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本文(外研版高中英语选修9《Module6 Listening》课件)为本站会员(好样****8)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

外研版高中英语选修9《Module6 Listening》课件

1、Module 6,Listening,Listen to the passage.,I wrote an essay for my _ _ about a painting that we had seen in an art _. I was worried about the essay did I write what the teacher wanted? When I got the essay _, the teacher had written a note _ _ _. It said: “Well done. You have captured the essence of

2、the painting very well _.”,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,art teacher,gallery,back,at the end,indeed,Of course, I was _ the teacher said: well done. But I thought what does “captured the essence” mean? So I _ _ both words in my dictionary. First capture. Verb and noun. So I looked at the verb

3、_. Oh dear, I found that there were _ _ _ for the verb capture, and that,delighted,looked up,definition,meanings,seven main,it appeared in _ _ _ common phrases, as well. Seven meanings! I read the first one: capture to catch someone so that they become your _. Well, I dont think that was what the te

4、acher mean. The second meaning was: to _ _ _ a place from your enemy for example, the government captured the village from the,a number of,prisoner,get control of,rebels. That didnt _ right, either. Third meaning: to express what someone or something is really _. Aha! Thats better! At the end of the

5、 seven definitions, there was a really _ _ of words you can use with capture, and I _ my other word in the list: atmosphere, essence, flavour, mood and spirit. And you can capture someones,seem,like,useful list,found,heart which means that they _ _ _ with you. Quite a nice word, capture! Then there

6、was essence. A noun. My dictionary only had _ meanings of the word essence, so it was _ to find what the teacher was talking about. Essence the most important part of something, usually the part that gives it its _ _. Well, I hope thats the meaning,fall in love,two,easier,character,general,that the

7、teacher meant. _ _ _, I had a look at the second meaning: a liquid that contains the strong _ _ _ of the plant it was taken from. For example: vanilla essence. No. Im sure that _ what the teacher meant. So Im very pleased for _ _. Firstly, because the teacher said something,Just in case,smell or taste,isnt,two reasons,nice about my essay, and secondly, that I used my dictionary to _ the meaning, and the dictionary gave me _ definitions, so I could understand _ what the teacher meant. In fact, I captured the essence of _ _ completely!,check,clear,exactly,her message,Thank you.,