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外研版高中英语必修一《Module3 Listening and Writing》课件

1、P5 Listening and Writing,Module 3 My First Ride on a Train,Listening,1. Where were you born? 2. When did you go to America? 3. Were you sick? 4. How did you get to California? 5. Were you and your friends bored? 6. Did your friends go to California with you?,(a) When I was 19. (b) No, I wasnt. (c) B

2、y train. (d) In London. (e) No, they didnt. (f) Yes, we were.,P27 2,Mary Lennon, a 90-year-old silent movie actress, was born in England but went to America to make films in the 1930s. She was interviewed by a reporter. Listen to part of the interview and match the questions with the answers.,When d

3、id she first go to America?2. How old was she?3. How did she get there?4. What did she do in New York? 5. How did she get from New York to California?6. Where did she stop on the way?7. What did she think of Los Angeles?,In 1934.19.By ship.She met a lot of people and she went to some parties.By trai

4、n.Chicago.It was too hot.,Listen to the interview again and answer the questions.,Try to make a self-introduction of Mary Lennon with the help of the following questions and answers.,I: Tell me, Mary, where were you born? ML: I _ _ _ _. I: Really? And when did you go to America? ML: _ _, when I was

5、19 years old. I went to New York. I: Is that right? Did you travel _ _?,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,was born in London,In 1934,by plane,I=Interviewer ML=Mary Lennon,ML: By plane? No, of course not! We traveled _ _! I: Goodness! _ _ did that take? ML: About seven days. I: Did you enjoy it? M

6、L: No! I _ it! I: Why? Were you sick? ML: No! I _ _!,by ship,How long,hated,was bored,I: Who invited you to go to America? And _ _ _ your ticket? ML: _ _ _, I cant remember. A film producer, I think. I: What did you do in New York? ML: Well, I met _ _ _ _, and I went to some parties. But I was there

7、 to make films and the film studios were in California, on the _ _ _ the country, you see. So I went to California.,To be honest,who paid for,a lot of people,other side of,I: How did you get from New York to California? ML: _ _. I: Did you like that? ML: Oh yes, definitely! I loved traveling by trai

8、n. I: How long did _ _ _? ML: Well, in those days, you could travel from New York to Los Angeles in about _ _. I: Really?,By train,the journey take,a week,ML: Yes. We stopped in Chicago for _ _ _. I: Oh, I see. ML: I think it was two weeks before I arrived in Los Angeles. I: And _ _ when you arrived

9、 in Los Angeles? ML: Absolutely nothing. I _ _ for weeks! I: What did you think of Los Angeles? ML: It was _ _!,few days,a,what happened,did nothing,too hot,Writing,GUIDED WRITING,【写作任务】 本模块要求写一篇与旅游相关的文章。 【写作内容】 上周,你校在2600名学生中对假期旅游的频率和目的进行了一次问卷调查。请根据以下调查数据用英语写一篇短文,内容应包括: 1. 调查时间、调查问题以及调查对象; 2. 旅游的频率

10、及所占的比例; 3. 旅游的目的及所占的比例; 4. 表明你自己的观点。,(一) 旅游频率及比例,(二) 旅游目的及比例,注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,【写作步骤】 一、词语储备 A: scenery, journey, survey, seldom, reason, culture, custom, prefer, specially, personally, frequency, purpose B: 1. now and then 有时, 时而 2. make up 占(比例) 3. place of interest 名胜 4. reduce the

11、 pressure of study 缓解学习压力 5. increase ones knowledge 增长知识 6. broaden ones view 开拓视野 7. how often 多久一次 8. in my view/as for me 以我之见,二、备用句型罗列 1. 上周,我校在2600名学生中对旅游的频率和目的进行了一次问卷调查。 Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on how often and why they travel. _ _ _ (使用简单句),Last week, we did a survey

12、among 2,600 students on the frequency and purpose of traveling.,2. 35%的学生经常在假期里旅游,因为他们有足够的钱和时间。 35% of the students often go travelling in the holiday and the reason is that they have enough time and money. _ _ _ (使用状语从句),35% of the students often go travelling in the holiday because they have enoug

13、h time and money.,3. 超过一半的学生有时去旅游,很少外出旅游的学生只占10%。 Over half of the students go travelling now and then. Those who seldom go travelling only make up 10%. _ _ _ (使用while连接两个句子),Over half of the students go travelling now and then, while those who seldom go travelling only make up 10%.,4. 大约25%的学生想通过旅游

14、了解当地的习俗,五分之一的更喜欢游览名胜。 About 25% of the students want to know about local cultures and customs by travelling, one fifth preferring to visit places of interest. _ _ _ _ (使用并列句),About 25% of the students want to know about local cultures and customs by travelling and one fifth prefer to visit places of

15、 interest.,5. 以我之见,旅游是缓解学习压力的一种好方式,也是增长知识、开拓视野的一个好机会。 Personally, traveling is a great way to reduce the pressure of study. Besides, it is a chance to increase our knowledge and broaden our view. _ _ _ _ (使用not onlybut also),In my view, traveling is not only a great way to reduce the pressure of stu

16、dy but also a chance to increase our knowledge and broaden our view.,三、 统筹安排 Outline of the text: Paragraph 1: To point out the time, topic and subject of the survey Paragraph 2: To introduce the result of the survey Paragraph 3: To voice your opinion,四、扩充要点, 连词成句。 任务A:从文中括号内选择适当的词填入空 格; 任务B:将下列选项填入

17、文中适当的位置。 There are only a small number of the students who travel specially for shopping how often and why they travel in the holiday a chance to increase our knowledge and broaden our view Nearly half of the students put enjoying natural scenery first,Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students

18、 on _.The survey shows that 35% of the students often go travelling in the holiday and the reason is that they have enough time and money. Over half of them do it now and then, _ (while/when) those who seldom go travelling only make up 10%. As is shown in Chart 2, students travel for several reasons

19、. _. About 25% of them want to know about local cultures and customs by travelling and one fifth _ (prefer/prefers) to visit places of interest. _.Personally, not only is traveling a great way to reduce the pressure of study but_.,while,prefer,Cultural corner,the maglev,1. What are the main differen

20、ces between a magnetically levitated train and an ordinary train? It is faster, less noisy and uses less energy than the ordinary train.,Read the passage and answer the questions:,2. What are the advantages of traveling on a Maglev train? You can travel very comfortably and quickly on it and it can

21、save more energy for us.,Language points,Some new words and phrasesmagnetically (adv.)有磁性地levitate (v.) 使飘荡levitation (n.) 升空飘荡之力chancellor (n.) 德国、奥地利等国的总理,首相,a high-speed train 高速列车 the opening ceremony of 的开幕式 the maglev=magnetically levitated train 磁悬浮列车,2. at a speed of; 以的速度reach a speed of 达到

22、速度reach a speed up to 高达的速度,1). Traveling _over 400 kilometres per hour, the train can complete the 30-kilometre journey in eight minutes.,at a speed of,2). On November 12, 2003, the maglev _ 502 kilometres per hour.3). The maglev can _ 502 kilometres per hour.,reached a speed of,reach a speed up to

23、,3. 辨析attend, join, take part in 1) attend: 指出席、参加某一活动,强调出席者不起积极作用,主要指参加会议、上学、参加典礼、听演讲等。 2) join: 指参加某一团体或组织,成为其中一员, 指参加活动时一般用 join in。,3) take part in:指参加活动,并在其中起积极作用。1) He didnt _ school yesterday.2) When did you _ the Communist Party?3) Every four years, athletes from different countries _the Olympic Games.4) Please _ us _ singing, will you ?,attend,join,take part in,join,in,Homework,1. Do the listening exercises in Learning English. 2. Finish the writing task on Page 27.,