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新版牛津译林版八年级上Unit 3 Reading 2课件.ppt

1、Unit 3,A day out,Reading 2,Task 1: Fill in the blanks.,a lot of traffic,the Eiffel Tower,Kitty, Mr. Wu, the students, a bus,more than 100 places of interest, the Golden Gate Bridge, the song and dance show,Hi! Im Linda.,at the school gate,on the city roads,on the highway,at the gate of the World Par

2、k,inside the park,Task 2: Retell Lindas day,It was fine and warm yesterday. Mr Wu invited Linda to _ their school trip to the World Park. The _ was long and a little _. They arrived at the park _. They quickly _ the bus and the models of places of interest were there _ them! They were very excited a

3、nd couldnt _. They learnt a lot about different _.,join,journey,boring,finally,got off,in front of,believe their eyes,cultures,Task 3: Phrases,1. 邀请某人做某事 2. 参加他们的学校旅游 3. 上/下汽车 4. 交通拥挤 5. 在路上,invite sb. to do sth. join their school trip get on/off bus 4. a lot of traffic 5. on the way,6. 很遥远 7. 超过 8.

4、 到达 9. 变得激动 10. 由刚制成 11. 和一样 12. 玩得开心,far awaymore thanarrive at/in 9. become excited 10. be made of steel 11. asas 12. enjoy oneself,13. 整个世界 14. 名胜古迹15. 令人惊奇的一天 16. 来自全世界,13. the whole world 14. a place of interest/ places of interest 15. an amazing day 16. from all over the world,1. Yesterday Kit

5、tys teacher Mr Wu invited me to join their school trip to the World Park. join是及物动词,意为“参加,加入”。后接某个组织或某个群体的名称时指“加入某个组织、参加到某人群中”,成为其中的一员。,Language points,e.g. I want to join the army next year.明年我想参军。Come and join us! 来加入我们吧! join还可以和介词in连用,表示“参加”,后面的宾语通常是表示竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词。 e.g. Everyone joined in this

6、 game.每个人都参加了这个游戏。,take part in和join均有“参加”之意。 take part in指参与某项活动;join指参加某个团体、组织或加入到某一群体中,从而成为其中一员。 e.g. Linda often takes part in some activities. 琳达经常参加一些活动。David joined the Music Club last week. 戴维上周加入了音乐俱乐部。,根据句意选用take part in或join填空。 1. About 200 people will _ the game. 2. I want to _ the schoo

7、l football team. 3. Betty and Lucy are making a model plane. Lets go and _ them.,take part in,join,join,2. Im doing fine here.fine adv. 够好,挺不错 常用于口语中e.g. Things are going fine.事事顺利。,3. We finally arrived at the park.finally = at last /in the end 可以放在句首,也可以放在句末 。 e.g. _, we won the basketball match.最

8、后,我们终于赢得这场篮球赛。,Finally/At last,arrive vi. 到达 arrive后接表示地点的名词时,要与介词in 或at连用。 e.g. What time does the plane arrive in Paris? 飞机几点到巴黎?They will arrive at the bus stop at 7:00 this afternoon.他们今天下午七点到车站。,arrive后接表示地点的副词时,则不需要用介词。 e.g. She often arrives home at 7:30 in the evening.她经常晚上七点半到家。,根据汉语意思完成英语句

9、子。 (1) 她昨天晚上九点到家。She _ at 9:00 last night. (2) 她每天大约七点四十五到校。She _ school at about 7:45 every day. (3) 你们将何时到上海?When will you _ Shanghai?,arrived home,arrives at,arrive in,get, arrive和reach都可以表示“到达” get是不及物动词,其后若跟地点名词,需要借助于介词to e.g. Please write to me when you get to England.你到了英国请给我写信。,arrive也是不及物动词

10、,其后若跟地点名词,需要借助于介词in或at (arrive in后跟相对较大的地方,arrive at后跟相对较小的地方); e.g. My father arrived in France at eight oclock in the morning. 我爸爸早上八点就到了法国了。The train arrived at the station in the morning. 火车早上就到车站了。,reach是及物动词,其后可以直接跟宾语。 e.g. When will you reach there?你什么时候能到那? 当get, arrive后面接here, there, home等表

11、示地点的副词时,应省略介词。 e.g. We got / arrived here last night. 我们昨晚到的。,请根据句意选用reach, get或 arrive填空有的需要变换形式。 1. We will _ Beijing this afternoon. 2. David _ to London last week. 3. Yesterday the man _ at the airport on time. 4. We _ here at five oclock yesterday.,reach,got,arrived,reached / arrived / got,4. A

12、ll of us couldnt wait to get off the bus.cant wait 迫不及待,后面可接动词不定式或“介词+宾语”结构。e.g. I cant wait to go on holiday with my family. 我迫不及待地想要和家人去度假。get off 下车 e.g. Hell tell you to get off.那他会让你下车的。,5. There are models of more than a hundred places of interest from all over the of interest 景点in

13、terest 令人感兴趣的事(或人);兴趣show / have interest in (doing) something 对(做)某事感兴趣e.g. Daniel shows great interest in computer.丹尼尔对电脑很感兴趣。,Daniel shows great interest in working on his web pages. 丹尼尔对制作自己的网页很感兴趣。,interesting adj. 有趣的 interested adj. 感兴趣的 e.g. The trip to the World Park was very interesting.去世

14、界公园的旅行很有趣。I am very interested in learning about different cultures.我对了解不同的文化很感兴趣。,类似单词: exciting adj. 兴奋的 excited adj. 令人兴奋的 e.g. He told us an exciting story yesterday. 他昨天给我们讲了一个使人激动的故事。Are you excited about going to Beijing? 你要去北京了,感到兴奋吗?,6. Linda and Kitty went to the World Park by themselves.b

15、y oneself 独立地,独自 e.g. His father lives by himself in the village.他的父亲独自一个人住在村里。,一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。,1. We saw an _ (amazed) film. 2. It was a great day, but we didnt enjoy it at the _ (begin) . 3. There are many places of _ (interest) in the world.,amazing,beginning,interest,Exercises,4. We became very

16、_ (excite) when we saw the famous film star. 5. There was a lot of _ (traffic) on the city road. 6. I am _ (interest) in the _ (interest) film.,excited,traffic,interested,interesting,二、选用所给词组的适当形式填空。,1. The Great Wall is one of the most famous _ in China, even in the world. 2. I learned _ from my co

17、mputer teacher last year. 3. A: When _ you _ our town?B: At about 9:00 tomorrow morning.,places of interest,to make a home page,make a home page, places of interest arrive at,4. He was late for work today because there was _ on the city roads. 5. Our principal _ a famous writer _ give us a talk on l

18、iterature last Saturday. 6. A: Bye. Dad, I am going to the party.B: Bye, _.,enjoy oneself a lot of traffic invite sb. to do sth.,a lot of traffic,to,invited,enjoy yourself,三、根据汉语提示完成句子。,1. 昨天我的好朋友邀请我参加他们班的西湖之行。My good friend _ me _ _ the West Lake yesterday. 2. 他们终于在天黑前到达了海港大桥。_ they _ the Harbor Bridge before it was dark.,invited,to join in their class,trip to,3. 当那位著名歌手到达时,歌迷们变得非常激动。When the famous singer came, the fans _. 4. 我不能相信我的耳朵。I couldnt _.,believe my ears,become very excited,Review the language points we have learned.,Thank you!,