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冀教版英语八年级上Lesson 22课件

1、Lesson 22 I Like My Neighbourhood,THINK ABOUT IT,What do you like to do after school? Where do you like to go?Do you do any housework? What do you do?,My name is Michael, and I live in Canada. There is a pond near my house. During the winter it freezes, and I can play hockey on it with my friends. I

2、n Canada, many people like hockey.,Theres also a new shopping centre in my neighbourhood. Its only three blocks from my house. It has a coffee shop, a grocery store, a bank and a movie theatre. My mum and dad shop at the grocery store. Sometimes I go with them.,I really like the coffee shop. I like

3、to go there on weekends, but I have to do some housework first. Then I walk or ride my bike to the coffee shop. Its quiet there, and the chairs are very comfortable.,Sometimes I sit for the whole afternoon and do my homework. Other times I just chat with my friends. The coffee shop has lots of diffe

4、rent drinks. I usually have hot chocolate, but its a little expensive. It costs $3.50!,Read the lesson and write true (T) or false (F). Hockey is a sport. Many people in Canada like it. ( ) 2. There is a pond far from Michaels house. ( ) 3. On weekends, Michael likes to go to the park with his frien

5、ds. ( ) 4. Michael usually has coffee in the coffee shop. ( ) 5. Michael sometimes goes to the grocery store with his parents. ( ),T,F,F,F,T,What do you like to do after school?,Listen to the music.,What do you like to do? I like to listen to the music.,swimming,exercise,What do you like to do? I li

6、ke to _.,What does she / he like to do? He likes to _.,Do you know about hockey ?,They are hokey players,Where do you like to go?,Movie theatre,I like to go to the _ to _with _.,I like to go to the_ to _ with _.,gym,I like to go to the_ to _ with _.,Do you do any housework? What do you do ?,I always

7、 help at home. Sometimes I _. Sometimes I _.,Cook the dinner,Clean the table.,Clean the window,Wash the dishes,I always help at home. Sometimes I _. Sometimes I _.,Clean the floor,I always help at home. Sometimes I _. Sometimes I _.,Wash the clothes,Language structure,There is a pond near my house.在

8、我家附近有一个水塘。,there 是引导词,句子的主语,单、复数取决于后面名词单、复数,There are three elephants in the zoo. 动物园里有三只大象。,freeze 结冰, 凝结,2.,play + the + 乐器,注意:球类/棋类前面没 有the ,乐器前要加the,过去式froze,play tennis 打网球 play the piano 弹钢琴,过去分词frozen,play + 球类/棋类,During the winter it freezes, and I can play hockey on it with my friends. 冬天,池

9、塘的水结冰了,我和朋友们可以在上面 打曲棍球。,球类,所以前面不加the,Walk three blocks and then turn right. The movie theater is on your left. 走三个街区,然后右转。电影院就在你的左侧。,block (四周围有街道的)街区, 一般指四条街 道当中的区域。,3.,at the weekend,4.,at weekends,on weekends(美) .,在周末,指周六 周日两天,The office is closed at the weekend. 这个办事处周六和周日两天不开门。, whole 全部的;所有的;完

10、整的all 全部的;所有的;完整的,5.,相同含义,whole和all词序不同:,whole,用于冠词等词之后,all,用于冠词、所有格、其他限定词之前,all the time = the whole time 全部时间 all this afternoon = the whole afternoon all my life = my whole life 我的一生 all the class = the whole class 整个班级,整个下午, 如果没有冠词或其他限定词,whole不能与单数名词连用,Whole city was burning.,The whole city was

11、burning., whole和all与复数名词连用时,意思不同。,whole 全部 all 每一个,All Indian tribes suffered from white settlement in America. 所有的印第安人部落都因白人移民美洲而遭殃。 Whole Indian tribes were killed off. 印第安人部落整个被杀光了。,全部,意思近于“每一个,cost 动词,6.,可译为,(无被动)价值为,(使)花费(时间,金钱,劳力等),The meal cost us30. 这顿饭花了我们30英镑。 It costs them $1000 a year to

12、 run a car. 养一辆汽车每年要花1000美元。,Listen and fill in the mind map.,Michaels house,near,three blocks away,a pond,a shopping centre,a coffee shop,a grocery store,a bank,a movie theatre,Match the pictures with the sentences. Then fill in the blanks with the words from the lesson.,A,B,C,D,E,( )1.Michael like

13、s to play _ in winter. ( )2. Many people put money in the _ . ( )3. He often watches a movie in the _on weekends. ( )4. I usually help my mother do some _. ( )5. When I read a book, I like to have a cup of hot _.,hockey,bank,movie theatre,housework,chocolate,B,E,A,C,D,Write a short passage about your neighbourhood.,Task tips: What is your neighbourhood like? What do you like most about it? Is there a bank, a supermarket or a hospital nearby?,