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外研版高二英语必修5《Module3 Introduction》课件

1、Introduction,Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema,Words and Expressions,biography fantasy have connection with detective solve murder account run away companion raft,n. 传记 n. 幻想,想象与有联系 n. 侦探 vt. 解决 n. 凶手; 谋杀犯 n. 叙述; 描写; 报道逃跑 n. 同伴;伙伴 n. 木排;木筏,Objectives,1. To master the words about the ty

2、pes of literature and the cinema 2. To be able to identify the types of books according to some clues 3. To arouse students interest in adventure stories,Do you like reading? What kind of book do you like? Whats your favourite book? What do you know about Chinese literature?,Do you know the Four Gre

3、at Classical Novels of Chinese literature?,Water Margin,Dream of the Red Chamber,Romance of the Three Kingdoms,Journey to the West,How much do you know about English literature? Can you list any famous works?,Have you heard of these three books? Can you say something about them?,Author: Stephen King

4、 Country: United States,More information about these three books:,Wolves of the Calla 卡拉之狼,当代惊悚小说之王,通俗小说大师。 代表作:肖申克的救赎、闪灵,卡拉之狼讲述了罗兰、埃蒂、杰克和苏珊娜致力于保卫边远地区的小山村卡拉。这个山村很奇特,盛产双胞胎。某一时期,装扮成狼人的强盗经常蜂拥而至,从暗处袭击该村,每一户人家都会被掠走一个孩子。几个星期之后,孩子会被送回来,但他们已经变成痴呆,而且不久就会夭折。,1421- The year China discovered America1421中国发现美洲,A

5、uthor: Gavin Menzies Country: Great Britain,2002年3月,英国退休海军军官加文孟席斯在一个有200多人参加的学术发布会上宣布:中国人最早绘制了世界海图,郑和船队先于哥伦布到达了美洲大陆,郑和是世界环球航行第一人。加文孟席斯为了这个观点研究了14年,足迹遍及120个国家,访问了900多家图书馆、博物馆和档案馆,并顶着西方人的压力出版了这部书。,内容简介:公元1421年1月30日(明成祖永乐十九年正月三十日),在总兵太监郑和的带领下,历史上最宏伟壮观的船队从中国出发,其出航的目的为“宣德化而柔远人”,这次旅行历经两年,并环游地球一周。 当他们回航时,盛

6、极一时的明成祖朱棣早已体衰势微,中国也走上锁国道路。巨船任其腐朽,远航的记载也遭到毁弃。从此再也没有人知道那段历史的真相。这次航行早于哥伦布70年,中国人发现了美洲大陆,并且在麦哲伦的100年前便已环游地球。除此之外,中国人更是在库克船长的350年前就发现了澳洲与南极洲,并且领先欧洲人300年解决了经度测量的问题。,The singular Mark Twain 非凡的马克 吐温,Author: Fred Kaplan Country: United States,马克吐温的非凡之处有三个方面: (1)在美国文学界,被引用率和认知度最高,是公认的美国精华作家。 (2)作为一个作家和一个普通人,

7、他的两个名字就像的他的人格,统一而完整。 (3)如果说,19世纪其他的美国作家的名字存在于人们的头脑中,那么,马克 吐温不同,他存在于美国文化史的中心。,P21 1,Work in pairs. Say which book you would like to read and why.,Example: Id like to read Wolves of the Calla. It looks exciting.,adventure biography crime fantasy history thriller,The following are the types of book. Do

8、 you know their Chinese meanings?,1. the story of somebodys life 2. a story which has no connection with reality 3. a story in which there is lots of action 4. an extremely exciting story, which is often frightening 5. a story in which a detective tries to solve a problem, such as identifying a murd

9、erer 6. a true account of the past,adventure biography crime fantasy history thriller,Match the types of book with their meanings.,P21 2,Now decide which type these three books belong to.,thriller,biography,history,Work in pairs. Find more examples of each type.,P21 3,Robinson Crusoe 鲁滨逊漂流记,Pirates

10、of the Caribbean 加勒比海盗,adventure,Final Destination 死神来了,Silent Hill 寂静岭,thriller,fantasy,Avatar 阿凡达,Harry Potter series 哈利波特系列,biography,Coco before Chanel 时尚女王香奈儿,Marie Curie 居里夫人传,crime/detective,Sherlock Holmes 福尔摩斯探案全集,The Shawshank Redemption 肖申克的救赎,history,Beginning of the Revival 建党伟业,Schindl

11、ers List 辛德勒的名单,science-fiction,Some other important types,cartoon,comedy,action,romance,documentary,Match the types of film with the film reviews.,Whats on this weekend: new films to see,biography cartoon fantasy historical adventure science fiction,historical adventure,science fiction,cartoon,fant

12、asy,biography,Talk,Work in pairs. Student A: Make a brief introduction about your favourite book/movie. Student B: Figure out its type.,1. have connection with 与有联系 These young people were born in the cities and barely have connection with the rural areas.这些人出生在城市,与农村几乎毫无联系。Does smoking have connect

13、ion with his lung cancer?吸烟和他的肺癌有关系吗?,Language points,在现代社会,金钱似乎和人们生活的各个方面都有关系。In modern society, money seems to have connection with every aspect of peoples life. 2. 既然你是本地的首富,肯定跟政府有联系。Now that youre the richest man locally, you must have connection with the government.,practice,I ran away from hom

14、e when I was sixteen. 我16岁时离家出走。 On the contrary they would often thrust oranges and apples into my pockets and run away. 相反地,他们常常把桔子或是苹果塞在我的口袋里就跑开了。,2. run away 逃跑,你为什么从我身边跑开?Why did you run away from me? 2. 在我完全失去控制前我转身从栅栏旁跑开了。I run away from the fence before I lose all my control.,practice,善良是一种聋

15、子能听见、盲人能看见的语言。,永远说实话,这样的话你就不用去记你曾经说过些什么。,Famous quotes by Mark Twain,Famous quotes by Mark Twain,去舞蹈吧,犹如无人在一旁观看.去歌唱吧,犹如无人在一边聆听.去爱他人,犹如你曾未被伤害.好好地生活,犹如这里是人间乐土。,Famous quotes by Mark Twain,人生最重要的两天:你来到世界的那天,和你了解为什么你来到世界的那天。,Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.,每个人就像一轮月亮,不愿意将黑暗的 一面让别人看到。,The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.,让自己高兴起来的最好办法就是设法让 别人高兴起来。,Famous quotes by Mark Twain,1. Preview the new words and expressions on Page 22&23. 2. Search for some information about The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.,