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【牛津译林版】八年级下册:Unit 7 International Charities Task课件

1、Unit 7 International charities Task,Describe the pictures in your own words.,in the past,now,changes,a secretary of a company,an ORBIS nurse,2018/11/20,r,Diana was a secretary of a company.,She was afraid of flying.,She saw a TV programme about ORBIS.,Discuss the pictures.,What was her life like?,Wh

2、ich does Diana like better, travelling by car or by plane?,In which way did she learn about ORBIS?,details,She trained as a nurse.,She works for ORBIS.,She enjoys her work.,After learning about it, how did she think and what did she do?,What is her life like now?,How does she feel about the changes?

3、,Discuss the pictures.,details,Read and answer,details,Topic sentence of each para,life in the past,changes,life at present,feelings,Compare the lives in the past and at present,work,lifestyle,way of travelling,similar structure,2018/11/20,Share your writing,Write step-by-step,Choose a topic,Collect

4、 details,Write a first draft:,a beginning + a middle + an ending,Improve your writing,Check for errors,Write a final copy,How to write?,Choose a topic/Collect details,the work of UNICEF,Subject:,Form:,Purpose:,Audience:,a report for class presentation,to share a true experience,the classmates,Choose

5、 a topic,Topic: a report on the work of UNICEF,Choose a topic/Collect details,Complete a 5 Ws chart,Who?,What?,When?,Where?,Why?,Mandeep and a UNICEF officer,Help Mandeep enter a school,In India,One day .,UNICEF wants to help the local children.,Ideas,An experience includes (1) the basic details of

6、what happened; (2) sensory (感官) details about what people saw, felt and heard; and (3) dialogues to show what people said.,Choose a topic/Collect details,Put things in order,Topic: a report on the work of UNICEF,She used to work on the farm.,He came and learnt about the conditions of the local peopl

7、e.,She entered a school.,She hopes to become a teacher.,She can read and write.,She couldnt read or write.,Organization,For an experience, you should arrange the details in time order, the order in which they happened. Create your timeline.,Write a first draft,Beginning,Middle,Ending,Opening sentenc

8、es, In the past, she ., One day, ., Now, she .,Closing sentences,The ending tells how she felt.,The middle gives details about what happened.,The beginning catches the readers attention.,She hopes to become a teacher.,Mandeep .,In your first paragraph, you should get the readers attention and introd

9、uce the experience. Here are three ways to begin your paragraph., Start with dialogues., Begin with a fact or an interesting statement.,Introduce a specific example.,“I always dreamed of going to school while working on the farm,” Mandeep said. “Now it finally comes true.”,When Mandeep was told that

10、 she can go to school instead of working on the farm, she couldnt believe her ears.,Write a first draft,UNICEF has helped thousands of poor children go back to school and greatly improved their lives.,Write two or three beginnings for your first paragraph and choose the best one!,Write a first draft

11、,The middle part tells the story. It should be organized in time order. Here are some other things to keep in mind., Include sensory details., Use quotations and dialogues., Share the feelings people experienced.,Before you start, review your details to make sure you dont forget anything.,Write a fi

12、rst draft,Mandeep is a girl from India. She used to work on the farm all day. Her family had many children. She was very poor. She could not read or write. One day, a UNICEF offficer came to Mandeeps village and learnt about the conditions of the local people. He wanted all the children in the villa

13、ge to learn to read. Three weeks later, Mandeep entered a school. Now she can read and write. She goes to school every day. She enjoys school and is grateful to UNICEF.,Transition words help put the story in time order.,Sensory details help the reader “see” and “feel” the experience.,Dont worry abou

14、t the mistakes!,Write a first draft,The final paragraph should bring your story to a close. Here are three possible ways to end your story., Tell what you learnt from the experience., Explain how the experience changed you., Tell how you felt about the experience.,Mandeep enjoys her school and is ve

15、ry grateful to UNICEF for helping her.,UNICEF totally changed Mandeeps life. Now she usually reads for her families. She says that she hopes to become a teacher and help more poor children in the future.,“Its great to help others,” Mandeep says. “Ill try my best to study, so that maybe in the future

16、 I will be able to help others too. ”,Use one of these ways to end your story and if you dont like it, try another one.,Improve your writing,1. Read your report again to see how you feel about it.,2. Review each part carefullythe beginning, the middleand the ending.,3. Ask a classmate to read your f

17、irst draft.,4. Change any part that needs to be improved.,Improve your writing,“I always dreamed of going to school while working on the farm.” Mandeep said, “Now it finally comes true.”Mandeep is a girl from India. She used to work on the farm all day. Her family had many children. She was very poo

18、r. She could not read or write.One day, a UNICEF offficer came to Mandeeps village and learnt about the conditions of the local people. He wanted all the children in the village to learn to read.Three weeks later, Mandeep entered a school. Now she can read and write. She goes to school every day. Sh

19、e enjoys school and is grateful to UNICEF.UNICEF totally changed Mandeeps life. Now she usually reads for her families. She says that she hopes to become a teacher and help more poor children in the future.,She really wanted to change but she didnt know how.,Add and move parts,He said it was importa

20、nt for children to receive education.,more details.,to the right order.,Improve your writing,Rewrite parts,Try to make these sentences better.,1. Her family had many children. She was very poor. She could not read or write.,Her family had many children and was very poor, so she did not go to school

21、and could not read or write.,(many short sentences),(a long sentence),Transition words help connect events.,First, then, next,Before, after, finally,Now, then, soon,As soon as, at last, in the end.,.,.,Improve your writing,2. Three weeks later, Mandeep entered a school.,3. She really wanted to chang

22、e but she didnt know how.,-Rewrite parts,Try to make these sentences better.,Three weeks later, Mandeep entered a local primary school.,She really wanted to change but what could she do?,Use specific nouns, vivid verbs, colourful adjectives,Add variety to sentences,(not clear),(clear),Check for erro

23、rs,PunctuationCapitalizationGrammar error Spelling,“I always dreamed of going to school while working on the farm. Mandeep said. Now it finally comes true.”Mandeep is a girl from India. She used to work on the farm all day. Her family had many children and was very poor, so she did not go to school

24、and could not read or write.She really wanted to change but what could she do?One day, a unicef offficer came to Mandeeps village and learnt about the conditions of the local people. He said it is important for children to receive education.He wanted all the children in the village to learn to read.

25、Three weeks later, Mandeep entered a local primary school. Now she goes to school every day and she can read and write. She enjoys school and is greatful to UNICEF.UNICEF totally changed Mandeeps life. Now she usually reads for her families. She says that she hopes to become a teacher and help more

26、poor children in the future.,UNICEF,was,grateful,”,“,Share your writing,_,“I always dreamed of going to school while working on the farm.” Mandeep said. “Now it finally comes true.”Mandeep is a girl from India. She used to work on the farm all day. Her family had many children and was very poor, so

27、she did not go to school and could not read or write. She really wanted to change but what could she do?One day, a UNICEF offficer came to Mandeeps village and learnt about the conditions of the local people. He said it was important for children to receive education. He wanted all the children in t

28、he village to learn to read.Three weeks later, Mandeep entered a local primary school. Now she goes to school every day and she can read and write. She enjoys school and is grateful to UNICEF.UNICEF totally changed Mandeeps life. Now she usually reads for her families. She says that she hopes to bec

29、ome a teacher and help more poor children in the future.,Indent every paragraph and leave a one-inch margin on all sides.,Use blue or black ink and write neatly,2018/11/20,Did I focus on one event? Do I include enough details?,Have I chosen the specific nouns, vivid verbs and colourful adjectives?,D

30、id I have an interesting beginning that catches the readers attention, a middle organized in time order, and an effective ending?,Do my sentences read smoothly?,Did I follow the rules for capitalization, punctuation, spelling and grammar?,Assessing the final copy,Did I sound like the person whos tel

31、ling the story?,2. The part that still needs work is:,_,My story,Reflecting on your writing,3. The main thing I learnt about writing a story is:,_,4. The next time I write a story, I would like to:,_,1. The best part of my story is:,_,2018/11/20,Writing helps you ,Connect with others.,Enjoy life ,Become a better student.,Understand your experiences.,Write your own article.,1. Make your article better. 2. Put the best articles onto the wall and enjoy together.,Homework,2018/11/20,Thank you!,