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本文(2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit7(第4课时)Section B 2a_2c课时练习(含答案))为本站会员(好样****8)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(发送邮件至373788568@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit7(第4课时)Section B 2a_2c课时练习(含答案)

1、Unit 7 How much are these socks第四课时 Section B (2a2c)A 基础起航 .写出下列短语的英文。1服装店 _clothes_store_ 2以很低的价格 _at_a_very_good_price_ 3给男孩的 _for_boys_ 4只要 3 美元 _only_$3_ 5来买 _come_and_buy_ 6紫色短裙 _skirts_in_purple_ 7一双 _a_pair_of_ 8所有的服装 _all_the_clothes_ .根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1Her aunt works in a clothes_ shop.2The p

2、rices_are very low. You can afford them.3What do you want to buy_ for your grandmother?4The green shorts are at our great sale_, for $30!5We have skirts in_ purple for girls only for 20 yuan each.6Do you like sweaters? Come_ and buy them at our clothes store.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1How much _are_ (be) the

3、Tshirts? They look so nice.2Do you like _sweaters_ (sweater)? They are warm and soft.3It _sells_ (sell) the clothes.4He _has_ (have) a great shirt for work.5_Take_ (take) it to the classroom.6These shoes are too big for me. Do you have small_ones_(one)?.根据汉语意思完成句子。1我们有女孩穿的红色裙子。We _have_ red skirts _

4、for_ _girls_2对于男孩子们,你们仅花 3 元就能买一双短袜。_For_ boys, you can _buy_ a pair _of_ socks _for_ _only_ 3 yuan.3现在就来光临我店!_Come_ _to_ my _store_ now!4鞋子 45 美元两双。_Shoes_ are $45_for_ two _pairs_5你需要帽子吗?_Do_ you _need_ _hats_?B 语法扬帆 .单项选择。( A )1.Can I help you?_. I want a hat for my daughter. AYes, please BOh, no

5、CExcuse me DYoure right ( A )2.Come and _ a look at the clothes at the store. Ahave Bto haveChas Dhaving ( D )3._ you need trousers? Come to Mr. Cools Clothes Store. AAre BCanCIs DDo( D )4.My daughter wants a shirt_ purple. Can you help me? Awith BforCof Din ( B )5.They sell clothes_ very good price

6、s, and some green sweaters are _ only one dollar.Aat; at Bat; forCfor; for Dfor; at( B )6.Do you need bags_ sports?Aat BforCin Don( B )7.Whats the_ of the shorts? ¥30.Anumber BpriceCcolor Dyear( C )8.We have sweaters _all colors _ $5 each. Aat; in Bin; atCin; for Dat; for.用合适的介词填空。1What can I do _fo

7、r_ you?2We have many sweaters _in_ different colors.3Do they have shoes _for_ boys?4Please come _to_ Mr. Cools Clothes Store.5The yellow shirts are only _for_ fifteen dollars each.6The shop sells trousers _at_ very good prices.7I go to school _at_ 7:30 every morning.8Here is a pair _of_ socks for yo

8、ung ladies.用所给单词的正确形式填空或根据上下文填写合适的单词。(每空一词)Hello! Im Sally. Im 1._an_ English girl. Now Im in Beijing with 2._my_(I) parents and my brother and sister. Today 3._is_ (be) Sunday. I go to Yangguang Clothes Store. Wow! I see lots of nice clothes in it. It 4._has_ (have) sweaters at good prices. They ar

9、e on 5._sale_ (sell). They have some 6._bags_ (bag) for sports. They have hats 7._in_red, black and yellow. The brown skirts are also on sale. They are 8._only_ 15 dollars. I think they are cheap, 9._so_ I buy a large one for myself and a small one for my little 10. _sister_.C 提升冲浪 .完形填空。Hi, boys an

10、d girls! Do you need good _1_? Welcome to our store! Our clothes are _2_ sale. Our store is very_3_, and we display(陈列) lots of clothes in it. Every day many people _4_ and buy clothes in our store. We have _5_ clerks(职员)five boys and five girls. The things in our store are cheap. Anyone(任何人) can af

11、ford _6_prices.Do you need _7_? We sell them for only 8 dollars. You can put your books, pencil boxes, rulers and dictionaries in _8_. We also have trousers, rulers, sweaters, shirts and shoes. They are in many _9_, like blue, green and white. If you _10_ these things, come and have a look at our st

12、ore, please!( D )1.A.fruit Bvegetables Cfood Dclothes( B )2.A.from Bon Cat Dof( B )3.A.short Bbig Clong Dsmall( A )4.A.come Bgo Crun Dmeet( D )5.A.five Beight Cnine Dten( C )6.A.we Bus Cour Dours( B )7.A.socks Bbags Ctables Dhats( C ) Bher Cthem Dyou( D )9.A.sports Bnames Cprices Dcolors( A )1

13、0.A.want Bhave Cknow Dwatch.任务型阅读。I work in a small (A) shop(B)Every_day_people_usually_come_to_the_shop_to_buy_things. We sell food and drinks. We have school things, too. Theyre not expensive. I have lunch in the shop. I go home at seven in the evening. I always eat some vegetables and fruit for(C)_. I think they are healthy.1写出(A)处画线部分的同义词。_store_2将(B)处画线部分译成汉语。_人们通常每天来我们商店买东西。_3在(C)处填上适当的单词。_dinner/supper_4回答问题。(1)What does the shop sell?The shop sells food, drinks and school things. (2)Are they expensive?No, they arent. 猜出画线单词的中文意思及词性,并收入自己的小词典。读 后 词 汇 拓 展expensive _adj.昂贵的_