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人教新课标高中英语必修四《Unit 5 Period Four》课件

1、Unit 5 Theme parks,达标检测,语法导学,内容索引,Period Four GrammarWord formation,语法导学,感悟体会下列各组单词,并总结规律。 chairman 主席 newspaper 报纸 hometown 家乡 airport 机场 sunrise 日出 dislike 不喜欢 incorrect 不正确的 unlucky 不走运的 retell 复述 telephone 电话 reader 读者 inventor 发明家 Chinese 中国人 Indian 印度人 artist 艺术家 kindness 和蔼 operation 手术 water

2、 水/浇水 dry 干的/弄干 book 书籍/预订 nurse 护士/护理 better 更好/改善,1.组中的单词是将两个单词合并在一起,形成一个新的单词。这种构词法被称之为 。 2.组中的单词都是在各自的词根前加了不同的 ,如dis-,in-,un-,re-,tele-等。 3.组中的单词是在各自的词根后加了不同的 ,如-er,-or,-ese,-ian等。 4.组中单词的构词法被称之为 。 5.组中的单词所展示的构词法被称之为 。,合成法,前缀,后缀,派生法,转化法,英语词汇的构成主要有三种方法: 派生(Derivation):通过加前缀或后缀使之构成一个新词。 合成(Compound

3、ing):由两个或更多的词合成一个词。 转化(Conversion):一个单词由一种词性转化为另一种或几种词性。 构词法一:派生 派生法又叫词缀法,它一般借助于词缀构成新词。由词缀法构成的词称为派生词(derivative)。,英语词缀分成前缀和后缀两种。加于词根前的叫前缀(prefix),加于词根后的叫后缀(suffix)。一般说来,前缀只是改变词的意义,并不改变其词类。如形容词unnatural(adj.不自然的;不近人情的),词义发生变化,而词类不变。但是,一些特殊的前缀不仅能改变词的意义,还可以使单词的词类发生变化。如forceenforce(执行,实施;强调),largeenlarg

4、e(扩大),richenrich(使富足;使肥沃;使充实)等。后缀不仅改变词的意义,而且使单词由一种词类转变为另一种词类。如动词invent作“发明”讲,加上后缀or,变为inventor,作“发明者”讲,不仅词义发生变化,而且词类由动词变成了名词。,构词法二:合成 合成法是把两个以上的词按照一定的次序排列成新词的方法。用这种方法构成的新词叫作复合词(compound words)。 在整个英语发展的过程中,合成法在构词方面起着积极的作用,为英语增添和补充了大量的词汇。复合词的构词成分可由各种词类表示,而且组合不受英语句法在词序排列上的限制,比较灵活,复合词的构词材料多半由基本词汇提供。,1.

5、复合名词 复合名词(合成名词)常见的构成方法如下: (1)名词名词。如:silkworm(蚕);blood-test(验血) (2)形容词名词。如:shorthand(速记) (3)动名词名词。如:waiting-room(候车室);sleeping-pill(安眠药) (4)动词名词。如:pickpocket(扒手);breakwater(防波堤) (5)名词动名词。如:handwriting(书法);sunbathing(日光浴) (6)动词副词。如:get-together(联欢会);breakthrough(突破) (7)副词动词。如:outbreak(爆发);downfall(垮台)

6、,2.复合形容词 复合形容词(合成形容词)最常见的构成方法如下: (1)形容词名词-ed。如:noble-minded(高尚的);good-tempered(脾气好的);ill/bad-tempered(脾气坏的);absent-minded(心不在焉的);kind-hearted(心肠好的);warm-blooded(热血的);cold-blooded(冷血的) (2)形容词现在分词。如:good-looking(好看的);easygoing(随和的) (3)副词现在分词。如:hard-working(勤劳的);far-reaching(深远的) (4)名词现在分词。如:peace-lovi

7、ng(热爱和平的),(5)名词过去分词。如:heartfelt(由衷的);state-owned(国营的);man-made(人造的);hand-made(手工的) (6)副词过去分词。如:well-known(著名的);widespread(广泛流传的) (7)形容词名词。如:high-class(高级的);large-scale(大规模的);full-time(专职的);part-time(兼职的),构词法三:转化 转化法是由一种词性转化为另一种词性的方法。 (一)转换为名词 1.动词转换为名词 有大量动词可以转换为名词,这些转换的名词一般表示原来的动作或状态,意思没有太大变化,如下面的加

8、颜色词: (1)Let me have a try.我来试一试。 (2)We stopped there for a swim. 我们在那儿停下来游了一会儿泳。,这类名词常可和一动词构成短语,表示一个动作,如: have a look(chat,talk,wash,swim,rest,try,quarrel,smoke,lie,read,dream,run,fight,walk,ride,drink,laugh,dance,bath,wish,win,fear,love,shave,debate,interview,taste,etc.) make a study(guess,visit,ca

9、ll,survey,jump,slip,change,search,stay,start,reply,remark,fight,purchase,sacrifice,demand,show,deal,etc.),2.形容词转换为名词 部分形容词特别是表示颜色的形容词常可转换为名词;某些形容词如old,young,poor,rich,wounded,injured等与the连用,表示一类人,作主语时,谓语用复数。如下面的加颜色词: (1)You should be dressed in black at the funeral. 你在葬礼上应该穿黑色衣服。 (2)The old in our v

10、illage are living a happy life. 我们村的老年人过着幸福的生活。,(二)转换为动词 1.名词转换为动词。有相当多名词可以直接用作动词。如下面的加颜色词: (1)许多表示物件的名词可以用作动词来表示动作。 Have you booked your ticket? 你的票订好了吗? Who chaired the meeting? 谁主持会议? It can seat a thousand people. 它能容纳一千人。,(2)一些表示身体某部位的名词也可用作动词。 Hand in your exercise books,please. 请把你的练习本交上来。 Wh

11、o headed the delegation? 谁任代表团团长? We should shoulder these responsibilities. 我们应当肩负起这些责任来。,(3)一些表示某类人的名词也可用作动词。 If so,we shall be badly fooled. 如果这样我们就会上大当。 He insisted on staying up to nurse the child. 他坚持不睡觉来护理这个小孩。,2.形容词转换为动词。有少部分形容词也可用作动词。如下面的加颜色词: (1)The train slowed down to half its speed. 火车的

12、速度慢了一半。 (2)Please warm up the dish over the stove. 请把菜放在炉子上加热一下。 (3)The room gradually quieted down. 屋里慢慢静了下来。,(三)个别其他转换的情况,如下面的加颜色词: (1)This is a repeat performance of their old policy. 这是他们的故伎重演。(动形) (2)We began to march north. 我们开始向北进军。(名副) 有个别词在一定的场合下可用作名词。如下面的加颜色词: (3)His argument contains too

13、many ifs and buts. 他在说理时“如果”和“但是”用得太多了。,(4)This book is a must for students of electronics. 这本书是学电子学的学生的必修课。 (5)Have you considered the why and how of the plan? 你考虑过制定这一计划的原因和方式吗?,(四)通过读音转换 有一些词可以词形不变用作另一词类,但重音发生变化。较常见的是一些双音节词,作动词时重音在后,作名词时重音在前。,.单句语法填空 1.To avoid knee pain,you can run on soft surfa

14、ces,do exercises to (strength) your leg muscles(肌肉),avoid hills and get good running shoes.(2018全国) 2.This switch has decreased (pollute) in the countrys major lakes and reservoirs and made drinking water safer for people. (2018全国) 3.According to the World Bank,China accounts for about 30 percent of

15、 total (globe) fertilizer consumption.(2018全国),答案,strengthen,pollution,global,4.Im a (science) who studies animals such as apes and monkeys.(2018全国) 5.Steam engines were used to pull the carriages and it must have been (fair) unpleasant for the passengers,with all the smoke and noise. (2017全国) 6.Thi

16、s development was only possible with the (introduce) of electric-powered engines and lifts.(2017全国) 7.She is determined to carry on with her (educate). (2017全国),答案,scientist,fairly,introduction,education,8.But something made her look closer,and she noticed a _ (shine) object.(2017浙江) 9.The title wil

17、l be (official) given to me at a ceremony in London. (2016全国) 10.Then,handle the most important tasks first so youll feel a real sense of (achieve).(2016全国),答案,shiny/shining,officially,achievement,.单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误) 1.I felt happily that their life had improved. (2018全国,短文改错) 2.Immediate,I raised my h

18、and.(2018全国,短文改错) 3.It was a relief and I came to a suddenly stop just in the middle of the road.(2017全国,短文改错),答案,happy,Immediately,sudden,4.I enjoyed studying difference kinds of cars and planes. (2017全国,短文改错) 5.My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest. (2016全国,短文改错) 6.Instead,he hop

19、es that his business will grow steady. (2016全国,短文改错),答案,different,honesty,steadily,达标检测,.单句语法填空 1.I cant find my toys anywheretheyve entirely _ (appear). 2.Being (able) to afford a proper home after getting married,the couple moved into a mountain cave. 3.Its a(n) (formal) party,so you neednt go hom

20、e to get changed. 4.It was (polite) of you to ask him the personal question in front of so many people.,disappeared,unable,informal,impolite,5.His parents completely (understand) him and criticized (批评) him heavily. 6.Tom was (courage) by his father to take part in the singing competition. 7.On a (s

21、torm) night,his son was missing on the way back home. 8.Their product is (friend) to the environment and popular with customers. 9.He didnt like his work;he did it (simple) for the money.,misunderstood,encouraged,stormy,friendly,simply,10.Martin was very (help);we couldnt have finished the work on t

22、ime without him. 11.Mr Lee said that the smiles and (happy) of the children gave him great courage every day. 12.This latest teaching (equip) in our class is said to have cost a lot of money.,helpful,happiness,equipment,.判断下列画线单词的词性和意思 1.Mary is drawing water from the well and looks quite well.2.I h

23、ave booked my ticket and bought three books for my sister.3.My brother is studying for the coming examination in our fathers study.,第一个well是名词,井;第二个well是形容词,气色好,身体好,第一个book是动词,预订;第二个book是名词,书,第一个study是动词,学习;第二个study是名词,书房,4.Lets go out for a walk after supper,but dont walk too fast.5.Although my new cellphone has many functions,it doesnt function well.,第一个walk是名词,散步;第二个walk是动词,走,第一个function是名词,功能;第二个function是动词,起作用,运转,