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外研版高中英语选修9《Module4 Warming up》课件

1、Languages of the World,Module 4,Objective 教学目标,1. 本模块主题是世界上的语言。通过课文介绍世界十大语言的概况,了解语言的现状和发展。 2. 学会介绍自己的母语,进一步了解外语学习的重要性。 3. 准确掌握but, get, have/has, not, same/any和than的用法。,Appreciate the video,听听用几种语言说的 “我爱你”,16种语言说“我爱你”,汉语: 我爱你! 英语: I love you! 德语: Ich liebe dich! 法语: Je taime! / Je tadore! 意大利语: ti a

2、mo, ti vogliobene! 拉丁语: Te amo, Vos amo! 荷兰: IK hou van jou! 日本: !,Say “I love you.” in different languages,汉语: 你好 英语:Hello 西班牙:Hola 法国:Bonjour 意大利语 :Buongionro 德语 :Hallo/Guten Tag 印度: namast 韩语: 阿拉伯语: 日本:,Greetings in different languages,Do you know how many languages there are in the world? Do all

3、 the languages have their written forms?,Brainstorming,The approximately 30006000 languages that are spoken by humans today. However, not all the languages have their written forms.,Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or writt

4、en symbols. Such a system including its rules for combining its components, such as words.Such a system as used by a nation, people, or other distinct community; often contrasted with dialect.,What is language?,世界七大语系,19世纪,欧洲的比较学派研究了世界上近一百种语言,发现有些语言的某些语音、词汇、语法规则之间有对应关系,有些相似之处,他们便把这些语文归为一类,称为同族语言;由于有

5、的族与族之间又有些对应关系,又归在一起,称为同系语言,这就是所谓语言间的谱系关系。现在,世界上主要的语系有七大类:,印欧语系 是最大的语系 2. 汉藏语系 3. 阿尔泰语系 4. 闪含语系 又称亚非语系。 5. 德拉维达语系又称达罗毗荼语系。 6. 高加索语系 7. 乌拉尔语系,当然根据不同方法还有很多种不同的 语系分类。,Lets do a small quiz about national flags of different countries, and find out the languages spoken in these countries.,China,Chinese,Fra

6、nce,French,Spain,Spanish,Germany,German,Japan,Japanese,Danish,Denmark,The U.S.A.,English,official language: the main language of a country dialect: a way of speaking a language by a particular group; some dialects simply use different words; other dialects also use different grammar mother tongue: t

7、he main language you learn as a child,Tips,1. What is your mother tongue? 2. Do you speak a dialect of your countrys official language? 3. Do you know any dialect words or expressions?,Work in pairs,Canada,New Zealand,Australia,Great Britain,Ireland,The U.S.A.,English,What language do these countrie

8、s speak?,In the world, people use different kinds of languages to communicate. Among them, English is the most popular international language. So more and more people try to learn English well in various ways.,Background,(a) What percentage of world languages are spoken in India?(b) Approximately ho

9、w many languages are spoken by fewer thana thousand people?,1,750.,About 12%.,Read the information on page 43, and answer the questions.,(c) How is it possible that there are more English speakers in China than in the USA?,Because the population of China is so much larger than that of the USA, and a

10、lso because there are many immigrants in the USA who do not speak English.,(d) Why do you think only 100 wordsmake up half of all the words we use in conversation?,Because they are the structure words which are used continuously in whatever we say (in English words like the, a, of, in, is, are).,(e)

11、 Why is Somalia unique?,Because its entire population speaks the same language.,Do you understand the meaning of the sentence spoken by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor?,“我对上帝说西班牙语,对女人说意大利语,对男人说法语,和我的战马交流时则用德语。”,I speak Spanish to God 我用西班牙语向上帝祈祷 这位皇帝虽然是神圣罗马帝国皇帝,但他的母亲是西班牙人,小时候在西班牙长大,对西班牙语有幼年的美好记忆,西班牙是极

12、具欧洲天主教传统的国家,而且西班牙语相对复古,柔美,对上帝祈祷时,西班牙语的语气更有虔诚,谦卑的感觉,所以这位虔诚的皇帝用西班牙语祈祷。,想一想这位皇帝为什么这么说呢?,Italian to women 对女人说意大利语 作为欧洲文艺传统艺术积淀深厚的意大利,自然少不了风花雪月的文学故事。 意大利语的浪漫情调也是举世公认的,所以Charles和lady们打情骂俏当然首选意大利语。,French to men 对男人说法语 法兰西是骄傲与风度的代名词,这位皇帝还说过一句,巴黎不是一座城市而是一座大学,可见其极力崇拜法国文明。能说一口法语历来是欧洲贵族体现优雅与学识,以及身份地位的象征,身为一个大

13、国的统治者,交谈的话还有什么语言胜过法语呢?,and German to my horse 对我的马说德语 这是皇帝的小幽默了,大概是因为德语厚重的鼻音,听起来较僵硬,有撞耳膜的感觉,(单从语言特点上说,德语和前三种语言有差别,不属同一种语系。)德国人的性格也像马一样倔强,作为那里的统治者,想来吃了不少苦头,在退位的时候忍不住要发发牢骚。,看了上面的解释,可以看出不同的语言 有着不同的风格和特点。,In your opinion, which are the most important world language? Why? 2. Apart from English, which lan

14、guages would you like to learn or know more about? Why? 3. What is the point of learning foreign languages?,Discussion,1. 世界很多人把英语作为外语来讲。2. 学英语帮助我们了解不同的人和不同的文化。,Many people all over the world speak English as their foreign language.,关于语言,译一译,Learning English helps us meet different people and different cultures.,4. The language of friendship is not words but meanings. H. D. Thoreau,友谊的语言不是词句,而是意义。 H.D. 梭罗,3. Learning any language takes a lot of effort. But dont give up.,学习任何语言都是需要花费很多努力, 但不要放弃。,Homework,Preview the part of Reading and Vocabulary.,Thank you.,