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本文((江苏专用)牛津译林版高中英语必修5:Unit1 Period One学案(含答案))为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

(江苏专用)牛津译林版高中英语必修5:Unit1 Period One学案(含答案)

1、They are the sort of friends who are so close that they trust each other with their lives.If one falls,the other is there to catch him.They are Wellman,whose legs were permanently injured nine years ago in a rock climbing accident,and Corbett,an experienced rock climber.Together,they climbed up Half

2、 Dome,the famous 2,000foot rock in the Yosemite National Park,through one of the most difficult routes.During the climb,Corbett took the lead,hit in the metal spikes(尖状物) that guided the ropes and climbed up.Then, after Wellman pulled himself up the rope,Corbett went down to remove the spikes and cl

3、imbed up again.This process was repeated time and time again,inch by inch,for 13 days.Wellmans job was not easy either.He got himself up the rope through upper body strength alone.In all,Wellman figured that he had done 5,000 pullups up the rope on the climb.However,when the two men first met,they n

4、ever talked about climbing.“He knew that was how I got injured, ” Wellman said.Until one day Wellman decided that he wanted to climb again and they started training.Their climb of Half Dome was not all smooth.At one point, pieces of rock gave way,and Corbett dropped down quickly.Wellman locked their

5、 rope in place,stopping the fall at 20 feet.His quick action probably saved his friends life.“Your partner can save your lifeyou can , ” Wellman said as the pair received congratulations from friends.“There are real close ties.”根据上文完成下列各题1Why did the two men never talk about climbing when they first

6、 met?2Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words.3Whats the main idea of the text?Period One Welcome to the unit & Reading.重点单词1 vt.出卖,背叛2 vi.& vt.假装;装扮,扮作3 adj.愉快的,高兴的;令人愉快的vt.欢呼;使高兴4 vt.&vi.承认;允许进入,接纳5 vt.&vi.发誓;郑重承诺;咒骂,说脏话(过去式)(过去分词)6 adv.真诚地,诚恳地,衷心地adj.真实的n真相7 vt.原谅,宽恕(过去式)(过去分词)8

7、 adv.真诚地9 vi.& vt.集中注意力于;(使)聚焦;n.焦点;重点10 n方式;态度,举止11 adj.内疚的;有罪的n内疚12 adj.伤人的;残酷的,残忍的13 n& vi.评论,谈论14 vt.不喜欢,厌恶15 vi.争论,争吵;主张,论证;说服n争论,争吵16 adj.令人尴尬的,别扭的;笨拙的17 vi.道歉18 n& vi.争吵,争执19 adj.易生气的;敏感的;体贴的20 vt.& n羡慕,忌妒21. vt.责备,指责; n.(坏事或错事的)责任;责备,指责22 adj.有天赋的,有天才的n天才;礼物.重点短语1 与相处2 感到羞耻3 盯着某人4 想要做某事5 信守诺

8、言6 暗中监视,窥探7 决心做某事8 (与 )步调一致,(与) 同步9 不久,很快.重点句式1must have doneI (sound) very proud of myself after the quiz.考试之后,我一定是听上去洋洋得意2否定前移I ever truly forgive her.我认为我不能真正原谅她。3sobe 动词/ 助动词/情态动词主语Football is very important to me,but .足球对我来说很重要,友谊也是如此。4cannot help doing sth.I if he wants Peter to be his best fr

9、iend instead of me.我忍不住想他是不是想让彼得取代我做他最好的朋友。5if 引导的条件状语从句的省略,the problem lies with you,not her.如果是这样的话,问题在于你而不在于她。.课文阅读理解1What is the secret about in the first letter?AFamily problems. BA test score.CLove affairs. DWrong doings.2Sarah felt betrayed by her friend,Hannah ,because she thought .AHannah h

10、ad been her best friend since primary schoolBHannah was the only one who knew her markCit was the secret between Hannah and herDHannah let out her secret3According to Andrew ,they lost the football game because .Athe other team was brilliantBMatthew was not as athletic as himCMatthew played badly an

11、d was carelessDeven Beckham couldnt always give a great performance4What made Andrew think that the friendship between Matthew and him was in trouble?AHe saw Matthew talking to another boy.BThey had a terrible fight after the match.CMatthew hasnt apologized to him.DHe had better find another friend.

12、课文阅读填空Secrets and liesSarahs 1. for writing To ask for adviceSarahs2 for feeling betrayedSarah only told Hannah her secret that no one in the class had received a(n) 3. grade than her.Everybody seemed to have known the secret the next day.Hannahs 4 Their conversation might have been 5. by others in

13、the washroom.Difficult situation Sarah lost her best friend and felt being laughed at by everyone.A friendship in troubleAndrews dilemmaThe quarrel after a football match 6. his friendship with Matthew.7. about losing the matchIn Andrews opinion,Matthew was to 8. for losing the match.In Matthews vie

14、w,he shouldnt be 9. for losing the match and it was natural to play badly for a player like him.Awkward situationAlthough they 10. next to each other,they dont speak to each other,and Andrew wonders whether Matthew and he are best friends.课文阅读简答根据课文 A friendship in trouble 回答问题1Why did Andrew shout

15、at Mathew after the match?2What kind of boy is Matthew?3How is Matthew recently?.阅读本单元 Reading 部分,试着以约 30 个词概括第一篇课文 Secrets and lies 第二、三段(P 2,L 715 )总的段落大意。重点词汇1I feel betrayed by my friend Hannah.我感觉被我的朋友 Hannah 出卖了。归纳拓展betray vt.出卖,背叛;泄露;透露;显示betray sb.背叛某人把出卖/泄露给语境助记(1)Her eyes betraye

16、d her sadness.她的双眼显示出了她的悲伤。(2)For years they had been betraying state secrets to the enemy.他们多年来一直向敌国泄露国家机密。题组训练(1)In wartime many people (背叛他们的国家 ) were executed.(2)Why did he (背叛他的信仰)?(3)Wang Ping was so angry when he heard his friend him that he tore the letter into two immediately.Abetrayed Bspi

17、edCpretended Dswore2Afterwards,I pretended to be cheerful.后来,我假装很高兴归纳拓展pretend vi.&vt.假装;装扮,扮作pretend to do.假装做pretend to be doing.假装正在做pretend to have done.假装做过语境助记(1)She closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.她闭上眼睛假装睡着了。(2)He pretended to be reading when we came in.当我们进来时,他假装正在读书。(3)When it co

18、mes to computer science,he pretends to have learned a lot.当谈到电脑科学时,他假装已经学到了很多。题组训练(1)When asked,he (假装不知道这起事故)(2)As many people do,you often pretend work when actually you are just wasting time online.(2017南通中学高二期中)Adoing Bto doCto be doing Dto have done 3.I admitted how badly I had done.我承认我做得(试卷)有

19、多么糟糕。归纳拓展admit vt.& vi.承认;准许某人进入,接纳admit n.承认admit doing.承认做 admit thatclause承认admit be 承认为admit n.into/to. 准许进入注意:admit 后不能接不定式作宾语。语境助记(1)I admitted breaking the window.我承认打破了窗子。(2)We have to admit that hes a highly competent man.我们必须承认他是个非常能干的人。(3)She dreamed of being admitted into Beijing Un

20、iversity.她渴望被北京大学录取。题组训练(1)Who (准许你进入) the lab?(2)I (承认自己错了)(3)What did he say in explanation of his stupid behavior?He admitted a serious mistake.(2017盐城时杨中学高二期中)Ato make BmadeChaving made Dmaking4.because she couldnt keep her word.因为她没信守诺言。归纳拓展(1)keep ones word 信守诺言keep one s promisebreak ones wor

21、d 违背诺言break ones promise(2)关于 word 的短语、句型知多少:in other words 换句话说,也就是说in a/one word 总之,一句话have a word with sb.和某人谈一谈have words with sb.与某人吵架You have my word.我向你保证。语境助记(1)I believe in him because he is always keeping his word.我相信他是因为他总是信守诺言。(2)Never break your word,or no one will trust you.永远不要失信,否则没有

22、人会相信你。(3)In a word,practice is far more important than book knowledge.总之,实践远比书本知识重要。题组训练(1)Can I (和他谈谈) alone?(2)Joe doesnt like to work. (换句话说),he is lazy!(3)He didnt keep his ,for which I had with him last night.(2017徐州王杰中学高二期中)Awords;a word Bword;wordCwords;words Dword;words(4)Tom,you shall not c

23、ome to school late again.Sure,Mr.Brown. AIt doesnt matter. BWhy me?CForget it. DYou have my word.5The other team was superb and we really had to focus.另外一个组非常优秀,我们必须得集中精力。归纳拓展focus vt.&vi.集中注意力于,(使) 聚焦;n.焦点;重点focus on/upon 集中于;以为重点focus ones attention/thoughts on sth.集中某人的注意力 /思想于某事语境助记(1)In tonight

24、s programme our focus is on England.在今晚的节目中我们的焦点是英国。(2)They focused all their attention on finding a solution to the problem.他们集中全部注意力寻找解决这个问题的办法。题组训练(1)句型转换He paid all his attention to the project.He the project.(2)With his attention on his duty,he forgot the date.Afocus BfocusedCfocusing Dto focus

25、6He got annoyed,saying it wasnt his fault if he couldnt play as well as me,and that I shouldnt talk to him in this manner.他也被惹火了,说他的球技不如我不是他的错,还说我不该那样和他说话。归纳拓展(1)manner 方式;方法;举止;态度in this manner 以这种方式(2)manners n pl.礼貌,规矩;风俗good/bad manners 有/没礼貌Its good/bad manners to do sth.做某事是有/没礼貌的。语境助记(1)She s

26、miled again in a friendly manner.她又友好地微笑了一下。(2)He has no manners at all.他一点也不讲礼貌。(3)His good manners were praised by his teachers.他的彬彬有礼受到了老师的称赞。题组训练(1)I dont wish you to discuss my children (以这种方式) (2)It is bad to talk with your finger at the other person.Amanners;points Bmanner;to pointCmanners ;p

27、ointing Dmanner;pointed7I feel really guilty because I made some cruel remarks too,but I dislike seeing our team lose.我感到很内疚,因为我也说了一些残酷无情的话,但我不喜欢看到我们队输球。归纳拓展guilty adj.内疚的;有罪的be/feel guilty (about sth.)(对某事 )感到内疚be guilty of 犯有罪的;有过错的语境助记(1)The young man felt guilty about his drunk driving.这个年轻人对他的酒

28、后驾驶感到内疚。(2)The man was proved guilty of murder.这个男子被证实犯了杀人罪。题组训练(1)根据新的法律,酒驾犯罪的人将面临高达 2 000 元的罚款。According to the new law,people who shall face a fine of up to 2,000 yuan.(2)Eyewitness provides an evidence that he was of the crime.Aguilty BconcernedCcautious Dmistaken8Since we argued,he hasnt spoken

29、 to me even though we sit next to each other in class.自从我们争吵后,即使我们在教室里相邻而坐,他也不和我说话。归纳拓展(1)argue vi.争吵,争论argue about/over.争论argue with.与争论argue for.赞成argue against.反对(2)argument n争论语境助记(1)They are arguing about/over the details of the contact.他们在为合同的细节争执不下。(2)Dont argue with meyou know Im right.别跟我争辩

30、你知道我是对的。(3)The issue has caused heated argument.这个问题已经引发了激烈的争论。题组训练(1)句型转换They had powerful arguments against releasing them from prison.They strongly releasing them from prison.(2)He (赞成) cloning human beings while Im against it.9The things he said hurt me too,but he has not apologized to me.他说的话也伤

31、了我的心,但他还没向我道歉。归纳拓展(1)apologize vi.道歉apologize to sb.for (doing) sth.因(做)某事向某人道歉(2)apology n道歉make an apology to sb.for sth.因某事向某人道歉owe apology 应向某人道歉语境助记(1)He apologized to her for/made an apology to her for not going to her party.他因没有去参加她的派对向她道歉。(2)Jack,you owe your sister an apology for losi

32、ng her edictionary.杰克,你应该为弄丢了你姐姐的电子词典而向她道歉。题组训练(1)句型转换You should apologize to your mother for your rudeness.You should your mother for your rudeness.(2)I think you should phone Jenny and her for what you did.No way.It is her fault.Ill never her for what she has done to my parents.Aapologize ;forgive

33、 Bapologize to;forgiveCforgive ;apologize Dapologize to;forgave10Was it because you were ashamed of your horrible grade,or because you envied her?是因为你对自己糟糕的分数感到羞愧,还是因为你忌妒她?归纳拓展envy vt.& n忌妒,羡慕envy sb.(for) sth.忌妒/羡慕某人某事feel envy at.对感到忌妒 /羡慕the envy of.是忌妒/羡慕的对象语境助记(1)They envy him his good fortune.

34、他们羡慕他的好运气。(2)He felt envy at my success.他对我的成功感到羡慕。(3)His new house was the envy of all his friends.他的新居成了所有朋友羡慕的对象。题组训练(1)句型转换We do not need to envy any other person,for our existence is actually unique!We do not need to any other person,for our existence is actually unique!(2)After graduation,he g

35、ot an opportunity to go to America for further education,and all his friends envied .In other words,his good luck is of his friends.Ahis good luck;an envyBhim his good luck;the envyChim to have a good luck;the envyDhim having a good luck;envy11If so,the problem lies with you,not her.如果是这样的话,问题在于你而不在

36、于她。归纳拓展lie with sb.应由某人承担责任;得靠某人(作出决定等)lie in sth.在于语境助记(1)Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the student.许多老师相信学习的责任在于学生。(2)The solution lies in the improvement of the economic environment.解决办法在于改善经济环境。题组训练(1)接受还是拒绝这项建议由你决定。to accept or reject the proposal.(2)问题在于

37、如何进行社会政治改革。The problem how to practice social and political reform.12While it may feel cruel,if she really is your best friend you should apologize for blaming her.即使这让人感到残酷,但如果她真的是你的好朋友,你应当为你责备她而道歉。归纳拓展blame vt.责备,指责;n.(坏事或错事的)责任;责备,指责blame sb.for.因责备某人blame sth.on.把某事归咎于 be to blame (for sth.)应(为某

38、事) 受到责备,应(对某事) 负有责任语境助记(1)As to the downside of the shopping carnival,it would be unfair to blame consumers for the high volume of waste.关于购物狂欢的缺陷,指责消费者制造了大量快递垃圾是不公平的。(2)The police are blaming the accident on dangerous driving.警察把事故原因归咎于危险驾驶。(3)You,not him ,are to blame.应受责备的是你而不是他。题组训练(1)句型转换Who sh

39、ould be blamed for the low harvest?Who for the low harvest?You should blame yourself for the mistake.You should the mistake yourself.(2)It is Jim,together with his cousins,that for this terrible accident.(2017清江中学高二期中)Ais blamed Bis to blameCare to blame Dshould blame13Talk to your friend and Im sur

40、e that,before long,youll be back playing football together.跟你的朋友谈谈,我敢确定,不久之后,你们会重新一起踢足球。归纳拓展(1)before long 是介词短语,在句中作时间状语,意为“不久之后,很快” ,常用于一般将来时或一般过去时。(2)long before 一般用作副词短语,意为“很久以前” ,多用于完成时态;有时 long before可分开理解,before 作介词或连词,后接短语或句子。语境助记(1)His plan seemed to be too difficult,but before long it prov

41、ed to be practicable.他的计划看起来太困难,但是没多久就被证明很实用。(2)That had happened long before.那事老早就发生了。(3)He had worked in the factory long before he got married.在他结婚很久以前他就在这家工厂工作了。题组训练(1)I hope to see you again (不久之后 )(2)It (不久) everyone comes to realize the danger of air pollution.(3) he stayed in Germany for hal

42、f a year and he will go to Germany again.ABefore long;before longBLong before;long beforeCBefore long;long beforeDLong before ;before long经典句式1I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quiz.考试之后,我一定是听上去洋洋得意归纳拓展must have done 表示对过去做过的事情的肯定推测,意为“( 过去)肯定做过” ;must be doing 意为“肯定正在做” ;must do 意为

43、“肯定” 。在疑问句和否定句中要用 can或 could 代替 must。语境助记(1)He knows much about France.He must have been there.他对法国了解很多,他肯定去过那儿。(2)He is not here.He must be playing football outside.他不在这儿,他一定正在外面踢足球。(3)You look like each other.You must be twins.你们长得很像,肯定是双胞胎。题组训练(1)You be Carol.You havent changed a bit after all th

44、ese years.(2015重庆,12)Amust Bcan Cwill Dshall(2)Why?I couldnt get you on the phone this morning.We tennis in the yard when you phoned me.Acould be playingBmust be playingCmust have been playingDshould have played 2.I cannot help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me.我忍不住想他是不是想让彼得取代我做他最好的朋友。归纳拓展cannot help doing sth.表示“忍不住做某事,无法控制做某事”cant help but do sth.不得不做某事cant