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本文((江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语选修七:Unit1 Period Three学案)为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

(江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语选修七:Unit1 Period Three学案

1、Period Three Task.重点单词1 adj.功能齐全的;全面的2 adj.电子的adj.与电有关的,用电的adj.电的,用电的n电,电流3 n翻译;转化vt.翻译n翻译家4 n习语,成语,惯用语5 v重量为;权衡6 vt.使成形,塑造7 adj.合适的,适当的v适合8 vt.&vi.浏览,粗略地读;审视;扫描9 adj.(物品)雅致的,精美的; (人或其举止)优雅的n优雅;精美10 n电池.重点短语1 首先;最重要的是2 尤其3 注意4 依靠;指望;取决于5 在某人看来.重点句式1部分否定结构that you hear is very important.并不是你所听到的一切都很重

2、要。2祈使句and陈述句it does all the work for you!将它在课本的某一行上移动,它会为你做所有的工作!3倍数表达法In other words,the model with a camera costs the older model.Is that right?换句话说,带照相的机型价格是旧机型价格的两倍,对吗?重点词汇1It only weighs 96 grams and measures 1047215 mm.它只重 96 克,尺寸是 1047215 毫米。归纳拓展(1)weigh vi.重量为;vt.权衡,斟酌;称重(2)weight n重量lose we

3、ight 减肥put on/gain weight 长胖by weight 以重量计语境助记(1)The baby weighs three kilos.这婴儿重三公斤。(2)He is weighing the advantage of the operation against its risk.他在权衡做手术的好处和风险。(3)She runs every day in order to lose weight.她每天都跑步是为了减肥。(4)Bananas are sold by weight.香蕉是按斤出售的。题组训练(1)A fullygrown blue whale 110 fee

4、t in length and several tons.(2016丹阳高级中学高二期中)Ais measured;weighsBmeasures;weighsCis measured;is weighedDmeasures;is weighed(2)What can I do for you?Id like to have the package .Aweigh BweighingCweighed Dto weigh2It is shaped like a pen.它的形状像支钢笔。归纳拓展shape vt.使成形,塑造; n.形状,状态in shape 在形状上,在外形上;处于良好状态;处

5、于准备状态out of shape 变形的,走样的;身体不好in the shape of 以的形式;呈的形状语境助记(1)The potter shaped the clay into a vase.陶工将泥土塑成花瓶。(2)Childhood experiences often play a big part in shaping ones character.童年的经历在形成一个人的性格方面往往起重要作用。(3)The pool is in the shape of a heart.游泳池呈心形。题组训练(1)Tom always goes jogging in the morning

6、and he usually does pushups too to stay .(2014江苏,24)Ain place Bin orderCin shape Din fashion(2) like a pen,the message recorder functions well with a speaker and an easytoread screen.ABeing shape BShapingCShaped DTo shape3Especially suitable for people with a reading disability,the Stylus Pen keeps

7、the last 80 words scanned for easy review.Stylus Pen 特别适合那些有阅读障碍的人,它能够储存浏览的最后 80 个词供你轻松复习。归纳拓展(1)suitable adj.合适的,适当的be suitable for.适合be suitable to do sth.适合做某事It is suitable for do sth.某人适合做某事。(2)suit v适合be suited for/to 适合做,对适宜be suited to do.适于做语境助记(1)As far as Im concerned, hes a more su

8、itable candidate.在我看来,他是更合适的选手。(2)These films are suitable for adults only.这些电影只适合成人观看。(3)What time do you think would be suitable for us to meet?你认为我们什么时候见面最合适?题组训练(1)一句多译这类书不适合孩子们看。This kind of books children.(suitable)This kind of books children.(suit) children this kind of books.(it 作形式主语)(2)Che

9、ngdu is blessed with a warm climate,which makes it a place to live in.Asuitable BconvenientCavailable Dresponsible经典句式1Not everything that you hear is very important.并不是你所听到的一切都很重要。归纳拓展本句是部分否定。not everything.相当于 everything.not.。英语中,all,both,every ,everybody ,everything,always,completely 等表示整体概念的代词、副

10、词和 not 连用时,构成部分否定,表示 “不都,并非都”的意思。而no,none,never,nobody,neither,nothing,no more,no longer 等表示否定意义的词与谓语一起使用构成了全部否定。语境助记(1)Not every man can do it.Every man can not do it.不是每个人都能做这件事。(2)All of the students dont go to play basketball after class.不是所有的学生下课后都去打篮球。(3)They dont always make mistakes.他们并非总是犯错

11、误。题组训练(1)He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found of them again.Aneither Beither Ceach Dall(2)Niki is always full of ideas,but is useful to my knowledge.(2015四川,10)Anothing Bno oneCneither Dnone2Run it over a line of text and it does all the work for you!将它在课本的某一行上移动,它会为你做所有的

12、工作!归纳拓展(1)这是一个常用句式:祈使句and陈述句,起“条件句主句”的作用。(2)该句式的三种变化:祈使句破折号陈述句名词词组and陈述句祈使句or陈述句(or 表示 “否则,要不然的话” ,or 可用 or else 或 otherwise 替换,从反面来预测结果)语境助记(1)It is really very dangerous.One more step,and the kid will fall into the well.真危险。再多迈一步,这个小孩儿就要掉进井里了。(2)Try some of this juiceperhaps youll like it.尝尝这种果汁,也

13、许你会喜欢的。(3)Do as youre told,otherwise youll be in trouble.叫你怎么做就怎么做,否则你会有麻烦的。题组训练(1)用 get 的适当形式填空 in touch with him,you must first have his telephone number. in touch with him,you will know how he is concerned about the relationship with you. in touch with him if you can,and you will find he knows mu

14、ch more than you expected.(2)English has a large vocabulary,hasnt it?Yes. more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate.AKnow BKnowingCTo know DKnown(3)Start out right away, youll miss the first bus.Aand BbutCor Dwhile3In other words,the model with a camera costs twi

15、ce as much as the older model.Is that right?换句话说,带照相的机型价格是旧机型价格的两倍,对吗?归纳拓展(1)句中 twice as much as.是表示倍数的常用句式,表示 “是的两倍” 。(2)常用的倍数表达方式有:倍数倍数比较级than.倍数the size/height/length/width.of.倍数what 从句倍数that of.语境助记(1)This shirt costs twice as much as that one.这件衬衫的价格是那件的两倍。(2)This bridge is five times as

16、wide as that one.This bridge is five times the width of that one.这座桥是那座桥的五倍宽。(3)The production is now three times what it was five years ago.现在的产量比五年前增加了两倍。题组训练(1)同义句改写The red ruler is three times as long as the yellow one. (用“倍数比较级”改写) (用“倍数then.of. ”改写)(2)A new iPhone costs about of a secondhand o

17、ne.(2016徐州沛县中学高二质检)Athe price of three timesBthree times the priceCas much as the three times priceDthree times more than the price.单词拼写1I like my clothes to be simple but (雅致的)2The house is not really s for a large family.3I (浏览) Time magazine while waiting at the doctors office.4 “Let the cat out

18、of the bag” is an i meaning to tell a secret by mistake.5I bought an e watch for my daughter as her birthday present.选词填空depend on,be worried about,in other words,in ones opinion,in particular6What do you want to see ?7We the radio for news.8 ,it is a very sound investment.9My mother was very ill,an

19、d I had to attend to her.And I her operation.10His wife is my daughter; ,I am his motherinlaw.完成句子11在我看来,我们会再次考试不及格的。that we will again fail in the exam.12他的父母都不在国外。his parents is abroad.13不是所有的鸟都会飞。can fly.14站在那边,你看这幅油画就会更清楚。Stand over there the oil painting better.15这张桌子是那张桌子的三倍长。This table is tha

20、t one.单项填空16The boy is thin,but he can lift a stone about 20 kilograms.Aweigh Bweighing Cweighed Dweight17The river is seriously polluted and is not for any fish to grow in.Apossible BsuitableCaccessible Davailable18Every fifty metres there is a camera the road,so you must be careful when driving.As

21、cans BscannedCscanning Dbeing scanned19 can be good at something for 40 years if he doesnt love it.AAnybody BEverybodyCNobody DSomebody20Follow these tips,and your time doing research on the Internet much more worthwhile.(2016南京三中高二期中 )Ais spent;has been Bspent;isCspent;will be Dis spent;is写作指导提出建议的

22、邮件就是作者就有关问题进行分析并提出自己的建议。建议邮件的格式、写法与普通邮件的写法相同:主要由称呼、正文和落款三部分构成。1称呼(Salutation)邮件一般使用非正式文体,因此正文前的称呼通常无须使用诸如“Dear Mr John”之类的表达。在同辈的亲朋好友或同事间可以直呼其名,但对长辈或上级最好使用头衔加上姓。如:Tommy,或者 Mr Smith。若不能确定收件人是哪一位,可用这样的表达,如:“Dear Madam or Sir”或“To whom it may concern”等。2正文(Body)提出建议的邮件的正文一般采取“三段式结构” ,通常以 firstly,second

23、ly,thirdly 或 to begin with,then,later 等依次陈述建议。首段:对对方对自己的信任简单表示感谢,或者表明自己的诚意。中段:围绕所发现的问题,用委婉客观的语言提出自己的建议、方法,注意要充分考虑到对方的实际问题,表达时应选择得体的语言,切忌语言生硬刻板。陈述信息时要清晰明了,不要引起对方的困惑。末段:简单提出自己的希望,希望自己的建议能对对方有所帮助。3签名(Signature)签名通常是寄件者在信函的结尾处写上自己的姓名。常用句式1I would like to suggest that.2I am writing to express my views co

24、ncerning.3Im writing to persuade you to.4First of all,I think it would be better if.5Here I d like to give my advice on.6If I were you,I would.7I believe you will take my advice into account.8I hope you will find these proposals/suggestions practical/useful/helpful.9Please take my advice into consid

25、eration and make a final decision.10I will be more than happy to see improvements in this regard.典题示例假如你是高明,你的叔叔打算给他的儿子买一个电子词典,请你结合下面的提示,发一封150 词左右的电子邮件向他推荐下面的一种电子词典。Mark 204DLanguages:Chinese and EnglishWord capacity: over 102,000Weight:96 gramsSize:1047215 mmPrice: 650 yuanExtra functions:spelling

26、 check;pronunciation guide and a list of words with similar and opposite meanings Battery:three AAA batteries; last about 70 hoursGuarantee:covers faults but not loss of dictionary写作步骤Step One 审题谋篇写作要求是写一份电子邮件,写作时应注意下面几点:1文体:这是一封电子邮件,内容为推荐一种电子词典。写作中应注意邮件的常规格式。2时态:以一般现在时为主,可能用到情态动词或一般将来时。3人称:以第三人称为主。

27、4布局:(1)写信目的;(2)产品介绍;(3)服务保障;(4)结论Step Two 联想词汇1建议某人做某事 2提高某人的语言学习 3对某人便利 4测量有 5重达 6充电 7替换 8适合 Step Three 句式升级1该电子词典提供英汉翻译,包含 102 000 词汇,将会有助于他提高语言学习。This electronic dictionary EnglishChinese translation and over 102,000 words.It will be for him his language study.(并列句和简单句)This electronic dictionary

28、gives EnglishChinese translation with over 102,000 words, .(非限制性定语从句)2他携带起来方便,因为它小,尺寸为 1047215 mm,重 96 g。He can carry it it is very small.It only 1047215 mm and 96 grams.(复合句与并列句)its small size, 1047215 mm and 96 grams.(it 作形式主语与现在分词作状语)3若有毛病而不是丢失词典,你都可以免费换一个新的。If it is rather than ,you can replace

29、it with a new one for free.(形容词作表语)If any faults but not loss of dictionary,it with a new one for free.(there be 句型与被动语态)Step Four 连句成篇答案精析基础自测.1.allround 2.electronic; electric;electrical ;electricity 3.translation;translate ;translator 4.idiom 5.weigh 6.shape 7.suitable ;suit 8.scan 9.elegant;eleg

30、ance10battery.1.above all particular attention to4depend on one s opinion.1.Not everything 2.Run it over a line of text and3twice as much as 要点探究重点词汇1(1)B 句中 measure 与 weigh 均为不及物动词,故不能用被动语态。(2)C 本题中 weigh 意为“称重” ,及物动词,the package 与 weigh 之间为被动关系,所以用过去分词作宾补。have sth.done 使得被。2(1)C 考查

31、介词短语辨析。 in place 就位,到位;in order 井然有序;in shape 保持体形;in fashion 流行。根据句意“Tom 坚持早上慢跑并且还常常做俯卧撑来保持体形。 ”可知,选C。(2)C shape 使成形,定形,这里用它的过去分词形式作状语。3(1)is not suitable for is not suited forIt is not suitable for ;to read(2)A 句意为:成都拥有温暖的气候,这使它成为一个适合居住的地方。suitable 合适的;convenient 便利的;available 可利用的,可得到的;responsibl

32、e 有责任心的。经典句式1(1)B 由“his temper and his health”可以排除 C、D 两项,由空前的 never 表否定可知,选 either,never.either 是全部否定,相当于 neither。(2)D 考查代词。句意为:Niki 总是有很多想法,但是据我所知,没有一个想法有用。nothing 什么都没有,没有东西;no one 没有一个人; neither 两者都不;none 可指人也可指物。故此题选 D。2(1)To get Getting Get(2)A 由于句子中间有连词 and,因此此处前面应用祈使句。故正确答案为 A 项。(3)C 句意为:你现在

33、就出发,要不然就会赶不上头班车。后句从反面预测结果,因此用or。 3(1)The red ruler is twice longer than the yellow one.The red ruler is three times the length of the yellow one.(2)B 句意为:一个新的苹果手机的花费是一个二手手机的三倍。 “倍数名词of”为倍数表达法,相当于 three times as much as the price of 或者 twice higher than the price of。故选 B。 当堂达标.1.elegant 2.suitable 3.

34、scanned particular 7.depend on 8.In my opinion9was worried about other words.11.It seems to me 12.Neither of 13.Not all birds 14.and you will be able to see 15.three times as long as/three times the length of/twice longer than.16.B 句意为:这个男孩很瘦,但是他能举起一块大约 20 千克重的石头。现在分词作定

35、语,相当于定语从句 which weighs.。weigh 在此作不及物动词,不用被动语态。 17B 句意为:这条河被污染得很严重,不适合任何鱼类的成长。be suitable for 对来说是合适的,为固定短语,符合语境。possible 可能的;accessible 可接近的;available可找到的,可得到的。18C 句意为:每 50 米有一个监视道路的摄像头,因此开车时务必要小心。因为camera 与 scan 之间为主动关系,故用现在分词短语作定语。19C 根据句意 “不可能会有人 40 年都擅长一件事情,如果他不喜欢的话”可知,选 C。20C 句意为:遵循这些步骤,你花费在网上调

36、查的时间将会更值得。第一个空考查过去分词作后置定语,spend 与 time 存在被动关系;第二个空考查时态,表示将来的倾向,故用一般将来时。写作专题写作步骤Step Two1advise do sth./suggest (ones) doing sth.2improve ones language study/make progress in ones language study3to ones convenience/be convenient for sb.4measure5weigh6charge7replace.with.8be suitable forStep Thr

37、ee1offers/gives;holds/ has/contains;helpful ;to improvewhich will help him improve his language study2conveniently;because;measures;weighsIt will be convenient for him to carry because of;measuring;weighing3faulty ;lost there are ;can be replacedStep FourDear Uncle,I have learned that you want to bu

38、y a new dictionary for your son.I would advise you to buy Mark 204D for him.First of all,this electronic dictionary gives EnglishChinese translation with over 102,000 words,which will help him improve his language study.In addition,it includes a spelling check function,pronunciation guide and a list

39、 of words with similar and opposite meanings.Lastly,it will be convenient for him to carry because of its small size,measuring 1047215 mm and weighing 96 grams.The price is reasonable,only at 650 yuan.I have also called the company and learned that it needs three AAA batteries,which can last about 70 hours once charged.If there are any faults but not loss of dictionary,it can be replaced with a new one for free.In conclusion,I think you may find this model more suitable for your son.Yours sincerely,Gao Ming