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本文(人教版五年级下册英语Unit4 A Let's talk(1)课件)为本站会员(可**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教版五年级下册英语Unit4 A Let's talk(1)课件

1、Unit 4 when is easter?,A Lets talk,Free Talk,T:when do you_?S:At_. 参考短语: get up , have_class , play sports go to bed, eat lunch , eat dinner T:Which season do you like best? S:I like_.,1.About Easter,I Can read:,first (1st)second(2nd)third(3rd)fourth(4th)fifth (5th)twelfth(12th)twentieth (20th) thir

2、tieth(30th),Lets talk,Christians say Jesus died on Good Friday. On the third day, he rose from the dead. He became alive again.,基督教说耶稣于星期五被钉死,第三天,他从死里复活,他又活过来了。,2.Good Friday,人们准备过春天了。他们很高兴冬天已经过去。在有些城市,人们在复活节游行这天展示他們的新衣裳。,People are ready for spring. They are happy that winter is over. In some citie

3、s, people show their new clothes in an “Easter Parade”.,6.Easter Parade,Little children believe in the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny has many baskets.,孩子们相信有复活节兔,他有许多篮子。,7.Easter Bunny,他把彩蛋及糖果装满篮子,然后把篮子藏起來。,He fills the baskets with colored eggs and candy. Then he hides the baskets.,On Easter morni

4、ng, the children hunt for their baskets.,复活节早晨,孩子们找篮子。,Children color eggs too.,孩子们也把蛋上彩色。,They play games with the eggs. They roll eggs up a hill. They have Easter egg or jellybean hunts.,他们拿蛋来玩游戏,把蛋滚上小丘,并寻找复活蛋及豆型糖果。,chick,Families eat a big dinner on Easter Sunday.,全家人在复活节那天吃一頓大餐。,bunny,eggs,baske

5、t,8.复活节岛与复活节,In the vast South Pacific, there is an area of only 165 square kilometers of the island - Easter Island, it is a mysterious stone figures and exotic style attract many tourists .Easter Island is an island in Chile, more than 3600 kilometers from the Chilean mainland.在烟波浩渺的南太平洋上,有一个面积仅为1

6、65平方公里的小岛复活节岛,它以神秘的巨石人像和奇异的风情吸引着无数游人。复活节岛是智利的一个小岛,距智利本土3600多公里。,It is said that in 1722 Dutch explorers Jakob Roggeven in the South Pacific was on a sailing adventure, suddenly found a land. He thought that he had discovered a new continent, and quickly landed,however,it is a island. Happened that day is Easter (1722年4月5日),So this unknown island called Easter Island . 据说,年荷兰探险家雅可布洛吉文(Jabbo Roggeween)在南太平洋上航行探险,突然发现一片陆地。他以为自己发现了新大陆,赶紧登陆,结果上岸后才知道是个海岛。正巧这天是复活节(年月),于是就将这个无名小岛命名为复活节岛。,thanks,