do not live in a dark and wet environmentD. Eat colorful insects like butterflies and bees3Whats the meaning of the underlined word”survive” in the passage?A. 繁殖 B. 产卵 C. 觅食 D. 生存4Th

15、e ink fish _so that its enemies will not see it?A. changes its color B. makes the water around it blackC. appears only at night D. hides itself in the sea rocks5What is the main idea of this passage?A. Some insects and animals have different skills.B. Some insects and animals are clever than we thin

16、k.C. Some insects and animals use colors to protect themselves.D. Some insects and animals can get used to the environment easily.【参考答案】1D 2A 3D 4B 5C【解析】短文大意:这篇短文中作者主要介绍了一些动物如何利用颜色来保护自己的方式。1根据第二段 Locusts are super delicious food for birds, but it is not always an easy job for birds to catch theme r

17、eason is that the colors of locusts change with the colors of crops(庄稼). 及下文描述,可知鸟类不易捉住昆虫是因为他们能够随着庄稼而改变他们自身的颜色.故选 D.2根据第三段 Soil insects are mostly dark-colored and they live under the soil(土壤) in a dark and wet environment.描述,可知生活在土壤里面的昆虫没有明亮的颜色。故选 A。3联系下文 they have to hide themselves in the daytime

18、 and appear only at night.描述,可知此处指的是为了生存。故选 D。4根据短文最后一段描述,可知墨鱼能够能够喷出一种墨水,让它周围水的颜色变黑来保护自己。故选 B。5这篇主要介绍了一些动物依靠自身颜色来保护自己的生存方式。故选 C。二、任务型阅读In todays busy world, its easy to put everyone else first. With the needs of work and family, you might feel that theres not much time left over for you. Perhaps you

19、 even feel sorry about taking up time for yourself after all, shouldnt you spend that time with your kids, or your spouse(配偶), or your parents? We all need time to rest and recharge. If life feels so busy that you believe you cant manage to have a few hours for yourself, then its especially importan

20、t that you make some “me time”. You Need to Take Care of Your HealthIf you run yourself into the ground, youre not going to be much help to the people around you. You need to remind yourself that your health is important. Good physical and mental health requires care of your body, mind and soul.You

21、Want Space to Breathe and ThinkIf your life is starting to feel like a treadmill(跑步机), its time to stop. When youre in the thick of things, its hard to get more ideas. Perhaps youre struggling with a particular decision like a choice of jobs, or the chance to take an important qualification(资格考试). I

22、t can be all too easy to put off decisions or make hurried choices if you dont take the time to stop and think.You Are Important TooSometimes, we put other people first because were secretly sure that theyre more important or needier than us. We dont care about our own needs in order to help them. P

23、erhaps youve got a relative whos ill, or a friend whos facing huge struggles in his life, but dont forget that you are important too. No matter how busy you are, you can find time for yourself even though you have to start with just a few minutes each day, or an hour or two every weekend. What could

24、 you do this week to make more breathing space in your life?Title: Why You Take More Time for (1) Introduction * Put others first and there is (2)_ time left for you.* Its very important for you to (3)_ “me time”.Take care of your health* Run yourself into the ground, and youll not be much(5)_to oth

25、ers.* Remind yourself of the (6)_ of health.Space to breathe and think* Be sure to (7)_ if you feel like a treadmill.*You cant get more ideas (8) _ you spend some time thinking.(4)_You are important too* Never help others instead of (9)_ about our own needs.Conclusion *Make more space for you to (10

26、)_ in your life.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。短文讲述的是无论你有多忙,都要抽出时间停下来休息或思考一下,因为你的身体需要。关注自己的身体健康和生活也是为了他人更幸福。1. yourself【解析】通读本文可知本文主要讲述了为自己留下时间的重要性,故填 yourself。2. little【解析】根据文章第一段第二句“With the needs of work and family, you might feel that theres not much time left over for you.”可知此处表示的是没有时间留给自己,time 是不可数名词,应该用 litt

27、le,故填 little。3. make【解析】根据文章第二段最后一句“then its especially important that you make some “me time”.可知 ,故填 make.4. Reasons 【解析】根据右边栏目里内容可知此处表示的是原因,此处不止一个原因,应该用复数,故填 Reasons。5. help【 解析】根据第四段的第一句“If you run yourself into the ground, youre not going to be much help to the people around you.”可知答案,故填 help。6.

28、 importance【解析】根据第四段第二句“You need to remind yourself that your health is important.”可知此处表示的是健康很重要,由前面的 the 可知此处是名词,故填importance。7. stop【 解析】根据第六段第一句“If your life is starting to feel like a treadmill(跑步机), its time to stop.”可知此处表示的是停止,be sure to do sth,故填 stop。8. unless【解析】根据第六段最后一句“It can be all too

29、easy to put off decisions or make hurried choices if you dont take the time to stop and think.”可知此处表示的是不花时间考虑就不能得到更多的想法,故填 unless。9. caring 【解析】根据最后一个原因的第二行 “We dont care about our own needs in order to help them.”可知此处表达的是不要帮助其他人而不关心自己的需要,of 是介词,此处应该用动词的-ing 形式,故填 caring。10. breathe【解析 】根据文章最后一句 “Wh

30、at could you do this week to make more breathing space in your life?”可知此处是呼吸,前面是动词不定式符号 to,因此用原形,故填breathe。三、短文综合填空A man had two sons. They were twins. They were b_1_ at almost the same time and looked quite alike. But in one important way, they were very d_2_.One of them was an optimist(乐观主义者), whi

31、le the o_3_ was a pessimist(悲观主义者). The man was worried about his sons. There are good and bad things in ones life. He didnt want his sons to be too pessimistic or too optimistic. He told his best friend Johnson about this p_4_.Johnson was a man of many ideas. Then he asked, “W_5_ is their next birt

32、hday?“The father replied,” Its on Wednesday. They will be twelve years old.” “Excellent,” Johnson said. “Heres what you should do. Give your pessimistic son a really w_6_ present. Give your optimistic son a really poor present. That will work!“ The father did as his friend told him. On Wednesday mor

33、ning, the two boys got their birthday p_7_. The pessimist looked at his first. It was a very expensive gold watch, but he was not pleased with it. He said, “I dont l_8_ this very much. I am sure it wont keep good time. It will always be fast or s_9_ and it will probably break easily. Then I have to

34、s_10_ lots of money getting it repaired. “Then the optimist looked at his present. He was really pleased. “Look! Dad has given me shoelaces(鞋带),” he said. He held up the shoelaces and said, “I can use it when I have new shoes.” 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._【参考答案】1.born 2.different 3.other

35、4.problem 5.when 6.wonderful 7.present 9.slow 10.spend四、短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行做出判断,每一行均有一处错误。请按下列情况进行改正。此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,也并用斜线划掉。此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。此行错一个词:在错的词下面划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。At 3:42 am something began to shake. It seemed that 1. _the world was in

36、 an end! Eleven kilometers directly below 2. _the city, the greatest earthquake of the 20th century begin. 3. _It was heard in Beijing where is one hundred kilometers 4. _away. One third of the nation felt. A huge crack that was 5. _eight kilometers long and thirty meters wide cut cross 6. _houses,

37、roads and canals. Steam burst into from holes in the 7. _ground. Hard hills of rocks become rivers of dirt. In 8. _fifteen seconds a large city lain in ruin(废墟). Two thirds of 9. _people died of or injured during the earthquake. 10. _参考答案1. something 改 everything 改 at 3. begin 改 began 4. where 改 which/that 5. felt 后加 it 6.cross 改 across 7.burst into 去掉 into 8. become 改 became 9. lain 改 lay 10.died of 去掉 of