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牛津译林版英语必修二Unit2 Task 1教案

1、第 1 页 共 3 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 2 Wish you were here板 块:TaskThoughts on the design: 本节课是以听、说、读为主的技能训练课。技能训练课应当从学生的实际水平出发,灵活运用教材所提供的资源,遵循学生的认知规律,逐步、分层进行教学。同时也要兼顾师生间的情感互动、学生的情感融入与兴趣的激发。在获得学生认可的同时,不仅要使学生有话可说,而且有话想说,从而实现以学生参与为主、教师协助为辅的技能训练目标。Teaching aims:After having this period, students will be able to

2、 get information about dates and places through listening. Meanwhile they are supposed to improve their speaking skills by using what, where, when, who, why and how to form questions and dialogues.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-inA: Ask students the following questions to have them focus on dates.

3、One example is given for the students to know better what to do.What are great days to you?On what day do they fall?( The table is from PPT)B: A quiz is also designed to make students more familiar with the countries and cities that will appear in the listening material, especially the pronunciation

4、 of some words. (Refer to PPT)Explanation这个环节从“great days”入手,充分调动学生的参与热情,大量地谈论日期以及当时的活动,实现了对于日期的复习,也较好地进行了“说”的热身,并自然地导入本课主题travel。并通过“quiz ”的方式让学生预先熟悉下面的听力训练中出现的一些地名和它们的发音,为下一步的听力降低难度、做好准备。Great Day(s) Date / Time Period What to doTomb Sweeping Day April 5th / 5th April To honour the dead 第 2 页 共 3

5、页Step 2 Listening for dates and names of places Let students listen to the tape and fill in the table. (Refer to PPT)Explanation通过播放听力,使学生不仅能对上一步骤中所接触的单词和日期在听觉上得到巩固与强化,而且还能用正确的形式笔头呈现,完成听力任务。Step 3 Reading and listening for more detailsA: Allow students two minutes to read the two leaflets and mark w

6、herever there appears a place.B: BrainstormingGet students to think what else is necessary besides the names of the places if one plans to travel. Collect answers from the students.(suggested answers: departure time, cost, activities, duration, means of traveling, etc. )C: Let students read the two

7、leaflets once again and fill in the blanks in Part B on P34. Tell them they wont be able to finish the task once in all. D: Ask students to summarize what information is left unsolved. Have them listen to the tape and fill in all the details. Explanation在简单的“找地名”环节后,通过问题设计从学生中获得更多与旅游(travel)有关的内容,如旅

8、游花费、旅游方式、持续时间等,并就其中的内容要求学生对宣传单进行再阅读,完成部分信息填充题。剩余不多的缺失信息能使学生在听的环节更有目标与重点,这也能减低听力的难度。环环相扣的教学设计不仅让学生能明确地完成好老师布置的各项任务,而且也自然地引出下面一个训练学生口语表达的教学环节。Step 4 SpeakingA: According to what students have summarized in the step before, ask students to put them in another way, using questions like “Where ?”, “What

9、?”, “Why ?”, “When ?” etc.B: Ask students to form questions according to Part B in Step 2.C: Make dialogues in pairs as the son/daughter and mother using the questions you have formed.D: Check the mothers schedule and make a decision of where to go.Explanation说是语言学习的直观展示之一,通过在语境中的对话训练,学生能正确运用特殊疑问句,具

10、体地进行语言的直接体验。在这个教学步骤中,学生被要求用特殊疑问句咨询旅游信息,并进行基本句型操练。在此基础上,适当增加难度,根据 Step 2 Part B 中的已知信息,利用之前的操练句型,采用两人一组的训练方式,排除个别学生不参与或少参与的可Student C E A L K Kr R DCountry k h j b a p d iCity o g c f e l m nDate 1st July 5th July 5th July2nd Aug.9th Aug.11th Aug.15th Aug.20th Aug.第 3 页 共 3 页能性,使学生最大程度地获得锻炼。Step 5 HomeworkAsk students to write out the dialogue and better it by correcting as many mistakes after school. Meanwhile they are supposed to act it out in the next period. Explanation通过回家作业再次巩固课堂所学内容。除了在笔头上获得强化外,对话内容第二天要表演的要求也督促学生继续“说”的训练。同时也为“task”第二课时的教学做了较好的准备。