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本文(北师大版高考第一轮英语复习课件:Unit21 Human Biology)为本站会员(好样****8)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

北师大版高考第一轮英语复习课件:Unit21 Human Biology

1、Module 7 Unit 21,New Words,kidney liver interval circulate pump digest mineral swap hearing pulse,n.肾,肾脏 n.肝脏 n.间隔,间隙 vi.循环 vi.用泵抽出(注入) vt.消化 n.矿物 vi.交换 n.听觉 n.脉搏,New Words,track and field enhance performance-enhancing supreme doping abuse,田径运动 vt.增加,提高 adj.增强表现的 adj.最高的,极度的 n.服兴奋剂 vt.滥用,New Words,t

2、olerate fundamental doubtful seek annual lame,vt.容忍 adj.根本的,基本的 adj.怀疑的,不肯定的 vt.寻找 adj.每年的,年度的 adj.站不住脚的,无说服力的,New Words,in vain compulsory at random gene-therapy threat controversial,徒然,白费力气 adj.义务的,强制性的 随便地,随意地 基因疗法 n.威胁 adj.有争议的,New Words,oppose dash marathon contradict violate at all costs,vt.反对

3、 n.短跑 n.马拉松赛跑 vt.与(其他事物)相矛盾 vt.违反,违背 无论如何,不管多大代价,New Words,matter impulse complicated miniature soundtrack interpret identify emotion privileged,n.物质 n.脉冲 adj.复杂的 n.微型复制品 n.电影配乐 vt.翻译,解释 vt.认出,识别 n.情感,情绪 adj.荣幸的,New Words,cater entry ample herb scan treat storage postpone straight away,vt.满足,迎合 n.进入

4、,入学 adj.充足的,充裕的 n.草药 n.扫描 vt.款待 n.储存 vt.推迟,延期 立刻,马上,New Words,epidemic cancer wipe out urban rebuild empire,n.流行病 n.癌,癌症 彻底毁灭 adj.城市的 vt.重建 n.帝国,New Words,trial prohibit unite pause acute statistics,n.实验 vt.禁止 vt.联合,团结 n.暂停,停顿 adj.剧烈的,严重的 n.统计资料,统计数字,New Words,symptom routine press parallel tissue a

5、daptation,n.症状 n.常规,惯例 n.新闻界,报界 n.平行线,极相似之处 n.组织 n.变化,变种,New Words,foresee mourn carrier prescription tablet underline,vt.预见 vt.感到悲痛,表示哀悼 n.带菌者 n.处方 n.药片 vt.表明重要性,强调,New Words,thorough systematic teamwork faith stop sth. in its tracks pill,adj.彻底的,细致的 adj.系统化的 n.协作,配合 n.信心 终止,消灭 n.药丸,药片,Language poi

6、nts,1. contemporary = of the present time 2. amateur adj.1)业余的an amateur painter/photographer业余画家/摄影师2)= not professional非专业人员, 缺乏经验的人He is amateur in boxing.他是一位业余拳击者。,3. track and field n.体田径, 田径赛 watch a track and field mach 观看田径赛,4 come across偶然遇到Perhaps I shall come across him in Shanghai.或许我在上

7、海会碰到他。Have you come across this problem?你遇到过这个问题吗?,5. enhance vt.增加(价值、价格、力量、吸引力等),提高enhancement n. Health enhances beauty.健康使人显得更美。,6. in the wrong hands 在不该拥有的人手里 I would hate my diary to get into the wrong hands.我不愿意别人看我的日记。,7. supreme adj.(阶级, 地位, 权力)至高的, 无上的; 最大的, 最重要的, 极度的; 终极的, 最后的supreme cou

8、rage /good / measure /end / moment最大的勇气/至善/死刑/最终最主要的目的/决定性的时刻,最后关头supremely adv. supremeness n.,8. be known as 以知名; 被认为是; 称为be known for 因而著名be known to 为所知become known 出名make oneself known to sb.向某人作自我介绍make sth. known (to sb.)把某事(向某人)公布 9. abuse vt.滥用(职权等), 妄用 =use wrongly or improperly/ misuse 10

9、. tolerate vt.容忍; 忍受; 容许; 默许I cant tolerate his bad manners any longer.我再也不能容忍他无礼的行为。,11. fundamental adj.基础的, 基本的, 根本的fundamental reasons根本原因a fundamental law根本法则, 基本定律; 基本法the fundamental rules of grammar语法的基本规则 12. athletics n. 体育运动an athletics meeting=a sports meetingHe is good in athletics.athl

10、ete n.运动员,运动选手,13. seek vt. (sought, sought )找寻, 寻求; 征求, 请求seek shelter from rain/ fame / help / ones home / ones bed寻找避雨的地方/求名/求助/回家/就寝I will seek my doctors advice.我将征求医生的意见。,impulse n. 冲动,刺激,欲望 1) This treaty gave an impulse to trade.这项条约促进了贸易。 2) He bought the costly watch on a sudden impulse.他一

11、时冲动买了这么昂贵的表。 3) He is a man of impulse.他是一个感情容易冲动的人。,2. priority n. U优先权,C优先考虑的人或事The development of the national economy is a top priority. 发展国民经济是应予最优先考虑的事。,3. Postpone 延迟,推迟= put off (doing) sth. The meeting is postponed/put off until December. post-(在时间上)后, 在后 postwar 战后 postscript 附言 4. build u

12、p 建房,聚集,增高,抬高,力捧,The newspapers went all out to build this writer up.报纸竭力捧这位作家。 2) He tries to build up his health.他努力增进自己的健康。 5. go through从头到尾阅读;经历,经受困苦 She went through the novel in just a few days.She went through a difficult time when her husband was ill.,6. get through (电话)打通,(考试)合格,用完或做完某数量的事

13、物 I tried to ring Kate but I couldnt get through. 2) I got through a lot of work today. 3) She got through the English exam at last.,7. get down to 开始认真考虑/做,着手做(to是介词) Lets get down to working.让我们认真干起来吧。 2) The final examination is coming up soon.Its time for us to get down to our studies. 8. There

14、is no point in 没有充分的理由做某事做没有意义,1) There is no point in worrying.担心是没有意义的。 2) Theres no point in arguing further.再争论下去是没有意义的。 9. bring up 提出(议题),养育,教养1) This question was brought up at the meeting.2) He was brought up in a poor family. 10. stick to 坚持,遵守,不放弃,somehowfor some vague reason or other 莫明其妙

15、地 , 不知怎么地,反正,Somehow I dont trust that man.,She somehow got lost.,她不知道怎么就迷了路。,死于 : die of /die from This is because each year millions of smokers die from smoking.die from/ die of 均可表示“因而死亡”;指疾病造成的死亡用die of 和die from均可。,die from还可表示因外部创伤或间接的原因而死。如: die from a wound, die from overwork, die from pollu

16、ted air die of 常指因内部原因造成的死亡, 如:疾病、饥渴、年老、悲伤、事故等。 die of disease/hunger/old age/sadness/ accident,die by 指死于暴力, 刀或剑等凶器。如: die by the sword/hangingdie for 为某种事业或目的而死。如: die for ones country/ the people/ the revolutionary causedie in poverty 因贫穷而死 die away 逐渐减弱、消失,die out 绝迹、灭亡The noise died out.This cu

17、stomer has died out in dying for 极想得到She is dying for a piano of her own.They are dying for a visit to the Great Wall.,(2) 设法地,借某种方法,我们总得设法找钱付房租。我们总会有办法到那里的。,We must find money for the rent somehow.,We shall get there somehow.,abnormal adj. 不正常的,反常的;变态的,我们认为这样的反常现象不会持续很久。,We do not think su

18、ch an abnormal phenomenon will last long.,populated adj. 有人居住的,a thickly / highly populated city 人口稠密的城市,The new land was quickly populated by the new settlers.,severely adv. (1) 严格地;严厉地,不小心驾驶会受到严惩。,Dangerous driving should be severely punished.,(2) 严重地,患重病/负重伤,be severely ill / wounded,lack (1) n.

19、缺乏, 短缺的东西, 常与 of 连用,There is no lack of vegetable. The plants died for lack of water.,vt. 缺乏;不足;没有lack sth.,He lacks courage / confidence. I lack words with which to express my thanks.,be lacking in =lack sth.,alarm 1)vt.使惊慌,使恐慌2)n. 警报的声音或信号fire alarm 火警报警铃alarm clock 闹钟 alarming adj. 使人惊动的, 令人担忧的 alarmed adj . 担忧的, 惊慌的,