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本文(江苏省昆山、太仓市2018-2019学年八年级上期末教学质量调研英语试卷(含答案))为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、20182019 学年第一学期期末教学质量调研测试初二英语 2019.01一、听力测试。(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,计 20 分)本部分共有 10 小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。1. Whats the weather like in Kates city?2. Where would Sam like to go?A. B. C.3. Whats the womans favorite bird?A. B. C.4. What made Helen wake up?A. B. C.5. Who has the most books?A. Mary. B. Peter.

2、C. Nick.6. Which club will Laura go to?A. Buddy Club. B. Art Club. C. Reading Club.7. When did the early bus leave?A. At 6:25. B. At 6:30 C. At 6:35.8. How much are the CDs?A. Seven yuan. B. Twenty-three yuan. C. Sixteen yuan.9. What does the woman mean?A. She doesnt like to drive now.B. She spends

3、much time practicing.C. She likes driving.10. What can they do in Yancheng Wetlands Park tomorrow?A. They can go birdwatching.B. They can go fishing and have a picnic.C. They can go birdwatching and have a picnic.听对话和短文回答问题。你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。在听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,你还有 5 秒钟的时间选择正确答案。听一段

4、对话,回答第 1112 小题。11. What does Liu Ying think of the trip to Mount Tai?A. Tiring. B. Interesting. C. Exciting.12. What can Liu Ying do in Hong Kong?A. Swimming. B. Shopping. C. Skating.听一篇短文,请根据短文内容,完成信息记录表 1315 小题。Be in harmony(和谐)with wild animals Some people think that all wild animals are dangerou

5、s. In fact Very 13 of wild animals will hurt a man if he leaves them alone.Wild animals only hurt people when they are too 14 to catch their usual food. when their babies are in 15 . when people hunt them or make them angry.13. A. most B. a few C. few14. A. old B. tired C. lazy15.A.daylight B. natur

6、e C. danger听一篇短文,回答第 1620 题。16. What kind of passage is it?A. A story. B. An advertisement. C. A play17. What kind of people can become a member of that group?A. People from 12 to 18. B. All young people. C. People from 12 to 80.18. How do animal lovers help animals without homes?A. By walking them.

7、 B. By playing with them. C. By taking care of them.19. Who does Susan look after?A. Children. B. Old people. C. Patients.20. What will you do if you want to join the group?A. Call them or visit them.B. Call them or visit their website.C. Visit their website or write to them.二、选择填空 (共 25 小题;每小题 1 分,

8、满分 25 分)A) 单项填空 空从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卷上。21.What heavy snow it was!Yes, but I love air after it snows. It smells so fresh.A. the; a B. a; the C. the; the D. a; a22. “Autumn leaves turn brown.“ Whats the structure of this sentence?A. S+V+O B. S+V C. S+V+IO D. S+V+p23. Ice is not ofte

9、n seen here in winter as the temperature often stays zero.A. up B. down C. above D. below24. While Millie TV, Andy came into the room.A. watched B. watches C. is watching D. was watching25. You to attend the meeting this afternoon.A. shouldnt to come B. dont should come C. dont should coming D. shou

10、ldnt come26.How long may I the dictionary?For 2 weeks.A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. buy27. In Suzhou Library, there a number of books on science and animals. The number of them growing larger and larger.A. is; are B. are; is C. is; is D. are; are28. My school has weeks in summer than my sisters.A. le

11、ss; off B. less; away C. fewer; off D. fewer; away29.What is Andy like? .A. He likes swimming. B. He is an artist.C. He is at school. D. He is tall and thin.30. Our city is trying to provide homeless people special shelter(庇护所) stay.A. with; to B. with; in C. for; to D. for; with31.Shall we hand in

12、the homework tomorrow?Yes, so you must them before going to bed.A. make B. complete C. keep D. fill32. You can the passage quickly if you want to get the main idea.A. look in B. Gook up C. look through D. look at33. Xiao Ming was very because of the news.A. excited; exciting B. exciting; excitedC. e

13、xcited; excited D. exciting; exciting34. My English teachers new hair style makes her .A. to look young B. looks young C. look young D. looking young35.How heavy was your daughter when she was at birth?She about 3.5 kg.A. weight B. weighing C. weighed D. weighsB) 完形填空从 A、B、C 、 D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,

14、并将答案写在答题卷上。If actions speak 36 than words, in the following story, perhaps sweet is also louder. Mr. Hathways students stuck some sweets on a large piece of cardboard. It 37 , “To Mr. Hathway. You are a special teacher. I have loved all your lessons this year. Thank you for turning me into a wonderf

15、ul world this year. Its the summer holiday now, so take time out to have a 38 . You should have a nice picnic, but be 39 with the lion. Or you just lie on the beach(海滩). Ill 40 you a lot like jelly(果冻).You are one in a million.Rob Hathway, who has been teaching Year 6 pupils(小学生), told the BBC he wa

16、s sad to see his kids leave but this present will often make him 41 them.“I was so thankful for teaching such a 42 class. On the last Thursday of term I got chocolates, cards and wine from my pupils, but when this one was given to me, I was so 43 by it. I was a bit sad to see them off 44 glad that t

17、hey have done so well and got ready for the next step at middle school.“When asked if he would 45 all the chocolate bars, Mr. Hathway said he just ate chocolate sometimes but as there was quite a lot he would share it with his family.Sweet!36. A. louder B. bigger C. longer D. higher37. A. has B. say

18、s C. writes D. copies38. A. rest B. time C. test D. sleep39. A. friendly B. careful C. careless D. polite40. A. miss B. forget C. thank D. help41. A. think B. think of C. think through D. think over42. A. big B. crary C. lovely D. natural43. A. sad B. tired C. surprised D. lucky44. A. so B. and C. w

19、hen D. but45. A. eat B. drink C. sell D. buy三、阅读理解(共 12 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 24 分)阅读下面短文,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卷上。ADo you have a smartphone? If so, there is a good way for you to learn English: listening topodcasts(播客)!Podcasts are made by people from all over the world. You can find them e

20、asily on the Internet. There are all kinds of podcasts. Some are about music. Some are about interesting stories. Some are about language learning. Most of the podcasts are free, so you can choose what you are interested in and keep listening.The other advantage(优 点 )of listening to podcasts is that

21、 you can do it almost any time. You can do it when you are walking to school, or when you are running in the playground. You can do it even when you are going to bed. In this way, your English will improve a lot before you know it.If you want to improve your English by listening to podcasts, here is

22、 something you need to remember. First, do not listen to podcasts when you are riding a bike. Thats too dangerous! Second, make sure the sound of your smartphone is not too loud. The loud sound is bad for your hearing.46. The writer tells a way of learning English by .A. listening B. speaking C. rea

23、ding D. writing47. We can fmd podcasts .A. in the book B. in the libraryC. on the Internet D. in the MP3 player48. According to the passage, there is(are) advantages of listening to podcasts.A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 549. We should not listen to podcasts when riding a bike because it is .A. impossible B. bo

24、ring C. difficult D. unsafeBWhere did you go during the summer holiday? You may have visited Tsinghua and Peking Universities(大学). And you werent alone. This summer, lots of tourists travelled to these two universities. Tsinghua University opens to the public(公众)at 8:30 a.m., however, many people st

25、art to line up at 3-4 a.m., because people who come at 6 a.m. will be too late and can only enter in the afternoon. In fact, its not only Chinese universities that are overcrowded(过度拥挤的)in summer. Cambridge and Oxford in the United Kingdom also come across the same problem. The road in front of King

26、s College. Cambridge is usually filled with tourists, including Chinese schoolchildren in uniforms. Universities in the United States are also popular among Chinese tourists. Nine out of ten Chinese visitors to the US want to visit a university. So why do Chinese tourists have such a big love for fa

27、mous universities? One reason is that many parents hope to get their children admitted to a top university in the future. Wang Sicong, 31, who comes from Xian, visited two famous US universities in 2014. “American universities are different from Chinese ones. There are no wails,“ he told The New Yor

28、k Times. “I am happy. I feel this urge(冲动)to have a free exchange of ideas with someone.“50. Which university isnt mentioned(提到的)in the article?A. Tsinghua University. B. Nanjing University.C. Cambridge University. D. Oxford University.51. What can you learn from the article?A. Universities abroad(在

29、国外)are crowded(拥挤)with people.B. People visit universities because they will enter(进入)these universities.C. Only students and parents like travelling to universities.D. Chinese universities are better than the universities abroad.52. What is the story mainly about?A.Some students further study in Am

30、erican and England.B. Some students study in Peking and Tsinghua Universities.C. People always enjoy travelling abroad.D. People love travelling to famous universities.53. What does the underlined word “admitted“ most probably mean?A.吸引 B.录取 C.旅游 D.关注CJeff and Alison had been married for a year. Whe

31、n people came to visit them, they always said how tidy and clean the house was, and if they stayed for dinner, it was always very tasty. Alison was a good cook and housekeeper.One day, Alison told her friend Sue, “Jeff is a very nice man, but he is very picky(挑剔的). He always wants his dinner cooked

32、just the right way. He makes a face if it is not right. And he hates it if there is any dirt anywhere in the house. He gets angry if the dishes are not cleaned as soon as dinner is over. His tea is never right either. Its always too strong or too weak. He is terribly picky.“That Friday night at dinn

33、er, Jeff put some salt on his vegetables.Alison said, “Not enough salt? There is always something wrong, isnt there? Youre so picky!“Its always tasty,“ said Jeff “Im really enjoying it.“She gave him a cup of tea. Jeff looked at it.“Is the tea all right?“ she asked.“Yes, dear,“ said Jeff: “Its just r

34、ight.“Thats lucky,“ said Alison. “Youre so picky about your tea!“Jeff didnt think he was picky at all.The next day Jeff came home while Alison was talking to Sue. Alison didnt hear Jeff come in and kept on talking.“He didnt like the dinner I cooked last night,“ he heard her say. “He said he liked it

35、 but I know he didnt. I could see it on his face. He is so picky.“Jeff was surprised. He had enjoyed his dinner last night and had told Alison the truth. As he came into the room, he heard her say, “He had been picky for as long as I have known him.“I havent always been that picky,“ he told Alison,

36、“One year ago I chose you to be my wife“54. How would you describe Jeff and Alisons marriage?A. They always fought. B. They didnt understand each other very well.C. They loved each other deeply. D. They never talked.55. Alison thought that her husband .A. didnt like many things B. was too quietC. tr

37、ied to be friendly to strangers D. worked very hard56. What does the underlined phrase “makes a face“ mean in the passage?A. Jeff is not sure about the dinner. B. Jeff doesnt like the dinner.C. Jeff th,nlcc the dinner is nice. D. Jeff wants more of the dinner.57. Whats the best title of the passage?

38、A. True love B. A picky husbandC. Understanding . D. How to cook for your husband四、单词拼写(共 10 小题;每题 1 分,满分 10 分)根据所给音标、汉语注释或对话情景,在答题卷标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写 1 个词。58. When everyone left, he felt (无助的).59. If you feel (紧张的), a cup of tea can help you calm down.60. He often gets up when the sun (升起)

39、.61. After (介绍)yourself to our classmates, you can sit down.62. The results will be (严重的)if you dont change your idea on the plan.63. What he did really set a good (榜样)for the other students.64.I really love the song “I am eating fried chicken on Peoples (广场)“.65. To my surprise, he is good at playi

40、ng (国际象棋).66.He often tells jokes and makes us happy.Exactly, he is a man.67.Honey, I dont want to watch a movie. Its boring.OK. Lets go shopping .五、句型转换(共 5 小题;每空 1 分,满分 10 分)根据括号中的要求改写下列句子,并将答案写在答题卷上。68. Our city is very beautiful in spring.(对划线部分提问)What does your city in winter?69. You cant stop

41、working hard.(同义句转换)You must hard.70. I will not tell it to anybody.(改为同义句)I will it .71. On my way home, there was something wrong with my car and it couldri t move.(同 义 句 转 换 )On my way home, my car .72. Bats usually eat small insects(昆虫).(改为同义句)Bats small insects.六、句子翻译(共 5 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 15 分)73.

42、英语是一门有趣的外语。74.我希望今天每个人都能玩得愉快。75.多彩的学校生活让学生们很开心。76.在那一刻,找到出路对你很重要。77.她建议我不要对坏人抱有同情心。七、阅读表达(共 3 小题;第 78 题 1 分,第 79 题 2 分,第 80 题 3 分,满分 6 分)Bitwalking is an invention by a small company in London. To make people walk more, this new app on the mobile phone is paying people, which is based on(在基础上)their

43、daily walkingsteps.With this app, walkers can earn one “Bitwalking dollar“ for about 1000 steps (about 8 kilometers). Three bitwalking dollars can be earned by one person per day at most. The money people earned can be spent on online shopping sites(地点)or exchanged for cash(现金).One idea behind the app is to make people healthier.