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冀教版英语七年级上Lesson 21课件

1、Lesson 21,New words,Li Ming takes Jack to the morning market. Li Ming: This is the morning market, Jack. Many people buy fruits and vegetables here. Do you like fruit and vegetables. Jack:Yes, I like vegetables very much. Potatoes are my favourite. Li Ming: I like fruit. Grapes are my favourite.,Jac

2、k:Wow! Look at the carrots. They are big. They are not so big in Canada. Li Ming:Do you like cabbage,Jack? I like to eat cabbage in the soup. Its delisious. Jack:Yes,I like cabbage. In Canada, we eat cabbages in salads.,Li Ming: I like watermelons. Theyre sweet. Lets buy a waterlemon. Jack:OK. How a

3、bout the pears? Pears are sweet, too. Li Ming: The pears dont look good, but the apples look good. Jack:OK. Lets buy some apples.,1.Listen and fill in the blanks.,market,vegetables,sweet,2.Read the lesson and write true(T) or false(F).,1.Li Ming likes fruit. Grapes are his favourite. 2.In Canada, pe

4、ople like to eat cabbage in salads. 3.The apples dont look good, but the pears look good.,T,T,F,3.Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.,1._ are my favouriite. They are sweet.2.Lets buy a _ at the market.3.I like to eat _ in the soup.,grapes,watermelon,cabbage,4.Work in groups. Do you like fru

5、it and vegetables? Interview your classmates and fill in the blanks.,Example: A:Do you like carrots? B:Yes, I do./Yes, I like them very much. A:Do you like pears? B:No, I dont.,1.Do you like fruit and vegetables? 你喜欢水果和蔬菜吗?Do you like.?引导的是一个一般疑问句,意为“你喜欢吗?”对该句的肯定回答是“Yes, I do.”否定回答用“No, I dont.”,Do

6、you like apples? 你喜欢苹果吗? Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。/No, I dont.不,我不喜欢。 Does he like the red cup?他喜欢红色的杯子吗? Yes, he does.是的,他喜欢。/No, he doesnt.不,他不喜欢。,2.I like to eat cabbage in soup.eat一般指吃,后面接具体的食物或某一次具体的动作。例如:I eat two eggs every morning. 我每天早上吃两个鸡蛋。I want to eat some bread.我想吃一些面包。 注意:如果指“吃药”时,则要用take。eg:

7、Take this medicine, and youll be all right. 吃了这药,你就会好的。,3.This is the morning market, Jack. This is意为“这是”与 That is“那是”相对。例如: This is a book. 这是一本书。 That is a map. 那是一张地图。,根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子。 1.Many people buy pears in the m_. 2.Lets buy some sweet w_. 3.The _ (卷心菜) is small in Canada. 4.The sugar is s_.,market,watermelon,cabbage,sweet,