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本文(人教pep版六年级英语下册Unit2《Last Weekend》(B Let’s talk)课件1.ppt)为本站会员(z****l)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教pep版六年级英语下册Unit2《Last Weekend》(B Let’s talk)课件1.ppt

1、Unit1 How Tall Are You ?,Part B Lets talk,Lets chant and guess,Mike is taller than John. John is taller than Wu Yifan. Wu Yifan is taller than Oliver. Who is the tallest?,Amy is thinner than Sarah. Sarah is thinner than Chenjie Chenjie is thinner than Miss White. Who is the heaviest?,Mike is the tal

2、lest,Miss White is the heaviest,标题,Quickly Answer,bigger,longer,younger,stronger,heavier,older,smaller,shorter,thinner,funnier,taller,标题,更滑稽的,更矮的,更年轻的,更高的,更重的,年龄更大的,更大的,更瘦的,Quickly Answer,更强壮的,更长的,更小的,写出下列词语的反义词 taller older thinner thinner heavier bigger longer,shorter,younger,stronger,fatter(更胖的),

3、lighter(更轻的),smaller,shorter,How old are you? Im _ years old.,How tall are you? Im _ m tall.,How heavy are you? Im _ kg.,How long are your legs? My legs are _ m long.,What size are your shoes? I wear size _.,Bob,10,39,1.38,1,Lets talk,31,How old are you? Im _ years old.,How tall are you? Im _ cm tal

4、l.,How heavy are you? Im _ kg.,How long are your legs? My legs are _ cm long.,What size are your shoes? I wear size _.,May,12,43,156,1.1,35,Lets talk,A:How old are you?,A:How tall are you?,A:How heavy are you?,B: Im _ years old.,B:Im _m tall.,B:Im _kg.,A:What size are your shoes?,B:I wear size_. (My

5、 shoes are size_),标题,Lets try,Mike and Wu Yifan are talkiing about the weekend.,Lets talk,1.What size are Wu Yifans shoes?,2.How heavy is Wu Yifan?,He wears size 37 shoes (His shoes are size 37),He is 46 kg,My hair is longer than yours. My eyes are bigger than yours. Your head is smaller than mine.

6、Your hands are bigger than mine.,=your hair,=your eyes,=my head,=my hands,标题,巧用How问体貌,Put the words in right order,1. than you shorter and thinner am I _ 2. you how are heavy ? _ 3. feet how are big your? _,Im thinner than you and shouter.,How heavy are you?,How big are your feet?,选择填空,1.- How _are you? -Im 48kg.A. heavy B. old C. long2. His brother is 4 kg _than me.A. shouter B. Heavier C. heavier3.- How _are your feet ? -I wear size 17.A. old B. long C. big,A,C,C,Homework,1.用句子簿抄写B Lets talk的句 子1次,并写上中文意思 2 背诵 let talk,Goodbye,