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本文((江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语选修六:Unit4 Period Four学案(含答案))为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

(江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语选修六:Unit4 Period Four学案(含答案)

1、Period Four Project.重点单词1 n承诺,保证;奉献,投入;不得不做的事2 n同事3 n助理,助手;adj .助理的,副的v帮助;援助4 adj.空着的,未被占用的; (职位)空缺的5 adj.多泥的,泥泞的n泥土6 n住所;藏身之处7 n人群;vi.& vt.挤满,使拥挤,塞满adj.拥挤的8 n全体员工 9 n障碍,隔阂;屏障,障碍物10 n口译译员,口译工作者v口译;解释.重点短语1 处于混乱状态2 逃向3 得到;抓住4 让某人想起,提醒某人5 局限于,仅限于6 回想7 有作用(关系、影响).重点句式1不定式作结果状语Arrived here .来到这里后发现一切都是乱

2、糟糟的。2as 引导非限制性定语从句The situation is very different here, .这里的情形很不一样,存在的问题也不同。3make宾语宾语补足语Instead of sand blowing everywhere,there is mud and water everywhere, from place to place.这里没有随处飞扬的沙尘,但到处都是泥浆和水,因此从一个地方转移到另一个地方非常艰难。.课文阅读理解1The author arrived at the island to find everything was .Ain order Bin c

3、haosCin danger Din good condition2While in Sudan,the author and the other members of the medical team had a campaign in .Acities BvillagesCschools Dhospitals3How do they communicate with the local people when helping them?ABy speaking the local peoples language.BBy singing or dancing.CBy speaking En

4、glish or French or using acting skills.DJust by body language.课文阅读填空My 1. A nurse working for Doctors without Borders,an international organization providing free medical services around the world.Working places Kenya & Sudan An island2. the local people faceFamine is the biggest problem.People have

5、 to run from place to place because of fighting and 3. sand.The hospital,which 4. to be used at the moment,is badly damaged and in a mess.It is difficult to go around with mud and water everywhere.People who need to take medicines regularly have no 5. to them.Cuts and wounds take a long time to get

6、better and bacteria spread easily due to the water.There is a 6. of shelter,food and clean water.Our jobsSetting up centres to ensure people got food;checking the health of babies to ensure they were 7. weight; giving vaccinations to stop children dying from diseases.To set up a temporary clinic to

7、take care of injuries;to bury the dead bodies as quickly as possible to stop disease spreading;to listen to and 8. the local people.Dangers we faceThere was a lot of fighting,with bullets flying everywhere.We are likely to be 9. by the local people for food.Feelings about my jobI feel lucky to be ab

8、le to help others and do something 10. .I like my job and feel happy and proud to help people on an individual level.课文阅读简答1Why did Doctors without Borders nurse go to Africa?2Write down the major problems happening in the flooded areas.3How does the nurse communicate with those who cant speak Engli

9、sh or French?4In what ways does Doctors without Borders nurse help people?重点词汇1Changing the worldmy commitment改变世界我的义务归纳拓展(1)commitment n承诺,保证;投入,奉献;不得不做的事make a commitment (to do sth.)做出承诺(做某事)meet ones commitment 履行承诺(2)commit v犯 (错误,罪行);承诺,保证commit a crime 犯罪commit suicide 自杀commit to doing.答应做co

10、mmit oneself to doing sth.答应做某事语境助记(1)One hundred percent commitment to your studies will leave precious marks on your youth.百分百的致力于你的学习会在你的少年时期留下珍贵的印记。(2)Once you make a commitment,you will have to meet your commitment.一旦做出承诺,你就必须履行。(3)If you commit a crime,you can never escape being punished.如果你犯了

11、罪,你永远不会逃脱受惩罚。题组训练(1)用所给词的适当形式填空On balance,I think I would rather not commit myself to (go) with you.We made a (commit) to keep working together.(2)When we were at school,we made a to work together in the future,but he broke his promise later.Acommitment BcontributionCpresentation Dconsequence2Arrive

12、d here to find everything was in chaos.到达这里后发现一切都是乱糟糟的。归纳拓展in chaos 处于混乱状 态bring chaos to.使一片狼藉cause chaos 导致混乱语境助记(1)During the war,the country was in chaos .战争期间那个国家处于混乱状态。(2)The new road construction has caused total chaos in the city.新道路的建设使得整个城市一片混乱。题组训练(1)一群孩子使房间一片狼藉。A group of children have t

13、he room.(2)到家时,他发现一切都乱七八糟。He found everything when he got home.3One of the health problems is that people who need to take medicines regularly cannot get hold of them in a disaster such as this.有关健康的难题之一是:那些需要定期服药的病人遇到这样的灾难后无法得到药品。归纳拓展get/catch/take hold of 抓住,握住keep hold of 握紧have a hold over.对有影响语

14、境助记(1)Get hold of the rope,or you will fall.抓住绳子,否则你会掉下来的(2)She tried to keep hold of the childs hand.她尽力握紧那孩子的手。题组训练(1)抓住这个好机会,否则你会后悔的。the good chance,or you will regret.(2)As a grassroots singer,she reads everything she can concerning music,and takes every opportunity to improve herself.(2014福建, 3

15、3)Acatch sight of Bget hold ofCtake charge of Dmake mention of4This morning,there were fights as crowds of people tried to get food.今天上午,几群人由于争抢食物发生了好几次打斗。归纳拓展(1)crowd n人群;v.挤满;塞满;使拥挤a crowd of/crowds of 很多crowd into.挤进 (2)crowded adj.拥挤的be crowded with.挤满了语境助记(1)A crowd of people were gathering whe

16、n the accident happened.当事故发生时,一大群人正聚拢来。(2)We all crowded into her office to sing “Happy Birthday”我们都涌入她办公室,唱“祝你生日快乐” 。(3)The hall is too crowded,so wed better not enter it.大厅里太挤了,我们最好不进去了。题组训练(1)句型转换The shop is filled with people on Sundays.The shop people on Sundays.(2)听到这个消息,这些人都涌入了办公室里。Hearing t

17、he news,the people all .5. It reminded me of my time in Sudan,where several Doctors without Borders staff were attacked as people tried to get the food.这使我想起了在苏丹的那段时间,当时人们哄抢食物,有好几名“无国界医生组织”的工作人员受到了攻击。归纳拓展remind sb.of sth.使某人想起某事;提醒某人某事remind do sth.提醒某人做某事remind sb.(that)提醒(某人)注意remind sb.what

18、/when/where.提醒某人语境助记(1)The picture reminded me of my school days.这张照片使我想起了我的学生时代。(2)Please remind me to write to my mother tomorrow.请提醒我明天给我母亲写信。(3)She reminded me that I hadnt watered the flowers.她提醒我还没有浇花。题组训练(1)我忘了提醒他面试的时间。I forgot to him the time for the interview.(2)我需要这些笔记来提醒我该说些什么。I need the

19、notes to .(3)The forgetful manager is often to attend some meetings by his secretary.Ademanded BremindedCrequired Dhoped6When I think back to all the experiences that I have had around the world since joining Doctors without Borders,I feel that I have been very lucky to be able to help others and do

20、 something worthwhile.回想起我加入“无国界医生组织”以来在世界各地的所有经历,我觉得自己非常幸运,能够帮助别人,做一些有价值的事情。归纳拓展think back to 回想think of 考虑;想出;想象think highly/well of 高度评价think little/badly of 认为不好think up 想出,编造出语境助记(1)The photographs made me think back to my schooldays.这些照片使我想起我的学生时代。(2)Most of us think highly of him.我们大多数人对他高度评价

21、。(3)She was trying to think up an excuse.她在努力编出一个借口。题组训练(1)我不断回想起我刚到这儿的那一天的情景。I keep the day I arrived here.(2)Seeing this, he his childhood yesterday.Athinks back Bthinks back toCthought back to Dthought up7I know I cant change the whole world,but Im proud that I can help here and there,and make a

22、difference to peoples lives.我知道我无法改变整个世界,但我很自豪,因为我到各处给人们提供帮助,改变他们的生活。归纳拓展make a difference (to sb./sth.) (对) 有作用(关系、影响)make no/little/much/some difference (to sb./sth.) (对)没有 /几乎没有/ 有很大/ 有些影响make all the difference (to sb./sth.) (对)关系重大,大不相同tell the difference between A and B 区分 A 和 B 的不同语境助记(1)One

23、false step will make a great difference.失之毫厘,谬以千里。(2)Anyone with any common sense can tell the difference between the two.任何具有常识的人都能区分这两者之间的不同。题组训练(1)在适当的时候说几句体贴话效果迥然不同。A few kind words at the right time .(2)The boy is old enough to the difference right and wrong.Aspeak ;from Btell ;betweenCsay;of D

24、judge;from经典句式Instead of sand blowing everywhere,there is mud and water everywhere,making it difficult to travel from place to place.这里没有随处飞扬的沙尘,但到处都是泥浆和水,因此从一个地方转移到另一个地方非常艰难。归纳拓展(1)making it difficult to travel 为“make宾语宾语补足语to do”的形式,即 make 的复合结构;it 是形式宾语,后边的不定式短语是真正的宾语。(2)英语中有些动词,如: find,feel,thin

25、k,make 等后面可跟复合 结构,在 这种复合结构中,真正的宾语可以是不定式、动名 词或 that 从句等,而 it 作形式宾语。语境助记(1)He made it a rule to check his homework carefully before handing it in.他每次总是把家庭作业仔细检查一遍才上交。(2)I think it important to learn English well.我觉得学好英语是很重要的。(3)Do you consider it necessary that they should send more people over there?

26、你觉得他们有必要再派一些人去那儿吗?题组训练(1)他们发现和我们中国人一起工作很愉快。They that they worked with us Chinese.(2)Susan made clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.(2014山东,4)Athat BthisCit Dher.单词拼写1He gave the stranger (住所) as long as he could.2To me,the first thing is to overcome the language b ,or it will

27、be difficult to live here.3The town is in c after the battle.4The position of chairman has been v for some time.5Our company has a (保证) to quality and customer service. 6The (潮湿的) air makes my old bones hurt.7A huge (人群) gathered in a square.8Her (助手) was accused of theft and fraud by the police.选词填

28、空get hold of,remind.of,flee to,think back to,make a difference9When I my days in the remote village,I feel warm.10The photos often him the golden years of his life.11It to me what you will say about my performance.12Where can I some stamps?13Many German artists America at the beginning of World War

29、.完成句子14他认为帮助别人是他的职责。He others.15他匆忙地赶到机场,却被告知那位电影明星已经离开了。He hurried to the airport that the film star had left.16不要错过这个可以实现你的梦想的机会。Dont miss .17提醒我在出去之前给我妈妈打电话。before I go out.18正如预料的那样,她再次缺席。She has been absent again, .单项填空19There is no simple answer, is often the case in science.(2015山东,31)Aas Bth

30、atCwhen Dwhere20The man is such a person that there is no doubt that he will do whatever he has promised. (2017盐城时杨中学高二调研)Acommitted BsensitiveCcautious Dreliable 21He dislikes when his children behave badly in front of others.So do I(2017沭阳高二期中)Athat B/Cit Dwhat22. What a shame! The playground was

31、after the sports meeting.Ain ruins Bin placeCin chaos Din charge23 not to drive after drinking,some drivers are still trying their luck,which is really dangerous.ABeing reminded BTo remindCHaving reminded DReminded 答案精析基础自测mitment 2.colleague 3.assistant ;assist4vacant 5.muddy;mud 6.shelter7crowd ;c

32、rowded 8.staff 9.barrier10interpreter; chaos 2.flee to 3.get hold of4remind somebody of limited to6think back to 7.make a find everything was in chaos are the problems 3.making it difficult to travel课文预读.1.B 2.B 3.C.1.job 2.Problems 3.blowing 4.fails 5.access6

33、lack 7.gaining fort 9.attacked10worthwhile.1.Because of the flood. 2.Lack of medication ,shelter ,and food. 3.Through body language. 4.By being a nurse and being a person listening to and comforting others.要点探究重点词汇1(1)going commitment(2)A 考查名词词义 辨析。句意为:当我们在学校时,我们承诺将来一起工作。但后来他却没有遵守诺言。commitment 承诺;co

34、ntribution 贡献;presentation 赠送;consequence 结果。 2(1)brought chaos to (2)in chaos3(1)Catch/Get/Take hold of(2)B 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:作为一名草根歌手,她读了她能够找到的一切与音乐有关的东西,并且抓住一切机会提高自己。get hold of 找到,得到,抓住,符合句意。catch sight of 看见;take charge of 负责;make mention of 提到。4(1)is;crowded;with (2)crowded into the office5. (1)rem

35、ind;of (2)remind me what to say(3)B remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事,该处用其被动形式。6(1)thinking back to(2)C think back to 回想起。根据 yesterday 可知答案为 C。7(1)make all the difference(2)B 句意为:这个男孩已经长大了,能够辨别是非了。 tell the difference between.and.区分出和 的不同。 经典句式(1)found it pleasant(2)C 考查代词。根据句意和句子结构可知从句“她想为自己创造新生活” 是 mak

36、e 的真正宾语。故空格处应填入形式宾语 it。当堂达标.1.shelter 2.barrier 3.chaos 4.vacant mitment 6.damp 7.crowd 8.assistant.9.think back to 10.remind;of 11.makes a difference12get hold of 13.fled to.14.thinks it his duty to help 15.only to be told16the chance to realize your dream 17.Remind me to phone my mother is e

37、xpected.19.A 本句是 as 引导的非限制性定 语从句,代指前面整个句子,在从句中作主 语。 as is often the case 事实往往如此。20D 句意为:这个人很值得信赖,所以毫无疑 问他会说到做到的。 committed 坚定的;sensitive 敏感的; cautious 谨慎的;reliable 可靠的。由句意可知选 D 项。 21C 句意为:他不喜欢孩子们在别人面前表现不好。我也是。此处是 it 作形式宾语,真正的宾语是 when 引导的从句。22C 句意为:真丢人! 运动会后,操场一片狼藉。 in ruins 成为废墟;in place 在适当的位置;in chaos 处于混乱状态;in charge 负责,主管。 23D 句意为:尽管被提醒不要酒后开车,一些司机仍然心存侥幸,这十分危险。 remind 和其逻辑主语 some drivers 是动宾关系,也就是说,司机是被提醒的。故选 D 项。