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人教新课标高中英语必修5《Unit1 Workbook》课件

1、Unit 1 Workbook,Robert Briggs is very interested in biology and especially in the study of plants. Today he is telling his friend Zhang Wei some exciting news. Read the questions before you listen to the tape. This will help you to understand the information.,1 Before you listen to the tape discuss

2、with your partner how you would find out the name of a flower.,New words in the listening passage:species (种类),parrot (鹦鹉),blackbird (画眉类)黑鸟,This is about a man who wants to name a flower. This is about a man who finds a flower and wants to own it. This is about a man who finds a flower and wants to

3、 know if it is a new species of flower.,Listen to the tape once and tell what this listening passage is about.,To find the name of an unknown flower, first you should ask your _ teacher to help you. He / She will look in a special _written by Carl Linnaeus.,biology,book,Listen to the tape again and

4、try to complete the following passage.,He lived in _ from _ to _ . He was very important because he solved a _ problem for biology.,Sweden,1707,1778,serious,Listen to the tape again and answer these questions.,1 If Robert Briggs find the flower in the book, what does that mean? 2 How would he know i

5、f his lily is a new species? 3 Why do plants all have two names? 4 What was the serious problem for biology that Linnaeus solved?,1 If Robert Briggs finds the flower in the book, what does that mean?,It means that his flower has already been identified and has a name.,2 How would he knows if his lil

6、y is a new species?,He would know by checking his lily against other lilies in the specialist book. If his lily is different it will be a new species.,3 Why do plants all have two names?,All plants have two names just like people. The first is the group of flowersthey belong to and is like the famil

7、y name. The second is the kind of flower within that group and is like a given / personal name.,4 What was the serious problem for biology that Linnaeus solved?,Before Linnaeus there was no way of finding out whether a plant was new or not. This causes problems because different scientists claimed t

8、hat they had found and named flowers first. After he organized his system it was easy to discover whether a plant was new or not and so who had the right to name it.,NAMING A FLOWER Robert Briggs (RB) is talking to Zhang Wei (ZW) about a new kind of lily he has found.,Listening text,ZW: Hello Robert

9、. Whats that book youre carrying? RB: A book that helps you identify a flower. ZW: I see. Why do you want that? RB: Ive found this lily. It looks differentto me. So I want to find out if its new or not. Our biology teacher toldme that if its already known, Id find it in this book.,ZW: Wow! So you th

10、ink you may have found a new lily? RB: I hope so, but I have to do some research first to find out for sure. ZW: What happens if its in the book? RB: It means that somebody else has found it and named it. Then Ill know its biological name. ZW: What do you mean by the biological name?,RB: Actually li

11、ke us a flower has two names. The first is the group of flowers it belongs to like a family name. A rose is one such group. The second is the kind of flower like a given name. It may describe what therose looks like; for example, the colour of an autumn sunset. Togetheryou get the flowers name, whic

12、h Rose Autumn Sunset.,ZW: Gosh! Who made that system? RB: A great scientist called Carl Linnaeus. He lived in Sweden from 1707 to 1778. ZW: So long ago! RB: Yes, and he solved a very seriousproblem for biology. ZW: What was that?,RB: Before him nobody could tell if a plant was new, as there was no w

13、ay of checking. Therere so many plants, you see! ZW: Yes, I appreciate that! So his system is still used? RB: Indeed it is. If my flower isnt in this book, Ill know that Ive founda new kind of lily.,ZW: Thats great! Can I come and help you? This research sounds fun. RB: Yes, and if Im lucky (fading

14、out),1 This is a report on living conditions in England in the nineteenth century. Choose the proper words in its correct form to put into the text.,instruct neighborhood pollute defeat handle suspect blame severe clue link . to draw the conclusion cure,Educated people in the twenty-first century ma

15、y find it hard to believe that two hundred years ago people did not _ illness _ problems in the environment. We all know that in London drinking _ water caused,link,to,polluted,many deaths from cholera. There was a _ to its cause because it always started in the poor _. Then it spread to the richer

16、areas as the servants passed it on. Many doctors _ that polluted water was to _ and clean water was the _.,clue,neighbourhood,suspected,blame,cure,John Snows investigation proved that the dirtier the water, the more _ the illness. So the government and the doctors _ that water must be purified. They

17、 _ people to remove the _ from the pumps if the water was infected. Thus cholera was _ in the end.,instructed,drew the conclusion,severe,handles,defeated,Answer key for Exercise 2 on page 42,1 2 5 6 3 4 1,3 Translate these sentences into English, using the words and phrases in brackets.,1. 除了去公园以外,这

18、个夏天我就没有出过公寓。(apart from),Apart from going to the park, I limit my movements to my neighbourhood.,2. 没有足够的证据很难作出结论。(make a conclusion),It is difficult to draw a conclusion without enough evidence.,3. 这些科学实验的结果对于我们非常有 价值, 它们将有助于我们的研究取得成 功。(scientific enquiry; contribute to),These scientific enquires w

19、ill contribute to the success of our project.,4. 居斯特夫埃菲尔对他修建铁塔的计划满怀热情, 而这座塔使他闻名于世。 (Gustave Eiffel; enthusiastic; construct),Gustave Eiffel was very enthusiastic about his plan to construct the iron tower, which made him world-famous.,5. 他常提出些不同寻常的计划。你在加入之前要慎重对待。( put forward; be cautious to; join i

20、n),He often puts forward unusual plans. So be cautious about them before you decide to join in.,6. 谁是第一个反对“地心说”的人?(reject; universe),Who was the first person to reject the idea that the earth was the centre of the universe?,7. 虽然他的写作没什么意思,但弗雷德还是确信自己的作文会得高分。( make sense; positive),Although his writin

21、g doesnt make sense, Fred is positive that his composition will score a high mark.,1 Choose appropriate verbs to complete the following sentences, using the past participle. Explain the use of the past participle in each sentence.,1. They were _ to accept my idea. 2. Ill be _ to hear what he has to

22、say. 3. The mayor said that he was _about the _ rise of the water level in the river bed.,prepared,interested,worried,continued,4. Recently _ soldiers are helping to take the victims to safe areas from the flood. 5. Most of the newspaper seems to be _ with pop stars. 6. He was _ of going alone into

23、the empty house.,arrived,concerned,frightened,2 Rewrite these sentences as one sentence using the past participle as the attribute or predicative.,1. I found this plate on the floor. The plate was broken in pieces.I found this broken plate on the floor.,2. I saw a tall, dark and handsome man. His na

24、me is Xiao Ming.I saw a tall, dark and handsome man called Xiao Ming.,3. I looked at that modern abstract (抽象) painting. It was colored in yellows and greens.I looked at that modern abstract painting colored in yellows and greens.,4. Yesterday I got the answer to my question. It was the one I expect

25、ed.Yesterday I got the expected answerto my question.,5. She is one of my devoted friends. She is devoted to my interests.She is my friend devoted to my interests.,6. On the doorstep I found a lot of bottles. They were marked in green ink.On the doorstep I found a lot of bottles marked in green ink.

26、,7. We saw many windows in that room. They were all cracked.We saw many cracked windows in that room.,analyse(分析), pure(纯的), foundations(基础), symbol(符号), (圆周率); sin(正弦), cosin(余弦), geometry(几何), calculus(微积分), mechanics(力学), practical(实用的), topology(拓扑学),1 Before listening, make a list of all the gr

27、eat mathematicians that you know of or have learned about. What do you know of their achievements?,2 John Smith is discussing with Zhao Yang his research into the life and work of a mathematician called Leonhard Euler (1707 1783). Before you listen to Parts1 and 2 on the tape read the words below an

28、d learn to pronounce them correctly.,pure symbol sine cosine topology angle diagram,3 Listen to Part 1 again and tick the words below that Euler introduced into mathematics.,pure symbol sine cosine topology angle diagram,4 Listen to Part 2 again and fill in the chart below.,topology,1 introduced man

29、y new symbols into maths 2 wrote more books than anyone before or since 3 discovered a new branch of mathematics, ,sin, cosin,revised and analysed all maths of his day,topology,introduced a lot of symbols into maths; wrote more books than anyone before,A MATHEMATICIANS PROBLEMJohn Smith (JS) is talk

30、ing to Zhao Yang(ZY) about a mathematician who interests him.,Listening text,JS: Do you know that weve been studying Euler in maths? ZY: Who is he? Ive never heard of him. JS: Well, he was a famous mathematician in the eighteenth century. He revised all the pure mathematics that was known in his day

31、.,ZY: That probably wasnt very much. JS: Youre wrong there. He wrote more than any other mathematician before or since. ZY: Really! Well, what did he do? JS: He introduced a lot of symbols into mathematics such as pi and the terms sin and cosin.,ZY: Wow! JS: And he did half of this work when he was

32、blind. ZY: How did he do that? JS: He told his ideas to someone else who wrote them down.,Part 2 ZY: What were his achievements? JS: He introduce a new branch of mathematics called topology. It helps you understand things byusing diagrams. The subway mapis a good example.,It does not tell you distan

33、ces but it shows how stations connect together. ZY: How did he start topology? JS: Well, in 1735 he was inspired by a problem in the city ofKonigsberg where he lived.,Look at the map in your book. Konigsberg had a river running through it. The centre is an island. As the river passes the island, it

34、breaks into two parts. Seven bridges were built over the river. Euler wondered if you could walk around the city so that you cross each bridge only once.,ZY: Let me try that. It sounds quite simple to me. JS: Try, but its not as easy as it looks.,Reading task,FINDING THE SOLUTION,Topology-Euler path

35、,Try your best to go over the whole points of each picture without lifting your pencil from the paper or going over any line twice.,A,A,D,D,B,B,C,C,Whats Eulers puzzle?Konigsberg is an island and there is a river breaking here into two parts.,“Seven Bridges of Konigsberg” and the famous “Euler path”

36、.,People wondered if they could walk around the city by crossing the seven bridges without going over any of them twice or going back on himself, but Euler found he couldnt cross all the seven ones. This is Eulers puzzle.,The first stage in his research is to find the problem that he could cross six

37、 of the bridges without going over any of them twice or going back on himself, but he couldnt cross all seven.,How did Euler prepare for his research?,The second stage is to think of a method: He drew a map and used dots and lines to simplify his analysis. Trying and observing over and over again, h

38、e found a general rule.,It is topology. Eulers theory is called “The Euler path”, which is expressed like this: If a figure has more than two odd points, you cant go over it without lifting your pencil from the page or going over a line twice. So the general rule that Euler found is the even points

39、and the odd points .,What are the theories?,ConclusionEulers theory (一笔画)可以一笔画只有两种情况:1. 没有奇数顶点。2. 只有两个奇数顶点。 同学们如果对此类问题感兴趣, 可登录:http:/www.e- the text and find out the answers to the following questions. How did Euler find a problem? Whats the general rule to the puzzle? What branch of mathematics did

40、 Euler start?,When he walked around the town and over the bridges of Konigsberg, he was surprised to find that he could cross six of the bridges without going over any of them twice or going back on himself, but he couldnt cross all seven.,How did Euler find a problem?,Whats the general rule to the

41、puzzle?,What branch of mathematics did Euler start?,If a figure has more than two odd points, you cant go over it without lifting your pencil from the page or going over a line twice.,He started a whole new branch of mathematics called “topology”.,Fill in the chart after reading the text.,By turning

42、 the map into a diagram.,One which has an odd number of lines going to it.,Four,Two,If a figure has more than two odd points, you cannot go over it without lifting your pencil from the page or without going over a line twice.,Yes,Look at the following pictures. Check to see if you are right by using

43、 a pencil to go over the diagram. Remember not to miss any points or go over any line twice. Give a reason if there is no path.,In pairs discuss the life and work of any scientist that you know. Explain their achievements and recount stories that show interesting aspects of their character and their

44、 work. Talk about how they achieved their success.,Was it because of his / her talent, intelligence, hard work, persistence, confidence, curiosity, enthusiasm or luck? Prepare to give a talk on your chosen scientist to the class.,The following questions may help you with your discussion.,1.Who is th

45、e scientist you admire most? 2. What nationality is this scientist? 3.What kind of family did he/she come from? 4.What kind of education did he/she receive? 5.What did he/she achieve in his/her scientific work? 6. Why did he/she achieve great success?,Now write a report about your scientist, his/ he

46、r life, achievements and the key to his / her success. Before you begin to write, remember to put your information under three headings:,Life Achievements Key to success.,Please plan your report according to these steps:,Introduction to the scientist, including dates, where he / she lived and worked and which branch of science;,Life of the scientist;,Achievements of your chosen scientist;,Key to his / her success;,General summary of his/her importance in science and why you chose him/her.,