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1、1Unit 3 Australia (一)教材分析:本单元的中心话题是“ 澳大利亚 ”,主要内容涉及澳大利亚的地理、历史、主要城市、自然风光、野生动植物、风俗习惯等内容。语言技能和语言知识都是围绕这一中心设计的。热身(Warming-up)部分用几幅关于澳洲的大城市和著名的风景点的图画,过渡到这个单元的课题,并引出与下面阅读课文相关的词汇和背景知识。读前部分旨在训练学生的阅读技巧,要求学生快速浏览五篇短文后,回答前面的这个部分设计的三个问题。阅读部分包含五篇主题相同却风格各异的短文,百科全书选段、新闻报道、广告、明信片、旅游手册文章,从多角度概叙了澳大利亚的国家全貌。理解部分由三项练习组成,练

2、习 1 和“读前” 部分相呼应,也是要求学会快速阅读课文,旨在训练略读技巧。练习 2 要求学生仔细回答仔细细读课文,同时标出自己以前不了解的一些关于澳大利亚的信息,列出其中最有意思的五项,并与同伴交流讨论。这个练习从形式上看比较简单,但他能使学生对文中信息进行主动加工,从认知层面提升到思维层面,从而书本上的知识纳入了自己的知识体系。练习 3 是对课文内容的拓展,训练学生的逻辑思维能力和表达能力。由于五篇短文大多是陈述性和描叙性的语言,而没有表达个人的观点的语句,因此,该练习借用文中提到的一些事实发问,以激发学生对文章内容的深沉思考。问题的答案不能从文中直接找到,要求学生有理有据地说出自己的观点

3、。“语言学习”部分由词汇和语法两部分组成。词汇部分练习 1 匙一个含 11 个空的语篇,要求学生用课文中出现的生词填空。练习 2 也是个语篇题,内容是关于澳大利亚早期移民的艰苦生活。这个练习要求学生首先阅读短文,看看其中画线单词是否认识,不要着急查词典,先试试猜一猜的它的意思,并写在“你的释义”一栏中。最后,再查英英词典,将你不认识的单词的定义写在“ 定义”一栏中。这项练习包含了两种重要的词汇策略:1)根据上下文猜测生词的意思; 2) 。用英语给英语单词下定义。练习 3 也包含了两种重要的词汇学习策略。即“学一个记一串 ”, 以一个单词为中心,衍生出与之相关的派生词和合成词。这2个练习给予学生

4、充分的联想空间,既巩固了课文生词,又复习了旧词,还通过同伴之间相互交流认识了更多的生词,一举多得。 语法部分复习的重点是“表语”。 三个练习所用的语篇虽然不同,但任务是一样的,都是要求学生辨认表语的各种形式。语言的运用分为“ 听说” 和 “阅读讨论” 两部分。 听力材料为魏平和他的好友之间的一段对话-鲍勃劝说魏平去野营,但魏平有所顾忌。练习 1 介绍听力内容发生的背景,并让学生预测魏平为什么对露营敢到紧张,他有可能害怕什么。 “阅读讨论 ”部分的主要内容是关于澳大利亚的几种危险动物展开。辩论部分提供的题目是:澳大利亚是一个危险的旅游地点。写作是读写结合的任务型活动。而这一任务又是前面“阅读”

5、和“辩论”的延续。学生通过前面部分获得的有关澳大利亚危险野生动物信息和“辩论” 部分的总结,自己对“ 露营是否安全 ”这一问题给予回答。(二)教学目标1语言知识词汇associate barrier brochure adequate ecology autonomous federal defense policy tax taxation nation citizen citizenship celebration birthplace tolerate tolerance migrant homeland via superb rust rusty tropical splendor h

6、eritage aboriginal fortnight reservation highway cradle rainfall agriculture sow bachelor correspond owe enclosure authority desperate shrink barbecue paralyze sickness recover funnel snatch amongst vinegar unconscious词组 associate with Great Barrier Reef out of respect correspond with owe to talk in

7、to 语法 Revising of Predicative (复习表语)归纳总结在句中作表语的可以是:名词短语、数词、代词、形容词、副词、非谓语动词、介词短语/词组、从句。功能 表示禁止、表示警告、表示许可话题 澳大利亚的地理、历史、主要城市、自然风光、野生动植物、风俗习惯32 语言技能听 听懂关于澳大利亚冲浪营救俱乐部、澳大利亚旗帜的介绍和野营安全的对话说 用表示禁止、警告、许可的句型来进行对一些警示性标志进行功能表达;对“澳大利亚是一个危险的旅游地方” 这一辩题训练学生综合说的能力。读 略读、细读、语义场在段落篇章阅读中运用以及对文章风格特点把握的训练写 在前面部分获得的有关澳大利亚危险野

8、生动物信息和“辩论” 部分的总结,书面对“ 露营是否安全 ”这一问题给予回答。3学习策略学生在一定程度上形成自主学习、合作学习、信息处理、英语思维能力以及综合运用语言能力(辩论、写作)的能力认知 猜测、细读、速读、略读、演绎及说、说以及综合运用信息等技能调控 小组活动中通过对同伴的意见归纳,用自己的方式表达出来,从前面的阅读和同伴处得到反馈,对自己在作文中的错误进行修改;同伴合作,探究发现规律并灵活运用交际 积极地参与双人或小组的讨论,创设情景进行交际,有效完成任务4教学的重点和难点(1)重点1)了解澳大利亚的地理、历史、主要城市、自然风光、野生动植物、风俗习惯2)学会表达禁止、警告和许可3)

9、归纳复习语法项目-表语4)让学生学会就在澳洲野营可能遇到的一些危险动物提供建议5)让学生掌握辩论技巧,对提供的辩题进行辩论6)让学生对“ 露营是否安全 ”进行 E-mail 回复4(2)难点1)让学生学会就在澳洲野营可能遇到的一些危险动物提供建议2)让学生掌握辩论技巧,对提供的辩题进行辩论3)让学生对“ 露营是否安全 ”进行 E-mail 回复的书面表达(三)教学安排对课本内容进行优化组合,可将本单元分成 5 个课时Period 1 ReadingPeriod 2 Language pointsPeriod 3 GrammarPeriod 4 Using LanguagePeriod 5 De

10、bating & WritingPeriod 1 Reading. Teaching aims:1. Enable the students to learn some information about Australia2. Train the students reading ability(skimming, detail reading, distinguishing different styles of articles). Teaching important points:Get some information of Australia in the text . Teac

11、hing difficult points:Enable the students to distinguish different styles of extract articles. Teaching methods:Cooperative learning, task-based learning. Teaching aids:A computer, a blackboard, a tape-record. Teaching procedures:5Step Lead-in1. Greeting2. Ask Ss to guess the country we are going to

12、 talk about-“Today we are going to learn about a country. It is a country and also a continent. It is surrounded by oceans. While many other countries are having winter, it is in summer. In this country, you will see many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else, such as the kangaroo, k

13、oala bear, ect. Do you know which country it is?”3. Ask Ss to say something about each picture and distinguish what city does each picture associates with. “Have you ever been to Australia? What places do you know in Australia? (Well-known cities, famous scenic spots, etc.) Look at the pictures. Wha

14、t do you see in each picture? Can you recognize them? Why?”4. Ask Ss to find the places listed in Question 1 on the map5. Ask Ss to work in groups and discuss what they know about these places.Step Pre-reading1. Ask Ss to quickly glance at the five text and answer the questions designed for this par

15、t.2. Get the Ss know some reading strategies: skimming, detail reading and paying attention to the words that frequently appeared in the text and equally important, their relative words.Step Reading1. Ask the Ss to read the text quickly and answer questions listed in Exercise 1, Comprehending part.2

16、. Ask the Ss to read the text in detail, underline the information they didnt know before and write down five facts that they consider to be the most interesting and exchange information in groups work.Step DiscussionAsk the Ss to work in groups to discuss the following questions.1. What kind of peo

17、ple do you think make Australia their home?2. Each year large numbers of people became Australian citizens. Why do you think they choose to become citizens?63. When do you think traveling by train across Australia would be appropriate and when do you think traveling by plane would be most suitable?

18、Give more than one reasons.4. In what part of Australia do you think most agriculture takes place? Give reasons.5. Why do you think the population of Australia is so small when it is such a large country?6. Choose five words or phrases to describe Australia.Step Language pointsExplain some difficult

19、 points as listed in the PPT.Step Homework1. Finish Ex.1, 2, 3, Page24-25.2. Write an article about the reasons why people want to travel in AustraliaPeriod 2 Language Points. Teaching aims:1. Target Languagebackgrounds, nation, citizens, tolerance, Aboriginal, homelands, migrants, adequate, sow, ha

20、rdship, bachelor, correspond, owe2. Ability goalsEnable Ss to use the new words in the text or passagesEnable Ss to give correspondent definition of each new wordEnable Ss to learn useful strategy to expand their vocabulary . Teaching important points:Enable Ss to use the new words in contextEnable

21、Ss to give correspondent definition of each new wordEnable Ss to learn useful strategy to expand their vocabulary . Teaching difficult points:7Enable Ss to give correspondent definition of each new wordEnable Ss to learn useful strategy to expand their vocabulary. Teaching methods:Cooperative learni

22、ng, task-based learning. Teaching aids:A computer, a blackboard, a tape-recorded. Teaching procedures:Step GreetingsStep Lead-inT: Yesterday we read five short texts which introduce certain aspects of Australia, each short text is written in a different style, and so do you know what styles are they

23、?Step Word Study1. Ex1 on page 24. First show the words on the screen and check Ss understanding of each word. Then do the exercise, that is, ask each Ss to read out a sentence and figure out what words should be filled in each blank, and then translate it into good Chinese.2. Ex2 on page 25. Ask th

24、e Ss to read the text and try to guess the meaning of each bolded words in the context and try to explain them in English. Then ask them to look up the words in English-English dictionary, and check whether their former definitions are right or wrong.3. Ex3 on page 25. Ask Ss to follow the example a

25、nd try to write down as many words related to each of the following words as taxation, taxed, taxable, taxman, taxpayerhome: homework, homely, homeland, homeless, homemaker, homecoming, homesickrust: rusty, rustprooftime: timely, timing, timekeeper, timer, timepiece, timesaving, timeta

26、ble, timelessStep Consolidating Exercise8Choose the correct words to complete the following sentences.1) The young woman seemed to be asleep, but in fact she was _.2) The house looked old form outside, but inside it was _.3) The knife appeared _, but it proved to be extremely sharp.4) The name of th

27、e place sounds like English, but it is _.5) The fruit smelled bad, but it turned out to be very _.6) The food and water seemed _ quality, but they made us sick.7) The situation seemed _ quality, but it proved to be hopeful.8) This island appears to be an independent country, but actually it is to be

28、 a(n) _ region within the country.Keys: unconscious superb rusty aboriginal tasty adequate desperate autonomousStep V. HomeworkDo Exercise in the workbook page68-69 Ex1, 2, 3, 4. Period 3 Grammar: Revising of the Predicative. Teaching aims:1. Enable the Ss to grasp what can function as predicative (

29、words, phrases, nonfinite, clauses)2. Enable the Ss to apply this grammar point to the daily use of English. Teaching important points:What can function as predicative and how to use correctly use them to the context. Teaching difficult points:What can function as predicative and how to correctly ap

30、ply them to the contextautonomous tasty desperate unconscious aboriginal adequate rusty superb9. Teaching methods:Inductive and deductive methods, task-based learning and cooperative learning. Teaching aids:A computer, a blackboard. Teaching procedures:(Pre-class)1. Get the Ss to collect some pictur

31、es of Australia and describe them respectivelyStep Revision and lead in1. Ask the students to recall what theyve learned in the previous reading passage(five short texts in the Reading part)2. Ask them a group of questions:Where is Australia?How do you like Australia? Use several Adjectives to descr

32、ibe it.Do you think Australia is a wonderful tourist destination?How would you feel if you offered a chance to tour around Australia?Then write down Ss answers, of course each answer contains a predicative, so underline them, thus lead in todays main focus-grammar point the predicative.Step Discover

33、ing the rules1. Ask the Ss to turn to page 26 and underline all the predicatives in Exercise 1 & Exercise 2. In Exercise 2, have a pair of Ss to act out the dialogue.2. Then check answers.3. Ask them to summarize what can function as predicatives in sentences.So, together with the Ss we work out tha

34、t adj, noun, pronoun, numeral, adv, prepositional phrases,infinitives, -ing, -ed, clauses can function as predicatives.Step Further Explaining1. 表语 Predicative表语是由系动词引导的主语补足语,补充说明主语。常见的系动词有:be become feel grow prove smell taste appear get 10go remain sound seem stay keep充当表语的成分有形容词、名词、代词、数词、副词、介词短语、

35、词组、不定式、 ing 形式、过去分词、从句等。3形容词作表语,用来修饰说明主语, 例如:You dont feel well today. Are you sick?4形容词只能作表语,不能作定语,如:afraid asleep ready unable alive aware glad sorry well alone sure可以说 “She felt glad.” 但不能说“a glad woman”.5. 名词或名词词组作表语,一般用来确定主语的性质,或者表达主语的看法,例如:He became a doctor.Boys are boys.Hes not the right man

36、 for the job.She seemed an ideal wife for him.6. 可以接不定式的系动词有:be appear prove seem例如:They only aim was to get success.She appears to have many beautiful dresses.It proved to be much easier than we have thought.Step Consolidating and Applying the ruleExercise to be shown on the PPT and one student at

37、a time to do the exercise orally. (Judging whether the sentences contain predicatives, using sentence pattern “S+V+P” to rewrite sentences, correspondent practices in workbooks. Step Summary and Assignment111. Make a summary of todays task.2. Assign Ss to surf the write a short article to introduce

38、an object or an experience, using as many predicatives as possible in the article.Period 4 Using language. Teaching aims:1. Enable the Ss to get some basic knowledge about dangerous creatures in Australia2. Help Ss learn how to protect themselves from the dangerous creatures in Australia. Teaching i

39、mportant points:Enable the Ss to know what attention should be paid while camping in Australia to protect themselves totally safe from the dangerous creatures. Teaching difficult points:Teach the Ss how to figure out the best ways to stay safe while camping outside. Teaching methods:Task-based learn

40、ing and cooperative learning. Teaching aids:A computer, a blackboard, a recorder. Teaching procedures:StepLead-in1. Greetings.2. Ask some students to talk about what they know about wildlife in Australia and what they should pay attention to if they are offered a chance to travel around Australia. T

41、hus lead to todays topic.Step Listening1. Pre-listening (Ask Ss to turn to page 26 and to predict what Wei Ping might 12be nervous about.)2. Listening task(Exercise 2- answer the questions)3. Listening task(Exercise 3 filling the blanks)4. Listening again and having a discussionKeys to tasks 21. He

42、is worried about snakes.2. No. Because he does not believe they are likely to see any and he knows what precautions to take against being bitten.3. He probably has talked him around because he assured Wei Ping that there was very little danger. Also the fact that Wei Ping summarized the advice Bob g

43、ave him suggests that he has accepted bobs assurances.Keys to task2snake boots and long trousers a noise do not move avoid walkingKeys to task 31. Because Wei Ping may think the bush means wild and dangerous land, but Australians use it to mean the countryside where there arent any houses or farms o

44、r other signs of humans.2. Because snakes dont have legs (this is where the humor lies)Step Extensive Reading1. Pre-reading ( Ask Ss just read the title and look at the picture to predict what they expect to read in the text)2. Ask Ss to read the whole text and check whether what their predictions a

45、re right and tell the main idea of the text3. Ask Ss to read the whole text for specific information, that is, to answer questions listed in Exercise 2.Keys of Exercise 2:1. 115 different kinds of snakes and 2,000 different kinds of spiders. Only a few kinds of spiders and snakes are capable of kill

46、ing humans.2. Most jellyfish can cause severe pain to anyone who touches them but only the 13box jellyfish can kill a human3. It was cheaper to hire a car with other people because they could share the cost. Also he probably enjoyed being in the company of other tourists.4. The saltwater crocodile.5

47、. The island used to be a very harsh prison for the most dangerous prisoners.Step Discussion1. Ask every four Ss to form a group and read the relative information 2. Ask the Ss to divide the information into certain points and give suggestions to each pointFor example: (crocodile) Show the example o

48、n the screen.1. found only in the far north of Australia near the rivers and water holes. Dont go to the north of Australia and sty away from rivers and waterholes.2. There are signs to warn people. Dont go near water places where there is a waning sign.3. stay hidden in the water or on the land close to water. Dont go near water alone./ Dont swim in waters that are not familiar to you.Step V Assignment Ask Ss to get prepared for the debate (divide the whole class into two sides: for or