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冀教版英语九年级上Lesson 14 Accidents Happen精品课件

1、Lesson 14,Unit 3 Safety,3,Unit,Lesson 14 Accidents Happen,学习目标,objectives,To learn some new words: safety, careful hang, lie, serious, necessary To write an accident report as a reporter. Know how to avoid car accidents as pedestrians, drivers, and cyclists.,New words,accident ksdnt n.,icy as adj.,L

2、ead in,New words,roll rl v.,reporter rp:t(r) n.,expect kspekt v.,If you expect something to happen, you believe that it will happen.,期待,ugly li adj. not beautiful,New words,recover rkv(r) v.,town tan n.,shoulder ld(r) n.,wound wand n.,When you recover from an illness or an injury, you become well ag

3、ain.,恢复,伤口,New words,Alberta lb:rt 阿尔伯塔 (the name of a place) James deimz 詹姆斯 (a given name of man) Andrews ndru:z 安德鲁斯 (a family name),Listen and fill in the blanks,Ann was hit by _. The street was _and the car couldnt stop _. Mr. Morin knows _. Ann has a _leg and an _shoulder wound.,a car,icy,firs

4、t aid,in time,broken,ugly,Pre-reading,Read and match the actions with the right person,While-reading,Fill in the blanks with the word,1.“Dont worry! You will _soon,” the doctor says. 2. “Please show me your_,” the doctor says. 3. We all _the foreign teachers to visit our school next week. 4. I arriv

5、ed for my flight to London just _.,recover,expect,wound,in time,in time recover expect wound,How to avoid car accidents?(Discuss),To us?,To the driver?,How to avoid car accidents?(Discuss),To us?,Follow the rules.Be careful.Dont distract. ,How to avoid car accidents?(Discuss),To the driver?,Dont spe

6、ed.Dont drink.Focus when you drive.Follow the rules.Drive during the day.Practice basic skills from drivers education.,Task,Make a report (writing),Make a poster to tell others to avoid car accidents.,Post-reading,Homework,Listen and read.Finish exercises of this lesson.Write the report on your notebooks or better your poster.,Homework,