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本文((江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语选修七:Unit2 Period One学案)为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

(江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语选修七:Unit2 Period One学案

1、The Pacific island nation of Nauru used to be a beautiful place.Now it is an ecological disaster area.Naurus heartbreaking story could have one good consequenceother countries might learn from its mistakes.For thousands of years,Polynesian people lived on the remote island of Nauru,far from western

2、civilization.The first European to arrive was John Fearn in 1798.He was the British captain of the Hunter,a whaling ship.He called the island Pleasant Island.However,because it was very remote,Nauru had little communication with Europeans at first.Then whaling ships and other traders began to visit,

3、bringing guns and alcohol.These elements destroyed the social balance of the twelve family groups on the island.A tenyear civil war started, which reduced the population from 1,400 to 900.Naurus real troubles began in 1899 when a British mining company discovered phosphate(磷酸盐) on the island.In fact

4、,it found that the island of Nauru was nearly all phosphate,which is a very important fertilizer for farming.The company began mining the phosphate.A phosphate mine is not a hole in the ground;it is a strip mine.When a company stripmines,it removes the top layer of soil.Then it takes away the materi

5、al it wants.Strip mining totally destroys the land.Gradually,the lovely island of Nauru started to look like the moon.In 1968,Nauru became one of the richest countries in the world.Every year the government received millions and millions of dollars for its phosphate.Unfortunately, the leaders invest

6、ed the money unwisely and lost millions of dollars.In addition,they used millions more dollars for personal expenses.Some people realized that they had a terrible problemtheir phosphate was running out.Ninety percent of their island was destroyed and they had nothing.By 2000,Nauru was almost financi

7、ally ruined.Experts say that it would take approximately 433,600,000 and more than 20 years to repair the island.This will probably never happen.完成这篇文章的文脉构架图Period One Welcome to the unit & Reading.重点单词1 n药剂师,药商;化学家n化学2 n巨变,大变革;革命;旋转,天体运行v变革,革命3 n柜台;计数器;反驳;vt.反驳;抵制,抵消v数数,计算;依靠4 adj.有益的;有用的v对有益;得益于;n

8、.益处5 vt.拥有,具有n个人财产;拥有,具有6 adj.对极重要的,必不可少的7 n可能性,潜在性;潜力,潜能;adj .潜在的,可能的adv.潜在地,可能地8 vi.& vt.循环;传播,散布;传递,传阅n循环;传播9 adj.不正常的,反常的(反义词) adj.正常的;平常的10 vt.使十分惊讶;使吃惊adj.令人惊讶的adj.感到惊讶的n惊讶11 n应用,运用;申请,申请表;涂抹,外敷vt.申请;应用;涂抹12 adj.有效的;实际的,事实上的;生效的n影响;结果13 n批准,通过;赞成,同意v批准,通过;赞成,同意14 vt.& vi.(使)加速,加快n加快;增进15 adj.大

9、规模的;数量极多的; n.一团,一堆;许多;(物理)质量16 n疾病;恶心,呕吐adj.有病的;恶心的17 n症状;征兆18 vi.流血,失血n血,血液.重点短语1 集中于;专注于2 打开;开拓3 上百万的4 以形式5 实施;执行6 测试,试验;参加选拔7 大量地8 因为;由于9 认出,辨别出;挑选10 偶然地.重点句式1It is likely that. you will find aspirin and penicillin.你很可能会找到阿司匹林和青霉素。2现在分词作定语Nearly 3,500 years ago,people chewed on leaves or drank a

10、kind of tea made from leaves (possess) a special chemical to reduce body pains and fever.大约 3 500 年以前,人们咀嚼一种含有特殊化学物质的树叶或饮用由这种树叶制成的茶,以减轻身体疼痛或退烧。3not only.but also.Not only vital for reducing fever and helping stop pain,but also other things that aspirin can help with.阿司匹林不仅被证明对于退烧、止痛必不可少,而且还有其他用途。4if

11、 引导的虚拟条件句If penicillin available,many people sickness or even small wounds.如果没有青霉素,很多人都将死于疾病,甚至是很小的伤口。.课文阅读理解1Whats the main idea of this passage?AFamous doctors.BHow Penicillin and Aspirin were invented.CAspirin and Penicillin.DHow to keep healthy.2Which of the following is considered to be the tim

12、e when Aspirin was invented?A3,500 years ago. B2,500 years ago.C1897. D1899.3Which of the following cant Aspirin be used for?AKeeping quiet. BPainkilling.CCuring diabetes. DReducing heart attacks.4Which of the following is NOT false?APenicillin can keep people healthy by thinning their blood.BAspiri

13、n can save lives by killing bacteria.CAspirin was discovered by accident.DPenicillin was discovered by chance.5Who is American?ADr Thun. BSmith.CAlexander Fleming. DHoward Florey.课文阅读填空Names of 1. Aspirin PenicillinWho invented or discovered it Dr Felix Hoffmann Alexander FlemingWho put it into 2. o

14、r produced it The company Hoffmann worked forHoward Florey and Ernst ChainWhat is 3. in the medicine Salicylic acid MouldUsesReducing fever and helping stop4. Reducing the 5. of heart attacks6. strokesReducing the risk of some cancers by 40 per centReducing blood sugar 7. Treating wounds and illness

15、es caused by 9. Honors given to the medicines or the scientistsBecame the 8. medicine in the world for pain reliefConsidered to be one of the most important medicines in 10. societyThe Nobel Prize in Medicine.阅读课文,并试着以约 30 个词概括第二段(P 18,L 717 )的段落大意。重点词汇1Both of these medicines have saved millions of

16、 peoples lives and have proved beneficial to mankind since they were invented.这两种药自问世以来已挽救了数百万人的生命,并且已被证明对人类是有益的。归纳拓展(1)beneficial adj.有益的;有用的be beneficial to 对有益(2)benefit v对 有益;n .益处benefit from 从中受益be of benefit 有益的(be beneficial)for sb.s benefitfor the benefit of sb.为了某人的利益;为帮助某人语境助记(1)A good di

17、et is beneficial to health.良好的饮食有益于健康。(2)We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone.我们应该把这笔钱花在对大家都有益的事上。(3)The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned.新规章将使所有有关人员受益。(4)I have done it for his benefit.I have done it for the benefit of him.我为了帮助他才做的那件事。题组训练(1)一句多

18、译该制度有利于城市居民。The system people in the cities.(benefit vt.)The system people in the cities.(beneficial)The system people in the cities.(benefit n)People in the cities the system.(benefit vi.)(2)It is clear who the new policy will .Aof benefit BbenefitCbenefit from Dbenefit by2Nearly 3,500 years ago, p

19、eople chewed on leaves or drank a kind of tea made from leaves possessing a special chemical to reduce body pains and fever.大约 3 500 年前,人们咀嚼一种含有特殊化学物质的树叶或饮用由这种树叶制成的茶,以减轻身体疼痛或退烧。归纳拓展(1)possess vt.拥有,具有;支配,控制be possessed of 具有某种品质( 或特征)(2)possession nU拥有;( 常用复数 )个人财产have/get/gain/take possession of 占有

20、;拥有in possession of 占有in the possession of sb.为某人所有语境助记(1)Poor as they are,they possess many noble qualities.尽管他们很穷,但是他们拥有很多高尚的品质。(2)She is a charming lady,possessed of good health and sound intellect.她是一位拥有健康体质和极佳才智的迷人的女士。(3)The land is in the possession of the merchant.这块地为该商人所有。题组训练(1)句型转换He take

21、s possession of the company.He is the company.The company is him.(2)As the only child,Jack was all the belongings after his parents died.(2016江苏八校高二期中联考)Ain place of Bin possession ofCin favor of Din honor of3Not only has aspirin proved vital for reducing fever and helping stop pain,but there are al

22、so other things that aspirin can help with.阿司匹林不仅被证明对于退烧、止痛必不可少,而且还有其他用途。归纳拓展vital adj.对 极重要的,必不可少的be vital for/to.对极重要的,必不可少的It is vital to do sth.做某事极其重要。be of vital importance 极其重要注意:在句型“It is vital(important,impossible,necessary,strange ,natural ,essential) that.”中,从句谓语动词要用“(should) 动词原形” 。语境助记(

23、1)Skillful employees are vital to the success of any company.熟练的雇员对任何公司的成功都极为重要。(2)It is vital to get the victim to the hospital at once.把受害者立刻送到医院是至关重要的。(3)It is vital that a middle school student (should) learn English well.学好英语对中学生来说是十分重要的。题组训练(1)The cultural industry is to the national economy.I

24、t is expected to account for 10% of our countrys GDP by 2018.Avaluable BvitalCvague Dvalid(2)It is vital that every piece of equipment before the experiment.(2016淮安淮阴高二期中)Ais checked Bwill be checkedCbe checked Dmust be checked4Lawrence Craven,a doctor from the USA,introduced the idea in 1953 that a

25、spirin had the potential to reduce the risk of heart attacks.1953 年,美国的一位医生劳伦斯克雷文提出了阿司匹林可能有助于降低心脏病发作风险的观点归纳拓展(1)potential n可能性;潜力,潜能;adj.有潜力的;可能的realize ones potential 发挥某人的潜能have the potential to do sth.有潜力做某事have the potential for (doing) sth.有( 做)某事的可能性/ 潜在性(2)potentially adv.可能地语境助记(1)The diseas

26、e is a potential killer for children.这种病对孩子们来说是个潜在的杀手。(2)As a student,you still havent realized your potential.作为一名学生,你还没有把潜能发挥出来。(3)He has the potential to become a worldclass musician.他有潜力成为世界级的音乐家。(4)The company certainly has the potential for growth.那家公司当然有发展潜力。题组训练(1)You mustnt drink before you

27、 drive.There is danger in drunk driving.(2016淮安淮阴高二期中)Aprecious BdiverseCpotential Danxious(2)Its important for graduates to find a proper job,one in which they can bring their into full play.(2016南京三中高二月考)Apotential BcircumstanceCsymptom Dinsurance5.and in 1977 a study carried out in the USA showed

28、 that aspirin could prevent strokes,as well.并且在 1977 年,美国做的一项研究表明阿司匹林也能预防中风。归纳拓展carry out 执行,实施;完成( 任务)carry on 继续carry sth.through 成功完成;顺利实现carry sb.through 帮某人渡过难关carry off 赢得;获得(奖品);夺走;成功地完成语境助记(1)The project was carried out by a local company.这项工程是由当地一家公司完成的。(2)He moved to London to carry on his

29、 research.他搬到伦敦继续他的研究。(3)It was your kindness that carried me through.正是你的仁慈帮我渡过了难关。题组训练(1)The China Foreign Exchange Trading System says it will direct trading of the Chinese yuan against the Singapore dollar beginning Tuesday.(2016扬州仙城中学高二期中)Acarry on Bcarry outCcarry away Dcarry off(2)I hate it w

30、hen she calls me at workIm always too busy to a conversation with her.(2016天津,14)Acarry on Bbreak intoCturn down Dcut off6It astonished him to see the bacteria surrounding the mould dead.他惊讶地发现,这种霉周围的细菌都死了归纳拓展(1)astonish vt.使惊讶;使吃惊(2)astonished adj.感到惊讶的;使吃惊be astonished at 对感到惊讶be astonished to do

31、sth.对于做某事感到惊讶(3)astonishing adj.令人惊讶的(4)astonishment n惊讶to ones astonishment 令某人惊讶的是in/with astonishment 惊奇地;惊愕地,惊讶地语境助记(1)What astonished me was that he refused to help.令我惊讶的是他拒绝帮忙。(2)I was astonished to see so many people there.看到如此多的人在那儿,我很吃惊。(3)He looked at me in astonishment.他惊奇地望着我。题组训练(1)用 as

32、tonish 的适当形式填空To my ,everyone looked when I announced the news except Tom,who remained very calm.Did it you to hear that?(2)When the man came in,gun in hand,we all stood there, .(2016江苏八校高二期中联考)Aastonished BastonishingCbeing astonished Dhaving astonished7Fleming tried this mould out on another bacte

33、rium and found that it killed the bacterium too.弗莱明将这种霉用在另外一种细菌上做试验,结果发现它同样杀死了那种细菌。归纳拓展try out 试验,测试;选拔try on 试穿try to do sth.尽力做某事try doing sth.试着做某事try ones best to do sth.尽全力去做某事语境助记(1)The drug has not been tried out on human beings yet.这种药物尚未进行过人体试验。(2)Try doing the things you used to enjoy,such

34、 as reading or taking a walk in the park.尝试去做一些你过去很享受的事,比如阅读或者到公园去散步。(3)He tries his best to help the poor and is respected by them.他尽全力去帮助穷人,并赢得了他们的尊敬。题组训练(1)他拿出一件女装给那位女士试穿。He held out a dress for the lady .(2)The new product will be in a certain area to see if it will appeal to young people.(2016淮

35、阴师院附属中学高二期中)Alet out Btried outCworn out Dgiven out8He immediately realized that the mould might have an application in treating illnesses caused by bacteria.他立刻想到可以把这种霉应用到治疗由细菌引起的疾病上。归纳拓展(1)application n应用,运用;申请(表);涂抹,外敷(2)apply vt.应用,适用;申请;涂抹apply for 申请,请求apply to 运用于;涉及到apply oneself to 致力于,专心于a

36、把 运用于语境助记(1)The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production usually increases efficiency.把新的科学发现运用到工业生产上通常可以提高效率。(2)We received ten applications for the job.我们收到了 10 份申请此工作的申请书。(3)The new rule was applied to imported cars.这条新规定被运用于进口车上。(4)He applied himself to the task

37、 with diligence.他勤奋地全神贯注于这项工作。题组训练(1)用适当的介词填空Now researchers are applying scientific methods the study of the universality of art.She is too young to apply this job.(2)The technology,in my opinion,could have in such fields as military,medicine and public safety.(2016盐城中学高二期中 )Aappreciations Bappoint

38、mentsCapplications Dqualifications9Second,it was difficult to produce penicillin in the ample quantities needed to be effective.第二,难以生产出足量的青霉素以产生药效。归纳拓展(1)effective adj.有效的;实际的;生效的(2)effect n作用,效果have an effect on 对有影响come into effect 生效;开始实行put.into effect 使生效(3)affect v影响语境助记(1)One of the most eff

39、ective ways to reduce stress is to talk about feelings with someone you trust.(2015浙江)减轻压力最有效的方法之一就是与你信任的人谈谈你的感受。(2)The new law will come into effect at the start of September.新的法令将在九月初开始生效。(3)The drug may affect your power of concentration.这种药可能会影响你注意力的集中。题组训练(1)用 effective, effect,affect 填空The pla

40、n for protecting the endangered animals will soon be put into .Advertising is often the most method of promotion.It is said that parents quarrel can their childs health.(2)The weather forecast says it will be cloudy with a slight of rain later tonight.(2016天津,10)Aeffect BsenseCchange Dchance(3)This

41、kind of medicine has a bad on our brains.Aaffection BaffectCeffect Dresult10In 1940, two other scientists,Howard Florey (Australian) and Ernst Chain (Germanborn English),helped solve these problems, and managed to make and test the new drug in large quantities.在 1940 年,另外两名科学家,澳大利亚人霍华德弗洛里和德裔英国人恩斯特 钱

42、恩帮助解决了这些问题,并设法大批量地制造和试验这种新药。归纳拓展in large quantities 大量地Error!大/少量的注意:quantities of名词复数谓语动词;a quantity ofError!语境助记(1)Buy vegetables in large quantities,and youll be given a very good discount.大批量购买蔬菜,你会得到更好的折扣。(2)Large quantities of carbon dioxide are released into the air.A large quantity of carbon

43、 dioxide is released into the air.大量的二氧化碳被排放到空气中。题组训练用所给词的适当形式填空(1)As a result of destroying the forests,a large quantity of desert (have) covered the land.(2)Large quantities of furniture of the latest styles (be) on sale now.(3)A quantity of books (be) needed at present.11Since the new drug was ne

44、eded for World War ,the government approval process for penicillin was accelerated,and mass production began in 1944.因为第二次世界大战需要青霉素这种新药,政府批准程序得以加快,并于 1944 年开始大批量生产。归纳拓展(1)approval n赞成;批准,通过meet with/win/earn ones approval 得到某人的赞成/ 认可give ones approval to sth.批准/ 同意某事on approval (商品 )供试用;包退换(2)approv

45、e v赞成,同意;批准approve of 赞同;称赞;满意;喜欢语境助记(1)I hope my suggestions will meet with your approval.希望您能赞成我的建议。(2)Mr Grey bought his camera on approval.格雷先生买的这部照相机包退包换。(3)Her father will never approve of her marriage to you.她父亲永远不会同意她和你结婚。题组训练(1) I am working on a screen of my latest science fiction.You can dream of making a fortune out of it.(2016南京三中高二月考)Aprinciple BapplicationCapproval Dadaptation(2)Im glad that my parents have of me buying a new car.Aagreed BpromisedCallowed Dapproved12Due to