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外研版高二英语必修5《Module3 Language Points》课件

1、Language points,Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema,Objective,To learn to use the words and expressions:,pour down as if to ones astonishment die of die out keep up with keepin mind,There was a big storm after midnight and the rain poured down.后半夜来了一场雨,大雨倾盆而下。pour down(使)倾泻, (使)往下流 ;(人群)

2、涌流Water poured down the wall from the roof.水从屋顶沿墙往下流。The youngsters poured down the street to see the parading procession.年轻人涌上街头看游行队伍。,1. 他很着急,汗水沿着他的面颊直淌下来。He was so worried that sweat began to pour down his face. 2. 瓢泼的雨水开始从漆黑不安的天上落下来。Rain began to pour down from a black and comfortless sky.,pract

3、ice,2. Suddenly, by the light of the lightening, we saw something in the middle of the river. 突然间,借助闪电的光亮,我们看到河中间有东西。 句子中的by意思是“借助”: Sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights of tractors. 有时我们在天黑后借助拖拉机的灯继续工作。,by还有其他一些意思和用法: 1) 接近;靠近 the window by the door 2) 在期间;在中间 sleeping by day, travel

4、 by night 昼伏夜行 3) 不迟于 by 5:30 p.m. 不迟于下午5:30 4) 以的名义 swear by the Bible to tell the truth 对圣经发誓说真话 5) 一个一个地,用于表示一系列的特定个体、组或数量 They were persuaded little by little and left one by one.,你可以通过电话与我联系。You can get me by telephone. 2. 我们应该从别人的错误中吸取教训。 We should learn by the mistakes of others.,practice,3.

5、“It looks as if itll go under soon,” Jim said, after a couple of minutes. “看起来它快沉了,”过了一会儿,吉姆说。 as if=as though意为“好像”。引导表语从句时,跟在系动词look, seem, sound等后面。从句的谓语动词可用陈述语气也可用虚拟语气。 It looks as if it is/were going to rain. 看起来要下雨了。,1. 他说这话的时候好像全世界的重量都压在他身上。 He sounds as if he has the weight of the world on h

6、im. 2. 她工作努力,仿佛从不知疲倦似的。She works hard as if she never felttired.,practice,4. “I dont want to board a sinking ship.” “我不想上一条要沉的船。”board 登上(船、车、飞机等) He boarded the bus. 他上了公共汽车。 board作动词用还有以下几条常见的意思: 1) 封,盖,用木板覆盖或封闭 board up a broken window 用木板封住已坏的窗户 2) 为供膳 She usually boards students during the term

7、. 她经常在学期中给学生提供膳宿。,3) 在某人家里寄膳 He boarded at my house until he found a house. 他找到住房之前,在我家寄膳。 board作名词常见的意思有:板,作特殊的用途 a diving board 跳板 2) 伙食,膳食 board and lodging 膳宿 3) 管理委员会;管理或调查的组织机构 a board of directors 理事会;董事会,1. 董事会彻底讨论了他的设计。The board of directors discussed his design thoroughly. 2. 那么怎么看上学时的住宿和膳

8、食费用 呢?What about the cost of room and board while attending school? 3. 我登上了飞往波士顿的航班。I boarded the plane for Boston.,practice,5. To our astonishment, there was a light in one of the cabins. 令我们大吃一惊的是,有间船舱里还亮着一盏灯。 to ones astonishment/surprise/joy. 令人惊奇的是/使人快乐的是 To our astonishment, she began to laugh

9、. 使我们吃惊的是她笑了起来。 To her great joy, she found her lost necklace. 使她高兴的是,她找到了丢失的项链。,令他惊讶的是,这只蜜蜂开始跳舞了。To his astonishment, the bee began to perform a dance. 2. 令我惊奇的是,他立刻把钱给了我。 To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately.,practice,6. lie v. 说谎;躺;位于 n. 谎言lielaylainlying 躺,位于(vi.)lieliedliedlying 说谎(

10、vi.)laylaidlaidlaying 放置;产卵(vt.),Lie down and let me examine you. 躺下,让我给你检查一下。 The little boy lying on the ground lied that his cock laid an egg. 躺在地上的小男孩撒谎说他的公鸡下了一只蛋。,1. 地上躺着一个小孩。 There was a child lying on the ground. 2. 他得撒谎才能得到这份工作。 To get the job he must lie. 3. 她拿起他的一只手,把它放在胸口。She took his han

11、d and laid it on her heart.,practice,7. “He sounds as if he is going to die of fright.” “听上去他好像要被吓死了。” die of fright 吓死 die of a disease 因病而死 die of hunger 饿死die away 逐渐停止;逐渐消失 The noise of the motorcar died away. 摩托车的噪声消失了。 2) die back (植物) 枝叶枯萎 The bushes have died back. 灌木已枯萎。,3) die down 逐渐减弱;逐渐

12、模糊 After the excitement of the audience died down, the speaker restarted his speech. 等听众激动的情绪平息后,演讲人又重新开始演讲。 4) die hard (旧习惯等) 难改掉,难消失 Old habits die hard. 旧习难改。 5) die off 相继死去 As the widow was still middle-aged, her relatives all died off. 这个寡妇还在中年时,她的亲属就都离开了人世。 6) die out 逐渐消失;灭绝 I dont want the

13、 panda to die out.,1. 他们渴死或饿死。They died of thirst or starvation. 2. 森林的火势在逐渐减弱,不久会消失的。The forest fire is dying down, and will soon die away. 3. 我们曾以为资本主义很快会消亡。 We used to believe that capitalism would soon die out.,practice,Let the word fly,Let the word fly 板块是帮助学生学习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。通过此环节,学生可以对一些常见词的用

14、法、意思有一个全面的了解。在翻译过程中体会词汇使用的丰富多彩。,keep a close watch on keep sth. in mind keep up with keep away keep ones head keep body and soul together,密切注意 记住,放在心里 跟上,不落后于 避开,不接近 保持镇静 维持生命,试着翻译下面的英文,注意单词keep的用法。,根据所给中文完成句子。 1. 解放前那会儿,我们很难有钱维持生 活。 Before liberation we hardly earned enough to _ _ _ _ _. 2. 警察密切注视着

15、犯罪分子的动向。The police _ _ _ _ on the offenders.,keep body and soul,together,kept a close watch,3. 政府应时刻为人民利益着想。The government should always _ the peoples interest _ _. 4. 你不能通过看电视真正地跟上世界事务。 You cant _ _ _ world affairsby watching television.,keep,in mind,keep up with,5. 手机不用时,将它放到远离身体的地方。 _ your phone

16、_ from your body when you are not using it. 6. 怀特先生在任何情况下都能保持镇静,从不惊慌。Mr. White can _ _ _ in any emergency, he is never likely to panic.,Keep,keep his head,away,Work in pairs and make up sentences as many as possible with keep in English, then well check which group is the most productive.,现学现用,Revie

17、w,课时重点回顾,pour down as if to ones astonishment die of die out keep up with keep sth. in mind,(使)倾泻;(人群)涌流 似乎;好像 令人惊奇的是死于 灭绝 跟上;不落后于 记住;放在心里,1. 旅客们上午八时登上飞机。 The passengers _ _ _ at8 a.m. 2. 解放前许多人因饥饿死去。 Many people _ _ hunger before liberation. 3. 就像是我们可以互相看到对方的心里,知道他们内心的秘密。 It is _ _ we can see insid

18、e each other and see what they are thinking.,boarded the plane,I. Fill in the blanks with proper words.,died of,as if,4. 而出乎他们的意料,工程师连一张票也没买。 _ _ _, the engineers didnt buy a ticket at all. 5. 她断言这一说法是谎言。She declared that the allegation was a _. 6. 初来乍到,我对这儿的一切都感到好奇。I have just arrived and I _ _ _ e

19、verything here.,To their astonishment,lie,am curious,about,1. 你确定你能说服他改变主意吗?(persuade sb to do)2.天忽然下起了大雨。(pour down)3. 越来越多的人死于癌症。(die of),. Translate these sentences using the words or phrases given in brackets.,Are you sure that you can persuade him to change his mind?,Suddenly rain began to pour

20、 down.,More and more people die of cancer.,4. 这艘船触礁了, 看上去很快就要下沉了。(as if)5. 从她的脸色我可以看出,发生了可怕的事情。(by)6. 使我惊奇的是,它完全消失了。(to ones astonishment),The ship hit a rock. It looked as if it was going to sink.,I could tell by the look on her face that something terrible had happened.,To my astonishment , it disappeared completely.,