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外研版高二英语必修5《Module3 Listening and Writing》课件

1、Listening and Writing,Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema,Listening,Look at the poster for Master and Commander and decide what kind of film it is. Use the words in the box.,cartoon comedy historical adventure horror romantic science fiction,P26 1,Now match the types of film in the box w

2、ith the sentences.,1. This kind of film will make you laugh. 2. Children often enjoy watching this type of film. 3. This will probably frighten you. 4. This type of film usually takes place in the future. 5. Love is the subject in this type of film.,cartoon comedy historical adventure horror romanti

3、c science fiction,List the films mentioned in the conversation.,Master and CommanderThe Last SamuraiMonsoon WeddingThe Emperor and the Assassin,1. Which film is about an American soldier? 2. Which film is about a Chinese emperor? 3. Which film is about a British sailor? 4. Which film is a comedy? 5.

4、 Which film has a good review in the film guide? 6. Which film doesnt Bill think is a true story? 7. Which film doesnt Billy feel in the mood for? 8. Which film do Billy and Vanessa decide to see?,Listen and answer the questions.,1. Master and Commander 2. The Last Samurai 3. Monsoon Wedding 4. The

5、Emperor and the Assassin,2,4,1,3,4,2,3,4,P26 2,P27 3,Complete the table.,Historical Adventure,8 oclock,American,Historical Adventure,Romantic Comedy,9:15,Historical Adventure,Chinese,7:30,8:10,Indian,VAN: Whats the matter, Billy? You look _ _. BIL: Im bored. I wanted to _ _, but its raining. VAN: Ho

6、w about going to see _ _? We havent been to the cinema for ages. BIL: Whats on at the Multiscreen Mall? Anything _ _?,(VAN= Vanessa; BIL=Billy),fed up,go out,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,a film,worth seeing,VAN: Yes, there are some good films on this evening. I bought the _ _ this afternoon,

7、 its somewhere in my bag, _ _ a minute . Here we are . Mmm . Master and Commander sounds interesting. Its on at eight oclock. Its a _ _, it says. BIL: I know. Ive read the book. Its about the captain of a British sailing,film guide,historical adventure,hang on,boat during _ _ with Napoleon. It sails

8、 half way across the world trying to catch a French ship. VAN: And does he catch it? BIL: _ _ _. But I dont want to see the film. VAN: Well, what about The Last Samurai at 9:15? BIL: That must be a _ film.,I think so,the war,Japanese,VAN: No, its an American film but its _ _ Japan. Its another histo

9、rical adventure. It says here that The Last Samurai was actually an _ soldier who came to teach the Japanese to _ _. Well he got caught by the Samurai and became a samurai warrior himself. Its a true story, _. BIL: I _ _ it!,set in,apparently,use guns,dont believe,American,VAN: Then theres an Indian

10、 film, Monsoon Wedding, at _. BIL: Whats that about? VAN: Its about a family in Delhi who meet for a wedding party. Its a _. Its won lots of prizes. BIL: Mmm. Another day perhaps. I dont _ _ _ _ for weddings, even funny ones. You know me, I like good old-fashioned adventure. Is that everything?,roma

11、ntic,comedy,feel in the mood,8:10,VAN: No, theres a Chinese film, The Emperor and the Assassin. BIL: Sounds like a _. VAN: Yes, it does. But the _ here says historical adventure, like the first two. Its the story of the _ emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. BIL: And whos the _?,review,assassin,thriller

12、,first,VAN: Im not sure. It doesnt say here. But the review of the film is very _. BIL: Well, OK, lets go and see The Emperor and the Assassin. I _ _ a Chinese film before. What time does it start? VAN: At half past seven. BIL: Right, wed better _ _ _ on. Lets _ _ _ to eat and go.,positive,get a mov

13、e,grab a bite,havent seen,Writing,GUIDED WRITING,Adventure in literature and the cinema,【话题分析】 文学著作以及影视作品的赏析是学生语言和文化学习中的重要内容,而影评和文学评论的写作也成为中学生必须掌握的写作技能的一部分。该类文章的写作内容一般包括故事的背景、故事内容、反映的精神以及给读者的启示等。,【归纳记忆】 以下关于影(书)评的句子可供参考: 1. It is a wonderful film about the disasters, which shows the greatness of our

14、 Chinese people. 2. Romeo and Juliet is a world-famous story book, which is very popular among our middle school students as well. 3. 2012, the newly made film, is set in the last day of the world.,4. As far as Im concerned, the film is well worth seeing again. 5. It tells about a brave and clever b

15、oy named Harry Potter, who is full of magical power to fight against the evil.,【写作任务】 西游记(Journey to the West)在中国可谓家喻户晓,妇孺皆知。唐僧等师徒四人冒险西行,经过艰难险阻,为大唐子民取得真经(scripture);尤其是勇敢坚强、力战群妖的美猴王(Monkey King) 备受青睐。请你写一篇100词左右的英语短文,简单介绍故事的背景、人物、经 过、结局等,向外国朋友推荐这部著作,帮助他们学习汉语,了解中国文化。,【写作分析与指导】 第一步:审题该题目属于文学著作评论,要求介绍我

16、国四大名著之一的西游记给外国读者。根据提示要点,确定写作内容主要包括:著作的介绍、人物描述、故事大意的概括,当然也包括著作的赏析和评论,即自己的观点和看法。文章要用第三人称,动词主要以一般现在时和一般过去时态为主。,第二步:列提纲 1. 西游记在中国家喻户晓,妇孺皆知(很受人们的欢迎); 2. 它以中国古代的唐朝历史为背景,讲述了唐僧等师徒四人西天取经的经历; 3. 他们历经艰难,但美猴王勇敢坚强,打败了各种各样的妖怪,因此也最受欢迎; 4. 最后,他们为自己的国民取回了真经; 5. 故事有趣, 令人兴奋, 值得中外读者阅读; 6. 对于外国朋友来说,该书也有利于汉语学习和对中国文化的了解。,

17、第三步:优化句子 1. 西游记以中国古代的唐朝历史为背景,在中国很受人们的欢迎。 【优化1】 Journey to the West is set in the Tang Dynasty in ancient China and it is very popular among Chinese people. 【优化2】 Journey to the West, which is set in the Tang Dynasty in ancient China, is very popular among Chinese people. 【优化3】 Journey to the West, a

18、 very popular works among Chinese people, is set in the Tang Dynasty in ancient China.,2. 他们历经艰难,但美猴王勇敢坚强,打败了各种各样的妖怪。 【优化1】They experienced a lot on their journey, but the brave and determined Monkey King fought against all kinds of ghosts. 【优化2】They had a lot of difficulties on their journey, durin

19、g which the brave and determined Monkey King fought against all kinds of ghosts. 【优化3】They met a lot of difficulties, but the Monkey King was brave and determined enough to fight against all kinds of ghosts and evils.,3. 故事有趣,读来令人兴奋,很值得中外读者阅读。 【优化1】It is an exciting and interesting story that it is

20、really worth reading for people both at home and abroad. 【优化2】It is such an exciting and interesting story that it is really worth reading not only for Chinese but also for foreigners. 【优化3】The story is so exciting and interesting that it is really worth reading not only for Chinese but also for for

21、eigners.,【范例展示】Journey to the West, a very popular works among Chinese people, is set in the Tang Dynasty in ancient China. It tells about the adventurous experiences of Tangseng and his three companions. They made a long and hard journey westwards to get the scriptures. They met a lot of difficulti

22、es, but the Monkey King was brave and determined enough to fight against all kinds of ghosts and evils.,Therefore, he is liked best among the four fellows. In the end, they brought back the valuable scriptures for their people. The story is so exciting and interesting that it is really worth reading

23、 not only for Chinese but also for people all over the world. Whats more, it can help foreigners to learn the Chinese language as well as its culture.,Homework,Write a passage about Red Sorghum according to the information in the table below.,【写作内容】 请你用英语写一篇短文,将该作品推荐给中外读者。短文内容要包括: 1. 作品及作者简介; 2. 描述故事内容和作品特点; 3. 向中外读者推荐该作品。 【写作要求】 只能用5个句子表达全部内容。,