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冀教版英语九年级上Lesson 30 Science Affects Us精品课件

1、Lesson 30,Unit 5 Look into Science,5,Unit,Lesson 30 Science Affects Us,学习目标,objectives,1. Words and expressions:mobile phone, suggest, affect, development,discovery, in place 2. Continue to learn Attributive Clause. 3. Keep trying and never give up.,Lead in,Some Experiments,1.Have you ever done any

2、interesting experiments? Can you describe one of them?2.What would life be like without computers or mobile phones?,Think about it,Pre-reading,discovery affect suggest mobile phone development,n. 发现 v. 影响 v. 建议 n. 手机 n. 发展,New words,Read L30 and fill in the blanks.,Science affects peoples _ lives. W

3、ithout the scientific developments of recent years, our lives would be very different. Can you imagine life without computers or _? Scientific _ are making our lives better and better. DNA is really one of the most amazing things on the earth. Many people think it will _ the world.,everyday,mobile p

4、hones,discoveries,change,While-reading,1. Wang Mei didnt enjoy learning about DNA. ( ) 2. Who did an experiment in science class this week? _. 3. Does Wang Mei think the experiment they did sounds interesting? _. 4. The air pressure _ is higher than that of the water pushing down from inside the jar

5、. 5.I always wonder what life would be like without computers or mobile phones . _,F,Brian, Danny and Jenny,Yes, she does,pushing up on the cardboard,我一直想知道如果没有电脑和手机生活会是什么样子。,中考题型 课堂练,1. I suggest you try it, too!,Language Points,suggest v. 建议,提议 1) suggest sth. to sb. 向某人建议某事 2) suggest doing sth.

6、建议做某事 3) suggest that (should + do) 建议 4) suggestion n. 建议,2. The experiment you did sounds interesting.,*定语从句;先行词为experiment,(that) you did为从句。,*sounds interesting 听起来有趣 sound接adj. 作表语。,3. Scientific discoveries are making our life better and better.,This is an important discovery.这是一个重要的发现。,We hav

7、e discovered their secrets. 我们已经发现了他们的秘密。,* discovery作可数名词,意为“发现、发觉”,复数形式是discoveries。如:,discover是及物动词,意为“发现”,后加名词、代词或宾语从句。如:,e.g. 张家口变得越来越美丽了。 Zhang Jiakou is getting more and more beautiful.,* better and better比较级+and+比较级 “越来越”。,Free Talk,Post-reading,How do these inventions affect our everyday li

8、ves? What life would be like without these inventions?,. 单项选择。 ( )1. Bob never does his homework _ Mary. Yes, he makes lots of mistakes. A. so careful B. as carefully as C. carefully D. as careful as,Practice,( )2. Do you know this boy? Which boy? The one _ under the big tree. A. lay B. lain C. layi

9、ng D. lying ( )3. How do you know that she likes singing? I often hear her _ after class. A. to sing B. sang C. sing D. sings,( )4. They stopped _ , but there was no more sound. A. to listen B. to hear C. listening D. hearing ( )5. My younger brother isnt _ to take care of himself. A. enough old B.

10、old enough C. small enough D. enough small,1. The man is _ (bad) hurt. 2. Dont be _ (scary). You will be OK. 3. Are you hurt?No, Im not _ (injure).,用所给词的适当形式填空。,badly,scared,injured,完成句子。 1. Dont worry about your son. Its _ _ (没什么严重的). 2. We neednt _ _ _ (叫救护车). 3. _ _ (小心)!There is something danger

11、ous ahead. 答案: 1. nothing serious 2. call an ambulance3. Be careful,4. He _ _ _ (尽力赶上)the early bus, but it was too late. 5. Dont worry about him. I can _ _ _ (照顾) him. 答案: 4. tried to catch 5. take care of,1. He didnt agree to go there with us. He _ there with us. 2. Why dont you go swimming with me? Why _ swimming with me? 3. Grandma takes care of my sister every day. Grandma _ my sister every day. 4. You dont have to go home today. You _ home today.,同义句转换。(每空一词),refused to go,not go,looks after,neednt go,Homework1.Finish off the rest exercises.2.Preview lesson 31.,Homework,