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冀教版英语九年级上Lesson 27 Planet Danny精品课件

1、Lesson 27,Unit 5 Look into Science,5,Unit,Lesson 27 Planet Danny,学习目标,objectives,To master the words and expressions: solar, telescope, certainly, unless, double, mystery; solar system, at night, even if; Its worth a try, even if I dont find a planet.,To learn about the solar system and how to use t

2、he telescope.,Words,telescope solar solar system certainly unless double mystery,n. 望远镜 adj. 太阳的;关于太阳的 太阳系 adv. 当然;确定;肯定 conj. 除非;如果不 n. & adj. & adv. 双倍(的) n. 神秘事物;奥秘,Lead in,Warming up,Do you know any of the planets in the solar system? What would you like to look at with a telescope?,Solar System

3、,Pre-reading,Telescope,Listening Task,Listening to the dialogue and tick the correct answer.,What did Danny do last night?He tried to study the moon. He tried to find a new planet. 2. What did Danny use?A telescope. A book. 3. What did Danny need?More sleep. More stars.,While-reading,Read the lesson

4、 and write true (T) or False (F).,Danny is studying the solar system at school. Danny is looking through the telescope when Jenny and Brian come to visit. During the day, Danny can see many stars in the sky through the telescope. Jenny and Brian will join Danny after supper. Danny has discovered a n

5、ew planet.,T,T,F,T,F,Language points,1. He looks through the telescope.,*辨析through与across:,through: 指在立体空间中穿过; 多指穿过门、窗、洞、森林等。,across: 指从某事物表面的一边穿到另一边;多指穿过街道、马路、桥梁、河流等。,The moonlight is shining in _ the window. Everything in the room looks so nice. A. over B. across C. through D. past,through 介词,穿过,从

6、中通过,C,2. The stars come out at night.,The great writer has written many stories for children. It is said that a new one will _ at the end of this month. go out B. come out C. look out D. run out,e.g. These flowers come out at night.When will Li Leis new book come out?,come out “出来”, 动副短语;无被动语态 还可表示:

7、 (花) 开放;出版;发表,B,3. Maybe Brian and I can join you after supper.,e.g. He _ (join) the army two years ago.He _ (join) the army for two years.He _ an English club last year and improved his English a lot.,Join 加入;参加 (党派、组织、团体等),成为其中的一员。 *join 为短暂性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,若用可用be in 来代替。,joined,has been in,join

8、ed,4. I dont think you can find one unless you have a bigger telescope.,e.g. You will miss the bus unless you hurry up.I wont apologize unless she apologizes first.,-We cant be successful _ we keep working hard. - I agree with you. A. if B. unless C. because D. when,unless 连词,除非;(= if not)引导条件状语从句。,

9、B,作动词,意为“使加倍,翻倍” 如:,5. Actually, double the size of your house.,The number of the houses here may double in 5 years. 五年内这里的房屋的数量可能会翻倍。,Wed like a double room. 我们想要一个双人间。,作形容词, 意为“双倍的、两倍的、两用的”,在句中作定语或表语。如:,6. Well, its worth a try, even if I dont find a planet.,e.g. The clock is worth ten dollars.Kno

10、wledge is worth working for. 知识是值得努力的。,He will come on time even if it rains.,worth adj. 值得 be worth doing sth. 值得做某事,even if 即使;纵然 (= even though)引导让步状语从句。,Post-reading,Free Talk,What interests you about the solar system? If you had a chance to go to a space, would you go?,单项选择。,Practice,Homework,Homework,Preview the words and expressions in Lesson 28.,Finish the exercise of this lesson.,