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本文(译林(皖湘)版高中英语必修五:Unit1单元加餐练(一)含答案)为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、单元加餐练基础过关卷.单词语法填空1.Pretending(pretend)to worry about his friend,he looked out of the window.2.Im glad to write to share with you my happiness of being admitted to/into my ideal college.3.My parents kept their(they) word and took me to Shanghai,where we had fun.4.Her apology was so graceful that we f

2、orgave(forgive)her.5.When they go for a walk,Johnny has to take long steps to keep pace with his father.6.He was accused of cheating investors of their life savings.7.She apologized for not being able to inform me of the change in the plan.8.Many children are afraid of being blamed(blame) or making

3、mistakes in speaking English.9.Having been persuaded to change(change)my attitude,I finally got the right way to rid myself of carelessness and gained confidence as well.10.They were overcome with/by sadness.选词填空put off,get through,without hesitation,spy on,be ashamed of,as a result of,in advance,ra

4、ther than ,make an apology to,rely on1.I feel very sorry and am ashamed of the harm we have done to the precious species.2.A man wearing a mask stole into the bank,only to be spied on by cameras fixed on the walls and roofs.3.As a result of pollution,Lake Erie,on the borders of the USA and Canada,is

5、 now without many living things.4.It is suggested that the conference be put off till tomorrow morning.5.Could you please contact us in advance at englishtec if you could come to our culture festival?6.Rather than talk with each other face to face,they keep in touch,for example,by surfing the Inter

6、net.7.She made an apology to her mother for her wrong doings.8.At home one relies on ones parents and outside on ones friends.9.The soldier jumped into the cold water to save the boy without hesitation.10.It was his warmth and care that helped me get through the hard time.完成句子1.Ms.Li,our English tea

7、cher,must have found it strange on Teachers Day.李老师,我们的英语老师,在教师节那天一定发现了它有点奇怪。2.Sometimes a smile is so powerful that it gives people suffering from disasters great courage.有时候,一个微笑是如此强大以至于它给那些遭受灾难的人以巨大的勇气。3.In a word,success is very important,but so is failure,because it is the mother of success.总之,

8、成功很重要,但是失败也同样重要,因为失败是成功之母。4.Once published,this dictionary will be very popular.一旦出版,这本词典将会很受欢迎。5.I suddenly got an idea:Why not give the rooms a thorough cleaning?我突然想到一个主意:为什么不对这些房间进行大扫除呢?6.It seems that none of my classmates want to be my friend because Im fat.看上去我的同学没有一个想做我的朋友,因为我很胖。.单元语法专练(完成句子

9、)1.But Sarah, who has taken part in shows along with top models,wants to prove that(想要证明) she has brains as well as beauty.2.Her library used to be a meeting place(过去是一个全面的地方) for all who loved books and liked to share knowledge.3.Ignoring the difference(忽略不同)between the two research findings will b

10、e one of the worst mistakes you make.4.To learn more about Chinese culture(为了学习更多关于中国文化的东西) ,Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course.5.Sometimes I act as a listening ear for fellow students to talk(同学们讨论)over what is bothering them.6.When it comes to speaking in public(当谈到在

11、公共场合讲话的时候),no one can match him.微写作(黑体部分用本单元词汇表达 )【写作素材】(关于冲突)1.日常生活中冲突很常见。2.为了避免争执,我们应该在有不同意见时多交流而不是互相责备。3.而且,我们应该学会真诚地道歉和原谅,这对于和谐生活很重要。【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇 50 词左右的英语短文)Conflicts with others are common in everyday life.To avoid quarrels, we should communicate more instead of blaming each other when the

12、re is disagreement.In addition, we should learn to apologize and forgive sincerely,which is essential to a harmonious life.题型组合卷.完形填空One and a half years ago,Dianna found herself exhausted as a wife,mother and doctor.She got up early and went to bed late,just to meet everyday 1 ,but lacked 2 for the

13、 things that mattered most.She and her husband,a lawyer,began searching for ways to 3 their lives.“We had to decide what was really 4 , ” says Dianna.They knew they wanted more time to 5 with their threeyearold son,to exercise and eat right,and to develop friendship.So the couple chose to live more

14、simply,shopping with care for necessities and enjoying inexpensive 6 such as reading,cooking and going to the park.Then Dianna 7 her job and began working part time.She printed business cards that 8 “At your service,buy 9 a little time” and helped clients(客户) with personal tasks like shopping,paying

15、 bills and 10 parties.“I still work hard, but being able to control my hours makes a 11 , ” she says, “I can spare time to take my son to the 12 or play basketball with him.My stress and headaches are 13 .”Dianna and her husband are 14 alone in wanting to 15 and live a satisfying life.A survey found

16、 that 54 percent of parents say they have little time with their children,and 47 percent of married couples 16 that they lack time together. 17 does the time go?For most people, 18 and commuting(通勤) take up most of the day.Simplifying means becoming 19 of the ways we use money,time and energy,and fi

17、nding ways to make things easier.Then we have to gain 20 over life and have time for the pleasures.1.A.activities B.servicesC.demands D.exercises答案 C 根据下文可知,Dianna 每天早起晚睡,只是为了满足日常需求。 meet.demands 满足 需求/需要,符合语境,故 C 项正确。activity 活动;service 服务;exercise 练习。2.A.time D.ability答案 A 根据第二段中

18、的“They knew they wanted more time.”可知,她缺少时间去做最重要的事情。故 A 项正确。 3.A.lead B.simplifyC.adapt D.consider答案 B 根据第三段开头的“So the couple chose to live more simply.”可知,他们想找到简单的生活方式。lead 带领;simplify 使简单化;adapt 适应;consider 考虑。故 B 项正确。4.A.comfortable B.interestingC.important D.hard答案 C 根据第一段中的“for the things that

19、mattered most”可知,他们得决定什么才是真正重要的。故选 C。 D.play答案 D 他们想有更多的时间来陪三岁的儿子玩耍,故选 D。6.A.pleasures B.placesC.tasks D.goods答案 A 根据空后的“such as reading,cooking and going to the park”可知,他们享受做这些并不昂贵却能带来快乐的事。故 A 项符合语境。7.A.found B.receivedC.took D.quit答案 D 根据空后的“began working part time”可知 Dianna

20、辞掉了原来的工作,开始做兼职。find 发现;receive 收到;take 带走;quit 停止。故 D 项正确。 B.indicatedC.showed D.mentioned答案 A 此处应用 read 表示“卡片上写着” 。 B.yourselfC.children D.herself答案 B 由下文可知,她帮客户做一些私人的事情,这当然是在给客户节省时间。所以客户是花钱给自己买了一些时间。故 B 项正确。10.A.attending B.organizingC.having D.taking答案 B 她帮客户组织聚会。故 B 项符合语境。

21、 B.resultC.balance D.difference答案 D 与以前的工作相比,现在的工作对她的影响在于,她能够控制自己的时间。make a difference 有作用/关系/影响,符合语境,故选 D。life 生活;result 结果;balance 平衡。 B.hospitalC.park D.house答案 C 根据语境可知,此处指她现在能抽出时间来陪孩子去公园玩。故选 C。13.A.gone B.betterC.strong D.obvious答案 A 本段后半部分讲的是 Dianna 改变工作后带来的种种好处:不仅陪孩子的时间多了,而且没有压力了,头

22、也不疼了。be gone 消失了,符合语境,故选 A。14.A.a bit B.far fromC.much too D.more than答案 B 根据下文可知,像他们这样想放慢生活节奏的人很多,远非只有他们。a bit 一点;far from 远非; much too 太;more than 超过。故 B 项正确。15.A.keep pace B.settle downC.take off D.slow down答案 D 由上题解析可知选 D。keep pace 并驾齐驱,步调一致;settle down 定居下来;take off 起飞,脱下;slow down 减慢。16.A.expe

23、ct B.doubtC.complain D.imagine答案 C 根据空前的“54 percent of parents say they have little time.”可知,此处意为“54%的父母抱怨他们缺少时间与孩子在一起” 。expect 期望;doubt 怀疑;complain 抱怨;imagine想象。故 C 项正确。17.A.How B.WhenC.Where D.Why答案 C 根据上文中的“have little time”和“lack time”可知,人们都说没有时间,作者由此提出问题:时间都去哪儿了?故 C 项正确。18.A.traveling B.reading

24、 D.working答案 D 对于大部分人而言,工作以及上下班往返占据了一天的大部分时间。故 D 项正确。19.A.aware B.afraidC.proud D.convinced答案 A 简单的生活意味着我们要清楚我们花费金钱、时间和精力的方式,并且找到使事情变得简单的方法。become aware of 意识到,明白,符合语境,故选 A。become afraid of 害怕;become proud of 自豪;become convinced of 信服。20.A.value B.controlC.success D.experience答案 B 我们必须掌控自己

25、的生活,才能有更多的休闲娱乐时间。故 B 项正确。.语法填空Knowing the best way to study will help you to be a better student.By using your time 1.properly(proper),you can do your homework more quickly.Learning to study is not difficult.The first thing remember(remember)is that you must be willing to learn.It doesnt mean t

26、hat you must always like the subject.It does mean,however,that you must be willing to do whatever is necessary to learn.Try to understand 3.why it is important and how it will help you now and later to do and learn other things.Knowing mathematics facts will be useful in your whole life.Knowing how

27、to spell makes any kind of writing easier.Sometimes the subject that you think is going to be 4.uninteresting(interest)will be exciting when you begin to work at it and understand it more clearly.Learning things can be fun if you are willing to work with them.Heres some advice for you:have a certain

28、 time each day and a quiet place with good lighting for study, so that you can concentrate on your study 5.without interruptions;have everything ready before you sit down to study,a dictionary,paper,a pen and books;be sure you understand what you should learn before you start;read carefully and pay

29、special attention to 6.the most important things;when 7.memorizing(memorize),first find out the main parts and then recite the whole thing;check your homework after you finish it;never forget the 8.importance(important)of review and preview.Dont try to spend a lot of time 9.researching(research)learning methods.There are many students who know many good learning methods but dont study well.They forget that no one can study well unless he 10.studies(study)hard.