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本文(四川省成都市青白江区人教版高中英语必修五《Unit2 The United Kingdom》单元测试(有答案))为本站会员(好样****8)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

四川省成都市青白江区人教版高中英语必修五《Unit2 The United Kingdom》单元测试(有答案)

1、Unit2 The United Kingdom一. 完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Keeping a Diary in EnglishOur teacher asks us to keep a diary in English. I 1 doing so because I think keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to 2 our English writing ability.Compared wi

2、th 3 forms of writing, it is shorter and 4 less time. It can help us to 5 the habit of thinking in English. 6 we persist in(坚持) this practice, gradually well learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, 7 can use the important phrases and sentences weve 8 in or out of En

3、glish classes to describe our 9 , and this way we can master and use freely 10 weve l earned, which will do good 11 us in English learning. But 12 we certainly run up against many difficulties. In the first place, it often happens that we have 13 finding proper words and phrases to give expression t

4、o our mind. Secondly, there 14 many idiomatic (惯用的) ways of saying things in Chinese. And it is extremely hard 15 us to put them into English properly. As far as I am concerned, my suggestion is that we 16 always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever 17 beats(难

5、倒) us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then look it up in our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for 18 , if necessary.In short, I believe that it is of 19 use to keep a diary in English for the development of our 20 skills.1. A. imagine B. cant stand C. enjoy D. finish

6、2. A. get B. gain C. improve D. prove3. A. other B. the other C. another D. others4. A. spends B. takes C. pays D. spares5. A. develop B. make C. give up D. pick6. A. Before B. After C. If D. While7. A. they B. he C. she D. we8. A. learned B. forgotten C. thought D. listened9. A. eyes B. books C. te

7、xts D. feelings10. A. that B. which C. what D. when11. A. to B. across C. between D. along12. A. at a time B. at one time C. all the time D. at times13. A. trouble B. difficulties C. chance D. choice14. A. is B. has C. are D. have15. A. of B. for C. at D. on16. A. can B. shall C. may D. should17. A.

8、 nothing B. something C. somebody D. anybody18. A. money B. dictionary C. question D. help19. A. great B. much C. very D. more20. A. speaking B. writing C. listening D. reading二. 阅读理解 (共 13 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 39 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Your body, which has close relations with the food you eat, is

9、 the most important thing you own, so it needs proper treatment and proper nourishment (营养).The old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away ”is not as silly as some people think. The body needs fruit and vegetables because they contain vitamin C. Many people take extra vitamins in pill form, be

10、lieving that these will make them healthy.But a good diet is made up of nourishing food and this gives all the vitamins you need. The body doesnt need or use extra vitamins, so why waste money on them ?In the modern western world, many people are too busy to bother about eating properly. They throw

11、anything into their stomachs, eating hurriedly and carelessly. The list of illnesses caused or made worse by bad eating habits is frightening,21.“Your body has close relations with the food you eat.” It really means that _.A. all kinds of food you eat can be made into your body B. your body is made

12、up of the food you eat C. what you eat has great effect on your health D. the more you eat, the fitter you will feel22. The old saying referred to in the passage tells us that _. A. eating apples r egularly does lots of good to our health B. the apple is the best among all kinds of fruitsC. apples c

13、an take the place of doctors D. an apple is a sure cure for illness 23.In the second paragraph, the writer tries to let us know _.A. our bodies need food or we can t live B. often eating apples is a good habitC. taking extra vitamin pills is completely useless D. a good diet is of great importance f

14、or our health 24.In the modern western countries _.A. people don t want to pay more attention to their eatingB. lots of people s illnesses are caused or made worse by bad eating habitsC. people throw everything into their stomachs w ithout chewingD. people are only too busy to cook meals for themsel

15、ves 25.From the passage we can draw a conclusion that if we want to keep healthy, we should _.A. only eat an apple a day B. eat properlyC. take as many vitamin pills as possible D. throw something into our stomachs slowly and carefully B In my long years of teaching, I often ask my student to read t

16、he texts until they can recite them, and I tell them that recitation is an important part of their homework. However, some of my students are tired of doing so, thinking that it is both hard and useless. They argue that it takes a l ong time to recite a text from memory and text itself never appears

17、 in a test paper.In my opinion, it naturally takes time to recite a text, but it is worth doing so. When you are able to recite a text, you are sure to be familiar with the words and expressions. When you need them in reading or writing or doing exercises, they will come to your mind quickly, and so

18、 you will give quick response to all kinds of language situation. How can we say that it is useless?Besides, many students complain that they soon forget what they were once able to recite. This is true, but you dont need to worry. While you are reading and forgetting the texts, your language level

19、is being raised. Sure you dont remember your Chinese texts that you once read in the primary school, but now you are able to read novels and newspaper. So, recitation of the texts will help you improve your language ability.26. The writer often asks his students to recite the texts. _. A. But they d

20、ont like to do so. B. And they are eager to do soC. But they wrote a letter to the Department of Education reporting the thing.D. But they do more exercises instead of reciting the texts.27. What do the students think about the teachers advice?A. The English teacher tries his best to help them with

21、English.B. The English teacher is very kind to them.C. The English teacher asks them to do something useless.D. The English teacher should let them study on their own.28. According to the text, which of the following is correct?A. The teacher thinks the students are too naughty to learn English well

22、.B. The students think they spend a lot of time in reciting the texts and get nothing.C. The students say that they often forget the words. D. The students take no interest in English.29. When the students are against his suggestion, the writer_.A. often criticizes them B. patiently explains to them

23、 why they should recite the textsC. wants to give up his idea D. is afraid that he is criticized by the headmaster.30. Why does the writer suggest that the students recite the text?A. Reciting the texts can improve the ability of learning English.B. Reciting the texts is the best way of learning Eng

24、lish.C. The students should remember all the texts that the teacher has taught them.D. Reciting the texts can greatly improve the classroom teaching. C If you have decided to take some English courses in the UK, there are some exams that you have to take to determine which classes you should be taki

25、ng. The first exam that you have to take is the Key English Test, which determines how well you can handle speaking English on a day-to-day basis along with written English skills.The KET has three parts. They are the basic reading and writing test, the listening exam and the speaking exam. Once you

26、 have passed this, you can take the PET exam, which stands for the Preliminary English Test. This test is for people who already have both basic oral and written skills.If you can read such items as newspapers, signs, magazines and books, you may be ready to take the next step. Try practicing your w

27、riting skills as well and when you think you have good enough writing skills, take this test. There are three sections to this test, the reading, writing and spoken English comprehension skills.Once you have successfully passed the PET test, you can then move on to the more advanced classes and test

28、s, like the FCE, which is the First Certificate Exam. This exam is harder and more advanced than the other tests. If your job depends on E nglish speaking or writing, then this test is a must to pass. You will need to have passed the last two tests in order to take this one. You will also need to ha

29、ve more of a background when it comes to the English language. By passing the FCE, you have showed that your English speaking ability is of high level.31. By writing the passage, the writer wants to _.A. persuade more people to take English courses in the UKB. explain how to prepare for language tes

30、ts of different levels in the UKC. tell us some advice on how to deal with various testsD. introduce several tests you have to take in order to take English courses in the UK32. What can we learn from the passage?A. The PET doesnt require good speaking skills. B. The FCE is harder than the KET and t

31、he PET.C. More and more people are taking English courses in the UK.D. The FCE is only for people whose career depends on English speaking.33. In which part of a newspaper would you most probably read this passage?A. Business. B. Lifestyle C. News D. Study abroad.三 七选五(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,

32、从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Without plants, people could not live. We eat plants. 34 And we need plants for another reason: We need them because they are beautiful.35 Imagine no flowers with their sweet smells, their beautiful colors and their lovely shapes. Imagine, when the wind blows, we ar

33、e not able to hear the leaves of the trees o r watch the branches swing from side to side.36 That is why we have parks full of trees and flowers. That is why people always like house with room for some grass and a garden.Do you talk to your plants? 37 Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, writers of

34、a book called The Secret of Plants, tell of an experiment in which two seeds were planted in different places. While the plants were growing, one plant was given love and hopeful ideas. 38 Under the earth it had more and longer roots; above the earth, it had thicker stem and more leaves.A. Plants ge

35、t energy from the sun.B. Do you give them love and take good care of them? C. After six months, the deserted plant faded away.D. After six months, the beloved plant was bigger.E. We take in oxygen that plants make.F. Everywhere people need beautiful plants.G. Imagine a world with no plants.班级 姓名 编号 题号1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920答案题号212223242526272829303132333435363738答案参考答案15.CCABA 610.CDADC 1115.ADACB 1620.DBDAB 2125.CADBB2630. ACBBA 3133. DBD 3438. EGFBD