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外研版高中英语选修9《Module3 Warming up》课件

1、Module 3,The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors,Objective 教学目标,1. 本模块介绍秦始皇陵墓和兵马俑,对秦始皇在历史的功过进行剖析。 2. 学习如何介绍历史人物和事件,并表达自己的观点或评价。 3. 准确掌握am/is/are, been, go, gone, how, of, that的表意功能。,Appreciation of the song The Myth,剧中成龙扮演的 蒙毅是哪个朝代 的大将军呢?,Have you ever watched the movie The Myth?,秦朝,夏商与西周 东周分两段 春秋和

2、战国 一统秦两汉 三分魏蜀吴 二晋前后延 南北朝并立 隋唐五代传 宋元明清后 王朝至此完,还记得学过的朝代歌吗?,Work in pairs and put the dynasties of ancient China in the correct order.,1 Zhou Dynasty 2 Han Dynasty 3 Three Kingdoms, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties 4 Sui Dynasty 5 Qin Dynasty 6 Tang Dynasty,Answer: 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 6,秦始皇,Who is the f

3、irst emperor of China?,Qin Shihuang,Qin Shihuang (秦始皇) (259 BC 210 BC), personal name Ying Zheng (嬴政), was king of the Chinese State of Qin from 246 BC to 221 BC during the Warring States Period. He became the first emperor of a unified China in 221 BC. He ruled until his death in 210 BC at the age

4、of 49.,Do you know anything about Qin Shihuangs achievements? Look at the pictures and discuss.,Work in pairs.,秦国,(前230年),韩,(前228年),赵,魏,(前225年),楚,(前223年),燕,(前222年),齐,(前221年),By 221 B.C., he had annexed the six rival principalities of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao and Wei, and established the first feudal

5、empire in Chinas history. In that same year, King Zheng proclaimed himself the “First Emperor“ (始皇帝).,The Great Wall (万里长城),The Great Wall of China is a series of stone and earthen fortifications in northern China, built originally to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire against intrus

6、ions by various nomadic groups. One of the most famous is the wall built between 220206 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shihuang.,Lingqu canal,In 214 BC Qin Shihuang began the project of a major canal to transport supplies to the army. The construction is considered one of the great feats of A

7、ncient Chinese engineering.,A famous South China quotation was “In the North there is the Great wall, in the South there is the Lingqu canal.” (北有长城、南有灵渠),burning books and burying Confucian scholars alive (焚书坑儒),Beginning in 213 BC, Qin Shihuang ordered most existing books to be burned with the exc

8、eption of those on agriculture, medicine, divination, and the history of the State of Qin. According to the later Records of the Grand Historian (史记), the following year Qin Shi Huang had some 460 scholars buried alive for owning the forbidden books.,The Tomb of Qin Shihuang (秦始皇陵),Qin Shihuang asce

9、nded the throne at the age of 13, when construction of his tomb began. On completion of his many conquests, he ordered 720,000 conscript laborers to hurry up on building his royal tomb. It was finished just-in-time in 210 BC for his use.,Where is the Tomb of Qin Shihuang located?,Location The Tomb o

10、f Qin Shihuang is located in the eastern suburbs of Lintong County, 35 kilometers (22 miles) east of Xian: on the Lishan Mountain in the south and overlooking the Wei River towards north.,Have you ever been to Xian? Have you ever seen Terracotta Warriors in Xian?,Look at the pictures and discuss the

11、 questions. Use the words in the box to help you.,army battle clay column emperor expression hairstylesoldier tomb undergrounduniform,Work in pairs.,1 Which emperor of ancient China ordered these terracotta warriors to be made?2 Where were the terracotta warriors discovered?,Emperor Qin Shihuang.,1.

12、5km away from his tomb.,3 What are the warriors doing?4 Are all the warriors identical?5 Why do you think the Emperor built the terracotta warriors?,Standing like an army ready for battle.,No, they are all different from each other.,(Open),1974年3月,在陵东的西杨村村民抗旱打井时,在陵墓以东三里的下和村和五垃村之间,发现规模宏大的秦始皇陵兵马俑坑,经考古

13、工作者的发掘,才揭开了埋葬于地下的2000多年前的秦俑宝藏。1975年国家决定在俑坑原址上建立博物馆。,the discovery of the terracotta warriors,秦始皇兵马俑是世界考古史上最伟大的发现之一,1978年,前法国总理希拉克参观后说:“世界上有了七大奇迹,秦俑的发现,可以说是八大奇迹了。不看秦俑,不能算来过中国。” 从此秦俑被世界誉为“八大奇迹之一。” 目前已挖掘出3个俑坑。,Do you know anything about the terracotta warriors?,兵马俑是古代墓葬雕塑的一个类别。古代实行人殉,奴隶是奴隶主生前的附属品,奴隶主死后

14、奴隶要为奴隶主陪葬,是殉葬品。兵马俑即制成兵马(战车、战马、士兵)形状的殉葬品。,陶俑刚出土的本来面目,清理后的陶俑面貎,秦始皇兵马俑以它的“大、多、精、美” 征服了现代人。这些不同的陶俑中中间有 高大魁梧、气宇不凡的将军,英武刚毅、 身经百战的武官,更有神情各异、生动传 神的士兵,可谓千人千面互不雷同,喜怒 哀乐各有其情, 完全是当年秦軍 将士的真实写照。,圖片資料來源:http:/ many kinds of the terracotta warriors?,兵马俑的分类,军吏俑 军吏俑从身份上讲低于将军俑,有中级、下级之分。从外形上看,头戴双版长冠或单版长冠,身穿的甲衣有几种不同的形式。

15、军吏俑除了服饰上与将军俑不同外,精神气度上也略有差异,军吏俑双肩宽阔,挺胸伫立,神态肃穆。,跪射俑 跪射俑身穿战袍,外披铠甲,头顶左侧挽一发髻,脚登方口齐头翘尖履,左腿蹲曲,右膝着地,上体微向左侧转,双手在身体右侧一上一下作握弓状,表现出一个持弓的单兵操练动作。,立射俑 立射俑在秦俑中是一个较为特殊的兵种,所持武器为弓弩,与跪射俑一起组成弩兵军阵。立射俑位于阵表,身着轻装战袍,束发挽髻,腰系革带,脚登方口翘尖履,装束轻便灵活。,武士俑 武士俑即普通士兵,作为军阵主体,在秦俑坑中出土数量为最,可依着装有异分为两类,即战袍武士和铠甲武士。他们作为主要的作战力量分布于整个军阵之中。战袍武士俑大多分布

16、于阵表,灵活机动;铠甲武士俑则分布于阵中。两类武士皆持实战兵器,气质昂扬,静中寓动。,骑兵俑 由于兵种的特殊,骑兵的装束与步兵、车兵不同。他们衣服短小轻巧,一手牵马,一手持弓。,驭手俑 驭手俑为驾驶战车者,他们身穿长襦,外披铠甲,头上带有巾帻及长冠,双臂前举作牵拉辔绳的驾车姿态。由于古代战争中战车的杀伤力极强,因而驭手在古代战争特别是车战中,地位尤为重要,甚至直接关系着战争的胜负。,李白 古风其三 秦王扫六合,虎视何雄哉。挥剑决浮云,诸侯尽西来。 明断自天启,大略驾群才。收兵铸金人,函谷正东开。 铭功会稽岭,骋望琅琊台。刑徒七十万,起土骊山隈。 尚采不死药,茫然使心哀。连弩射海鱼,长鲸正崔嵬。 额鼻象五岳,扬波喷云雷。鬈鬣蔽青天,何由睹蓬莱。 徐市载秦女,楼船几时回?但见三泉下,金棺葬寒灰。,Read the poem about Emperor Qing Shihuang,What do you learn about Emperor Qin Shihuang? Give your opinions about his achievements.,Discussion,Homework,Preview the part of Reading and Vocabulary.,Thank you.,